

Saves a graphics container with the current state of this Graphics and opens and uses a new graphics container.

public GraphicsContainer BeginContainer()

Return Value

This method returns a GraphicsContainer that represents the state of this Graphics at the time of the method call.

See Also

BeginContainer(Rectangle, Rectangle, GraphicsUnit)

Saves a graphics container with the current state of this Graphics and opens and uses a new graphics container with the specified scale transformation.

public GraphicsContainer BeginContainer(Rectangle dstrect, Rectangle srcrect, GraphicsUnit unit)
dstrectRectangleRectangle structure that, together with the srcrect parameter, specifies a scale transformation for the container.
srcrectRectangleRectangle structure that, together with the dstrect parameter, specifies a scale transformation for the container.
unitGraphicsUnitMember of the GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the unit of measure for the container.

Return Value

This method returns a GraphicsContainer that represents the state of this Graphics at the time of the method call.

See Also

BeginContainer(RectangleF, RectangleF, GraphicsUnit)

Saves a graphics container with the current state of this Graphics and opens and uses a new graphics container with the specified scale transformation.

public GraphicsContainer BeginContainer(RectangleF dstrect, RectangleF srcrect, GraphicsUnit unit)
dstrectRectangleFRectangleF structure that, together with the srcrect parameter, specifies a scale transformation for the container.
srcrectRectangleFRectangleF structure that, together with the dstrect parameter, specifies a scale transformation for the container.
unitGraphicsUnitMember of the GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the unit of measure for the container.

Return Value

This method returns a GraphicsContainer that represents the state of this Graphics at the time of the method call.

See Also