Contains Java API classes that enables to read and write Microsoft Outlook documents without using Microsoft Outlook


AllowedConferenceSolutionTypesThe types of conference solutions that are supported for this calendar.
AlternateViewRepresents the format to view a message.
AlternateViewCollectionRepresents a collection of AlternateView objects.
AlternateViewRemovedEventArgsProvides data for the AlternateViewCollection.#AlternateViewRemovedDelegate event.
AmpAccordionA UI element that facilitates showing/hiding different sections.
AmpAnimA runtime-managed animated image, typically a GIF.
AmpAttributesRepresents attributes used by the amp-components.
AmpCarouselComponent allows displaying multiple similar pieces of content along a horizontal axis.
AmpComponentBase class to representation amp components.
AmpFitTextExpands or shrinks its font size to fit the content within the space given to it.
AmpFormThe amp-form extension allows you to create forms to submit input fields in an AMP document.
AmpMessageMessage which allows senders to include AMP components inside emails.
AmpTimeagoProvides fuzzy timestamps by formatting dates as “X time ago”
AppenderRepresents the base class for Appender.
AppenderCollectionRepresents the collecton for Appender objects.
AppointmentRepresents a calendar to an e-mail.
AppointmentActionEnumerates appointments methods
AppointmentClassDefines the access classification for the appointment.
AppointmentFlagsEnumerates appointment flags.
AppointmentFormattingOptionsRepresents the appointment formatting options.
AppointmentIcsSaveOptionsRepresents iCalendar save options
AppointmentLoadOptionsRepresents appointment load options
AppointmentMethodTypeDefines the iCalendar object method type associated with the calendar object.
AppointmentMsgSaveOptionsRepresents iCalendar save options
AppointmentReminderProvides a grouping of component properties that define an alarm.
AppointmentReminderCollectionContains collection of AppointmentReminder AppointmentReminderobjects.
AppointmentSaveFormatEnumerates AppointmentSaveFormat
AppointmentSaveOptionsRepresents base appointment save options
AppointmentStatusDefines the overall status or confirmation for the appointment.
AppointmentTransparencySpecifies whether or not this appointment is intended to be visible in availability searches.
AsposeArgumentExceptionThe exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid.
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionThe ArgumentException is thrown when an argument is null when it shouldn’t be.
AsposeArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionThe exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is out of range.
AsposeExceptionBase exception type for Aspose.Email Represents errors that occur during application execution.
AsposeInvalidDataExceptionThe exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid.
AsposeInvalidOperationExceptionException class for denoting an object was in a state that made calling a method illegal.
AsposeNotSupportedExceptionThe exception that is thrown when an invoked method or parameter is not supported, or when there is an attempt to read, seek, or write to a stream that does not support the invoked functionality.
AssociatedPersonDescribes organization which is associated with a person.
AssociatedPersonCategoryRepresents category for a persons
AssociatedPersonsListList of associated persons for a contact
AttachmentRepresents an e-mail attachment.
AttachmentBaseBase class for mail attachment.
AttachmentCollectionRepresents a collection of e-mail message attachments.
AttachmentPermissionTypeThe permission type data associated with a web reference attachment.
AttachmentProviderTypeThe type of web service manipulating the attachment.
BaseDataObjectBase class for google data objects.
BodyContentTypeThe content type of message body.
BoolComparisonFieldRepresents the boolean search field.
BounceResultRepresents result of the message examination as a bounce message.
BuildVersionInfoProvides information about the current product name and version.
ByDayRepresents Nth occurrence (or all occurrences) of the specified day of the week.
ByDayCollectionRepresents a collection of ByDay objects.
ByNumberCollectionRepresents a set of months, weeks, days, hours, minutes or seconds in a recurrence rule.
CalendarA set of metadata, such as a description, for a single calendar.
CalendarDayRepresents the day of the week.
CalendarMonthRepresents a calendar month.
