Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient Class Referenceabstract

Represents the interface for Exchange client. More...

Inherits Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::IExchangeClientBase.

Public Member Functions

virtual System::String get_TimezoneId ()=0
 Gets timezone id More...
virtual void set_TimezoneId (System::String value)=0
 Sets timezone id More...
virtual System::String get_CurrentCalendarFolderUri ()=0
 Gets current calendar folder uri More...
virtual void set_CurrentCalendarFolderUri (System::String value)=0
 Sets current calendar folder uri More...
virtual bool get_EnableDecompression ()=0
 Gets a value that indicates whether decompression is enabled More...
virtual void set_EnableDecompression (bool value)=0
 Sets a value that indicates whether decompression is enabled More...
virtual bool get_UseSlashAsFolderSeparator ()=0
 Gets value that determines whether the slash '/' is used as folder separator. More...
virtual void set_UseSlashAsFolderSeparator (bool value)=0
 Sets value that determines whether the slash '/' is used as folder separator. More...
virtual ExchangeVersion get_ServerVersion ()=0
 Gets the information about the current version of MS Exchange. More...
virtual EventTypes get_RootFolderEventFilter ()=0
 Specifies event types for Root folder More...
virtual void set_RootFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0
 Specifies event types for Root folder More...
virtual EventTypes get_CalendarFolderEventFilter ()=0
 Specifies event types for Calendar folder More...
virtual void set_CalendarFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0
 Specifies event types for Calendar folder More...
virtual EventTypes get_ContactsFolderEventFilter ()=0
 Specifies event types for Contacts folder More...
virtual void set_ContactsFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0
 Specifies event types for Contacts folder More...
virtual EventTypes get_DeletedItemsFolderEventFilter ()=0
 Specifies event types for DeletedItems folder More...
virtual void set_DeletedItemsFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0
 Specifies event types for DeletedItems folder More...
virtual EventTypes get_DraftsFolderEventFilter ()=0
 Specifies event types for Drafts folder More...
virtual void set_DraftsFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0
 Specifies event types for Drafts folder More...
virtual EventTypes get_InboxFolderEventFilter ()=0
 Specifies event types for Inbox folder More...
virtual void set_InboxFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0
 Specifies event types for Inbox folder More...
virtual EventTypes get_JournalFolderEventFilter ()=0
 Specifies event types for Journal folder More...
virtual void set_JournalFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0
 Specifies event types for Journal folder More...
virtual EventTypes get_NotesFolderEventFilter ()=0
 Specifies event types for Notes folder More...
virtual void set_NotesFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0
 Specifies event types for Notes folder More...
virtual EventTypes get_OutboxFolderEventFilter ()=0
 Specifies event types for Outbox folder More...
virtual void set_OutboxFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0
 Specifies event types for Outbox folder More...
virtual EventTypes get_SentItemsFolderEventFilter ()=0
 Specifies event types for SentItems folder More...
virtual void set_SentItemsFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0
 Specifies event types for SentItems folder More...
virtual EventTypes get_TasksFolderEventFilter ()=0
 Specifies event types for Tasks folder More...
virtual void set_TasksFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0
 Specifies event types for Tasks folder More...
virtual int32_t get_NotificationTimeout ()=0
 Defines timeout for server notifications More...
virtual void set_NotificationTimeout (int32_t value)=0
 Defines timeout for server notifications More...
virtual int32_t get_NotificationsCheckInterval ()=0
 Defines interval for notification check More...
virtual void set_NotificationsCheckInterval (int32_t value)=0
 Defines interval for notification check More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair< System::String, System::String > > get_Headers ()=0
 Gets array of name value pairs wich are added to WebHeaderCollection in EWS request. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMailboxInfoget_MailboxInfo ()=0
 Gets the mailbox info. More...
virtual int32_t get_ReconnectCount ()=0
 Gets the number of reconnect attempts at connection breaks. More...
virtual void set_ReconnectCount (int32_t value)=0
 Sets the number of reconnect attempts at connection breaks. More...
virtual bool get_ReturnClientRequestId ()=0
 Gets a flag to indicate whether the client requires the server side to return the request id. More...
virtual void set_ReturnClientRequestId (bool value)=0
 Sets a flag to indicate whether the client requires the server side to return the request id. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollectionListMessages (System::String mailbox, System::String folder, bool recursive)=0
 List the messages in the specified folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollectionListMessages (System::String mailbox, System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query)=0
 List the messages in the specified folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollectionListMessages (System::String folder, bool recursive)=0
 List the messages in the specified folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollectionListMessages (System::String folder, ExchangeListMessagesOptions options, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> extendedProperties)=0
 List the messages in the specified folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollectionListMessages (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query)=0
 List the messages in the specified folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollectionListMessages (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, bool recursive)=0
 List the messages in the specified folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollectionListMessages (System::String folder, int32_t maxNumberOfMessages, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, bool recursive)=0
 List the messages in the specified folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollectionListMessages (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> iDs)=0
 List the messages in the specified folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollectionListMessages ()=0
 List the messages in the inbox folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollectionListMessages (System::String folder, int32_t maxNumberOfMessages, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query)=0
 Lists the messages. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollectionListMessagesFromPublicFolder (System::String folderUri)=0
 Get collection of messages from public folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollectionListMessagesFromPublicFolder (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfo > folder)=0
 Get collection of messages from public folder More...
virtual System::String MoveItem (System::String itemUri, System::String destinationFolderUri)=0
 Moves the item to specified folder More...
virtual void Send (System::String from, System::String to, System::String subject, System::String body)=0
 Sends the specified message More...
virtual void Send (System::SharedPtr< MailMessage > message, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::FollowUpOptions > messageOptions)=0
 Sends the message. More...
virtual void DeleteFolder (System::String folderUri, bool deletePermanently)=0
 Deletes the folder More...
virtual ExchangeVersion GetExchangeType ()=0
 Gets the information about the current version of MS Exchange. More...
virtual void SetReadFlag (System::String messageUri, bool isRead)=0
 Marks the specifeid message as read. More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< MessageTrackingReportInfo > > FindMessageTrackingReport (System::SharedPtr< FindMessageTrackingReportOptions > options)=0
 Finds messages that meet the specified criteria. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< MessageTrackingReportGetMessageTrackingReport (System::SharedPtr< GetMessageTrackingReportOptions > options)=0
 Gets message tracking report More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< MailTips > > GetMailTips (System::SharedPtr< GetMailTipsOptions > options)=0
 Gets mail tips More...
virtual void CreateUserConfiguration (System::SharedPtr< UserConfiguration > userConfiguration)=0
 Creates the specified user configuration More...
virtual void UpdateUserConfiguration (System::SharedPtr< UserConfiguration > userConfiguration)=0
 Updates the specified user configuration More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< UserConfigurationGetUserConfiguration (System::SharedPtr< UserConfigurationName > userConfigurationName)=0
 Gets the specified user configuration More...
virtual void DeleteUserConfiguration (System::SharedPtr< UserConfigurationName > userConfigurationName)=0
 Deletes the specified user configuration More...
virtual void CreateInboxRule (System::SharedPtr< InboxRule > rule)=0
 Creates the specified inbox rule More...
virtual void CreateInboxRule (System::SharedPtr< InboxRule > rule, System::String mailbox)=0
 Creates the specified inbox rule More...
virtual void UpdateInboxRule (System::SharedPtr< InboxRule > rule)=0
 Updates the specified inbox rule More...
virtual void UpdateInboxRule (System::SharedPtr< InboxRule > rule, System::String mailbox)=0
 Updates the specified inbox rule More...
virtual void DeleteInboxRule (System::String ruleId)=0
 Deletes the specified inbox rule More...
virtual void DeleteInboxRule (System::String ruleId, System::String mailbox)=0
 Deletes the specified inbox rule More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< InboxRule > > GetInboxRules ()=0
 Gets inbox rules More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< InboxRule > > GetInboxRules (System::String mailbox)=0
 Gets inbox rules More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< ExchangeStreamedItem > > ExportItems (const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &itemIds)=0
