Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument Class Referencefinal

Class incapsulating the main entity of XPS document that provides manipulation methods for any XPS element. More...

Inherits Aspose::Page::Document, and System::IDisposable.

Public Member Functions

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< DocumentUtilsget_Utils () const
 Gets the object that provides utilities beyond the formal XPS manipulation API. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API int32_t get_ActiveDocument ()
 Gets the active document number. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API int32_t get_ActivePage ()
 Gets the active page number within the active document. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPageget_Page ()
 Returns an XpsPage instance for active page. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API int32_t get_DocumentCount ()
 Returns the number of documents inside the XPS package. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API int32_t get_TotalPageCount ()
 Returns total number of pages in all documents inside XPS document. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API int32_t get_PageCount ()
 Returns the number of pages in the active document. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsMetadata::JobPrintTicketget_JobPrintTicket ()
 Returns/sets document's job print ticket More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void set_JobPrintTicket (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsMetadata::JobPrintTicket > value)
 Returns/sets document's job print ticket More...
 Creates empty XPS document with default page size. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API XpsDocument (System::String path)
 Opens an existing XPS document located at the path . More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API XpsDocument (System::String path, System::SharedPtr< LoadOptions > options)
 Opens an existing document located at the path as XPS document. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API XpsDocument (System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > stream, System::SharedPtr< LoadOptions > options)
 Loads an existing document stored in the stream as XPS document. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void SelectActiveDocument (int32_t documentNumber)
 Selects an active document for editing. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPageSelectActivePage (int32_t pageNumber)
 Selects an active document page for editing. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Save (System::String path)
 Saves XPS document to XPS file located at the path . More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Save (System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > stream)
 Saves XPS document to stream. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void SaveAsPdf (System::String outPdfFilePath, System::SharedPtr< Presentation::Pdf::PdfSaveOptions > options)
 Saves the document in PDF format. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void SaveAsPdf (System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > stream, System::SharedPtr< Presentation::Pdf::PdfSaveOptions > options)
 Saves the document in PDF format. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr< System::ArrayPtr< System::ArrayPtr< uint8_t > > > SaveAsImage (System::SharedPtr< Presentation::Image::ImageSaveOptions > options)
 Saves the document in a bitmap image format. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void SaveAsPs (System::String outPsFilePath, System::SharedPtr< EPS::Device::PsSaveOptions > options)
 Saves the document in PS format. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void SaveAsPs (System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > stream, System::SharedPtr< EPS::Device::PsSaveOptions > options)
 Saves the document in PS format. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void MergeToPdf (System::ArrayPtr< System::String > filesForMerge, System::String outPdfFilePath, System::SharedPtr< Presentation::Pdf::PdfSaveOptions > options)
 Merging XPS documents to PDF using the Device instance. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void MergeToPdf (System::ArrayPtr< System::String > filesForMerge, System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > pdfStream, System::SharedPtr< Presentation::Pdf::PdfSaveOptions > options)
 Merging XPS documents to PDF using the Device instance. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Merge (System::ArrayPtr< System::String > filesForMerge, System::String outXpsFilePath)
 Merging several XPS files to one XPS document. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Merge (System::ArrayPtr< System::String > filesForMerge, System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > outStream)
 Merging several XPS files to one XPS document. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsMetadata::DocumentPrintTicketGetDocumentPrintTicket (int32_t documentIndex)
 Returns the print ticket of the document indexed by documentIndex . More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void SetDocumentPrintTicket (int32_t documentIndex, System::SharedPtr< XpsMetadata::DocumentPrintTicket > printTicket)
 Links the printTicket to the document indexed by documentIndex . More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsMetadata::PagePrintTicketGetPagePrintTicket (int32_t documentIndex, int32_t pageIndex)
 Returns the print ticket of the page indexed by pageIndex in the document indexed by documentIndex . More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void SetPagePrintTicket (int32_t documentIndex, int32_t pageIndex, System::SharedPtr< XpsMetadata::PagePrintTicket > printTicket)
 Links the printTicket to the page indexed by pageIndex in the document indexed by documentIndex . More...
template<typename T >
Add (T element)
 Adds a content element (Canvas, Path, or Glyphs). More...
template<typename T >
Insert (int32_t index, T element)
 Inserts an element (Canvas, Path, or Glyphs) to the active page at index position. More...
template<typename T >
Remove (T element)
 Removes an element from the active page. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsContentElementRemoveAt (int32_t index)
 Removes an element at index position from the active page. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void AddDocument (bool activate=true)
 Adds an empty document with default page size. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void AddDocument (float width, float height, bool activate=true)
 Adds an empty document with the first page dimensions width and height . More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void InsertDocument (int32_t index, bool activate=true)
 Inserts an empty document with default page size at index position. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void InsertDocument (int32_t index, float width, float height, bool activate=true)
 Inserts an empty document with the first page dimensions width and height at index position. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void RemoveDocumentAt (int32_t index)
 Removes a document at index position. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPageAddPage (bool activate=true)
 Adds an empty page to the document with default page size. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPageAddPage (float width, float height, bool activate=true)
 Adds an empty page to the document with specified width and height . More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPageAddPage (System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPage > page, bool activate=true)
 Adds a page to the document. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPageRemovePage (System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPage > page)
 Removes a page from the document. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPageInsertPage (int32_t index, bool activate=true)
 Inserts an empty page to the document with default page size at index position. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPageInsertPage (int32_t index, float width, float height, bool activate=true)
 Inserts an empty page to the document with specified width and height at index position. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPageInsertPage (int32_t index, System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPage > page, bool activate=true)
 Inserts a page to the document at index position. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPageRemovePageAt (int32_t index)
 Removes a page from the document at index position. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsCanvasCreateCanvas ()
 Creates a new canvas. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsCanvasAddCanvas ()
 Adds a new canvas to the active page. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsCanvasInsertCanvas (int32_t index)
 Inserts a new canvas to the active page at index position. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPathCreatePath (System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPathGeometry > data)
 Creates a new path. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPathAddPath (System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPathGeometry > data)
 Adds a new path to the active page. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPathInsertPath (int32_t index, System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPathGeometry > data)
 Inserts a new path to the active page at index position. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsGlyphsCreateGlyphs (System::String fontFamily, float fontRenderingEmSize, System::Drawing::FontStyle fontStyle, float originX, float originY, System::String unicodeString)
 Creates new glyphs. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsGlyphsCreateGlyphs (System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsFont > font, float fontRenderingEmSize, float originX, float originY, System::String unicodeString)
 Creates new glyphs. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsGlyphsAddGlyphs (System::String fontFamily, float fontRenderingEmSize, System::Drawing::FontStyle fontStyle, float originX, float originY, System::String unicodeString)
 Adds new glyphs to the active page. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsGlyphsInsertGlyphs (int32_t index, System::String fontFamily, float fontSize, System::Drawing::FontStyle fontStyle, float originX, float originY, System::String unicodeString)
 Inserts new glyphs to the active page at index position. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsGlyphsAddGlyphs (System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsFont > font, float fontRenderingEmSize, float originX, float originY, System::String unicodeString)