CalendarReaderAllows read the calendar with multi events to the Appointment object from a file or stream.
CalendarRecurrenceThe main class, represents an iCalendar recurrence.
CalendarRecurrencePatternRepresents a recurrence pattern.
CalendarWriterAllows write the set of Events in one ics file or stream.
CanonicalizationTypeRepresents DKIM canonicalization.
CarouselTypeSpecifies the display type for the carousel items.
ComparisonFieldBase class that represents one search field.
ConferencePropertiesConferencing properties for this calendar.
ConsoleAppenderRepresents an appender for console output.
ContactRepresents contact information.
ContactFieldsSetEnumerates the groups of Contact fields that will be included in resultant mhtml file.
ContactLoadFormatEnumerates contact load formats
ContactPhotoRepresents contact photo.
ContactQueryBuilderRepresents the builder of search expression that used by Exchange protocol.
ContactSaveFormatEnumerates contact save formats
ContactSaveOptionsRepresents the base contact save options
ContentDispositionRepresents a Content-Disposition header.
ContentTypeRepresents a Content-Type header.
CurrentThreadSettingsAuxiliary class that allows to define default Locale for current thread
CustomAttachmentStorageRepresents custom attachment storage.
CustomerEventRepresents an event.
DKIMHashAlgorithmRepresents DKIM hash algorithm.
DKIMSignatureInfoRepresents DKIM signature information.
DSNActionIndicates the action performed by the Reporting-MTA as a result of its attempt to deliver the message.
DailyRecurrencePatternRepresents a recurrence pattern of daily recurrence type.
DataColumnDataColumn class.
DataColumnCollectionDataColumnCollection class.
DataColumnMappingDataColumnMapping class.
DataColumnMappingCollectionDataColumnMappingCollection class.
DataRowDataRow class.
DataRowCollectionDataRowCollection class.
DataTableDataTable class.
DateCollectionRepresents a collection of java.util.Date values.
DateComparisonFieldRepresents the date search field.
DateComparisonTypeSpecifies a type of comparison
DateRangeRepresents the date range
DayPositionDay positions, typically found in a month.
DebugAppenderRepresents an appender is only enabled when debugging.
DebugFormatterRepresents the class for formatting log entry messages.
DeliveryNotificationOptionsSpecifies delivery notifications.
DispositionTypeNamesRepresents the disposition type names.
DomainValidatingEventArgsProvides data for the DomainValidating event.
DomainValidatingEventHandlerRepresents the event handler for DomainValidatingEvent.
EmailAddressRepresents an email address
EmailAddressCategoryRepresents category for an email address
EmailAddressListList of email addresses for a contact
EmlLoadOptionsAllows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Eml format.
EmlSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when saving MailMessage to Eml and Emlx format.
EmlValidationErrorRepresents the eml validation error information.
EmlValidationErrorCollectionRepresents the collection of EmlValidationError
EmlValidationErrorTypeEnumerates the types of the eml validation errors.
EmlxLoadOptionsAllows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Eml format.
EndTypeSpecifies how the recurrence rule ends.
EventCategoryRepresents category for an event
EventListList of events for a contact
ExceptionManagerProvides the ability to ignore exceptions.
ExchangeTaskRepresents the exchange task information.
ExchangeTaskStatusEnumerates the task statuses.
FailedMailMessageEventArgsProvides data for the MessageSending and MessageSent events.
FailureItemIndicates the item type that retrieval failed during the traversal.
FailureTypeIndicates the failure type.
FileAppenderReprensents a file appender.
FileAsMappingSpecifies how to generate and recompute the value of the dispidFileAs property when other contact name properties change.
FileCompatibilityModeDefines inner conversions, that are necessarily to be done when loading or saving a message.
FileCorruptedExceptionException that is thrown during file reading, when the file appears to be corrupted and impossible to read.
FileFormatSpecifies the file format used to store messages, calendar events, and other items.
FileFormatInfoContains data returned by FileFormatUtil file format detection methods.