 Exports the specified items from mailbox More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< ExchangeUploadItemResult > > UpdateItems (System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< ExchangeStreamedItem >> items, System::String parentFolderUri)=0
 Updates the specified items in to a mailbox More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< ExchangeUploadItemResult > > CreateItems (System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< ExchangeStreamedItem >> items, System::String parentFolderUri)=0
 Creates the specified items in the speciifed folder More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< ExchangeConversation > > FindConversations (System::String folderId)=0
 Finds conversations in the specified folder More...
virtual void DeleteConversationItems (System::String conversationId)=0
 Deletes all items of the specified conversation More...
virtual void DeleteConversationItems (System::String conversationId, System::String contextFolderId)=0
 Deletes the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< MailMessageCollectionFetchConversationMessages (System::String conversationId)=0
 Fetches the specified conversation messages More...
virtual void MoveConversationItems (System::String conversationId, System::String destinationFolderId)=0
 Moves the conversation items into the specified target folder More...
virtual void MoveConversationItems (System::String conversationId, System::String contextFolderId, System::String destinationFolderId)=0
 Moves the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder, into the specified target folder More...
virtual void CopyConversationItems (System::String conversationId, System::String destinationFolderId)=0
 Copies the conversation items into the specified target folder More...
virtual void CopyConversationItems (System::String conversationId, System::String contextFolderId, System::String destinationFolderId)=0
 Copies the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder, into the specified target folder More...
virtual void SetConversationReadState (System::String conversationId, bool isRead)=0
 Set read state of the conversation items to the specified value More...
virtual void SetConversationReadState (System::String conversationId, System::String contextFolderId, bool isRead)=0
 Set read state of the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder, to the specified value More...
virtual System::String CopyItem (System::String itemUri, System::String destinationFolderUri)=0
 Copies the item to specified folder More...
virtual void EmptyFolder (System::String folderUri)=0
 Empties the specified folder. Subfolders will not be deleted; deleted items will be moved into DeletedItems folder More...
virtual void EmptyFolder (System::String folderUri, EmptyFolderOptions options)=0
 Empties the specified folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCreatePublicFolder (System::String name, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection > permissions)=0
 Creates the specified public folder in the root public folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCreatePublicFolder (System::String parentFolderUri, System::String name, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection > permissions)=0
 Creates the specified public folder in the root public folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCreatePublicFolder (System::String name, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection > permissions, ExchangeFolderType folderType)=0
 Creates the specified public folder in the root public folder More...
virtual void MailEnablePublicFolder (System::String folderUri)=0
 Mail-enable a public folder More...
virtual void MailDisablePublicFolder (System::String folderUri)=0
 Mail-disable a public folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoGetFolderInfo (System::String folder)=0
 Gets the folder information More...
virtual void ImpersonateUser (ItemChoice valueType, System::String value)=0
 Impersonates the user. More...
virtual void ResetImpersonation ()=0
 Makes the impersonation reset. More...
virtual void DelegateAccess (System::String delegateSmtpAddress, ExchangeDelegateFolderPermissionLevel permissionLevel, System::String mailbox)=0
 Delegates access on the principal mailbox to the specified user. More...
virtual void DelegateAccess (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUser > delegateUser, System::String mailbox)=0
 Delegates access on the specified mailbox to the specified user. More...
virtual void DelegateAccess (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUserCollection > delegateUsers, System::String mailbox)=0
 Delegates access on the mailbox to the specified users. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUserCollectionListDelegates (System::String mailbox)=0
 Lists the users who are granted access on the specified mailbox. More...
virtual void UpdateDelegate (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUser > delegateUser, System::String mailbox)=0
 Updates the delegate user settings who is granted access on the specified mailbox. More...
virtual void UpdateDelegates (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUserCollection > delegateUsers, System::String mailbox)=0
 Updates the delegate users settings who are granted access on the specified mailbox. More...
virtual void CloseAccess (System::String delegateSmtpAddress, System::String mailbox)=0
 Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user. More...
virtual void CloseAccess (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderUserInfo > userInfo, System::String mailbox)=0
 Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user. More...
virtual void CloseAccess (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUser > delegateUser, System::String mailbox)=0
 Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user. More...
virtual void CloseAccess (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUserCollection > delegateUsers, System::String mailbox)=0
 Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user. More...
virtual void DeleteFolders (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollection > folders)=0
 Deletes the specified folders More...
virtual void DeleteFolders (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Specialized::StringCollection > folderUris)=0
 Deletes the specified folders More...
virtual void DeleteFolders (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollection > folders, bool deletePermanently)=0
 Deletes the specified folders More...
virtual void DeleteFolders (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Specialized::StringCollection > folderUris, bool deletePermanently)=0
 Deletes the folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeUserAvailabilityCheckUserAvailability (System::String user, System::SharedPtr< DateRange > timeWindow)=0
 Checks user availability within the specified time window. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeUserAvailabilityCollectionCheckUserAvailability (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Specialized::StringCollection > users, System::SharedPtr< DateRange > timeWindow)=0
 Checks users availability within the specified time window. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::AppointmentFetchAppointment (System::String appointmentUri)=0
 Fetch the specified appointment from server. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::AppointmentFetchAppointment (System::String appointmentUri, System::String folderUri)=0
 Fetch the specified appointment from server. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCreateFolder (System::String name)=0
 Fetch the specified appointment from server. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCreateFolder (System::String parentFolderUri, System::String name)=0
 Creates the new folder with the specified name in the specified parent folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCreateFolder (System::String parentFolderUri, System::String name, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection > permissions)=0
 Creates the new folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCreateFolder (System::String parentFolderUri, System::String name, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection > permissions, System::String folderClass)=0
 Creates the new folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCreateFolder (System::String name, ExchangeFolderType folderType)=0
 Creates new folder in the root folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCreateFolder (System::String parentFolderUri, System::String name, ExchangeFolderType folderType)=0
 Creates the new folder More...
virtual System::String CreateTask (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeTask > task)=0
 Creates the given task in the default task folder. More...
virtual System::String CreateTask (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeTask > task)=0
 Creates the given task in the specified folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeTaskFetchTask (System::String taskUri)=0
 Fetches the specified task. More...
virtual void UpdateTask (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeTask > task)=0
 Updates the specified task. More...
virtual void UpdateTask (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeTask > task, UpdateTaskOptions options)=0
 Updates the specified task. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangePermissionCollectionGetFolderPermissions (System::String folderUrl)=0
 Gets the folder permissions. More...
virtual void UpdateSubscription ()=0
 Updates subscriptions More...
virtual void ResetSubscription ()=0
 Reset all subscriptions More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > > ListAppointments ()=0
 Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > > ListAppointments (System::String folderUri)=0
 Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > > ListAppointments (System::String folderUri, bool recursive)=0
 Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > > ListAppointments (bool recursive)=0
 Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > > ListAppointments (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query)=0
 Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > > ListAppointments (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query)=0
 Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > > ListAppointments (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, bool recursive)=0
 Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > > ListAppointments (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, bool recursive)=0
 Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder More...
virtual System::String CreateAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > appointment)=0
 Creates appointment. More...
virtual System::String CreateAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > appointment, System::String folderUri)=0
 Creates appointment. More...
virtual System::String CreateAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar > appointment, System::String folderUri, bool suppressInvitations)=0
 Creates appointment. More...
virtual void UpdateAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar > appointment)=0
 Updates appointment. More...
virtual void UpdateAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar > appointment, System::String folderUri)=0
 Updates appointment. More...
virtual void UpdateAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > appointment)=0
 Updates appointment. More...
virtual void UpdateAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > appointment, System::String folderUri)=0
 Updates appointment. More...
virtual void CancelAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar > appointment)=0
 Cancels appointment. More...
virtual void CancelAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar > appointment, System::String folderUri)=0
 Cancels appointment. More...
virtual void CancelAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > appointment)=0
 Cancels appointment. More...
virtual void CancelAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > appointment, System::String folderUri)=0
 Cancels appointment. More...
virtual void CancelAppointment (System::String uniqueId)=0
 Cancels an exiting meeting on an organizers calendar More...
virtual void CancelAppointment (System::String uniqueId, System::String folderUri)=0
 Cancels an exiting meeting on an organizers calendar More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< UnifiedMessagingConfigurationGetUMConfiguration ()=0
 Retrieves unified messaging configuration More...
virtual System::String PlayOnPhone (System::String messageId, System::String dialString)=0
 The PlayOnPhone operation initiates an outbound call and plays a message over the telephone. More...
virtual void DisconnectPhoneCall (System::String callId)=0
 Disconnects a phone call specified by id. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< CallInformationGetCallInfo (System::String callId)=0
 Retrieves phone call information by call id More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > GetServerTimeZoneIds ()=0
 The GetServerTimeZoneIds returns information from time zone id that are available on an Exchange server. More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > GetServerTimeZoneIds (const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &timeZoneIds)=0
 The GetServerTimeZoneIds returns information from time zone id that are available on an Exchange server. More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > GetServerTimeZoneIds (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> timeZoneIds)=0
 The GetServerTimeZoneIds returns information from time zone id that are available on an Exchange server. More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > MarkAsJunk (bool isJunk, const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &messageUriEn)=0
 The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender. More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > MarkAsJunk (bool isJunk, bool moveItem, const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &messageUriEn)=0
 The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender. More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > MarkAsJunk (bool isJunk, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> messageUriEn)=0
 The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender. More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > MarkAsJunk (bool isJunk, bool moveItem, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> messageUriEn)=0
 The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender. More...
virtual void MarkAsJunk (bool isJunk, bool moveItem, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> messageUriEn, System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &movedMessageIds, System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &failedMessageIds, System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &errorMessages)=0
 The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender. More...
virtual void MarkAllItemsAsRead ()=0
 Marks all items in inbox folder as read without receipts. More...
virtual void MarkAllItemsAsUnread ()=0
 Marks all items in inbox folder as unread. More...
virtual void MarkAllItemsAsRead (const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &folderIds)=0
 Marks all items in specified folders as read without receipts. More...
virtual void MarkAllItemsAsUnread (const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &folderIds)=0
 Marks all items in specified folders as unread. More...
virtual void MarkAllItemsAsRead (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> folderIds)=0
 Marks all items in specified folders as read without receipts. More...
virtual void MarkAllItemsAsUnread (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> folderIds)=0
 Marks all items in specified folders as unread. More...
virtual void MarkAllItems (bool read, const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &folderIds)=0
 Marks all items in specified folders. More...
virtual void MarkAllItems (bool read, bool suppressReadReceipts, const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &folderIds)=0
 Marks all items in specified folders. More...
virtual void MarkAllItems (bool read, bool suppressReadReceipts, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> folderIds)=0
 Marks all items in specified folders. More...
virtual void Reply (System::SharedPtr< MailMessage > message, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfo > referencedMessage)=0
 Reply to the sender's message. More...
virtual void ReplyAll (System::SharedPtr< MailMessage > message, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfo > referencedMessage)=0
 Reply to the sender and all recipients of a message. More...
virtual void Forward (System::SharedPtr< MailMessage > message, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfo > referencedMessage)=0
 Forward a message. More...
virtual void UpdateContact (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > contact)=0
 Updates a contact item in the Exchange store. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::ContactGetContact (System::SharedPtr< ObjectIdentifier > contactId)=0
 Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::ContactGetContact (System::SharedPtr< ObjectIdentifier > contactId, ExchangeListContactsOptions options)=0
 Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::ContactGetContact (System::String contactId)=0
 Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::ContactGetContact (System::String contactId, ExchangeListContactsOptions options)=0
 Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier. More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > > GetContacts (System::String folder, ExchangeListContactsOptions options)=0
 Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > > GetMailboxes ()=0
 Lists mailboxes having smtp addresses. Note: the maximum count of returned contacts is 100. This is a restriction of used EWS operation. More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > > ResolveContacts (System::String unresolvedEntry, ExchangeListContactsOptions options)=0
 Resolves ambiguous e-mail addresses and display names Note: the maximum count of returned contacts is 100. This is a restriction of used EWS operation. More...
virtual void LoadContactPhoto (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::ContactPhoto > photo)=0
 Loads contact photo binary data More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< SyncFolderResultSyncFolder (System::String folderUri)=0
 Retrieves changes of the items and subfolders in a specified folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< SyncFolderResultSyncFolder (System::String folderUri, SyncFolderType syncType)=0
 Retrieves changes of the items and subfolders in a specified folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< SyncFolderResultSyncFolder (System::SharedPtr< SyncState > syncState)=0
 Retrieves changes of the items in a specified folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< SyncFolderResultSyncFolder (System::String folderUri, System::String syncState)=0
 Retrieves changes of the items in a specified folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< SyncFolderResultSyncFolder (System::String folderUri, System::String syncState, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> ignoreList)=0
 Retrieves changes of the items in a specified folder. More...
virtual void AddHeader (System::String name, System::String value)=0
 Adds name and value to WebHeaderCollection in EWS request. More...
virtual void RemoveHeader (System::String name)=0
 Remove WebHeader from WebHeaderCollection in EWS request. More...
virtual System::String AppendMessage (System::SharedPtr< MailMessage > message)=0
 Uploads the mail message to the Inbox folder More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > AppendMessages (const System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< MailMessage >> &messages)=0
 Uploads the mail message to the specified folder More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > AppendMessages (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< MailMessage >>> messages)=0
 Uploads the mail message to the specified folder More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > AppendMessages (System::String folderUri, const System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< MailMessage >> &messages)=0
 Uploads the mail message to the specified folder More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > AppendMessages (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< MailMessage >>> messages)=0
 Uploads the mail messages to the specified folder More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > AppendMessages (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage >>> messages)=0
 Uploads the mapi messages to the specified folder More...
