
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class MailQuery

Represents the search criteria, that are used to match several message properties in the mailbox.


MailQuery(String queryString)Initializes a new instance of the MailQuery class.
MailQuery(String queryString, String orderByString)Initializes a new instance of the MailQuery class.


equals(MailQuery other)Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
equals(Object obj)Determines whether the specified Object, is equal to this instance.
getOrderByString()The sort query string.
hashCode()Returns a hash code for this instance.
toString()Returns a String that represents this instance.
wait(long arg0)
wait(long arg0, int arg1)

MailQuery(String queryString)

public MailQuery(String queryString)

Initializes a new instance of the MailQuery class.

MailQuery mailQuery = new MailQuery("(('From' Contains '' | 'Seen' = 'True') & 'SentDate' >= '12-May-2010')");


queryStringjava.lang.StringThe query string.

The query string should have the following view.

The example of a simple expression:


where - the name of a message field through which filtering is made, - comparison operators, as their name implies, allow to compare message field and specified value, - value to be compared with a message field.

The number of simple expressions can make a compound one, ex.: (<Simple expression 1> & <Simple expression 2>) | <Simple expression 3>,

where ‘&’ - logical-AND operator, ‘|’ - logical-OR operator

At present the following values are allowed as a field name ():

‘To’ - represents a TO field of message, ‘Text’ - represents string in the header or body of the message, ‘Bcc’ - represents a BCC field of message, ‘Body’ - represents a string in the body of message, ‘Cc’ - represents a CC field of message, ‘From’ - represents a From field of message, ‘Subject’ - represents a string in the subject of message, ‘InternalDate’ - represents an internal date of message, ‘SentDate’ - represents a sent date of message

Additionally, the following field names are allowed for IMAP-protocol:

‘Answered’ - represents an /Answered flag of message ‘Seen’ - represents a /Seen flag of message ‘Flagged’ - represents a /Flagged flag of message ‘Draft’ - represents a /Draft flag of message ‘Deleted’ - represents a Deleted/ flag of message ‘Recent’ - represents a Deleted/ flag of message ‘MessageSize’ - represents a size (in bytes) of message

Additionally, the following field names are allowed for Exchange:

‘IsRead’ - Indicates whether the message has been read ‘HasAttachment’ - Indicates whether or not the message has attachments ‘IsSubmitted’ - Indicates whether the message has been submitted to the Outbox ‘ContentClass’ - represents a content class of item

Additionally, the following field names are allowed for pst/ost files:

‘MessageClass’ - Represents a message class ‘ContainerClass’ - Represents a folder container class ‘Importance’ - Represents a message importance ‘MessageSize’ - represents a size (in bytes) of message ‘FolderName’ - represents a folder name ‘ContentsCount’ - represents a total number of items in the folder ‘UnreadContentsCount’ - represents the number of unread items in the folder. ‘Subfolders’ - Indicates whether or not the folder has subfolders ‘Read’ - the message is marked as having been read ‘HasAttachment’ - the message has at least one attachment ‘Unsent’ - the message is still being composed ‘Unmodified’ - the message has not been modified since it was first saved (if unsent) or it was delivered (if sent) ‘FromMe’ - the user receiving the message was also the user who sent the message ‘Resend’ - the message includes a request for a resend operation with a non-delivery report ‘NotifyRead’ - the user who sent the message has requested notification when a recipient first reads it ‘NotifyUnread’ - the user who sent the message has requested notification when a recipient deletes it before reading or the Message object expires ‘EverRead’ - the message has been read at least once

The field value () can take the following values: For text fields - any string, For date type fields - the string of ’d-MMM-yyy’ format, ex. ‘10-Feb-2009’, For flags (fields of boolean type) - either ‘True’, or ‘False’ |

MailQuery(String queryString, String orderByString)

public MailQuery(String queryString, String orderByString)

Initializes a new instance of the MailQuery class.

MailQuery mailQuery = new MailQuery("", "(('From' OrderBy 'ASC') & ('SentDate' OrderBy 'DESC'))");

The sort query string should have the following view.

The example of a simple expression:

’ OrderBy [‘ASC’|‘DESC’],

where - the name of a message field through which sorting is made, [‘ASC’|‘DESC’] - sorting operators, allow to sort Ascending or Descending,

The number of simple expressions can make a compound one, ex.: (<Simple expression 1> & <Simple expression 2>),



equals(MailQuery other)

public final boolean equals(MailQuery other)

Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.


otherMailQueryAn object to compare with this object.

Returns: boolean - true if the current object is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.

equals(Object obj)

public boolean equals(Object obj)

Determines whether the specified Object, is equal to this instance.


objjava.lang.ObjectThe Object to compare with this instance.

Returns: boolean - true if the specified Object is equal to this instance; otherwise, false .


public final native Class<?> getClass()

Returns: java.lang.Class


public final String getOrderByString()

The sort query string.

Returns: java.lang.String


public int hashCode()

Returns a hash code for this instance.

Returns: int - A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.


public final native void notify()


public final native void notifyAll()


public String toString()

Returns a String that represents this instance.

Returns: java.lang.String - A query string that represents this instance.


public final void wait()

wait(long arg0)

public final native void wait(long arg0)



wait(long arg0, int arg1)

public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)