FileFormatTypeEnumerates file format types.
FileFormatUtilProvides utility methods to detect file type.
FileFormatVersionRepresents version of file.
FolderInfoRepresents information about personal folder in PST.
FolderInfoCollectionRepresents collection of FolderInfo.
FolderKindRepresents the different kinds of pst folders.
FollowUpManagerProvides the ability to set and handle follow-up Outlook flags and categories.
FollowUpOptionsRepresents options for using follow-up flags and reminders in a message.
FormFieldDescribe one field of form.
FormMethodThe method tells the server about the request method.
FormTargetIndicates where to display the form response after submitting the form.
FormatNotSupportedExceptionException that is thrown during document load, when the document format is not recognized or not supported by the component.
FormatterRepresents the interface for formatting log entry messsages.
ForwardMessageBuilderProvides creation and formatting the forwarding messages.
FrequencySpecifies frequency of the recurrence rule.
GenderEnum defines gender of a person
GlobalFormattingOptionsClass that allow to set some formatting options for all newly created instances of this options.
HeaderCollectionDefines the collection of header fields
HeaderListColection with name of headers that are included in the DKIM signature.
HeaderTypeRepresents the Internet standards and RFCs define header fields which may occur on Internet Mail Messages .
HeadersFormattingOptionsAllows to specify headers formatting options when saving MailMessage to Mhtml or Html format.
HtmlFormatOptionsEnumerates the Html format options.
HtmlLoadOptionsAllows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Html format.
HtmlSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when saving MailMessage to Html format.
IDataReaderIDataReader class
IcsSaveOptionsRepresents iCalendar save options
InlineAttachmentExtractorProvides ability to extract files from MSO packages.
InstantMessengerAddressRepresents an instant messanger address.
InstantMessengerCategoryRepresents category for an instant messenger address
InstantMessengerListList of instant messenger addresses for a contact.
IntComparisonFieldRepresents the integer search field.
ItemMovedEventArgsProvides data for the FolderInfo.#ItemMovedDelegate event
ItemMovedEventHandlerRepresents the method that will handle an FolderInfo.#ItemMovedDelegate event.
KnownPropertyListThe read-only Master Property List provides implementers with a single source of information about all the properties that are described by the specifications that comprise the Exchange Server Protocols documentation (MS-OXPROPS).
KnownPropertySets[MS-OXCDATA]: Commonly Used Property Sets
LayoutTypeThe layout attribute gives you easy, per-element control over how your element should render on screen.
LicenseProvides methods to license the component.
LinkedResourceRepresents an embedded resource in a message.
LinkedResourceCollectionRepresents a collection of LinkedResource objects
LoadOptionsThis is an abstract base class for classes that allow the user to specify additional options when loading a MailMessage from a particular format.
LocaleOptionsLocaleOptions type specifies locale configuration for Aspose.Email.
LogEntryRepresents a log message.
LogLevelDefines available log levels.
LoggerProvides the logging functionality.
MSBusyStatusSpecifies the BUSY status of an appointment.
MSImportanceSpecifies the importance of an appointment.
MSIntendedStatusSpecifies the INTENDED status of an appointment.
MailAddressRepresents the address of a message.
MailAddressCollectionRepresents a collection of MailAddress objects.
MailConversionOptionsSpecify additional options when converting from MapiMessage to MailMessage.
MailExceptionRepresents the exception that is thrown when the mail message processing.
MailMessageRepresents an e-mail message.
MailMessageCollectionRepresents a collection of MailMessage objects.
MailMessageEventArgsProvides data for the MessageSending and MessageSent events.
MailMessageSaveTypeRepresents the mail message format.It can be in eml,msg or mhtml format.
MailQueryRepresents the search criteria, that are used to match several message properties in the mailbox.
MailQueryBuilderRepresents the builder of search expression.
MailServerValidatingEventArgsProvides data for the MailServerValidatingEvent event.