virtual System::String AppendMessage (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< MailMessage > message)=0
 Uploads the mail message to the specified folder More...
virtual System::String CreateDistributionList (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDistributionList > distributionList, System::SharedPtr< MailAddressCollection > members)=0
 Creates the private Distribution List. More...
virtual void AddToDistributionList (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDistributionList > distributionList, System::SharedPtr< MailAddressCollection > members)=0
 Appends the members to Distribution List. More...
virtual void DeleteFromDistributionList (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDistributionList > distributionList, System::SharedPtr< MailAddressCollection > members)=0
 Deletes the members from Distribution List. More...
virtual void DeleteDistributionList (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDistributionList > distributionList, bool deletePermanently)=0
 Deletes the Distribution List. More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDistributionList > > ListDistributionLists ()=0
 List the private Distribution Lists. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< MailAddressCollectionFetchDistributionList (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDistributionList > distributionList)=0
 Fetches the private Distribution List members. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< MailAddressCollectionExpandDistributionList (System::SharedPtr< MailAddress > mailAddress)=0
 Expands the public Distribution List members. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessageCreateCalendarSharingInvitationMessage (System::String recipient)=0
 Create calendar sharing invitation message. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPageInfoListSubFoldersByPage (System::String parentFolderUri, System::SharedPtr< PageInfo > page)=0
 Searches the specified folder in the given parent folder with paging Method supports paging. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPageInfoListSubFoldersByPage (System::String parentFolderUri, int32_t itemsPerPage)=0
 Searches the specified folder in the given parent folder with paging Method supports paging. Invokes for the first time in paging cycle. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPageInfoListSubFoldersByPage (System::String parentFolderUri, int32_t itemsPerPage, int32_t pageOffset)=0
 Searches the specified folder in the given parent folder with paging Method supports paging. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< AppointmentPageInfoListAppointmentsByPage (int32_t itemsPerPage)=0
 Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< AppointmentPageInfoListAppointmentsByPage (System::String folderUri, int32_t itemsPerPage)=0
 Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< AppointmentPageInfoListAppointmentsByPage (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, int32_t itemsPerPage)=0
 Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< AppointmentPageInfoListAppointmentsByPage (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, int32_t itemsPerPage)=0
 Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< AppointmentPageInfoListAppointmentsByPage (int32_t itemsPerPage, int32_t itemOffset)=0
 Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< AppointmentPageInfoListAppointmentsByPage (System::String folderUri, int32_t itemsPerPage, int32_t itemOffset)=0
 Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< AppointmentPageInfoListAppointmentsByPage (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, int32_t itemsPerPage, int32_t itemOffset)=0
 Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< AppointmentPageInfoListAppointmentsByPage (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, int32_t itemsPerPage, int32_t itemOffset)=0
 Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessagePageInfoListMessagesByPage (System::String folder, int32_t itemsPerPage)=0
 List the messages in the specified folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessagePageInfoListMessagesByPage (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, int32_t itemsPerPage)=0
 List the messages in the specified folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessagePageInfoListMessagesByPage (System::String folder, int32_t itemsPerPage, int32_t offset)=0
 List the messages in the specified folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessagePageInfoListMessagesByPage (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, int32_t itemsPerPage, int32_t offset)=0
 List the messages in the specified folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessagePageInfoListMessagesByPage (System::String folder, int32_t itemsPerPage, int32_t pageOffset, ExchangeListMessagesOptions options)=0
 List the messages in the specified folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessagePageInfoListMessagesByPage (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< PageInfo > pageInfo)=0
 List the messages in the specified folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessagePageInfoListMessagesByPage (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< PageInfo > pageInfo, ExchangeListMessagesOptions options)=0
 List the messages in the specified folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< MailMessageFetchMessage (System::String messageUri, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> extendedProperties)=0
 Fetches the message from server More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< MailMessageCollectionFetchMessages (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> uris, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> extendedProperties)=0
 Fetches the speciifed messages More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< MailMessageCollectionFetchMessages (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> uris)=0
 Fetches the speciifed messages More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< MailMessageCollectionFetchMessages (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfo >>> messageInfos)=0
 Fetches the speciifed messages More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< MailMessageCollectionFetchMessages (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Specialized::StringCollection > messageUris)=0
 Fetches the speciifed messages More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::TaskCollectionListTasks ()=0
 Retrieves lists of exchange tasks for default folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::TaskCollectionListTasks (System::String folder)=0
 Retrieves lists of exchange tasks. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::TaskCollectionListTasks (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query)=0
 Retrieves lists of exchange tasks. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::TaskCollectionListTasks (System::String folder, int32_t maxNumberOfItems)=0
 Retrieves lists of exchange tasks. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::TaskCollectionListTasks (System::String folder, int32_t maxNumberOfItems, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query)=0
 Retrieves lists of exchange tasks. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::TaskCollectionListTasks (System::String folder, int32_t maxNumberOfItems, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, bool recursive)=0
 Retrieves lists of exchange tasks. More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > ListItems (System::String mailbox, System::String folder)=0
 Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > ListItems (System::String mailbox, System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query)=0
 Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > ListItems (System::String mailbox, System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, bool recursive)=0
 Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > ListItems (System::String folder)=0
 Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > ListItems (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query)=0
 Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > ListItems (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, bool recursive)=0
 Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IList< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar > > > FetchMapiCalendar (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> calendarUris)=0
 Fetch array of MapiCalendar objects. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IList< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar > > > FetchMapiCalendar (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> calendarUris, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> customProperties)=0
 Fetch array of MapiCalendar objects. More...
virtual int64_t GetMailboxSize ()=0
 Gets the size of the mailbox. Please, note this operation is performed recursively for all subfolders and make take some time More...
virtual int64_t GetMailboxSizeEx (System::String folderUri)=0
 Gets the size of the mailbox Please, note this operation is performed recursively for all subfolders and make take some time More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMailboxInfoGetMailboxInfo ()=0
 Gets the mailbox info. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMailboxInfoGetMailboxInfo (System::String mailbox)=0
 Gets the mailbox information More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollectionListMessages (System::String folder)=0
 Lists the messages. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollectionListMessages (System::String folder, ExchangeListMessagesOptions options)=0
 Lists the messages. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollectionListMessages (System::String folder, int32_t maxNumberOfMessages)=0
 Lists the messages. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollectionListMessages (System::String folder, int32_t maxNumberOfMessages, ExchangeListMessagesOptions options)=0
 Lists the messages. More...
virtual void SaveMessage (System::String messageUri, System::String path)=0
 Saves the message. More...
virtual void SaveMessage (System::String messageUri, System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > stream)=0
 Saves the message. More...
virtual void Send (System::SharedPtr< MailMessage > message)=0
 Sends the specified message. More...
virtual void SetReadFlag (System::String messageUri)=0
