Class SystemFonts

SystemFonts class

Specifies the fonts used to display text in Windows display elements.

public sealed class SystemFonts


static CaptionFont { get; }Gets a Font that is used to display text in the title bars of windows.
static DefaultFont { get; }Gets the default font that applications can use for dialog boxes and forms.
static DialogFont { get; }Gets a font that applications can use for dialog boxes and forms.
static IconTitleFont { get; }Gets a Font that is used for icon titles.
static MenuFont { get; }Gets a Font that is used for menus.
static MessageBoxFont { get; }Gets a Font that is used for message boxes.
static SmallCaptionFont { get; }Gets a Font that is used to display text in the title bars of small windows, such as tool windows.
static StatusFont { get; }Gets a Font that is used to display text in the status bar.


static GetFontByName(string)Returns a font object that corresponds to the specified system font name.

See Also