Inheritance: java.lang.Object
public class Appointment
Represents a calendar to an e-mail.
This example demonstrates how to add a calendar to an E-Mail message.
MailMessage msg = new MailMessage(); //attendees for the event MailAddressCollection attendees = new MailAddressCollection(); attendees.add(new MailAddress("")); attendees.add(new MailAddress("")); attendees.add(new MailAddress("")); //create appointment Appointment app = new Appointment("Room 112", new Date(2006,7,17,13,0,0), new Date(2006,7,17,14,0,0), new MailAddress(""), attendees ); app.setSummary("Release Meetting"); app.setDescription("Discuss for the next release"); //add calendar to the message msg.addAlternateView(app.requestApointment());
Method | Description |
cancelAppointment() | Cancels the appointment. |
cancelAppointment(int seqId) | Cancels the appointment. |
equals(Object arg0) | |
getAppointmentClass() | Specifies the access classification for the appointment. |
getAppointmentHtml() | Gets the calendar HTML. |
getAppointmentText() | Gets the calendar text. |
getAppointmentText(AppointmentFormattingOptions formattingOptions) | Gets the calendar text. |
getAttachments() | Gets the collection of attachments of appointment. |
getAttendees() | Gets or sets the attendees. |
getClass() | |
getCreatedDate() | Gets or sets the date and time that calendar information was created. |
getDateTimeStamp() | Gets or sets date/time that the instance of the iCalendar object was created.. |
getDescription() | Gets or sets the description. |
getEndDate() | Gets or sets the end date. |
getEndTimeZone() | End time zone |
getFlags() | Gets or sets appointment flags. |
getHtmlDescription() | Gets or sets html representation of description. |
getLastModifiedDate() | Gets or sets the date and time that calendar information was last revised. |
getLocation() | Gets or sets the location. |
getMethodType() | Gets or sets the iCalendar object method type associated with the calendar object. |
getMicrosoftBusyStatus() | Specifies the BUSY status of an appointment. |
getMicrosoftImportance() | Specifies the importance of an appointment. |
getMicrosoftIntendedStatus() | Specifies the INTENDED status of an appointment. |
getOptionalAttendees() | Gets the optional attendees. |
getOrganizer() | Gets or sets the organizer. |
getRecurrence() | Gets or sets the recurrence pattern. |
getReminders() | Contains collection of AppointmentReminder AppointmentReminder objects. |
getSequenceId() | Gets the sequence id. |
getStartDate() | Gets or sets the start date. |
getStartTimeZone() | Start time zone |
getStatus() | Gets or sets the overall status or confirmation for the object. |
getSummary() | Gets or sets the summary. |
getTransparency() | Specifies whether or not this appointment is intended to be visible in availability searches. |
getUniqueId() | Gets or sets a string value that contains the GUID for the calendar item. |
hashCode() | |
isDescriptionHtml() | Gets or sets value which indicates if description is in HTML format |
load(InputStream stream) | Loads Appointment from the stream |
load(InputStream stream, boolean applyLocalTimeZone) | Loads Appointment from the stream |
load(InputStream stream, AppointmentLoadOptions options) | Loads Appointment from the stream |
load(String filePath) | Loads Appointment from the file. |
load(String filePath, AppointmentLoadOptions options) | Loads Appointment from the file. |
notify() | |
notifyAll() | |
requestApointment() | Requests the apointment. |
requestApointment(int seqId) | Requests the apointment. |
resetTimeZone() | Set local time zone |
save(OutputStream stream) | Saves appointment to the file with iCalendar format using te default save options |
save(OutputStream stream, AppointmentSaveOptions saveOptions) | Saves appointment to the stream with specified save options |
save(OutputStream stream, int saveFormat) | Saves appointment to the stream with specified format using te default save options |
save(String filePath) | Saves appointment to the file with iCalendar format using te default save options |
save(String filePath, AppointmentSaveOptions saveOptions) | Saves appointment to the file with specified save options |
save(String filePath, int saveFormat) | Saves appointment to the file with specified format using te default save options |
setAppointmentClass(int value) | Specifies the access classification for the appointment. |
setAttendees(MailAddressCollection value) | Gets or sets the attendees. |
setCreatedDate(Date value) | Gets or sets the date and time that calendar information was created. |
setDateTimeStamp(Date value) | Gets or sets date/time that the instance of the iCalendar object was created.. |
