The following example creates a diagram from a file and saves it to another file.//Use Aspose.Diagram for Node.js via Java var aspose = aspose || {}; aspose.diagram = require("aspose.diagram"); var diagram = new aspose.diagram.Diagram("example.vsdx"); diagram.save("output.vsdx", aspose.diagram.SaveFileFormat.VSDX);
Constructor Summary |
Public class constructor, loads the diagram from the file. |
Diagram(filename, format)
Public class constructor, loads the diagram from the file using predefined format. |
Diagram(filename, options)
Public class constructor, loads the diagram from the file using predefined load file options. |
Property Getters/Setters Summary | ||
method | getActivePage() | |
Specifies the active page
method | getBuildnum() | |
method | setBuildnum(value) | |
The build number of the Visio instance used to create the document. | ||
method | getColors() | |
Contains the document's color table. Each document contains a single color table,
which lists the 24 standard colors that are available for application to objects
such as shapes, text, and layers in the document.
method | getDataConnections() | |
Contains the DataConnection elements for the document.
method | getDataRecordSets() | |
The collection of DataRecordset objects associated with a Document object.
method | getDocLangID() | |
method | setDocLangID(value) | |
The unique ID of the user-interface language the user has specified in Microsoft Office 2010 Language Preferences. | ||
method | getDocumentProps() | |
Contains document property elements such as the document's title, author, and so on.
method | getDocumentSettings() | |
Contains elements that specify document settings.
method | getDocumentSheet() | |
Specifies a document's ShapeSheet structure.
method | getEmailRoutingData() | |
method | setEmailRoutingData(value) | |
Contains a MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) encoded MAPI e-mail routing slip for the document. | ||
method | getEventItems() | |
Contains an EventItem element for each event to which an object should respond.
void | setFontDirs(value) | |
Indicates the Fonts folder path
method | getFonts() | |
Contains a collection of Font elements
method | getHeaderFooter() | |
Contains elements for a document's header and footer.
method | getInterruptMonitor() | |
method | setInterruptMonitor(value) | |
Gets and sets the interrupt monitor. | ||
method | getKey() | |
method | setKey(value) | |
Indicates whether the document has been modified outside of Visio. If present, Visio will fully test the contents of the file. Omit for files you create outside of Visio. | ||
method | getMasters() | |
Collection Master objects.
method | getMetric() | |
method | setMetric(value) | |
Whether to use metric units in the drawing. Set this attribute to True (1) to use metric units; set it to False (0) to use English units. The value of the property is BOOL integer constant. | ||
method | getPages() | |
Collection Page objects.
method | getRibbonX() | |
method | setRibbonX(value) | |
The Ribbon XML string that is passed to the document to customize the ribbon user interface. | ||
method | getSolutionXMLs() | |
XML value.
method | getStart() | |
method | setStart(value) | |
Indicates whether the document has been modified outside of Visio. If present, Visio will fully test the contents of the file. Omit for files you create outside of Visio. | ||
method | getStyleSheets() | |
Collection StyleSheet objects.
method | getUserCustomUI() | |
method | setUserCustomUI(value) | |
The Ribbon XML string that is passed to the document to customize the Quick Access toolbar or the ribbon. | ||
method | getValidation() | |
Stores information about diagram validation for the document.
method | getVbaProject() | |
Gets the VbaProject |
method | getVbProjectData() | |
method | setVbProjectData(value) | |
Contains the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications project data in MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) encoded format. | ||
method | getVersion() | |
method | setVersion(value) | |
The version number of the Visio instance. Microsoft Visio 2010 = 14. | ||
method | getWindows() | |
Contains the Window elements for a document.
Method Summary | ||
method | addMaster(srcDiagram, masterName) | |
Adds master to diagram from source diagram by master's Name or NameU.
method | addMaster(templateFilePath, masterID) | |
Adds master to diagram from template file by master's ID.
method | addMaster(templateFilePath, masterName) | |
Adds master to diagram from template file by master's Name or NameU.
method | addShape(newShape, masterName, pageNumber) | |
Adds shape created by master to specific page.
method | addShape(pinX, pinY, width, height, masterName, pageNumber) | |
Adds shape created by master on page with defined PinX,PinY,Width and Height.
method | addShape(pinX, pinY, masterName, pageNumber) | |
Adds shape created by master on page with defined PinX and PinY.
method | combine(secondDiagram) | |
Combines another Diagram object.
