Class GraphicsPathIterator

GraphicsPathIterator class

Provides the ability to iterate through subpaths in a GraphicsPath and test the types of shapes contained in each subpath. This class cannot be inherited.

public sealed class GraphicsPathIterator : IDisposable


GraphicsPathIterator(GraphicsPath)Initializes a new instance of the GraphicsPathIterator class.


Count { get; }Gets the number of points in the path.
SubpathCount { get; }Gets the number of subpaths in the path.


CopyData(ref PointF[], ref byte[], int, int)Copies the GraphicsPath.PathPoints property and GraphicsPath.PathTypes property arrays of the associated GraphicsPath into the two specified arrays.
Dispose()Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Enumerate(ref PointF[], ref byte[])Copies the GraphicsPath.PathPoints property and GraphicsPath.PathTypes property arrays of the associated GraphicsPath into the two specified arrays.
HasCurve()Indicates whether the path associated with this GraphicsPathIterator contains a curve.
NextMarker(GraphicsPath)This GraphicsPathIterator object has a GraphicsPath object associated with it. This method increments the associated GraphicsPath to the next marker in its path and copies all the points contained between the current marker and the next marker (or end of path) to a second GraphicsPath object passed in to the parameter.
NextMarker(out int, out int)Increments the GraphicsPathIterator to the next marker in the path and returns the start and stop indexes by way of the [out] parameters.
NextPathType(out byte, out int, out int)Gets the starting index and the ending index of the next group of data points that all have the same type.
NextSubpath(GraphicsPath, out bool)Gets the next figure (subpath) from the associated path of this GraphicsPathIterator.
NextSubpath(out int, out int, out bool)Moves the GraphicsPathIterator to the next subpath in the path. The start index and end index of the next subpath are contained in the [out] parameters.
Rewind()Rewinds this GraphicsPathIterator to the beginning of its associated path.

See Also