 Adds new glyphs to the active page. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsGlyphsInsertGlyphs (int32_t index, System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsFont > font, float fontSize, float originX, float originY, System::String unicodeString)
 Inserts new glyphs to the active page at index position. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsMatrixCreateMatrix (float m11, float m12, float m21, float m22, float m31, float m32)
 Creates a new affine transformation matrix. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPathGeometryCreatePathGeometry (System::String abbreviatedGeometry)
 Creates a new path geometry specified with abbreviated form. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPathGeometryCreatePathGeometry ()
 Creates a new path geometry. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPathGeometryCreatePathGeometry (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPathFigure >>> pathFigures)
 Creates a new path geometry with specified list of path figures. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPathFigureCreatePathFigure (System::Drawing::PointF startPoint, bool isClosed=false)
 Creates a new path figure. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPathFigureCreatePathFigure (System::Drawing::PointF startPoint, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPathSegment >>> segments, bool isClosed=false)
 Creates a new path figure. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsArcSegmentCreateArcSegment (System::Drawing::PointF point, System::Drawing::SizeF size, float rotationAngle, bool isLargeArc, XpsModel::XpsSweepDirection sweepDirection, bool isStroked=true)
 Creates a new elliptical arc segment. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPolyLineSegmentCreatePolyLineSegment (System::ArrayPtr< System::Drawing::PointF > points, bool isStroked=true)
 Creates a new polygonal drawing containing an arbitrary number of individual vertices. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPolyBezierSegmentCreatePolyBezierSegment (System::ArrayPtr< System::Drawing::PointF > points, bool isStroked=true)
 Creates a new set of cubic Bézier curves. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPolyQuadraticBezierSegmentCreatePolyQuadraticBezierSegment (System::ArrayPtr< System::Drawing::PointF > points, bool isStroked=true)
 Creates a new set of quadratic Bézier curves from the previous point in the path figure through a set of vertices, using specified control points. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsSolidColorBrushCreateSolidColorBrush (System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsColor > color)
 Creates a new solid color brush. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsSolidColorBrushCreateSolidColorBrush (System::Drawing::Color color)
 Creates a new solid color brush. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsGradientStopCreateGradientStop (System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsColor > color, float offset)
 Creates a new gradient stop. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsGradientStopCreateGradientStop (System::Drawing::Color color, float offset)
 Creates a new gradient stop. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsLinearGradientBrushCreateLinearGradientBrush (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsGradientStop >>> gradientStops, System::Drawing::PointF startPoint, System::Drawing::PointF endPoint)
 Creates a new linear gradient brush. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsLinearGradientBrushCreateLinearGradientBrush (System::Drawing::PointF startPoint, System::Drawing::PointF endPoint)
 Creates a new linear gradient brush. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsRadialGradientBrushCreateRadialGradientBrush (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsGradientStop >>> gradientStops, System::Drawing::PointF center, System::Drawing::PointF gradientOrigin, float radiusX, float radiusY)
 Creates a new radial gradient brush. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsRadialGradientBrushCreateRadialGradientBrush (System::Drawing::PointF center, System::Drawing::PointF gradientOrigin, float radiusX, float radiusY)
 Creates a new radial gradient brush. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsVisualBrushCreateVisualBrush (System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsContentElement > element, System::Drawing::RectangleF viewbox, System::Drawing::RectangleF viewport)
 Creates a new visual brush. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsImageBrushCreateImageBrush (System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsImage > image, System::Drawing::RectangleF viewbox, System::Drawing::RectangleF viewport)
 Creates a new image brush. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsImageBrushCreateImageBrush (System::String imagePath, System::Drawing::RectangleF viewbox, System::Drawing::RectangleF viewport)
 Creates a new image brush. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsColorCreateColor (System::Drawing::Color color)
 Creates a new color. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsColorCreateColor (int32_t a, int32_t r, int32_t g, int32_t b)
 Creates a new color in sRGB color space. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsColorCreateColor (int32_t r, int32_t g, int32_t b)
 Creates a new color in sRGB color space. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsColorCreateColor (float a, float r, float g, float b)
 Creates a new color in scRGB color space. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsColorCreateColor (float r, float g, float b)
 Creates a new color in scRGB color space. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsColorCreateColor (System::String path, const System::ArrayPtr< float > &components)
 Creates a new color in ICC based color space. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsColorCreateColor (System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsIccProfile > iccProfile, const System::ArrayPtr< float > &components)
 Creates a new color in ICC based color space. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsImageCreateImage (System::String imagePath)
 Creates a new image resource out of image file located at the imagePath . More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsImageCreateImage (System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > stream)
 Creates a new image resource out of stream . More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsIccProfileCreateIccProfile (System::String iccProfilePath)
 Creates a new ICC profile resource out of ICC profile file located at the iccProfilePath . More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsIccProfileCreateIccProfile (System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > stream)
 Creates a new ICC profile resource out of stream . More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsFontCreateFont (System::String fontFamily, System::Drawing::FontStyle fontStyle)
 Creates a new TrueType font resource. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsFontCreateFont (System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > stream)
 Creates a new TrueType font resource out of stream. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void AddOutlineEntry (System::String description, int32_t outlineLevel, System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsHyperlinkTarget > target)
 Adds an outline entry to the document. More...
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Dispose () override
 Disposes the instance. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Aspose::Page::Document
- Public Member Functions inherited from System::Object
 Creates object. Initializes all internal data structures. More...
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API ~Object ()
 Destroys object. Frees all internal data structures. More...
ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API Object (Object const &x)
 Copy constructor. Doesn't copy anything, really, just initializes new object and enables copy constructing subclasses. More...
Objectoperator= (Object const &x)
 Assignment operator. Doesn't copy anything, really, just initializes new object and enables copy constructing subclasses. More...
ObjectSharedRefAdded ()
 Increments shared reference count. Shouldn't be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector. More...
int SharedRefRemovedSafe ()
 Decrements and returns shared reference count. Shouldn't be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector. More...
int RemovedSharedRefs (int count)
 Decreases shared reference count by specified value. More...
Detail::SmartPtrCounter * WeakRefAdded ()
 Increments weak reference count. Shouldn't be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector. More...
void WeakRefRemoved ()
 Decrements weak reference count. Shouldn't be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector. More...
Detail::SmartPtrCounter * GetCounter ()
 Gets reference counter data structure associated with the object. More...
int SharedCount () const
 Gets current value of shared reference counter. More...
 Implements C# lock() statement locking. Call directly or use LockContext sentry object. More...
 Implements C# lock() statement unlocking. Call directly or use LockContext sentry object. More...
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool Equals (ptr obj)
 Compares objects using C# Object.Equals semantics. More...
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int32_t GetHashCode () const
 Analog of C# Object.GetHashCode() method. Enables hashing of custom objects. More...
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API String ToString () const
 Analog of C# Object.ToString() method. Enables converting custom objects to string. More...
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API ptr MemberwiseClone () const
 Analog of C# Object.MemberwiseClone() method. Enables cloning custom types. More...
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API const TypeInfoGetType () const
 Gets actual type of object. Analog of C# System.Object.GetType() call. More...
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool Is (const TypeInfo &targetType) const
 Check if object represents an instance of type described by targetType. Analog of C# 'is' operator. More...
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API void SetTemplateWeakPtr (uint32_t argument)
 Set n'th template argument a weak pointer (rather than shared). Allows switching pointers in containers to weak mode. More...
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool FastCast (const Details::FastRttiBase &helper, void **out_ptr) const
 For internal purposes only. More...
bool Equals (float const &objA, float const &objB)
bool Equals (double const &objA, double const &objB)
bool ReferenceEquals (String const &str, std::nullptr_t)
bool ReferenceEquals (String const &str1, String const &str2)