setDescription(String value) | Gets or sets the description. |
setDescriptionHtml(boolean value) | Gets or sets value which indicates if description is in HTML format |
setEndDate(Date value) | Gets or sets the end date. |
setEndTimeZone(String value) | End time zone |
setFlags(int value) | Gets or sets appointment flags. |
setHtmlDescription(String value) | Gets or sets html representation of description. |
setLastModifiedDate(Date value) | Gets or sets the date and time that calendar information was last revised. |
setLocation(String value) | Gets or sets the location. |
setMethodType(int value) | Gets or sets the iCalendar object method type associated with the calendar object. |
setMicrosoftBusyStatus(int value) | Specifies the BUSY status of an appointment. |
setMicrosoftImportance(int value) | Specifies the importance of an appointment. |
setMicrosoftIntendedStatus(int value) | Specifies the INTENDED status of an appointment. |
setOrganizer(MailAddress value) | Gets or sets the organizer. |
setRecurrence(RecurrencePattern value) | Gets or sets the recurrence pattern. |
setStartDate(Date value) | Gets or sets the start date. |
setStartTimeZone(String value) | Start time zone |
setStatus(int value) | Gets or sets the overall status or confirmation for the object. |
setSummary(String value) | Gets or sets the summary. |
setTimeZone(String tzName) | Set time zone |
setTransparency(int value) | Specifies whether or not this appointment is intended to be visible in availability searches. |
setUniqueId(String value) | Gets or sets a string value that contains the GUID for the calendar item. |
toString() | |
updateAppointment() | Updates the appointment. |
updateAppointment(int seqId) | Updates the appointment. |
wait() | |
wait(long arg0) | |
wait(long arg0, int arg1) |
Appointment(String location, Date startDate, Date endDate, MailAddress organizer, MailAddressCollection attendees)
public Appointment(String location, Date startDate, Date endDate, MailAddress organizer, MailAddressCollection attendees)
Initialize a new instance of the Appointment class.
Parameter | Type | Description |
location | java.lang.String | The location of the calendar event. |
startDate | java.util.Date | The start time of the calendar event. |
endDate | java.util.Date | The end time of the calendar event. |
organizer | MailAddress | The organizer of the calendar event. |
attendees | MailAddressCollection | The attendees of th calendar event. |
Appointment(String location, String summary, String description, Date startDate, Date endDate, MailAddress organizer, MailAddressCollection attendees)
public Appointment(String location, String summary, String description, Date startDate, Date endDate, MailAddress organizer, MailAddressCollection attendees)
Initialize a new instance of the Appointment class.
Parameter | Type | Description |
location | java.lang.String | The location of the calendar event. |
summary | java.lang.String | The summary of the calendar event. |
description | java.lang.String | The description of the calendar event. |
startDate | java.util.Date | The start time of the calendar event. |
endDate | java.util.Date | The end time of the calendar event. |
organizer | MailAddress | The organizer of the calendar event. |
attendees | MailAddressCollection | The attendees of th calendar event. |
Appointment(String location, String summary, String description, Date startDate, Date endDate, MailAddress organizer, MailAddressCollection attendees, String uid)
public Appointment(String location, String summary, String description, Date startDate, Date endDate, MailAddress organizer, MailAddressCollection attendees, String uid)
Initialize a new instance of the Appointment class.
Parameter | Type | Description |
location | java.lang.String | The location of the calendar event. |
summary | java.lang.String | The summary of the calendar event. |
description | java.lang.String | The description of the calendar event. |
startDate | java.util.Date | The start time of the calendar event. |
endDate | java.util.Date | The end time of the calendar event. |
organizer | MailAddress | The organizer of the calendar event. |
attendees | MailAddressCollection | The attendees of th calendar event. |
uid | java.lang.String | The unique identifier of th calendar event. |
Appointment(String location, String summary, String description, Date startDate, Date endDate, MailAddress organizer, MailAddressCollection attendees, RecurrencePattern recurrencePattern)
public Appointment(String location, String summary, String description, Date startDate, Date endDate, MailAddress organizer, MailAddressCollection attendees, RecurrencePattern recurrencePattern)
Initialize a new instance of the Appointment class.
