UnionRange class

UnionRange class

Represents union range.

The UnionRange type exposes the following members:


first_rowGets the index of the first row of the range.
first_columnGets the index of the first column of the range.
row_countGets the count of rows in the range.
column_countGets the count of rows in the range.
valueGets and sets the values of the range.
nameGets or sets the name of the range.
refers_toGets the range’s refers to.
has_rangeIndicates whether this has range.
hyperlinksGets all hyperlink in the range.
cell_countGets all cell count in the range.
range_countGets the count of the ranges.
rangesGets all union ranges.


set_outline_bordersSets out line borders around a range of cells.
set_outline_bordersSets the outline borders around a range of cells with same border style and color.
intersectIntersects another range.
intersectIntersects another range.
intersectIntersects another range.
unionUnion another range.
unionUnion another range.
unionUnion the ranges.
mergeCombines a range of cells into a single cell.
un_mergeUnmerges merged cells of this range.
put_valuePuts a value into the range, if appropriate the value will be converted to other data type and cell’s number format will be reset.
set_styleSets the style of the range.
apply_styleApplies formats for a whole range.
copyCopying the range with paste special options.
get_enumeratorGets the enumerator for cells in this Range.

See Also