 Sets the read flag. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< MailMessageFetchMessage (System::String messageUri)=0
 Fetches the message. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollectionListPublicFolders ()=0
 Gets collection of public folders from root public folder More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollectionListSubFolders (System::String mailbox, System::String parentFolderUri)=0
 Gets collection of child folders from parent More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollectionListSubFolders (System::String parentFolderUri)=0
 Gets collection of child folders from parent More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollectionListSubFolders (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfo > parentFolder)=0
 Gets collection of child public folders from parent More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< AttachmentFetchAttachment (System::String attachmentUri)=0
 Fetches the attachment More...
virtual void DeleteFolder (System::String folderUri)=0
 Deletes the folder More...
virtual bool FolderExists (System::String parentFolderUri, System::String folderName)=0
 Checks whether the specified folder exists. More...
virtual bool FolderExists (System::String parentFolderUri, System::String folderName, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfo > &folder)=0
 Checks whether the specified folder exists. More...
virtual void Backup (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollection > folders, System::String fileName, Storage::Pst::BackupOptions options)=0
 Backups the content of the specified folders More...
virtual void Backup (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollection > folders, System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > stream, Storage::Pst::BackupOptions options)=0
 Backups the content of the specified folders More...
virtual void Restore (System::SharedPtr< Storage::Pst::PersonalStorage > pst, System::SharedPtr< RestoreSettings > settings)=0
 Restores the specified exchange folders from the given personal storage. More...
virtual System::String GetVersionInfo ()=0
 Returns exchange server version info More...
virtual System::String CreateContact (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > contact)=0
 Creates a contact item in the Exchange store. More...
virtual System::String CreateContact (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > contact)=0
 Creates a contact item in the specified folder. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContactCollectionResolveContact (System::String unresolvedEntry)=0
 Resolves ambiguous mailbox names. More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > > ResolveContacts (System::String unresolvedEntry)=0
 Resolves ambiguous mailbox display names. Note: the maximum count of returned contacts is 100. This is a restriction of used exchange command. More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContact > > ListContacts (System::String folderUri)=0
 Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContact > > ListContacts (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> mapiProperties)=0
 Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > > GetContacts (System::String folder)=0
 Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessageFetchItem (System::String uri)=0
 Retrieves the item as MapiMessage. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessageFetchItem (System::String uri, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> extendedProperties)=0
 Retrieves the item as MapiMessage. More...
virtual void UpdateContact (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContact > contact)=0
 Updates a contact item in the Exchange store. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IList< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiTask > > > FetchMapiTasks (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> taskUris)=0
 Fetch array of MapiTask objects. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IList< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiTask > > > FetchMapiTasks (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> taskUris, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> customProperties)=0
 Fetch array of MapiTask objects. More...
virtual System::String UpdateTask (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiTask > task)=0
 Updates the specified task. More...
virtual System::String UpdateTask (System::String uri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiTask > task)=0
 Updates the specified task. More...
virtual System::String UpdateTask (System::String uri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiTask > task, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> additionalProperties)=0
 Updates the specified task. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IList< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiNote > > > FetchMapiNotes (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> noteUris)=0
 Fetch array of MapiNote objects. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IList< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiNote > > > FetchMapiNotes (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> noteUris, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> customProperties)=0
 Fetch array of MapiNote objects. More...
virtual System::String UpdateNote (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiNote > note)=0
 Updates the specified note. More...
virtual System::String UpdateNote (System::String uri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiNote > note)=0
 Updates the specified note. More...
virtual System::String UpdateNote (System::String uri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiNote > note, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> additionalProperties)=0
 Updates the specified note. More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage > > FetchMapiMessages (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> uris)=0
 Fetches the speciifed messages More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage > > FetchMapiMessages (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> uris, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> extendedProperties)=0
 Fetches the speciifed messages More...
virtual System::String AppendMessage (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage > mapiMessage)=0
 Uploads the mail message to the specified folder More...
virtual System::String AppendMessage (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage > mapiMessage, bool markAsSent)=0
 Uploads the mail message to the specified folder More...
virtual System::String AppendMessage (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage > mapiMessage, bool markAsSent)=0
 Uploads the mail message to the specified folder More...
virtual void DeleteItem (System::String itemUri, System::SharedPtr< DeletionOptions > options)=0
 Deletes specified item More...
virtual void DeleteItems (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> itemUris, System::SharedPtr< DeletionOptions > options)=0
 Deletes specified items More...
virtual void ArchiveItem (System::String sourceFolderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessageItemBase > item)=0
 The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user's archive mailbox. More...
virtual void ArchiveItem (System::String sourceFolderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > appointment)=0
 The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user's archive mailbox. More...
virtual void ArchiveItem (System::String sourceFolderUri, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeTask > task)=0
 The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user's archive mailbox. More...
virtual void ArchiveItem (System::String sourceFolderUri, System::String uniqueId)=0
 The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user's archive mailbox. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContactCollectionListMailboxes ()=0
 Lists mailboxes. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContactCollectionListMailboxes (System::String filter)=0
 Please pay your attention, this overridden method works with Exchange Server 2013 and higher. More...
virtual System::String CreateItem (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessageItemBase > item)=0
 Creates the given item in the default item folder. More...
virtual System::String CreateItem (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessageItemBase > item)=0
 Creates the given item in the specified folder. More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > > FindPeople (System::String queryString, int32_t maxNumberOfItems)=0
 Find contacts located in the global address list (GAL) on server. More...
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > > FindPeople (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, int32_t maxNumberOfItems)=0
 Find contacts located in the specified user's personal mailbox on server. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::IExchangeClientBase
virtual bool get_UseDateInLogFileName ()=0
 Gets value which indicates if date has to be used in log file name. More...
virtual void set_UseDateInLogFileName (bool value)=0
 Sets value which indicates if date has to be used in log file name. More...
virtual System::String get_LogFileName ()=0
 Gets log file name More...
virtual void set_LogFileName (System::String value)=0
 Sets log file name More...
virtual System::String get_MailboxUri ()=0
 Gets the mailbox uri. More...
virtual void set_MailboxUri (System::String value)=0
 Sets the mailbox uri. More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< System::Net::IWebProxy > get_Proxy ()=0
 Gets the proxy. More...
virtual void set_Proxy (System::SharedPtr< System::Net::IWebProxy > value)=0
 Sets the proxy. More...
virtual int32_t get_Timeout ()=0
 Gets the number of milliseconds to wait before the operation times out. The default value is 100,000 milliseconds (100 seconds). More...
virtual void set_Timeout (int32_t value)=0
 Sets the number of milliseconds to wait before the operation times out. The default value is 100,000 milliseconds (100 seconds). More...
virtual System::SharedPtr< System::Net::ICredentials > get_Credentials ()=0
 Gets the credentials. More...
virtual void set_Credentials (System::SharedPtr< System::Net::ICredentials > value)=0
 Sets the credentials. More...