MailServerValidatingEventHandlerRepresents the event handler for MailServerValidatingEvent.
MailStorageConverterMail storage converter provides services for storage conversion operations.
MailStorageConverter.MailHandlerRepresents the method that will handle an event that occurs after successfully reading a message from the Mbox and before adding it to Pst.
MailboxConverterProvides mailbox conversion routines.
MailboxInfoRepresents identification information about message in a mailbox.
MapiAttachmentRepresents the attachment in the E-mail message.
MapiAttachmentCollectionRepresents a collection of MapiAttachment objects.
MapiAttachmentPropertyStreamRepresents the property stream of attachment object.
MapiCalendarRepresents the mapi calendar object
MapiCalendarAttendeesRepresents the mapi calendar attendees
MapiCalendarBusyStatusEnumerates the mapi calendar possible busy status
MapiCalendarDailyRecurrencePatternRepresents the daily recurrence pattern of the mapi calendar
MapiCalendarDayOfWeekEnumerates the days of week of the mapi calendar recurrence pattern
MapiCalendarEventRecurrenceRepresents the recurrence properties of calendar object
MapiCalendarExceptionInfoAn exception specifies changes to an instance of a recurring series.
MapiCalendarMonthlyNthRecurrencePatternRepresents the monthly nth recurrence pattern of the mapi calendar
MapiCalendarMonthlyRecurrencePatternRepresents the monthly recurrence pattern of the mapi calendar
MapiCalendarOverrideFlagsSpecifies what data in the MapiCalendarOverrideFlags structure has a value different from the recurring series.
MapiCalendarRecurrenceCalendarTypeEnumerated the calendar type of the mapi recurrence
MapiCalendarRecurrenceEndTypeEnumerates the ending type for the recurrence.
MapiCalendarRecurrenceFrequencyEnumerates mapi calendar recurrence frequency
MapiCalendarRecurrencePatternRepresents the mapi recurrence pattern
MapiCalendarRecurrencePatternFactoryRepresents the factory of MapiCalendarRecurrencePattern
MapiCalendarRecurrencePatternTypeEnumerates the mapi calendar recurrence pattern types
MapiCalendarStateEnumerates the appointment state
MapiCalendarTimeZoneRepresents the mapi calendar time zone information
MapiCalendarTimeZoneFlagsEnumerates the individual bit flags that specify information about TimeZoneRule
MapiCalendarTimeZoneInfoRepresents the mapi calendar time zone rule
MapiCalendarTimeZoneInfoCollectionRepresents a collection of MapiCalendarTimeZoneInfo
MapiCalendarTimeZoneRuleRepresents time zone rule that indicate when to begin using the Standard/Daylight time.
MapiCalendarWeeklyRecurrencePatternRepresents the weekly recurrence pattern of the mapi calendar
MapiCalendarYearlyAndMonthlyRecurrencePatternRepresents the yearly and monthly recurrence pattern of the mapi calendar
MapiContactRepresents outlook contact information
MapiContactElectronicAddressRefers to the group of properties that define the e-mail address or fax address for a contact.
MapiContactElectronicAddressPropertySetSpecify properties for up to three different e-mail addresses (Email1, Email2, and Email3) and three different fax addresses (Primary Fax, Business Fax, and Home Fax)
MapiContactEventPropertySetSpecify events associated with a contact
MapiContactGenderGender of the contact
MapiContactNamePropertySetThe properties are used to specify the name of the person represented by the contact
MapiContactOtherPropertySetThe properties are used to specify additional properies of contact.
MapiContactPersonalInfoPropertySetSpecify other additional contact information
MapiContactPhotoContains data and type of contact’s photo.
MapiContactPhotoImageFormatEnumerates MapiContact photo image format.
MapiContactPhysicalAddressRefers to the group of properties that define physical address for a contact.
MapiContactPhysicalAddressPropertySetSpecify three physical addresses: Home Address, Work Address, and Other Address.