Parameter | Type | Description |
location | java.lang.String | The location of the calendar event. |
summary | java.lang.String | The summary of the calendar event. |
description | java.lang.String | The description of the calendar event. |
startDate | java.util.Date | The start time of the calendar event. |
endDate | java.util.Date | The end time of the calendar event. |
organizer | MailAddress | The organizer of the calendar event. |
attendees | MailAddressCollection | The attendees of th calendar event. |
recurrencePattern | RecurrencePattern | The recurrence pattern. |
Appointment(String location, String summary, String description, Date startDate, Date endDate, MailAddress organizer, MailAddressCollection attendees, String uid, RecurrencePattern recurrencePattern)
public Appointment(String location, String summary, String description, Date startDate, Date endDate, MailAddress organizer, MailAddressCollection attendees, String uid, RecurrencePattern recurrencePattern)
Initialize a new instance of the Appointment class.
Parameter | Type | Description |
location | java.lang.String | The location of the calendar event. |
summary | java.lang.String | The summary of the calendar event. |
description | java.lang.String | The description of the calendar event. |
startDate | java.util.Date | The start time of the calendar event. |
endDate | java.util.Date | The end time of the calendar event. |
organizer | MailAddress | The organizer of the calendar event. |
attendees | MailAddressCollection | The attendees of th calendar event. |
uid | java.lang.String | The unique identifier of th calendar event. |
recurrencePattern | RecurrencePattern | The recurrence pattern. |
public final AlternateView cancelAppointment()
Cancels the appointment.
Returns: AlternateView - AlternateViewAlternateView that represents the format to view an email message.
cancelAppointment(int seqId)
public final AlternateView cancelAppointment(int seqId)
Cancels the appointment.
Parameter | Type | Description |
seqId | int | The sequence id. |
Returns: AlternateView - AlternateViewAlternateView that represents the format to view an email message.
equals(Object arg0)
public boolean equals(Object arg0)
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg0 | java.lang.Object |
Returns: boolean
public final int getAppointmentClass()
Specifies the access classification for the appointment.
Returns: int
public final String getAppointmentHtml()
Gets the calendar HTML.
Returns: java.lang.String - String value of calendar as HTML.
public final String getAppointmentText()
Gets the calendar text.
Returns: java.lang.String - String value of calendar as plain text.
getAppointmentText(AppointmentFormattingOptions formattingOptions)
public final String getAppointmentText(AppointmentFormattingOptions formattingOptions)
Gets the calendar text.
Parameter | Type | Description |
formattingOptions | AppointmentFormattingOptions | AppointmentFormattingOptions that represents appointment formatting options. |
Returns: java.lang.String - The text representation of appointment.
public final AttachmentCollection getAttachments()
Gets the collection of attachments of appointment.
Returns: AttachmentCollection
public final MailAddressCollection getAttendees()
Gets or sets the attendees.
Returns: MailAddressCollection
public final native Class<?> getClass()
Returns: java.lang.Class
public final Date getCreatedDate()
Gets or sets the date and time that calendar information was created.
Value: The java.util.Date that represents creation date and time.
Returns: java.util.Date
public final Date getDateTimeStamp()
Gets or sets date/time that the instance of the iCalendar object was created..
Returns: java.util.Date
public final String getDescription()
Gets or sets the description.
Returns: java.lang.String
public final Date getEndDate()
Gets or sets the end date.
Returns: java.util.Date
public final String getEndTimeZone()
End time zone
Returns: java.lang.String
public final int getFlags()
Gets or sets appointment flags.
Returns: int
public final String getHtmlDescription()
Gets or sets html representation of description.
Returns: java.lang.String
public final Date getLastModifiedDate()
Gets or sets the date and time that calendar information was last revised.
Value: The java.util.Date that represents modification date and time.
Returns: java.util.Date
public final String getLocation()
Gets or sets the location.
Returns: java.lang.String
public final int getMethodType()
Gets or sets the iCalendar object method type associated with the calendar object.
Returns: int
public final int getMicrosoftBusyStatus()
Specifies the BUSY status of an appointment.
Returns: int
public final int getMicrosoftImportance()
Specifies the importance of an appointment.
Returns: int
public final int getMicrosoftIntendedStatus()
Specifies the INTENDED status of an appointment.
Returns: int
public final MailAddressCollection getOptionalAttendees()
Gets the optional attendees.