Public Attributes

System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > RootFolderServerNotifications
 Occurs when arises specified event type for Root folder. More...
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > CalendarFolderServerNotifications
 Occurs when arises specified event type for Calendar folder. More...
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > ContactsFolderServerNotifications
 Occurs when arises specified event type for Contacts folder. More...
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > DeletedItemsFolderServerNotifications
 Occurs when arises specified event type for DeletedItems folder. More...
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > DraftsFolderServerNotifications
 Occurs when arises specified event type for Drafts folder. More...
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > InboxFolderServerNotifications
 Occurs when arises specified event type for Inbox folder. More...
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > JournalFolderServerNotifications
 Occurs when arises specified event type for Journal folder. More...
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > NotesFolderServerNotifications
 Occurs when arises specified event type for Notes folder. More...
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > OutboxFolderServerNotifications
 Occurs when arises specified event type for Outbox folder. More...
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > SentItemsFolderServerNotifications
 Occurs when arises specified event type for SentItems folder. More...
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > TasksFolderServerNotifications
 Occurs when arises specified event type for Tasks folder. More...
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< SentItemEventArgs > > ItemSent
 Raised when an item is sent and save in Sent Items folder. More...

Detailed Description

Represents the interface for Exchange client.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddHeader()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::AddHeader ( System::String  name,
System::String  value 
pure virtual

Adds name and value to WebHeaderCollection in EWS request.

nameHeader name
valueHeader value

◆ AddToDistributionList()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::AddToDistributionList ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDistributionList distributionList,
System::SharedPtr< MailAddressCollection members 
pure virtual

Appends the members to Distribution List.

distributionListA ExchangeDistributionList containing information about Distribution List to update.
membersA MailAddressCollection containing the mail addresses to add.

◆ AppendMessage() [1/5]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::AppendMessage ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage mapiMessage)
pure virtual

Uploads the mail message to the specified folder

mapiMessageA message to upload
An uri of created message

◆ AppendMessage() [2/5]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::AppendMessage ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage mapiMessage,
bool  markAsSent 
pure virtual

Uploads the mail message to the specified folder

mapiMessageA message to upload
markAsSentA value indicating whether the message should be appended as a sent message or a draft.
An uri of created message

◆ AppendMessage() [3/5]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::AppendMessage ( System::SharedPtr< MailMessage message)
pure virtual

Uploads the mail message to the Inbox folder

messageA message to upload
An uri of created message

◆ AppendMessage() [4/5]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::AppendMessage ( System::String  folderUri,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage mapiMessage,
bool  markAsSent 
pure virtual

Uploads the mail message to the specified folder

folderUriA folder URI to which message is uploaded.
mapiMessageA message to upload
markAsSentA value indicating whether the message should be appended as a sent message or a draft.
AsposeArgumentExceptionA folder is not specified
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionmapiMessage is null
An uri of created message

◆ AppendMessage() [5/5]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::AppendMessage ( System::String  folderUri,
System::SharedPtr< MailMessage message 
pure virtual

Uploads the mail message to the specified folder

folderUriA folder URI to which message is uploaded.
messageA message to upload
An uri of created message

◆ AppendMessages() [1/5]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::AppendMessages ( const System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< MailMessage >> &  messages)
pure virtual