MapiContactProfessionalPropertySetProperties are used to store professional details for the person represented by the contact
MapiContactSaveOptionsSpecifies the contact save options.
MapiContactTelephonePropertySetSpecify optional telephone numbers for the contact
MapiConversionOptionsThis class allows the user to specify additional options when converting from MailMessage to MapiMessage.
MapiDistributionListRepresents the Personal Distribution List object.
MapiDistributionListContactAddressTypeRepresents the address type of a personal distribution list member.
MapiDistributionListEntryIdTypeSpecifies the type of EntryID.
MapiDistributionListMemberRepresents the members of the personal distribution list.
MapiDistributionListMemberCollectionRepresents a collection of MapiDistributionListMember objects.
MapiElectronicAddressRefers to the group of properties that define the e-mail address or fax address.
MapiGuidConstantsContains several guid constants defined by MSG format specification.
MapiImportanceContains a values that indicates the message importance.
MapiJournalRepresents the Outlook Journal object.
MapiJournalDocumentStatusIndicates the status of document.
MapiJournalFlagsContains metadata about the Journal object.
MapiMessageRepresents an Outlook Message format document that can be parsed.
MapiMessageItemBaseRepresents the base class for all MapiMessageItem classes and keeps common collections of mapi properties, attachments, recipients.
MapiMessageParseExceptionThis exception is thrown when errors occur in parsing MapiMessage.
MapiMessagePropertyStreamRepresents the property stream.
MapiMessageReaderRepresents a reader that can read a Microsoft Outlook Message format document.
MapiNamedPropertyRepresents the data type of Named Property.
MapiNamedPropertyMappingStorageRepresents the named property mapping
MapiNoteRepresents outlook Note object (“sticky note”)
MapiObjectPropertyRepresents a Custom object included in Outlook Message documents.
MapiObjectTypeRepresents the mapi object type.
MapiPropertyRepresents the mapi property.
MapiPropertyCollectionRepresents the collection of MapiProperty items.
MapiPropertyContainerRepresents the base class for MapiAttachment, MapiRecipient, MapiMessage.
MapiPropertyFlagsRepresents flags which can be set on a MAPI property.
MapiPropertyStreamRepresents the property stream.
MapiPropertyTagRepresents the MAPI property tags definition.
MapiPropertyTypeRepresents the data type of MapiProperty data.
MapiRecipientRepresents the recipient information in the Microsoft Outlook Message.
MapiRecipientCollectionRepresents a collection of MapiRecipient objects.
MapiRecipientPropertyStreamRepresents the property stream of recipient object.
MapiRecipientTrackStatusRepresents the response status returned by the attendee.
MapiRecipientTypeRepresent the PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE property which contains the recipient type for a message recipient.
MapiSensitivityContains a values that indicates the message sensitivity.
MapiTaskRepresents the Outlook Task object.
MapiTaskAcceptanceStateIndicates the acceptance state of the task.
MapiTaskFlagsContains indication flags of the Task object.
MapiTaskHistoryIndicates the type of change that was last made to the Task object.
MapiTaskModeRepresents the assignment statuses of the task object.
MapiTaskOwnershipIndicates the role of the current user relative to the Task object.
MapiTaskPriorityRepresents the priority on the task.
MapiTaskStateIndicates the assignment state of the Task object.
MapiTaskStatusRepresents the statuses of the user’s progress on the task.
MapiTaskUsersRepresents information about task users.
MapiTypeContains possible MAPI property types which can be stored with message object.
MboxLoadOptionsSpecifies additional options when loading a Mbox storage.
MboxStorageReaderA base class for any mbox-based mail storage reader.
MboxStorageWriterA base class for any mbox-based mail storage writer.
MboxoStorageReaderRepresents mboxo format storage reader, this format is being used by Eudora.
MboxrdStorageReaderRepresents mboxrd format storage reader, this format is being used by Thunderbird and other mail clients.