Value: The address collection of optional attendees.
Returns: MailAddressCollection
public final MailAddress getOrganizer()
Gets or sets the organizer.
Returns: MailAddress
public final RecurrencePattern getRecurrence()
Gets or sets the recurrence pattern.
Value: The recurrence pattern.
Returns: RecurrencePattern
public final AppointmentReminderCollection getReminders()
Contains collection of AppointmentReminder AppointmentReminder objects.
Returns: AppointmentReminderCollection
public final String getSequenceId()
Gets the sequence id.
Value: The sequence id.
Returns: java.lang.String
public final Date getStartDate()
Gets or sets the start date.
Returns: java.util.Date
public final String getStartTimeZone()
Start time zone
Returns: java.lang.String
public final int getStatus()
Gets or sets the overall status or confirmation for the object.
Returns: int
public final String getSummary()
Gets or sets the summary.
Returns: java.lang.String
public final int getTransparency()
Specifies whether or not this appointment is intended to be visible in availability searches.
Returns: int
public final String getUniqueId()
Gets or sets a string value that contains the GUID for the calendar item. In MS Exchange this is PidLidGlobalObjectId mapi property.
Value: The unique id.
Returns: java.lang.String
public native int hashCode()
Returns: int
public final boolean isDescriptionHtml()
Gets or sets value which indicates if description is in HTML format
Returns: boolean
load(InputStream stream)
public static Appointment load(InputStream stream)
Loads Appointment from the stream
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | | A stream to load from |
Returns: Appointment - A read Appointment
load(InputStream stream, boolean applyLocalTimeZone)
public static Appointment load(InputStream stream, boolean applyLocalTimeZone)
Loads Appointment from the stream
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | | A stream to load from |
applyLocalTimeZone | boolean | Convert time to local timezone |
Returns: Appointment - A read Appointment
load(InputStream stream, AppointmentLoadOptions options)
public static Appointment load(InputStream stream, AppointmentLoadOptions options)
Loads Appointment from the stream
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | | A stream to load from |
options | AppointmentLoadOptions | Represents appointment load options |
Returns: Appointment - A read Appointment
load(String filePath)
public static Appointment load(String filePath)
Loads Appointment from the file. Supported file formats: iCalendar
Parameter | Type | Description |
filePath | java.lang.String | A file path |
Returns: Appointment - A read Appointment
load(String filePath, AppointmentLoadOptions options)
public static Appointment load(String filePath, AppointmentLoadOptions options)
Loads Appointment from the file. Supported file formats: iCalendar
Parameter | Type | Description |
filePath | java.lang.String | A file path. |
options | AppointmentLoadOptions | Represents appointment load optionsAppointmentLoadOptions. |
Returns: Appointment - A read Appointment.
public final native void notify()
public final native void notifyAll()
public final AlternateView requestApointment()
Requests the apointment.
Returns: AlternateView - AlternateViewAlternateView that represents the format to view an email message.
requestApointment(int seqId)
public final AlternateView requestApointment(int seqId)
Requests the apointment.
Parameter | Type | Description |
seqId | int | The sequence id. |
Returns: AlternateView - AlternateViewAlternateView that represents the format to view an email message.
public final void resetTimeZone()
Set local time zone
save(OutputStream stream)
public final void save(OutputStream stream)
Saves appointment to the file with iCalendar format using te default save options
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | | A stream to save to |
save(OutputStream stream, AppointmentSaveOptions saveOptions)
public final void save(OutputStream stream, AppointmentSaveOptions saveOptions)
Saves appointment to the stream with specified save options
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | | A stream to save to |
saveOptions | AppointmentSaveOptions | A save options |
save(OutputStream stream, int saveFormat)
public final void save(OutputStream stream, int saveFormat)
Saves appointment to the stream with specified format using te default save options
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream | | A stream to save to |
saveFormat | int | A save format |
save(String filePath)
public final void save(String filePath)
Saves appointment to the file with iCalendar format using te default save options
Parameter | Type | Description |
filePath | java.lang.String | A file path |
save(String filePath, AppointmentSaveOptions saveOptions)
public final void save(String filePath, AppointmentSaveOptions saveOptions)
Saves appointment to the file with specified save options
Parameter | Type | Description |
filePath | java.lang.String | A file path |
saveOptions | AppointmentSaveOptions | A save options |
save(String filePath, int saveFormat)
public final void save(String filePath, int saveFormat)
Saves appointment to the file with specified format using te default save options
Parameter | Type | Description |
filePath | java.lang.String | A file path |
saveFormat | int | A save format |
setAppointmentClass(int value)
public final void setAppointmentClass(int value)
Specifies the access classification for the appointment.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setAttendees(MailAddressCollection value)
public final void setAttendees(MailAddressCollection value)
Gets or sets the attendees.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | MailAddressCollection |
setCreatedDate(Date value)
public final void setCreatedDate(Date value)
Gets or sets the date and time that calendar information was created.
