
Class FileFormatType

Utility class containing constants. Represents the file format types.

Field Summary
const  intCSV
Comma-Separated Values(CSV) text file.
const  intXLSX
Office Open XML SpreadsheetML file (macro-free).
const  intXLSM
Office Open XML SpreadsheetML Macro-Enabled file.
const  intXLTX
Office Open XML SpreadsheetML Template (macro-free).
const  intXLTM
Office Open XML SpreadsheetML Macro-Enabled Template.
const  intXLAM
Office Open XML SpreadsheetML addinMacro-Enabled file.
const  intTSV
Tab-Separated Values(TSV) text file.
Tab-Separated Values(TSV) text file, same with TSV.
const  intHTML
HTML format.
const  intM_HTML
MHTML (Web archive) format.
const  intODS
Open Document Sheet(ODS) file.
const  intEXCEL_97_TO_2003
Excel97-2003 spreadsheet file.
Excel 2003 XML Data file.
const  intXLSB
The Excel Binary File Format (.xlsb)
const  intUNKNOWN
Represents unrecognized format, cannot be loaded.
const  intPDF
PDF (Adobe Portable Document) format.
const  intXPS
XPS (XML Paper Specification) format.
const  intTIFF
Represents a TIFF file.
const  intSVG
SVG file.
const  intEXCEL_95
Represents an Excel95 xls file.
const  intEXCEL_4
Represents an Excel4.0 xls file.
const  intEXCEL_3
Represents an Excel3.0 xls file.
const  intEXCEL_2
Represents an Excel2.1 xls file.
const  intPPTX
Represents a pptx file.
const  intDOCX
Represents a docx file.
const  intDIF
Data Interchange Format.
const  intDOC
Represents a doc file.
const  intPPT
Represents a ppt file.
const  intMAPI_MESSAGE
Represents a email file.
const  intMS_EQUATION
Represents the MS Equation 3.0 object.
const  intOLE_10_NATIVE
Represents the embedded native object.
const  intVSD
Represents MS Visio VSD binary format.
const  intVSDX
Represents MS Visio 2013 VSDX file format.
const  intDOCM
Represents a docm file.
const  intDOTX
Represents a dotx file.
const  intDOTM
Represents a dotm file.
const  intPPTM
Represents a pptm file.
const  intPOTX
Represents a Potx file.
const  intPOTM
Represents a Potm file.
const  intPPSX
Represents a ppsx file.
const  intPPSM
Represents a ppsm file.
const  intOOXML
Represents office open xml file(such as xlsx, docx,pptx, etc).
const  intODT
Represents an ODT file.
const  intODP
Represents a ODP file.
const  intODF
Represents an ODF file.
const  intODG
Represents an ODG file.
const  intXML
Represents a simple xml file.
const  intXLT
Excel97-2003 spreadsheet template.
const  intOTT
Represents an OTT file.
const  intBMP
Represents a BMP file.
const  intOTS
Represents an ots file.
const  intNUMBERS
Represents Numbers 9.0 file format by Apple Inc.
const  intNUMBERS_09
Represents Numbers 9.0 file format by Apple Inc.
const  intMARKDOWN
Represents markdown document.
const  intGRAPH_CHART
Represents embedded graph chart.
const  intFODS
Represents OpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet (.fods) file format.
const  intSXC
Represents StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet (.sxc) file format.
const  intOTP
Represents a OTP file.
const  intNUMBERS_35
Represents Numbers 3.5 file format since 2014 by Apple Inc
const  intOLE
const  intEMF
Windows Enhanced Metafile.
const  intWMF
Windows Metafile.
const  intJPG
const  intPNG
Portable Network Graphics.
const  intGIF
const  intWEB_P
const  intJSON
const  intSQL_SCRIPT
const  intDBF
const  intX_HTML
Rrepesents XHtml file.
const  intONE_NOTE
Rrepesents One Note file.
Rrepesents Microsoft Cabinet file.
const  intRTF
const  intEPUB
const  intAZW_3
const  intCHM
const  intOXPS
OXPS (Open XML Paper Specification) format.
const  intG_ZIP
Rrepesents GZip file.

    • Field Detail

      • CSV

        const int CSV
        Comma-Separated Values(CSV) text file.
      • XLSX

        const int XLSX
        Office Open XML SpreadsheetML file (macro-free).
      • XLSM

        const int XLSM
        Office Open XML SpreadsheetML Macro-Enabled file.
      • XLTX

        const int XLTX
        Office Open XML SpreadsheetML Template (macro-free).
      • XLTM

        const int XLTM
        Office Open XML SpreadsheetML Macro-Enabled Template.
      • XLAM

        const int XLAM
        Office Open XML SpreadsheetML addinMacro-Enabled file.
      • TSV

        const int TSV
        Tab-Separated Values(TSV) text file.