Protected Member Functions

System::SharedPtr< XpsPackageParts::FixedDocumentget_ActiveDocumentInternal ()
System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsContextget_Context () const
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void SetVentureLicense (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Page::LicenseManagement::VentureLicense > license) override
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Page::LicenseManagement::VentureLicense > GetVentureLicense () override
ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Save (System::SharedPtr< Device > device, System::SharedPtr< SaveOptions > options) override
 Saves the document using the Device instance. More...
void PrepareSaving (System::SharedPtr< Device > device, System::SharedPtr< SaveOptions > options)
void SerializeDocumentSequence (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::OpcPackaging::OpcPackage > package)
void AddEvaluationWatermarkInternal ()
System::SharedPtr< XpsMetadata::PrintTicketGetJobPrintTicketInternal ()
System::SharedPtr< XpsMetadata::PrintTicketGetDocumentPrintTicketInternal (int32_t documentIndex)
System::SharedPtr< XpsMetadata::PrintTicketGetPagePrintTicketInternal (int32_t documentIndex, int32_t pageIndex)
virtual ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API ~XpsDocument ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Aspose::Page::Document
void SetPlugin (Plugins::Plugin plugin)
virtual ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void SetVentureLicense (System::SharedPtr< LicenseManagement::VentureLicense > license)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from System::Object
typedef SmartPtr< Objectptr
 Alias for smart pointer type. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from System::Object
static bool ReferenceEquals (ptr const &objA, ptr const &objB)
 Compares objects by reference. More...
template<typename T >
static std::enable_if<!IsSmartPtr< T >::value, bool >::type ReferenceEquals (T const &objA, T const &objB)
 Compares objects by reference. More...
template<typename T >
static std::enable_if<!IsSmartPtr< T >::value, bool >::type ReferenceEquals (T const &objA, std::nullptr_t)
 Reference-compares value type object with nullptr. More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
static std::enable_if< IsSmartPtr< T1 >::value &&IsSmartPtr< T2 >::value, bool >::type Equals (T1 const &objA, T2 const &objB)
 Compares reference type objects in C# style. More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
static std::enable_if<!IsSmartPtr< T1 >::value &&!IsSmartPtr< T2 >::value, bool >::type Equals (T1 const &objA, T2 const &objB)
 Compares value type objects in C# style. More...
static const TypeInfoType ()
 Implements C# typeof(System.Object) construct. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Aspose::Page::Document
System::SharedPtr< LicenseManagement::VentureLicense > _ventureLicense
Plugins::Plugin _usedByPlugin

Detailed Description

Class incapsulating the main entity of XPS document that provides manipulation methods for any XPS element.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ XpsDocument() [1/4]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::XpsDocument ( )

Creates empty XPS document with default page size.

