AboveAverage class

AboveAverage class

Describe the AboveAverage conditional formatting rule. This conditional formatting rule highlights cells that are above or below the average for all values in the range.

The AboveAverage type exposes the following members:


initConstructs a new instance of AboveAverage


is_above_averageGet or set the flag indicating whether the rule is an “above average” rule.
‘true’ indicates ‘above average’.
Default value is true.
is_equal_averageGet or set the flag indicating whether the ‘aboveAverage’ and ‘belowAverage’ criteria
is inclusive of the average itself, or exclusive of that value.
‘true’ indicates to include the average value in the criteria.
Default value is false.
std_devGet or set the number of standard deviations to include above or below the average in the
conditional formatting rule.
The input value must between 0 and 3 (include 0 and 3).
Setting this value to 0 means stdDev is not set.
The default value is 0.

See Also