MboxrdStorageWriterRepresents mboxrd format storage writer, this format is being used by Thunderbird and other mail clients.
MediaTypeNamesSpecifies the media type names for an e-mail message.
MediaTypeNames.ApplicationSpecifies the kind of application data in an e-mail message attachment.
MediaTypeNames.ImageSpecifies the type of image data in an e-mail message attachment.
MediaTypeNames.TextSpecifies the type of text data in an e-mail message attachment.
MessageAcceptanceCallbackCallback function which is being called during the conversion process.
MessageAddedEventArgsProvides data for the FolderInfo.#MessageAddedDelegate event
MessageAddedEventHandlerRepresents the method that will handle an FolderInfo.#MessageAddedDelegate event.
MessageFormatRepresents the mail message format.It can be in eml,msg or mhtml format.
MessageInfoRepresents information about message in PST.
MessageInfoCollectionRepresents the collection of MessageInfo.
MessageKindRepresents the different kinds of messages in pst.
MessageObjectRepresents an Outlook message object.
MessageObjectAttachmentEntityRepresents an attachment entity.
MessageObjectAttachmentsCollectionRepresents a collection for MessageObjectAttachmentEntity objects.
MessageObjectLoadFormatRepresents available formats MessageObject could be loaded from.
MessageObjectPropertiesCollectionRepresents a keyed collection for MessageObjectProperty objects.
MessageObjectPropertyRepresents a property on a MessageObject.
MessageObjectRecipientEntityRepresens a recipient entry in message object.
MessageObjectRecipientsCollectionRepresents a collection for MessageObjectRecipientEntity objects.
MessageObjectSaveFormatRepresents available formats MessageObject could be saved to.
MessageStoreMessage store is the root of the PST, which is the rough equivalent of the top of a Mailbox.
MeteredProvides methods to set metered key.
MhtFormatOptionsEnumerates the Mht format options
MhtSaveOptionsAllows to specify additional options when saving MailMessage to Mhtml format.
MhtTemplateNameDefines well known names of headers for Mhtml formatting.
MhtTemplateName.ContactDefines well known names of headers of Contact for Mhtml formatting.
MhtTemplateName.TaskDefines well known names of headers of Task for Mhtml formatting.
MhtmlLoadOptionsAllows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Mhtml format.
MimeExceptionProvides information about MIME errors
MonthlyRecurrencePatternRepresents a recurrence pattern of monthly recurrence type.
MsgLoadOptionsAllows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Msg format.
MsgSaveOptionsThis class allows the user to specify additional settings when saving a MailMessage in the Msg(ASCII) and Msg(Unicode) format.
NamedPropertyKindIdentifies MessageObjectProperty kind.
NoteColorSpecifies the suggested background color of the Note object
NoteSaveFormatEnumerates NoteSaveFormat
NotesStorageFacilityThe Notes Storage Facility (NSF) database file is used by (IBM) Lotus Notes and Domino to store different kind of objects like e-mail, appointments and documents, but also application forms and views.
NsfLoadOptionsSpecifies additional options when loading a NSF storage.
NullAppenderRepresents a do-nothing appender.
OAuthTokenContains OAuth token data such like token value, token type, expiration date.
ObjectIdentifierContains object identification information
OleDocumentFormatRepresents the format for OLE document.
OlmFolderRepresents folder information in OLM storage.
OlmMessageInfoRepresents an information about message in the OLM storage.
OlmStorageRepresents Outlook for Mac storage (.OLM) file.
OriginalMessageAdditionModeWay to include the original message in response message.
OutlookMessageFormatRepresents outlook message format.
ParticipationStatusIdentifies the participation status for the calendar user.
PemReaderPEM format reader.
PersonalStorageRepresents Personal Storage Table (.pst) file.
PersonalStorageLoadOptionsSpecifies additional options when loading a PST storage.
PersonalStorageQueryBuilderRepresents the builder of search expression that used by pst.
