
StringFormat.SetDigitSubstitution method

Specifies the language and method to be used when local digits are substituted for western digits.

public void SetDigitSubstitution(int language, StringDigitSubstitute substitute)
languageInt32A National Language Support (NLS) language identifier that identifies the language that will be used when local digits are substituted for western digits. You can pass the LCID property of a CultureInfo object as the NLS language identifier. For example, suppose you create a CultureInfo object by passing the string "ar-EG" to a CultureInfo constructor. If you pass the LCID property of that CultureInfo object along with Traditional to the Int32,StringDigitSubstitute) method, then Arabic-Indic digits will be substituted for western digits at display time.
substituteStringDigitSubstituteAn element of the StringDigitSubstitute enumeration that specifies how digits are displayed.

See Also