◆ XpsDocument() [2/4]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::XpsDocument ( System::String  path)

Opens an existing XPS document located at the path .

pathLocation of the document.

◆ XpsDocument() [3/4]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::XpsDocument ( System::String  path,
System::SharedPtr< LoadOptions options 

Opens an existing document located at the path as XPS document.

pathLocation of the document.
optionsDocument loading options.

◆ XpsDocument() [4/4]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::XpsDocument ( System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream stream,
System::SharedPtr< LoadOptions options 

Loads an existing document stored in the stream as XPS document.

streamDocument stream.
optionsDocument loading options.

◆ ~XpsDocument()

virtual ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::~XpsDocument ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Add()

template<typename T >
T Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::Add ( element)

Adds a content element (Canvas, Path, or Glyphs).

Template Parameters
TThe type of the element.
elementElement to be added.
Added element.

◆ AddCanvas()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsCanvas> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::AddCanvas ( )

Adds a new canvas to the active page.

Added canvas.


◆ AddDocument() [1/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::AddDocument ( bool  activate = true)

Adds an empty document with default page size.

activateFlag indicating whether to select added document as active.

◆ AddDocument() [2/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::AddDocument ( float  width,
float  height,
bool  activate = true 

Adds an empty document with the first page dimensions width and height .

widthWidth of the first page.
heightHeight of the first page.
activateFlag indicating whether to select added document as active.

◆ AddEvaluationWatermarkInternal()

void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::AddEvaluationWatermarkInternal ( )

◆ AddGlyphs() [1/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsGlyphs> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::AddGlyphs ( System::String  fontFamily,
float  fontRenderingEmSize,
System::Drawing::FontStyle  fontStyle,
float  originX,
float  originY,
System::String  unicodeString 

Adds new glyphs to the active page.

fontFamilyFont family.
fontRenderingEmSizeFont size.
fontStyleFont style.
originXGlyphs origin X coordinate.
originYGlyphs origin Y coordinate.
unicodeStringString to be printed.
Added glyphs.

◆ AddGlyphs() [2/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsGlyphs> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::AddGlyphs ( System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsFont font,
float  fontRenderingEmSize,
float  originX,
float  originY,
System::String  unicodeString 

Adds new glyphs to the active page.

fontFont resource.
fontRenderingEmSizeFont size.
originXGlyphs origin X coordinate.
originYGlyphs origin Y coordinate.
unicodeStringString to be printed.
Added glyphs.

◆ AddOutlineEntry()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::AddOutlineEntry ( System::String  description,
int32_t  outlineLevel,
System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsHyperlinkTarget target 

Adds an outline entry to the document.

descriptionThe entry description.
outlineLevelThe outline level.
targetThe entry target.

◆ AddPage() [1/3]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPage> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::AddPage ( bool  activate = true)

Adds an empty page to the document with default page size.

activateFlag indicating whether to select added page as active.
Added page.

◆ AddPage() [2/3]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPage> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::AddPage ( float  width,
float  height,
bool  activate = true 

Adds an empty page to the document with specified width and height .

widthWidth of a new page.
heightHeight of a new page.
activateFlag indicating whether to select added page as active.
Added page.

◆ AddPage() [3/3]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPage> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::AddPage ( System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPage page,
bool  activate = true 

Adds a page to the document.

pagePage to be added.
activateFlag indicating whether to select added page as active.
Added page.

◆ AddPath()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPath> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::AddPath ( System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPathGeometry data)

Adds a new path to the active page.

dataThe geometry of the path.
Added path.

◆ Assert()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::Assert ( )

◆ CreateArcSegment()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsArcSegment> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateArcSegment ( System::Drawing::PointF  point,
System::Drawing::SizeF  size,
float  rotationAngle,
bool  isLargeArc,
XpsModel::XpsSweepDirection  sweepDirection,
bool  isStroked = true 

Creates a new elliptical arc segment.

pointThe endpoint of the elliptical arc.
sizeThe x and y radius of the elliptical arc as an x,y pair.
rotationAngleIndicates how the ellipse is rotated relative to the current coordinate system.
isLargeArcDetermines whether the arc is drawn with a sweep of 180 or greater.
sweepDirectionThe direction in which the arc is drawn.
isStrokedSpecifies whether the stroke for this segment of the path is drawn.
New elliptical arc segment.

◆ CreateCanvas()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsCanvas> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateCanvas ( )

Creates a new canvas.

New canvas.

◆ CreateColor() [1/7]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsColor> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateColor ( System::Drawing::Color  color)

Creates a new color.

colorA native color instance for RGB color.
New color.

◆ CreateColor() [2/7]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsColor> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateColor ( int32_t  a,
int32_t  r,
int32_t  g,
int32_t  b 

Creates a new color in sRGB color space.

aThe alpha color component.
rThe red color component.
gThe green color component.
bThe blue color component.
New color.

◆ CreateColor() [3/7]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsColor> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateColor ( int32_t  r,
int32_t  g,
int32_t  b 

Creates a new color in sRGB color space.

rThe red color component.
gThe green color component.
bThe blue color component.
New color.

◆ CreateColor() [4/7]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsColor> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateColor ( float  a,
float  r,
float  g,
float  b 

Creates a new color in scRGB color space.

aThe alpha color component.
rThe red color component.
gThe green color component.
bThe blue color component.
New color.