PhoneNumberRepresents a phone number.
PhoneNumberCategoryRepresents category for a phone number
PhoneNumberListList of phone numbers for a contact.
PidLidPropertyDescriptorClass contains property description information.
PidNamePropertyDescriptorClass contains property description information.
PidTagPropertyDescriptorClass contains property description information.
PostalAddressRepresents a postal address.
PostalAddressCategoryRepresents category for a postal address
PostalAddressListList of postal addresses for a contact.
ProgressEventHandlerInfoThis class represents information about conversion progress that can be used in external applicatuion to show conversion progress to end user.
ProgressEventTypeType of progress event that occured.
PropertyDataType[MS-OXCDATA]: Data Structures
PropertyDescriptorClass contains property description information.
QueryFieldBase class for query fields.
RecurrencePatternRepresents a recurrence pattern.
RecurrenceRuleRepresents one recurrence or exception rule in a recurrence pattern.
RecurrenceRuleCollectionRepresents a collection of RecurrenceRule objects.
ReferenceAttachmentThis class represents a reference attachment
ReminderActionDefines the action to be invoked when an alarm is triggered.
ReminderAttachmentProvides the capability to associate a document object with an alarm.
ReminderAttachmentCollectionContains collection of ReminderAttachment ReminderAttachmentobjects.
ReminderAttendeeDefines an “Attendee” within a alarm.
ReminderAttendeeCollectionContains collection of ReminderAttendee ReminderAttendeeobjects.
ReminderDurationUsed to identify properties that contain a duration of time.
ReminderRelatedSpecify the relationship of the alarm trigger with respect to the start or end of the event.
ReminderTriggerSpecifies when an alarm will trigger.
ReplyMessageBuilderProvides creation and formatting the replying messages.
ResourceHtmlRenderingEventArgsRepresents additional parameters for ResourceHtmlRendering event.
ResourceHtmlRenderingHandlerProvides customization of rendering resources in html.
ResourceRenderingModeProvides set various modes of rendering resources in html.
ResponseMessageBuilderProvides creation and formatting the forwarding and replying messages.
SaveOptionsThis is an abstract base class for classes that allow the user to specify additional options when saving a MailMessage into a particular format.
SaveResourceHandlerRepresents the handler for HtmlSaveOptions.SaveResourceHandler
SaveResultRepresents the result of saving the retrieved item.
SaveStatusRepresents the status of saving the retrieved message.
SearchItemTypeProvides the item type values to limit search results to only a specific type of item.
SectionElement of AmpAccordion.
SectionHeaderRepresents the heading for the section
SectionHeaderTypeRepresents the type of heading for the section.
SectionValueRepresents the content of the section.
SimpleFormatterRepresents the default implementation of IFormatter interface.
SpamAnalyzerClass which allows applications to detect spam e-mails with self-learning Bayesian filter.
StandardFormatterRepresents the class for formatting log entry messsages.
StandardIpmFolderRepresents a standard interpersonal message (IPM) folders.
StorageProcessedEventArgsProvides data for the PersonalStorage.#StorageProcessedDelegate event
StorageProcessedEventHandlerRepresents the method that will handle an PersonalStorage.#StorageProcessedDelegate event.
StringComparisonFieldRepresents the string search field.
SyntaxValidatingEventArgsProvides data for the SyntaxValidating event.
SyntaxValidatingEventHandlerRepresents the event handler for SyntaxValidatingEvent.
TIPMethodDefines the iTIP (iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability Protocol) methods associated with an object.
TaskRepresents the exchange task information.
TaskSaveFormatEnumerates TaskSaveFormat
TemplateEngineThis class uses specified template to construct E-Mail messages.
TemplateRoutineRepresents the routine used in the template file.
TextFormatDefines format of a text.
TgzReaderThe mailbox items reader of Zimbra tgz storage.
TimeoutReachedHandlerRaised if timed out while saving.
TnefLoadOptionsAllows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Tnef format.
