

Adds a closed curve to this path. A cardinal spline curve is used because the curve travels through each of the points in the array.

public void AddClosedCurve(PointF[] points)
pointsPointF[]An array of PointF structures that represents the points that define the curve.

See Also

AddClosedCurve(PointF[], float)

Adds a closed curve to this path. A cardinal spline curve is used because the curve travels through each of the points in the array.

public void AddClosedCurve(PointF[] points, float tension)
pointsPointF[]An array of PointF structures that represents the points that define the curve.
tensionSingleA value between from 0 through 1 that specifies the amount that the curve bends between points, with 0 being the smallest curve (sharpest corner) and 1 being the smoothest curve.

See Also