◆ CreateColor() [5/7]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsColor> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateColor ( float  r,
float  g,
float  b 

Creates a new color in scRGB color space.

rThe red color component.
gThe green color component.
bThe blue color component.
New color.

◆ CreateColor() [6/7]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsColor> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateColor ( System::String  path,
const System::ArrayPtr< float > &  components 

Creates a new color in ICC based color space.

pathThe path to the ICC profile.
componentsColor components.
New color.

◆ CreateColor() [7/7]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsColor> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateColor ( System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsIccProfile iccProfile,
const System::ArrayPtr< float > &  components 

Creates a new color in ICC based color space.

iccProfileThe ICC profile resource.
componentsColor components.
New color.

◆ CreateFont() [1/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsFont> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateFont ( System::String  fontFamily,
System::Drawing::FontStyle  fontStyle 

Creates a new TrueType font resource.

fontFamilyThe font family.
fontStyleThe font style.
New TrueType font resource.

◆ CreateFont() [2/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsFont> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateFont ( System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream stream)

Creates a new TrueType font resource out of stream.

streamThe stream containing the ICC profile to take as a resource.
New TrueType font resource.

◆ CreateGlyphs() [1/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsGlyphs> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateGlyphs ( System::String  fontFamily,
float  fontRenderingEmSize,
System::Drawing::FontStyle  fontStyle,
float  originX,
float  originY,
System::String  unicodeString 

Creates new glyphs.

fontFamilyFont family.
fontRenderingEmSizeFont size.
fontStyleFont style.
originXGlyphs origin X coordinate.
originYGlyphs origin Y coordinate.
unicodeStringString to be printed.
New glyphs.

◆ CreateGlyphs() [2/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsGlyphs> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateGlyphs ( System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsFont font,
float  fontRenderingEmSize,
float  originX,
float  originY,
System::String  unicodeString 

Creates new glyphs.

fontFont resource.
fontRenderingEmSizeFont size.
originXGlyphs origin X coordinate.
originYGlyphs origin Y coordinate.
unicodeStringString to be printed.
New glyphs.

◆ CreateGradientStop() [1/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsGradientStop> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateGradientStop ( System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsColor color,
float  offset 

Creates a new gradient stop.

colorThe gradient stop color.
offsetThe gradient offset.
New gradient stop.

◆ CreateGradientStop() [2/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsGradientStop> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateGradientStop ( System::Drawing::Color  color,
float  offset 

Creates a new gradient stop.

colorThe gradient stop color.
offsetThe gradient offset.
New gradient stop.

◆ CreateIccProfile() [1/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsIccProfile> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateIccProfile ( System::String  iccProfilePath)

Creates a new ICC profile resource out of ICC profile file located at the iccProfilePath .

iccProfilePathThe path to the ICC profile to take as a resource.
New ICC profile resource.

◆ CreateIccProfile() [2/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsIccProfile> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateIccProfile ( System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream stream)

Creates a new ICC profile resource out of stream .

streamThe stream containing the ICC profile to take as a resource.
New ICC profile resource.

◆ CreateImage() [1/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsImage> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateImage ( System::String  imagePath)

Creates a new image resource out of image file located at the imagePath .

imagePathThe path to the image to take as a resource.
New image resource.

◆ CreateImage() [2/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsImage> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateImage ( System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream stream)

Creates a new image resource out of stream .

streamThe stream containing the image to take as a resource.
New image resource.

◆ CreateImageBrush() [1/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsImageBrush> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateImageBrush ( System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsImage image,
System::Drawing::RectangleF  viewbox,
System::Drawing::RectangleF  viewport 

Creates a new image brush.

imageAn image resource.
viewboxThe position and dimensions of the brush's source content.
viewportThe region in the containing coordinate space of the prime brush tile that is (possibly repeatedly) applied to fill the region to which the brush is applied
New image brush.

◆ CreateImageBrush() [2/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsImageBrush> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateImageBrush ( System::String  imagePath,
System::Drawing::RectangleF  viewbox,
System::Drawing::RectangleF  viewport 

Creates a new image brush.

imagePathThe path to the image to take as a brush tile.
viewboxThe position and dimensions of the brush's source content.
viewportThe region in the containing coordinate space of the prime brush tile that is (possibly repeatedly) applied to fill the region to which the brush is applied
New image brush.

◆ CreateLinearGradientBrush() [1/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsLinearGradientBrush> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateLinearGradientBrush ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsGradientStop >>>  gradientStops,
System::Drawing::PointF  startPoint,
System::Drawing::PointF  endPoint 

Creates a new linear gradient brush.

gradientStopsThe list of gradient stops.
startPointThe starting point of the linear gradient.
endPointThe end point of the linear gradient.
New linear gradient brush.

◆ CreateLinearGradientBrush() [2/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsLinearGradientBrush> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateLinearGradientBrush ( System::Drawing::PointF  startPoint,
System::Drawing::PointF  endPoint 

Creates a new linear gradient brush.

startPointThe starting point of the linear gradient.
endPointThe end point of the linear gradient.
New linear gradient brush.

◆ CreateMatrix()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsMatrix> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateMatrix ( float  m11,
float  m12,
float  m21,
float  m22,
float  m31,
float  m32 

Creates a new affine transformation matrix.

m11Element 11.
m12Element 12.
m21Element 21.
m22Element 22.
m31Element 31.
m32Element 32.
New affine transformation matrix.

◆ CreatePath()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPath> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreatePath ( System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPathGeometry data)

Creates a new path.

dataThe geometry of the path.
New path.