Uploads the mail message to the specified folder

messagesA messages to upload
List of uri of created messages

◆ AppendMessages() [2/5]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::AppendMessages ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< MailMessage >>>  messages)
pure virtual

Uploads the mail message to the specified folder

messagesA messages to upload
List of uri of created messages

◆ AppendMessages() [3/5]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::AppendMessages ( System::String  folderUri,
const System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< MailMessage >> &  messages 
pure virtual

Uploads the mail message to the specified folder

folderUriA folder URI to which message is uploaded.
messagesA messages to upload
List of uri of created messages

◆ AppendMessages() [4/5]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::AppendMessages ( System::String  folderUri,
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage >>>  messages 
pure virtual

Uploads the mapi messages to the specified folder

folderUriA folder URI to which message is uploaded.
messagesA messages to upload
List of uri of created messages

◆ AppendMessages() [5/5]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::AppendMessages ( System::String  folderUri,
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< MailMessage >>>  messages 
pure virtual

Uploads the mail messages to the specified folder

folderUriA folder URI to which message is uploaded.
messagesA messages to upload
List of uri of created messages

◆ ArchiveItem() [1/4]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ArchiveItem ( System::String  sourceFolderUri,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment appointment 
pure virtual

The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user's archive mailbox.

appointmentItem which will be archived

◆ ArchiveItem() [2/4]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ArchiveItem ( System::String  sourceFolderUri,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessageItemBase item 
pure virtual

The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user's archive mailbox.

itemItem which will be archived

◆ ArchiveItem() [3/4]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ArchiveItem ( System::String  sourceFolderUri,
System::SharedPtr< ExchangeTask task 
pure virtual

The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user's archive mailbox.

taskItem which will be archived

◆ ArchiveItem() [4/4]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ArchiveItem ( System::String  sourceFolderUri,
System::String  uniqueId 
pure virtual

The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user's archive mailbox.

uniqueIdItem id

◆ Backup() [1/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::Backup ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollection folders,
System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream >  stream,
Storage::Pst::BackupOptions  options 
pure virtual

Backups the content of the specified folders

foldersA folders to backup
streamA stream to write into
optionsA backup options

◆ Backup() [2/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::Backup ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollection folders,
System::String  fileName,
Storage::Pst::BackupOptions  options 
pure virtual

Backups the content of the specified folders

foldersA folders to backup
fileNameA path to the presonal storage file
optionsA backup options

◆ CancelAppointment() [1/6]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CancelAppointment ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment appointment)
pure virtual

Cancels appointment.

appointmentCalendar appointment.

◆ CancelAppointment() [2/6]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CancelAppointment ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment appointment,
System::String  folderUri 
pure virtual

Cancels appointment.

appointmentCalendar appointment.
folderUriAn uri of appointments parent folder.

◆ CancelAppointment() [3/6]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CancelAppointment ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar appointment)
pure virtual

Cancels appointment.

appointmentCalendar appointment.

◆ CancelAppointment() [4/6]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CancelAppointment ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar appointment,
System::String  folderUri 
pure virtual

Cancels appointment.

appointmentCalendar appointment.
folderUriAn uri of appointments parent folder.

◆ CancelAppointment() [5/6]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CancelAppointment ( System::String  uniqueId)
pure virtual

Cancels an exiting meeting on an organizers calendar

uniqueIdUnique identifier

◆ CancelAppointment() [6/6]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CancelAppointment ( System::String  uniqueId,
System::String  folderUri 
pure virtual

Cancels an exiting meeting on an organizers calendar

uniqueIdUnique identifier
folderUriAn uri of appointments parent folder.

◆ CheckUserAvailability() [1/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeUserAvailabilityCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CheckUserAvailability ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Specialized::StringCollection >  users,
System::SharedPtr< DateRange timeWindow 
pure virtual

Checks users availability within the specified time window.

usersAn users smtp addresses.
timeWindowA time span for the queried user's availability.
AsposeArgumentNullExceptiontimeWindow or users is null.
ExchangeUserAvailabilityCollection containing the users availability informaiton.

◆ CheckUserAvailability() [2/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeUserAvailability> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CheckUserAvailability ( System::String  user,
System::SharedPtr< DateRange timeWindow 
pure virtual

Checks user availability within the specified time window.

userAn user smtp address.
timeWindowA time span for the queried user's availability.
ExchangeUserAvailability containing user availability information.

◆ CloseAccess() [1/4]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CloseAccess ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUser delegateUser,
System::String  mailbox 
pure virtual

Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user.

delegateUserA delegate user.
mailboxA mailbox.
AsposeArgumentNullExceptiondelegateUser is null.
AsposeArgumentExceptionmailbox is null or empty.

◆ CloseAccess() [2/4]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CloseAccess ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUserCollection delegateUsers,
System::String  mailbox 
pure virtual

Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user.

delegateUsersA delegate users.
mailboxA mailbox.
AsposeArgumentNullExceptiondelegateUsers is null.
AsposeArgumentExceptionmailbox is null or empty.

◆ CloseAccess() [3/4]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CloseAccess ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderUserInfo userInfo,
System::String  mailbox 
pure virtual

Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user.

userInfoA user information.
mailboxA mailbox.
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionuserInfo is null.
AsposeArgumentExceptionmailbox is null or empty.

◆ CloseAccess() [4/4]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CloseAccess ( System::String  delegateSmtpAddress,
System::String  mailbox 
pure virtual

Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user.

delegateSmtpAddressA primary smtp address of delegate user.
mailboxA mailbox.
AsposeArgumentExceptiondelegateSmtpAddress or mailbox is null or empty.