method | copyTheme(source) | |
Copies Theme from a source Diagram.
method | dispose() | |
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or
resetting unmanaged resources.
method | getDefaultFontDir() | |
Get the Default Fonts folder path
method | getUnusedStyles() | |
Get unused Styles
method | hasHiddenInfo() | |
Indicates whether this diagram has hidden information.
method | print(printerName) | |
Print the whole document to the specified printer,using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.
method | print(printerName, documentName) | |
Prints the document,using the standard (no User Interface) print controller and a document name.
method | removeHiddenInformation(item) | |
Remove unused information
method | removeMacro() | |
Removes VBA/macro from this diagram.
method | save(filename, format) | |
Saves the diagram data to the file.
filename: String
- The file name.Diagram(filename, format)
filename: String
- The file name.format: int
- A Diagram(filename, options)
filename: String
- The file name.options: LoadOptions
- The data long getStart() / setStart(value)
var aspose = aspose || {}; aspose.diagram = require("aspose.diagram"); var fontDirs = ["C:\\MyFonts\\", "D:\\Misc\\Fonts\\"]; diagram = new aspose.diagram.Diagram("SpecifyFontLocation.vsdx"); // setting the custom font directories diagram.setFontDirs(fontDirs); // saving Visio diagram in PDF format diagram.save("out-SpecifyFontLocation.pdf", aspose.diagram.SaveFileFormat.PDF);
String getKey() / setKey(value)
int getMetric() / setMetric(value)
long getBuildnum() / setBuildnum(value)
String getVersion() / setVersion(value)
int getDocLangID() / setDocLangID(value)
StyleSheetCollection getStyleSheets()
var aspose = aspose || {}; aspose.diagram = require("aspose.diagram"); diagram = new aspose.diagram.Diagram("ApplyCustomStyleSheets.vsd"); sourceShape = null; // get page by name page = diagram.getPages().getPage("Flow 1"); // Find the shape that you want to apply style to for (it = page.getShapes().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { shape = it.next(); if (shape.getName() == "Process") { sourceShape = shape; break; } } customStyleSheet = null; // Find the required style sheet for (it = diagram.getStyleSheets().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { styleSheet = it.next(); if (styleSheet.getName() == "Callout") { customStyleSheet = styleSheet; break; } } if (sourceShape != null && customStyleSheet != null) { // Apply text style sourceShape.setTextStyle(customStyleSheet); // Apply fill style sourceShape.setFillStyle(customStyleSheet); // Apply line style sourceShape.setLineStyle(customStyleSheet); } diagram.save("out-ApplyCustomStyleSheets.vdx", aspose.diagram.SaveFileFormat.VDX);
MasterCollection getMasters()
PageCollection getPages()
DocumentProperties getDocumentProps()
var aspose = aspose || {}; aspose.diagram = require("aspose.diagram"); diagram = new aspose.diagram.Diagram("Introduction.vsdx"); // Display Visio version and document modification time at different stages console.log("Visio Instance Version : " + diagram.getVersion()); console.log("Full Build Number Created : " + diagram.getDocumentProps().getBuildNumberCreated()); console.log("Full Build Number Edited : " + diagram.getDocumentProps().getBuildNumberEdited()); console.log("Date Created : " + diagram.getDocumentProps().getTimeCreated()); console.log("Date Last Edited : " + diagram.getDocumentProps().getTimeEdited()); console.log("Date Last Printed : " + diagram.getDocumentProps().getTimePrinted()); console.log("Date Last Saved : " + diagram.getDocumentProps().getTimeSaved());
DocumentSettings getDocumentSettings()
ColorEntryCollection getColors()
FontCollection getFonts()
var aspose = aspose || {}; aspose.diagram = require("aspose.diagram"); diagram = new aspose.diagram.Diagram("RetrieveFontInfo.vsd"); fonts = diagram.getFonts(); for (var it = fonts.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { font = it.next(); // Display information about the fonts console.log(font.getName()); }
DocumentSheet getDocumentSheet()
WindowCollection getWindows()