◆ CreatePathFigure() [1/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPathFigure> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreatePathFigure ( System::Drawing::PointF  startPoint,
bool  isClosed = false 

Creates a new path figure.

startPointThe starting point for the first segment of the path figure.
isClosedSpecifies whether the path is closed. If set to true, the stroke is drawn "closed", that is, the last point in the last segment of the path figure is connected with the point specified in the StartPoint attribute, otherwise the stroke is drawn "open", and the last point is not connected to the start point. Only applicable if the path figure is used in a Path element that specifies a stroke.
New path figure.

◆ CreatePathFigure() [2/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPathFigure> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreatePathFigure ( System::Drawing::PointF  startPoint,
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPathSegment >>>  segments,
bool  isClosed = false 

Creates a new path figure.

startPointThe starting point for the first segment of the path figure.
segmentsList of path segments.
isClosedSpecifies whether the path is closed. If set to true, the stroke is drawn "closed", that is, the last point in the last segment of the path figure is connected with the point specified in the StartPoint attribute, otherwise the stroke is drawn "open", and the last point is not connected to the start point. Only applicable if the path figure is used in a Path element that specifies a stroke.
New path figure.

◆ CreatePathGeometry() [1/3]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPathGeometry> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreatePathGeometry ( System::String  abbreviatedGeometry)

Creates a new path geometry specified with abbreviated form.

abbreviatedGeometryAbbreviated form of path geometry.
New path geometry.

◆ CreatePathGeometry() [2/3]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPathGeometry> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreatePathGeometry ( )

Creates a new path geometry.

New path geometry.


◆ CreatePathGeometry() [3/3]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPathGeometry> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreatePathGeometry ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPathFigure >>>  pathFigures)

Creates a new path geometry with specified list of path figures.

pathFiguresList of path figures.
New path geometry.

◆ CreatePolyBezierSegment()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPolyBezierSegment> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreatePolyBezierSegment ( System::ArrayPtr< System::Drawing::PointF points,
bool  isStroked = true 

Creates a new set of cubic Bézier curves.

pointsControl points for multiple Bézier segments.
isStrokedSpecifies whether the stroke for this segment of the path is drawn.
New cubic Bézier curves segment.

◆ CreatePolyLineSegment()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPolyLineSegment> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreatePolyLineSegment ( System::ArrayPtr< System::Drawing::PointF points,
bool  isStroked = true 

Creates a new polygonal drawing containing an arbitrary number of individual vertices.

pointsA set of coordinates for the multiple segments that define the poly line segment.
isStrokedSpecifies whether the stroke for this segment of the path is drawn.
New polygonal drawing segment.

◆ CreatePolyQuadraticBezierSegment()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPolyQuadraticBezierSegment> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreatePolyQuadraticBezierSegment ( System::ArrayPtr< System::Drawing::PointF points,
bool  isStroked = true 

Creates a new set of quadratic Bézier curves from the previous point in the path figure through a set of vertices, using specified control points.

pointsControl points for multiple quadratic Bézier segments.
isStrokedSpecifies whether the stroke for this segment of the path is drawn.
New quadratic Bézier curves segment.

◆ CreateRadialGradientBrush() [1/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsRadialGradientBrush> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateRadialGradientBrush ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::List< System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsGradientStop >>>  gradientStops,
System::Drawing::PointF  center,
System::Drawing::PointF  gradientOrigin,
float  radiusX,
float  radiusY 

Creates a new radial gradient brush.

gradientStopsThe list of gradient stops.
centerThe center point of the radial gradient (that is, the center of the ellipse).
gradientOriginThe origin point of the radial gradient.
radiusXThe radius in the x dimension of the ellipse which defines the radial gradient.
radiusYThe radius in the y dimension of the ellipse which defines the radial gradient.
New radial gradient brush.

◆ CreateRadialGradientBrush() [2/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsRadialGradientBrush> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateRadialGradientBrush ( System::Drawing::PointF  center,
System::Drawing::PointF  gradientOrigin,
float  radiusX,
float  radiusY 

Creates a new radial gradient brush.

centerThe center point of the radial gradient (that is, the center of the ellipse).
gradientOriginThe origin point of the radial gradient.
radiusXThe radius in the x dimension of the ellipse which defines the radial gradient.
radiusYThe radius in the y dimension of the ellipse which defines the radial gradient.
New radial gradient brush.

◆ CreateSolidColorBrush() [1/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsSolidColorBrush> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateSolidColorBrush ( System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsColor color)

Creates a new solid color brush.

colorThe color for filled elements.
New solid color brush.

◆ CreateSolidColorBrush() [2/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsSolidColorBrush> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateSolidColorBrush ( System::Drawing::Color  color)

Creates a new solid color brush.

colorThe color for filled elements.
New solid color brush.

◆ CreateVisualBrush()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsVisualBrush> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::CreateVisualBrush ( System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsContentElement element,
System::Drawing::RectangleF  viewbox,
System::Drawing::RectangleF  viewport 

Creates a new visual brush.

elementThe XPS element (Canvas, Path or Glyphs) for Visual property od visual brush.
viewboxThe position and dimensions of the brush's source content.
viewportThe region in the containing coordinate space of the prime brush tile that is (possibly repeatedly) applied to fill the region to which the brush is applied
New visual brush.

◆ Dispose()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::Dispose ( )

Disposes the instance.

Reimplemented from System::IDisposable.

◆ get_ActiveDocument()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::get_ActiveDocument ( )

Gets the active document number.

◆ get_ActiveDocumentInternal()

System::SharedPtr<XpsPackageParts::FixedDocument> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::get_ActiveDocumentInternal ( )

◆ get_ActivePage()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::get_ActivePage ( )

Gets the active page number within the active document.

