ImageActiveXControl class

ImageActiveXControl class

Represents the image control.

Inheritance: ImageActiveXControlActiveXControlActiveXControlBase

The ImageActiveXControl type exposes the following members:


typeGets the type of the ActiveX control.
widthGets and sets the width of the control in unit of point.
heightGets and sets the height of the control in unit of points.
mouse_iconGets and sets a custom icon to display as the mouse pointer for the control.
mouse_pointerGets and sets the type of icon displayed as the mouse pointer for the control.
fore_ole_colorGets and sets the ole color of the foreground.
back_ole_colorGets and sets the ole color of the background.
dataGets and sets the binary data of the control.
is_enabledIndicates whether the control can receive the focus and respond to user-generated events.
is_lockedIndicates whether data in the control is locked for editing.
is_transparentIndicates whether the control is transparent.
is_auto_sizeIndicates whether the control will automatically resize to display its entire contents.
ime_modeGets and sets the default run-time mode of the Input Method Editor for the control as it receives focus.
border_ole_colorGets and sets the ole color of the background.
border_styleGets and set the type of border used by the control.
picture_size_modeGets and sets how to display the picture.
special_effectGets and sets the special effect of the control.
pictureGets and sets the data of the picture.
picture_alignmentGets and sets the alignment of the picture inside the Form or Image.
is_tiledIndicates whether the picture is tiled across the background.

See Also