OperatorType enumeration

OperatorType enumeration

Represents the operator type of conditional format and data validation.

The OperatorType type exposes the following members:


BETWEENRepresents Between operator of conditional format and data validation.
EQUALRepresents Equal operator of conditional format and data validation.
GREATER_THANRepresents GreaterThan operator of conditional format and data validation.
GREATER_OR_EQUALRepresents GreaterOrEqual operator of conditional format and data validation.
LESS_THANRepresents LessThan operator of conditional format and data validation.
LESS_OR_EQUALRepresents LessOrEqual operator of conditional format and data validation.
NONERepresents no comparison.
NOT_BETWEENRepresents NotBetween operator of conditional format and data validation.
NOT_EQUALRepresents NotEqual operator of conditional format and data validation.

See Also