Enum RouteStyleValue

RouteStyleValue enumeration

Specifies the routing style and direction for all dynamic connectors on the drawing page that don’t have a local routing style.

public enum RouteStyleValue


DefaultRightAngle0Default. Right angle.
RightAngle1Right angle.
OrganizationChartTopToBottom3Organization chart top to bottom.
OrganizationChartLeftToRight4Organization chart left to right.
FlowchartTopToBottom5Flow chart top to bottom.
FlowchartLeftToRight6Flow chart left to right.
TreeTopToBottom7Tree top to bottom.
TreeLeftToRight8Tree left to right.
OrganizationChartBottomToTop10Organization chart bottom to top.
OrganizationChartRightToLeft11Organization chart right to left.
FlowchartBottomToTop12Flowchart bottom to top.
FlowchartRightToLeft13Flowchart right to left.
TreeBottomToTop14Tree bottom to top.
TreeRightToLeft15Tree right to left.
CenterToCenter16Center to center.
SimpleTopToBottom17Simple top to bottom.
SimpleLeftToRight18Simple left to right.
SimpleBottomToTop19Simple bottom to top.
SimpleRightToLeft20Simple right to left.
SimpleHorizontalVertical21Simple horizontal vertical.
SimpleVerticalHorizontal22Simple vertical horizontal.

See Also