TokenTypeDefines OAuth token types
TransferEncodingSpecifies the Content-Transfer-Encoding header information.
TraversalAsposeExceptionRepresents the exception that can occur when traversing a storage.
TraversalExceptionsCallbackRepresents the callback method that handles the exceptions during storage traversal.
TraversalFailureKindRepresents the kind of failure that can occur when traversing a storage.
UrlObjects represents a URL and its category.
UrlCategoryRepresents category for a URL
UrlListList of urls for contact
VCardAgentRepresents a vCard Agent property
VCardContactRepresents a vCard contact
VCardDeliveryAddressRepresents a vCard delivery address
VCardDeliveryAddressCollectionRepresents a collection of VCardDeliveryAddresses
VCardDeliveryAddressTypeEnumerates a vCard delivery address types
VCardEmailRepresents vCard email
VCardEmailCollectionRepresents a collection of VCardEmails
VCardEmailTypeEnumerates vCard email types
VCardExplanatoryInfoRepresents vCard explanatory properties
VCardFullNameRepresents vCard contact full name (N property)
VCardGeoRepresents a global positioning of vCard contact
VCardIdentificationInfoRepresents vCard identification information
VCardLabelTo specify the formatted text corresponding to delivery address of the object the vCard represents.
VCardLabelCollectionRepresents a collection of VCardLabel
VCardOrganizationRepresents vCard organization properties
VCardPhotoRepresents vCard photo property
VCardPhotoTypeEnumerates vCard photo type
VCardSaveOptionsRepresents vCard save options
VCardSecurityRepresents a vCard security properties
VCardSoundRepresents a vCard sound property
VCardSoundTypeEnumerates a cVard sound types
VCardTelephoneNumberRepresents a vCard telephone number
VCardTelephoneNumberCollectionRepresents a collection of VCardTelephoneNumbers
VCardTelephoneTypeEnumerates a vCard telephone types
VCardUrlRepresents a vCard URL property
VCardUrlCollectionRepresents a collection of VCardUrls
VCardUrlTypeEnumerates url type
VCardValueLocationEnumerates the vCard property parameter ValueLocation.
VCardVersionEnumerates vCard version
ValidationResponseCodeRepresents the response status of the mail validating process.
ValidationResultPresent the result of the email validating process.
WebDavContactSaveOptionsSpecifies the contact save options.
WeeklyRecurrencePatternRepresents a recurrence pattern of weekly recurrence type.
YearlyRecurrencePatternRepresents a recurrence pattern of yearly recurrence type.


BindIPEndPointHandlerUse the BindIPEndPointHandler if you need to use a specific local endpoint.
ConversionProgressEventHandlerRepresents signature for method that usually supplied by calling side and handles progress events.
HyperlinkRenderingCallbackProvides possibility to handle rendering of hyperlink in custom style.
IAppenderImplement this interface for your own strategies for printing log entries.
IAsyncResultExtRepresents the extended status of an asynchronous operation.
IAttachmentRepresents a common attachment interface
IFormatterRepresents the interface for formatting log entry messsages.
IMailAddressRepresents a common mail address interface
IMailTransferAgentProvides the base interface for mail transfer agents.
IMapiMessageItemBase interface for all message items in Outlook
IMessageRepresents a common message interface
IMessageFormatterProvides a mechanism for retrieving an object to Message formatting.
IMessageObjectPropertyContainerDefines an interface for container which contains MessageObjectProperty entries.
INamedPropertyTagProviderInterface of named mapi property tag provider.
IPreferredTextEncodingProviderDefines a interface for objects that can define PreferredTextEncoding.
ITokenProviderDefines interface allowing to retrieve access token.
IgnoreExceptionsCallbackIgnore Exceptions callback.
IgnoreExceptionsLogCallbackIgnored Exceptions Log callback.


MailPriorityRepresents the mail priopity
MailSensitivitySpecifies the sensitivity of a MailMessage.