var aspose = aspose || {}; aspose.diagram = require("aspose.diagram"); diagram = new aspose.diagram.Diagram("TextBoxes.vsdx"); // iterate through the window elements for (it = diagram.getWindows().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { window = it.next(); console.log("ID: " + window.getID()); console.log("Type: " + window.getWindowType()); console.log("Window height: " + window.getWindowHeight()); console.log("Window width: " + window.getWindowWidth()); console.log("Window state: " + window.getWindowState()); }
EventItemCollection getEventItems()
HeaderFooter getHeaderFooter()
byte[] getVbProjectData() / setVbProjectData(value)
var aspose = aspose || {}; aspose.diagram = require("aspose.diagram"); diagram = new aspose.diagram.Diagram("Macro.vsdm"); // remove all macros diagram.setVbProjectData(null); // save the Visio diagram diagram.save("out-RemoveMacros.vssm", aspose.diagram.SaveFileFormat.VSSM);
byte[] getEmailRoutingData() / setEmailRoutingData(value)
DataConnectionCollection getDataConnections()
DataRecordSetCollection getDataRecordSets()
String getRibbonX() / setRibbonX(value)
String getUserCustomUI() / setUserCustomUI(value)
Validation getValidation()
SolutionXMLCollection getSolutionXMLs()
var aspose = aspose || {}; aspose.diagram = require("aspose.diagram"); diagram = new aspose.diagram.Diagram("SolutionXML.vsdx"); // iterate through SolutionXML elements for (it = diagram.getSolutionXMLs().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { solutionXML = it.next(); // get name property console.log(solutionXML.getName()); // get xml value console.log(solutionXML.getXmlValue()); }
VbaProject getVbaProject()
AbstractInterruptMonitor getInterruptMonitor() / setInterruptMonitor(value)
save(filename, format)
filename: String
- The file name.format: int
- A dispose()
source: Diagram
- source diagram.combine(secondDiagram)
secondDiagram: Diagram
- Another Diagram object.int addMaster(srcDiagram, masterName)
srcDiagram: Diagram
- source diagram.masterName: String
- Master's Name or NameU.Example:
var aspose = aspose || {}; aspose.diagram = require("aspose.diagram"); diagram = new aspose.diagram.Diagram(); templateFileName = "NetApp-FAS-series.vss"; // Add master with stencil file path and master id masterName = "FAS80xx rear empty"; diagram.addMaster(templateFileName, 2); // Add master with stencil file path and master name diagram.addMaster(templateFileName, masterName); // adds master to diagram from source diagram src = new aspose.diagram.Diagram(templateFileName); diagram.addMaster(src, masterName); // Adds shape with defined PinX and PinY. diagram.addShape(2.0, 2.0, masterName, 0); diagram.addShape(6.0, 6.0, masterName, 0); // Adds shape with defined PinX,PinY,Width and Height. diagram.addShape(7.0, 3.0, 1.5, 1.5, masterName, 0); // Save resultant Image file diagram.save("out-AddMasterFromStencil.vsdx", aspose.diagram.SaveFileFormat.VSDX);
int addMaster(templateFilePath, masterName)
templateFilePath: String
- Path to template file(can be vdx, vst or vsd format).masterName: String
- Master's Name or NameU.Example:
var aspose = aspose || {}; aspose.diagram = require("aspose.diagram"); diagram = new aspose.diagram.Diagram(); templateFileName = "NetApp-FAS-series.vss"; // Add master with stencil file path and master id masterName = "FAS80xx rear empty"; diagram.addMaster(templateFileName, 2); // Add master with stencil file path and master name diagram.addMaster(templateFileName, masterName); // adds master to diagram from source diagram src = new aspose.diagram.Diagram(templateFileName); diagram.addMaster(src, masterName); // Adds shape with defined PinX and PinY. diagram.addShape(2.0, 2.0, masterName, 0); diagram.addShape(6.0, 6.0, masterName, 0); // Adds shape with defined PinX,PinY,Width and Height. diagram.addShape(7.0, 3.0, 1.5, 1.5, masterName, 0); // Save resultant Image file diagram.save("out-AddMasterFromStencil.vsdx", aspose.diagram.SaveFileFormat.VSDX);
int addMaster(templateFilePath, masterID)
templateFilePath: String
- Path to template file(can be vdx, vst or vsd format).masterID: int
- The unique ID of the master within masters collection in template.Example:
var aspose = aspose || {}; aspose.diagram = require("aspose.diagram"); diagram = new aspose.diagram.Diagram(); templateFileName = "NetApp-FAS-series.vss"; // Add master with stencil file path and master id masterName = "FAS80xx rear empty"; diagram.addMaster(templateFileName, 2); // Add master with stencil file path and master name diagram.addMaster(templateFileName, masterName); // adds master to diagram from source diagram src = new aspose.diagram.Diagram(templateFileName); diagram.addMaster(src, masterName); // Adds shape with defined PinX and PinY. diagram.addShape(2.0, 2.0, masterName, 0); diagram.addShape(6.0, 6.0, masterName, 0); // Adds shape with defined PinX,PinY,Width and Height. diagram.addShape(7.0, 3.0, 1.5, 1.5, masterName, 0); // Save resultant Image file diagram.save("out-AddMasterFromStencil.vsdx", aspose.diagram.SaveFileFormat.VSDX);
boolean hasHiddenInfo()
item: int
- RemoveHiddenInfoItem.StyleSheetCollection getUnusedStyles()
long addShape(newShape, masterName, pageNumber)
newShape: Shape
- New shape objectmasterName: String
- Master's name.pageNumber: int
- Index of page.long addShape(pinX, pinY, masterName, pageNumber)
pinX: float
- Specifies the x-coordinate of the shape's pin (center of rotation) in relation to the page.pinY: float
- Specifies the y-coordinate of the shape's pin (center of rotation) in relation to the page.masterName: String
- Master's name.pageNumber: int
- Index of page.Example:
var aspose = aspose || {}; aspose.diagram = require("aspose.diagram"); diagram = new aspose.diagram.Diagram(); templateFileName = "NetApp-FAS-series.vss"; // Add master with stencil file path and master id masterName = "FAS80xx rear empty"; diagram.addMaster(templateFileName, 2); // Add master with stencil file path and master name diagram.addMaster(templateFileName, masterName); // adds master to diagram from source diagram src = new aspose.diagram.Diagram(templateFileName); diagram.addMaster(src, masterName); // Adds shape with defined PinX and PinY. diagram.addShape(2.0, 2.0, masterName, 0); diagram.addShape(6.0, 6.0, masterName, 0); // Adds shape with defined PinX,PinY,Width and Height. diagram.addShape(7.0, 3.0, 1.5, 1.5, masterName, 0); // Save resultant Image file diagram.save("out-AddMasterFromStencil.vsdx", aspose.diagram.SaveFileFormat.VSDX);
long addShape(pinX, pinY, width, height, masterName, pageNumber)
pinX: float
- Specifies the x-coordinate of the shape's pin (center of rotation) in relation to the page.pinY: float
- Specifies the y-coordinate of the shape's pin (center of rotation) in relation to the page.width: float
- Specifies the width of the shape in inches.height: float
- Specifies the height of the shape in inches.masterName: String
- Master's name.pageNumber: int
- Index of page.Example:
var aspose = aspose || {}; aspose.diagram = require("aspose.diagram"); diagram = new aspose.diagram.Diagram(); templateFileName = "NetApp-FAS-series.vss"; // Add master with stencil file path and master id masterName = "FAS80xx rear empty"; diagram.addMaster(templateFileName, 2); // Add master with stencil file path and master name diagram.addMaster(templateFileName, masterName); // adds master to diagram from source diagram src = new aspose.diagram.Diagram(templateFileName); diagram.addMaster(src, masterName); // Adds shape with defined PinX and PinY. diagram.addShape(2.0, 2.0, masterName, 0); diagram.addShape(6.0, 6.0, masterName, 0); // Adds shape with defined PinX,PinY,Width and Height. diagram.addShape(7.0, 3.0, 1.5, 1.5, masterName, 0); // Save resultant Image file diagram.save("out-AddMasterFromStencil.vsdx", aspose.diagram.SaveFileFormat.VSDX);
printerName: String
- The name of the printer.Can be Nullprint(printerName, documentName)
printerName: String
- The name of the printer.Can be NulldocumentName: String
- The document name to display (for example, in a print status dialog box or printer queue) while printing the document. Example:
var aspose = aspose || {}; aspose.diagram = require("aspose.diagram"); diagram = new aspose.diagram.Diagram("Pages.vsdx"); // call the print method to print whole Diagram using the printer name // and set document name in the print job diagram.print("Microsoft Print to PDF", "Job name while printing with Aspose.Diagram");
ArrayList getDefaultFontDir()
var aspose = aspose || {}; aspose.diagram = require("aspose.diagram"); diagram = new aspose.diagram.Diagram("RetrieveFontInfo.vsd"); console.log(diagram.getDefaultFontDir());