◆ get_Context()

System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsContext> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::get_Context ( ) const

◆ get_DocumentCount()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::get_DocumentCount ( )

Returns the number of documents inside the XPS package.

◆ get_JobPrintTicket()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsMetadata::JobPrintTicket> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::get_JobPrintTicket ( )

Returns/sets document's job print ticket

◆ get_Page()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPage> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::get_Page ( )

Returns an XpsPage instance for active page.

◆ get_PageCount()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::get_PageCount ( )

Returns the number of pages in the active document.

◆ get_TotalPageCount()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API int32_t Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::get_TotalPageCount ( )

Returns total number of pages in all documents inside XPS document.

◆ get_Utils()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<DocumentUtils> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::get_Utils ( ) const

Gets the object that provides utilities beyond the formal XPS manipulation API.

◆ GetDocumentPrintTicket()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsMetadata::DocumentPrintTicket> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::GetDocumentPrintTicket ( int32_t  documentIndex)

Returns the print ticket of the document indexed by documentIndex .

documentIndexIndex of the document whose print ticket to return.
Document's print ticket.

◆ GetDocumentPrintTicketInternal()

System::SharedPtr<XpsMetadata::PrintTicket> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::GetDocumentPrintTicketInternal ( int32_t  documentIndex)

◆ GetJobPrintTicketInternal()

System::SharedPtr<XpsMetadata::PrintTicket> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::GetJobPrintTicketInternal ( )

◆ GetPagePrintTicket()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsMetadata::PagePrintTicket> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::GetPagePrintTicket ( int32_t  documentIndex,
int32_t  pageIndex 

Returns the print ticket of the page indexed by pageIndex in the document indexed by documentIndex .

documentIndexIndex of the document.
pageIndexIndex of the page whose print ticket to return.
Page's print ticket.

◆ GetPagePrintTicketInternal()

System::SharedPtr<XpsMetadata::PrintTicket> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::GetPagePrintTicketInternal ( int32_t  documentIndex,
int32_t  pageIndex 

◆ GetVentureLicense()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Page::LicenseManagement::VentureLicense> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::GetVentureLicense ( )

Reimplemented from Aspose::Page::Document.

◆ Insert()

template<typename T >
T Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::Insert ( int32_t  index,

Inserts an element (Canvas, Path, or Glyphs) to the active page at index position.

Template Parameters
TThe type of the element.
indexPosition at which an element should be inserted.
elementElement to be inserted.
Inserted element.

◆ InsertCanvas()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsCanvas> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::InsertCanvas ( int32_t  index)

Inserts a new canvas to the active page at index position.

indexPosition at which a new canvas should be inserted.
Inserted canvas.

◆ InsertDocument() [1/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::InsertDocument ( int32_t  index,
bool  activate = true 

Inserts an empty document with default page size at index position.

indexPosition at which a document should be inserted.
activateFlag indicating whether to select inserted document as active.

◆ InsertDocument() [2/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::InsertDocument ( int32_t  index,
float  width,
float  height,
bool  activate = true 

Inserts an empty document with the first page dimensions width and height at index position.

indexPosition at which a document should be inserted.
widthWidth of the first page.
heightHeight of the first page.
activateFlag indicating whether to select inserted document as active.

◆ InsertGlyphs() [1/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsGlyphs> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::InsertGlyphs ( int32_t  index,
System::String  fontFamily,
float  fontSize,
System::Drawing::FontStyle  fontStyle,
float  originX,
float  originY,
System::String  unicodeString 

Inserts new glyphs to the active page at index position.

indexPosition at which new glyphs should be inserted.
fontFamilyFont family.
fontSizeFont size.
fontStyleFont style.
originXGlyphs origin X coordinate.
originYGlyphs origin Y coordinate.
unicodeStringString to be printed.
Inserted glyphs.

◆ InsertGlyphs() [2/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsGlyphs> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::InsertGlyphs ( int32_t  index,
System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsFont font,
float  fontSize,
float  originX,
float  originY,
System::String  unicodeString 

Inserts new glyphs to the active page at index position.

indexPosition at which new glyphs should be inserted.
fontFont resource.
fontSizeFont size.
originXGlyphs origin X coordinate.
originYGlyphs origin Y coordinate.
unicodeStringString to be printed.
Inserted glyphs.

◆ InsertPage() [1/3]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPage> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::InsertPage ( int32_t  index,
bool  activate = true 

Inserts an empty page to the document with default page size at index position.

indexPosition at which a page should be inserted.
activateFlag indicating whether to select inserted page as active.
Inserted page.

◆ InsertPage() [2/3]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPage> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::InsertPage ( int32_t  index,
float  width,
float  height,
bool  activate = true 

Inserts an empty page to the document with specified width and height at index position.

indexPosition at which a page should be inserted.
widthWidth of a new page.
heightHeight of a new page.
activateFlag indicating whether to select inserted page as active.
Inserted page.

◆ InsertPage() [3/3]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPage> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::InsertPage ( int32_t  index,
System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPage page,
bool  activate = true 

Inserts a page to the document at index position.

indexPosition at which a page should be added.
pagePage to be inserted.
activateFlag indicating whether to select inserted page as active.
Inserted page.

◆ InsertPath()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPath> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::InsertPath ( int32_t  index,
System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPathGeometry data 

Inserts a new path to the active page at index position.

indexPosition at which a new path should be inserted.
dataThe geometry of the path.
Inserted path.

◆ Merge() [1/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::Merge ( System::ArrayPtr< System::String filesForMerge,
System::String  outXpsFilePath 

Merging several XPS files to one XPS document.

filesForMergeXPS files for merging with this document.
outXpsFilePathAn output Xps file path.

◆ Merge() [2/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::Merge ( System::ArrayPtr< System::String filesForMerge,
System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream outStream 

Merging several XPS files to one XPS document.

filesForMergeXPS files for merging with this document.
outStreamThe output stream where to save merged XPS documents.

