Class MetafileHeader

MetafileHeader class

Contains attributes of an associated Metafile. Not inheritable.

public sealed class MetafileHeader


Bounds { get; }Gets a Rectangle that bounds the associated Metafile.
DpiX { get; }Gets the horizontal resolution, in dots per inch, of the associated Metafile.
DpiY { get; }Gets the vertical resolution, in dots per inch, of the associated Metafile.
EmfPlusHeaderSize { get; }Gets the size, in bytes, of the enhanced metafile plus header file.
LogicalDpiX { get; }Gets the logical horizontal resolution, in dots per inch, of the associated Metafile.
LogicalDpiY { get; }Gets the logical vertical resolution, in dots per inch, of the associated Metafile.
MetafileSize { get; }Gets the size, in bytes, of the associated Metafile.
Type { get; }Gets the type of the associated Metafile
Version { get; }Gets the version number of the associated Metafile.
WmfHeader { get; }Gets the Windows metafile (WMF) header file for the associated Metafile.


IsDisplay()Returns a value that indicates whether the associated Metafile is device dependent.
IsEmf()Returns a value that indicates whether the associated Metafile is in the Windows enhanced metafile format.
IsEmfOrEmfPlus()Returns a value that indicates whether the associated Metafile is in the Windows enhanced metafile format or the Windows enhanced metafile plus format.
IsEmfPlus()Returns a value that indicates whether the associated Metafile is in the Windows enhanced metafile plus format.
IsEmfPlusDual()Returns a value that indicates whether the associated Metafile is in the Dual enhanced metafile format. This format supports both the enhanced and the enhanced plus format.
IsEmfPlusOnly()Returns a value that indicates whether the associated Metafile supports only the Windows enhanced metafile plus format.
IsWmf()Returns a value that indicates whether the associated Metafile is in the Windows metafile format.
IsWmfPlaceable()Returns a value that indicates whether the associated Metafile is in the Windows placeable metafile format.

See Also