        const int TAB_DELIMITED
        Tab-Separated Values(TSV) text file, same with TSV.
      • HTML

        const int HTML
        HTML format.
      • M_HTML

        const int M_HTML
        MHTML (Web archive) format.
      • ODS

        const int ODS
        Open Document Sheet(ODS) file.
      • EXCEL_97_TO_2003

        const int EXCEL_97_TO_2003
        Excel97-2003 spreadsheet file.

        const int SPREADSHEET_ML
        Excel 2003 XML Data file.
      • XLSB

        const int XLSB
        The Excel Binary File Format (.xlsb)
      • UNKNOWN

        const int UNKNOWN
        Represents unrecognized format, cannot be loaded.
      • PDF

        const int PDF
        PDF (Adobe Portable Document) format.
      • XPS

        const int XPS
        XPS (XML Paper Specification) format.
      • TIFF

        const int TIFF
        Represents a TIFF file.
      • SVG

        const int SVG
        SVG file.
      • EXCEL_95

        const int EXCEL_95
        Represents an Excel95 xls file.
      • EXCEL_4

        const int EXCEL_4
        Represents an Excel4.0 xls file. The file format is not supported
      • EXCEL_3

        const int EXCEL_3
        Represents an Excel3.0 xls file. The file format is not supported
      • EXCEL_2

        const int EXCEL_2
        Represents an Excel2.1 xls file. The file format is not supported
      • PPTX

        const int PPTX
        Represents a pptx file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • DOCX

        const int DOCX
        Represents a docx file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • DIF

        const int DIF
        Data Interchange Format.
      • DOC

        const int DOC
        Represents a doc file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • PPT

        const int PPT
        Represents a ppt file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.

        const int MAPI_MESSAGE
        Represents a email file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.

        const int MS_EQUATION
        Represents the MS Equation 3.0 object. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • OLE_10_NATIVE

        const int OLE_10_NATIVE
        Represents the embedded native object. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • VSD

        const int VSD
        Represents MS Visio VSD binary format. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • VSDX

        const int VSDX
        Represents MS Visio 2013 VSDX file format. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • DOCM

        const int DOCM
        Represents a docm file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • DOTX

        const int DOTX
        Represents a dotx file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • DOTM

        const int DOTM
        Represents a dotm file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • PPTM

        const int PPTM
        Represents a pptm file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • POTX

        const int POTX
        Represents a Potx file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • POTM

        const int POTM
        Represents a Potm file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • PPSX

        const int PPSX
        Represents a ppsx file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • PPSM

        const int PPSM
        Represents a ppsm file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • OOXML

        const int OOXML
        Represents office open xml file(such as xlsx, docx,pptx, etc). The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type. If the office open xml file is encrypted, it could not be detected as xlsx ,docx, pptx,etc.
      • ODT

        const int ODT
        Represents an ODT file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • ODP

        const int ODP
        Represents a ODP file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • ODF

        const int ODF
        Represents an ODF file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • ODG

        const int ODG
        Represents an ODG file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • XML

        const int XML
        Represents a simple xml file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • XLT

        const int XLT
        Excel97-2003 spreadsheet template.
      • OTT

        const int OTT
        Represents an OTT file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • BMP

        const int BMP
        Represents a BMP file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • OTS

        const int OTS
        Represents an ots file.
      • NUMBERS

        const int NUMBERS
        Represents Numbers 9.0 file format by Apple Inc. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead, please use NUMBERS_09 property. This property will be removed 6 months later since June 2023. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
      • NUMBERS_09

        const int NUMBERS_09
        Represents Numbers 9.0 file format by Apple Inc.
      • MARKDOWN

        const int MARKDOWN
        Represents markdown document.

        const int GRAPH_CHART
        Represents embedded graph chart.
      • FODS

        const int FODS
        Represents OpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet (.fods) file format.
      • SXC

        const int SXC
        Represents StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet (.sxc) file format.
      • OTP

        const int OTP
        Represents a OTP file. The file format is not supported. Only for detecting file type.
      • NUMBERS_35

        const int NUMBERS_35
        Represents Numbers 3.5 file format since 2014 by Apple Inc
      • OLE

        const int OLE
      • EMF

        const int EMF
        Windows Enhanced Metafile.
      • WMF

        const int WMF
        Windows Metafile.
      • JPG

        const int JPG
        JPEG JFIF.
      • PNG

        const int PNG
        Portable Network Graphics.
      • GIF

        const int GIF
      • WEB_P

        const int WEB_P
      • JSON

        const int JSON
      • SQL_SCRIPT

        const int SQL_SCRIPT
      • DBF

        const int DBF
      • X_HTML

        const int X_HTML
        Rrepesents XHtml file.
      • ONE_NOTE

        const int ONE_NOTE
        Rrepesents One Note file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.

        const int MICROSOFT_CABINET
        Rrepesents Microsoft Cabinet file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.
      • RTF

        const int RTF
      • EPUB

        const int EPUB
      • AZW_3

        const int AZW_3
      • CHM

        const int CHM
      • OXPS

        const int OXPS
        OXPS (Open XML Paper Specification) format.
      • G_ZIP

        const int G_ZIP
        Rrepesents GZip file. The file format is not supported Only for detecting file type.