FileFormatType enumeration

FileFormatType enumeration

Enumerates spreadsheet file format types

The FileFormatType type exposes the following members:


VDXMS Visio VDX xml format.
VSDMS Visio VSD binary format.
VSXMS Visio VSX xml stencil format.
VSSMS Visio VSS binary stencil format.
VTXMS Visio VTX xml template format.
VSTMS Visio VST binary template format.
VDWMS Visio VDW web drawing format.
VSDXMS Visio 2013 VSDX file format.
VSTXMS Visio 2013 VSTX Template file format.
VSSXMS Visio 2013 VSSX file format.
CSVRepresents a CSV file.

The file format is not supported
Only for detecting file type.
XLSXRepresents an xlsx file.
XLSMRepresents an xlsm file which enable macros.
XLTXRepresents a template xltx file.
XLAMRepresents a addinMacro-enabled template xltm file.
HTMLRepresents a html file.
ODSRepresents a ods file.
EXCEL_97_TO_2003Represents an Excel97-2003 xls file.
EXCEL_2003XMLRepresents an Excel 2003 xml file.
XLSBRepresents an xlsb file.
PDFRepresents a Pdf file.
XPSRepresents an XPS file.
TIFFRepresents a TIFF file.
SVGRepresents a svg file.
DOCXRepresents a docx file.
DIFData Interchange Format.
DOCRepresents a doc file.
PPTRepresents a ppt file.
MAPI_MESSAGERepresents a email file.
MS_EQUATIONRepresents the MS Equation 3.0 object.
OLE_10_NATIVERepresents the embedded native object.
DOCMRepresents a docm file.
DOTXRepresents a dotx file.
DOTMRepresents a dotm file.
PPTMRepresents a pptm file.
POTXRepresents a Potx file.
POTMRepresents a Potm file.
PPSXRepresents a ppsx file.
PPSMRepresents a ppsm file.
OOXMLRepresents office open xml file(such as xlsx, docx,pptx, etc).
VSDMMS Visio 2013 VSDM file format.
VSSMMS Visio 2013 VSSM file format.
VSTMMS Visio 2013 VSTM file format.
XMLRepresents an simple xml file.
SLDXRepresents a sldx file.
PPTXRepresents a pptx file.

See Also