
Contains classes for save options.


DiagramSaveOptionsCan be used to specify additional options when saving a diagram into Visio (VDX\VSX) format.
HTMLSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when rendering diagram pages to HTML.
IPageSavingCallbackControl/Indicate progress of page saving process.
IStreamProviderRepresents the exported stream provider.
ImageSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when rendering diagram pages to images.
PageEndSavingArgsInfo for a page ends saving process.
PageSavingArgsInfo for a page saving process.
PageSizeContains information about page size for the generated images.
PageStartSavingArgsInfo for a page starts saving process.
PdfDigitalSignatureDetailsContains details for a pdf digital signature.
PdfEncryptionDetailsContains details for a pdf encryption.
PdfSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when rendering diagram pages to PDF.
PrintSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when printing diagram.
RenderingSaveOptionsThis is an abstract base class for classes that allow the user to specify additional options when saving a diagram
into a particular format.
SVGSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when rendering diagram pages to SVG.
SWFSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when rendering diagram pages to SWF.
SaveOptionsThis is an abstract base class for classes that allow the user to specify additional options when saving a diagram
into a particular format.
XAMLSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when rendering diagram pages to XAML.
XPSSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when rendering diagram pages to XPS.


CompositingQualitySpecifies the quality level to use during compositing.
ImageColorModeSpecifies the color mode for the generated images of document pages.
InterpolationModeThe InterpolationMode enumeration specifies the algorithm that is used when images are scaled or rotated.
PaperSizeFormatEnumeration for saving paper size format selection.
PdfComplianceSpecifies the PDF compliance level to output file.
PdfDigitalSignatureHashAlgorithmSpecifies digital hash algorithm used by digital signature.
PdfEncryptionAlgorithmSpecifies the encryption algorithm to use for encrypting a PDF document.
PdfPermissionsSpecifies user permissions for PDF document.
PdfTextCompressionSpecifies a type of compression applied to all content in the PDF file except images.
PixelOffsetModeSpecifies how pixels are offset during rendering.
SmoothingModeSpecifies whether smoothing (antialiasing) is applied to lines and curves and the edges of filled areas.
TiffCompressionSpecifies what type of compression to apply when saving pages to the TIFF format.