Value: The java.util.Date that represents creation date and time.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.util.Date |
setDateTimeStamp(Date value)
public final void setDateTimeStamp(Date value)
Gets or sets date/time that the instance of the iCalendar object was created..
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.util.Date |
setDescription(String value)
public final void setDescription(String value)
Gets or sets the description.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.lang.String |
setDescriptionHtml(boolean value)
public final void setDescriptionHtml(boolean value)
Gets or sets value which indicates if description is in HTML format
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean |
setEndDate(Date value)
public final void setEndDate(Date value)
Gets or sets the end date.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.util.Date |
setEndTimeZone(String value)
public final void setEndTimeZone(String value)
End time zone
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.lang.String |
setFlags(int value)
public final void setFlags(int value)
Gets or sets appointment flags.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setHtmlDescription(String value)
public final void setHtmlDescription(String value)
Gets or sets html representation of description.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.lang.String |
setLastModifiedDate(Date value)
public final void setLastModifiedDate(Date value)
Gets or sets the date and time that calendar information was last revised.
Value: The java.util.Date that represents modification date and time.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.util.Date |
setLocation(String value)
public final void setLocation(String value)
Gets or sets the location.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.lang.String |
setMethodType(int value)
public final void setMethodType(int value)
Gets or sets the iCalendar object method type associated with the calendar object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setMicrosoftBusyStatus(int value)
public final void setMicrosoftBusyStatus(int value)
Specifies the BUSY status of an appointment.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setMicrosoftImportance(int value)
public final void setMicrosoftImportance(int value)
Specifies the importance of an appointment.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setMicrosoftIntendedStatus(int value)
public final void setMicrosoftIntendedStatus(int value)
Specifies the INTENDED status of an appointment.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setOrganizer(MailAddress value)
public final void setOrganizer(MailAddress value)
Gets or sets the organizer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | MailAddress |
setRecurrence(RecurrencePattern value)
public final void setRecurrence(RecurrencePattern value)
Gets or sets the recurrence pattern.
Value: The recurrence pattern.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | RecurrencePattern |
setStartDate(Date value)
public final void setStartDate(Date value)
Gets or sets the start date.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.util.Date |
setStartTimeZone(String value)
public final void setStartTimeZone(String value)
Start time zone
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.lang.String |
setStatus(int value)
public final void setStatus(int value)
Gets or sets the overall status or confirmation for the object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setSummary(String value)
public final void setSummary(String value)
Gets or sets the summary.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.lang.String |
setTimeZone(String tzName)
public final void setTimeZone(String tzName)
Set time zone
Parameter | Type | Description |
tzName | java.lang.String | The time zone name, for sample “America/New_York” |
setTransparency(int value)
public final void setTransparency(int value)
Specifies whether or not this appointment is intended to be visible in availability searches.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int |
setUniqueId(String value)
public final void setUniqueId(String value)
Gets or sets a string value that contains the GUID for the calendar item. In MS Exchange this is PidLidGlobalObjectId mapi property.
Value: The unique id.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.lang.String |
public String toString()
Returns: java.lang.String
public final AlternateView updateAppointment()
Updates the appointment.
Returns: AlternateView - AlternateViewAlternateView that represents the format to view an email message.
updateAppointment(int seqId)
public final AlternateView updateAppointment(int seqId)
Updates the appointment.
Parameter | Type | Description |
seqId | int | The sequence id. |
Returns: AlternateView - AlternateViewAlternateView that represents the format to view an email message.
public final void wait()
wait(long arg0)
public final native void wait(long arg0)
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg0 | long |
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg0 | long | |
arg1 | int |