Sets the color-remap table for the default category.
public void SetRemapTable(ColorMap[] map)
Parameter | Type | Description |
map | ColorMap[] | An array of color pairs of type ColorMap. Each color pair contains an existing color (the first value) and the color that it will be mapped to (the second value). |
See Also
- class ColorMap
- class ImageAttributes
- namespace Aspose.Drawing.Imaging
- assembly Aspose.Drawing.Common
SetRemapTable(ColorMap[], ColorAdjustType)
Sets the color-remap table for a specified category.
public void SetRemapTable(ColorMap[] map, ColorAdjustType type)
Parameter | Type | Description |
map | ColorMap[] | An array of color pairs of type ColorMap. Each color pair contains an existing color (the first value) and the color that it will be mapped to (the second value). |
type | ColorAdjustType | An element of ColorAdjustType that specifies the category for which the color-remap table is set. |
See Also
- class ColorMap
- enum ColorAdjustType
- class ImageAttributes
- namespace Aspose.Drawing.Imaging
- assembly Aspose.Drawing.Common