ErrorCheckOption class

ErrorCheckOption class

Error check setting applied on certain ranges.

The ErrorCheckOption type exposes the following members:


is_error_checkChecks whether given error type will be checked.
set_error_checkSets whether given error type will be checked.
get_count_of_rangeGets the count of ranges that influenced by this setting.
add_rangeAdds one influenced range by this setting.
get_rangeGets the influenced range of this setting by given index.
remove_rangeRemoves one range by given index.


from aspose.cells import CellArea, ErrorCheckType, Workbook

workbook = Workbook()
opts = workbook.worksheets[0].error_check_options
optionIdx = opts.add()
opt = opts[optionIdx]
opt.set_error_check(ErrorCheckType.INCONSIST_FORMULA, False)
opt.set_error_check(ErrorCheckType.INCONSIST_RANGE, False)
opt.set_error_check(ErrorCheckType.TEXT_DATE, False)
opt.set_error_check(ErrorCheckType.TEXT_NUMBER, False)
opt.set_error_check(ErrorCheckType.VALIDATION, False)
opt.add_range(CellArea.create_cell_area("A1", "B10"))"Book1.xlsx")

See Also