◆ MergeToPdf() [1/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::MergeToPdf ( System::ArrayPtr< System::String filesForMerge,
System::String  outPdfFilePath,
System::SharedPtr< Presentation::Pdf::PdfSaveOptions options 

Merging XPS documents to PDF using the Device instance.

filesForMergeXPS files for merging with this document to an output device.
outPdfFilePathAn output PDF file path.
optionsDocument saving options.

◆ MergeToPdf() [2/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::MergeToPdf ( System::ArrayPtr< System::String filesForMerge,
System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream pdfStream,
System::SharedPtr< Presentation::Pdf::PdfSaveOptions options 

Merging XPS documents to PDF using the Device instance.

filesForMergeXPS files for merging with this document to an output device.
pdfStreamAn output PDF stream.
optionsDocument saving options.

◆ PrepareSaving()

void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::PrepareSaving ( System::SharedPtr< Device >  device,
System::SharedPtr< SaveOptions options 

◆ Remove()

template<typename T >
T Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::Remove ( element)

Removes an element from the active page.

Template Parameters
TThe type of the element.
elementElement to be removed.
Removed element.

◆ RemoveAt()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsContentElement> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::RemoveAt ( int32_t  index)

Removes an element at index position from the active page.

indexPosition at which element should be removed.
Removed element.

◆ RemoveDocumentAt()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::RemoveDocumentAt ( int32_t  index)

Removes a document at index position.

indexPosition at which a document should be removed.

◆ RemovePage()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPage> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::RemovePage ( System::SharedPtr< XpsModel::XpsPage page)

Removes a page from the document.

pagePage to be removed.
Removed page.

◆ RemovePageAt()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPage> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::RemovePageAt ( int32_t  index)

Removes a page from the document at index position.

indexPosition at which a page should be removed.
Removed page.

◆ Save() [1/3]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::Save ( System::String  path)

Saves XPS document to XPS file located at the path .

pathLocation of the document.

◆ Save() [2/3]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::Save ( System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream stream)

Saves XPS document to stream.

streamStream XPS document to be saved into.

◆ Save() [3/3]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::Save ( System::SharedPtr< Device >  device,
System::SharedPtr< SaveOptions options 

Saves the document using the Device instance.

Save is deprecated beginning from 24.3, please use SaveAsPdf or SaveAsImage instead. In 24.6 this method will be hidden False
deviceThe Device instance.
optionsDocument saving options.

Implements Aspose::Page::Document.

◆ SaveAsImage()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::ArrayPtr<System::ArrayPtr<System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t> > > Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::SaveAsImage ( System::SharedPtr< Presentation::Image::ImageSaveOptions options)

Saves the document in a bitmap image format.

optionsOptions for saving the document in a bitmap image format.
The resulting images byte arrays. The first dimension is for inner documents and the second one is for pages within inner documents.

◆ SaveAsPdf() [1/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::SaveAsPdf ( System::String  outPdfFilePath,
System::SharedPtr< Presentation::Pdf::PdfSaveOptions options 

Saves the document in PDF format.

outPdfFilePathAn output PDF file path.
optionsOptions for saving the document in PDF format.

◆ SaveAsPdf() [2/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::SaveAsPdf ( System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream stream,
System::SharedPtr< Presentation::Pdf::PdfSaveOptions options 

Saves the document in PDF format.

streamThe stream to write the output PDF file to.
optionsOptions for saving the document in PDF format.

◆ SaveAsPs() [1/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::SaveAsPs ( System::String  outPsFilePath,
System::SharedPtr< EPS::Device::PsSaveOptions options 

Saves the document in PS format.

outPsFilePathAn output PS file path.
optionsOptions for saving the document in PS format.

◆ SaveAsPs() [2/2]

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::SaveAsPs ( System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream stream,
System::SharedPtr< EPS::Device::PsSaveOptions options 

Saves the document in PS format.

streamThe stream to write the output PS file to.
optionsOptions for saving the document in PS format.

◆ SelectActiveDocument()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::SelectActiveDocument ( int32_t  documentNumber)

Selects an active document for editing.

documentNumberA document number.
System::ArgumentExceptionThrown when documentNumber is out of bounds.

◆ SelectActivePage()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<XpsModel::XpsPage> Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::SelectActivePage ( int32_t  pageNumber)

Selects an active document page for editing.

pageNumberA page number.
XpsPage instance for active page.
System::ArgumentExceptionThrown when pageNumber is out of bounds.

◆ SerializeDocumentSequence()

void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::SerializeDocumentSequence ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::OpcPackaging::OpcPackage >  package)

◆ set_JobPrintTicket()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::set_JobPrintTicket ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsMetadata::JobPrintTicket value)

Returns/sets document's job print ticket

◆ SetDocumentPrintTicket()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::SetDocumentPrintTicket ( int32_t  documentIndex,
System::SharedPtr< XpsMetadata::DocumentPrintTicket printTicket 

Links the printTicket to the document indexed by documentIndex .

documentIndexIndex of the document to link the print ticket to.
printTicketThe print ticket to link.

◆ SetPagePrintTicket()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::SetPagePrintTicket ( int32_t  documentIndex,
int32_t  pageIndex,
System::SharedPtr< XpsMetadata::PagePrintTicket printTicket 

Links the printTicket to the page indexed by pageIndex in the document indexed by documentIndex .

documentIndexIndex of the document.
pageIndexIndex of the page to link the print ticket to.
printTicketThe print ticket to link.

◆ SetVentureLicense()

ASPOSE_PAGE_SHARED_API void Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsDocument::SetVentureLicense ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Page::LicenseManagement::VentureLicense >  license)