◆ CopyConversationItems() [1/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CopyConversationItems ( System::String  conversationId,
System::String  contextFolderId,
System::String  destinationFolderId 
pure virtual

Copies the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder, into the specified target folder

conversationIdId of conversation to copy
contextFolderIdId of folder in which conversation items are located. Note: If it's set to null(or empty), all conversation items will be copied
destinationFolderIdId of folder into which copy items
AsposeArgumentExceptionconversationId is null or empty
AsposeArgumentExceptiondestinationFolderId is null or empty

◆ CopyConversationItems() [2/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CopyConversationItems ( System::String  conversationId,
System::String  destinationFolderId 
pure virtual

Copies the conversation items into the specified target folder

conversationIdId of conversation to copy
destinationFolderIdId of folder into which copy items
AsposeArgumentExceptionconversationId is null or empty
AsposeArgumentExceptiondestinationFolderId is null or empty

◆ CopyItem()

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CopyItem ( System::String  itemUri,
System::String  destinationFolderUri 
pure virtual

Copies the item to specified folder

itemUriThe item URI
destinationFolderUriThe destination folder URI
AsposeArgumentExceptionitemUri is null or empty
AsposeArgumentExceptiondestinationFolderUri is null or empty
An uri of the copied message

◆ CreateAppointment() [1/3]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateAppointment ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment appointment)
pure virtual

Creates appointment.

appointmentCalendar appointment.
Returns appointment UID

◆ CreateAppointment() [2/3]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateAppointment ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment appointment,
System::String  folderUri 
pure virtual

Creates appointment.

appointmentCalendar appointment.
folderUriAn uri of appointments parent folder.
Returns appointment UID

◆ CreateAppointment() [3/3]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateAppointment ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar appointment,
System::String  folderUri,
bool  suppressInvitations 
pure virtual

Creates appointment.

appointmentCalendar appointment.
folderUriAn uri of appointments parent folder.
suppressInvitationsIf true, invitations won't be sent to attendees.
Returns PidLidGlobalObjectId as base64 string

◆ CreateCalendarSharingInvitationMessage()

virtual System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateCalendarSharingInvitationMessage ( System::String  recipient)
pure virtual

Create calendar sharing invitation message.

recipientA recipient's address.
A MapiMessage that represents sharing invitation message.

◆ CreateContact() [1/2]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateContact ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact contact)
pure virtual

Creates a contact item in the Exchange store.

contactContact item
The contact Uri

◆ CreateContact() [2/2]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateContact ( System::String  folderUri,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact contact 
pure virtual

Creates a contact item in the specified folder.

folderUriFolder uri
contactContact item
The contact Uri

◆ CreateDistributionList()

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateDistributionList ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDistributionList distributionList,
System::SharedPtr< MailAddressCollection members 
pure virtual

Creates the private Distribution List.

distributionListA ExchangeDistributionList containing information about Distribution List to create.
membersA MailAddressCollection containing the Distribution List mail addresses to create.
A string containing the Distribution List Id.

◆ CreateFolder() [1/6]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeFolderInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateFolder ( System::String  name)
pure virtual

Fetch the specified appointment from server.

appointmentUriAn uri of appointment to be fetched.
AsposeArgumentExceptionappointmentUri is null or empty.
extendedPropertiesExtended properties of retrieved item
A fetched Appointment.

Fetch the specified appointment from server.

appointmentUriAn uri of appointment to be fetched.
folderUriAn uri of appointments parent folder.
AsposeArgumentExceptionappointmentUri is null or empty.
extendedPropertiesExtended properties of retrieved item
A fetched Appointment.

Creates new folder in the root folder.

nameThe name of new folder
Returns folder information

◆ CreateFolder() [2/6]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeFolderInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateFolder ( System::String  name,
ExchangeFolderType  folderType 
pure virtual

Creates new folder in the root folder.

nameThe name of new folder
folderTypeType of folder
Returns folder information

◆ CreateFolder() [3/6]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeFolderInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateFolder ( System::String  parentFolderUri,
System::String  name 
pure virtual

Creates the new folder with the specified name in the specified parent folder.

parentFolderUriAn uri of parent folder.
nameA name of folder to be created.
AsposeArgumentExceptionparentFolderUri or name is null or empty.

◆ CreateFolder() [4/6]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeFolderInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateFolder ( System::String  parentFolderUri,
System::String  name,
ExchangeFolderType  folderType 
pure virtual

Creates the new folder

parentFolderUriThe URI of parent folder
nameThe name of new folder
folderTypeType of folder
Returns folder information

◆ CreateFolder() [5/6]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeFolderInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateFolder ( System::String  parentFolderUri,
System::String  name,
System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection permissions 
pure virtual

Creates the new folder

parentFolderUriThe URI of parent folder
nameThe name of new folder
permissionsA permission on new folder
Returns folder information

◆ CreateFolder() [6/6]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeFolderInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateFolder ( System::String  parentFolderUri,
System::String  name,
System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection permissions,
System::String  folderClass 
pure virtual

Creates the new folder

parentFolderUriThe URI of parent folder
nameThe name of new folder
permissionsA permission on new folder
folderClassThe class of new folder
Returns folder information

◆ CreateInboxRule() [1/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateInboxRule ( System::SharedPtr< InboxRule rule)
pure virtual

Creates the specified inbox rule

ruleA inbox rule to create
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionthrows when rule is null

◆ CreateInboxRule() [2/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateInboxRule ( System::SharedPtr< InboxRule rule,
System::String  mailbox 
pure virtual

Creates the specified inbox rule

ruleA inbox rule to create
mailboxA mailbox to create rule for. Note: if it is set to null or empty, the rule will be created in the default mailbox
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionthrows when rule is null

◆ CreateItem() [1/2]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateItem ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessageItemBase item)
pure virtual

Creates the given item in the default item folder.

itemAn item to create.
The item Uri

◆ CreateItem() [2/2]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateItem ( System::String  folderUri,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessageItemBase item 
pure virtual

Creates the given item in the specified folder.

folderUriA folder Uri where item should be created.
itemAn item to create.
The item Uri

◆ CreateItems()

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<ExchangeUploadItemResult> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateItems ( System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< ExchangeStreamedItem >>  items,
System::String  parentFolderUri 
pure virtual

Creates the specified items in the speciifed folder

itemsAn items to be uploaded
parentFolderUriSpecifies the folder in which to place the items
An array of ExchangeUploadItemResult
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionitems is null
AsposeArgumentExceptionitems is empty
AsposeArgumentExceptionparentFolderUri is null or empty

◆ CreatePublicFolder() [1/3]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeFolderInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreatePublicFolder ( System::String  name,
System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection permissions 
pure virtual

Creates the specified public folder in the root public folder

nameA name of new folder
permissionsA permission on new folder
Returns folder information

◆ CreatePublicFolder() [2/3]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeFolderInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreatePublicFolder ( System::String  name,
System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection permissions,
ExchangeFolderType  folderType 
pure virtual

Creates the specified public folder in the root public folder

nameA name of new folder
permissionsA permission on new folder
folderTypeType of folder

Returns folder information

◆ CreatePublicFolder() [3/3]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeFolderInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreatePublicFolder ( System::String  parentFolderUri,
System::String  name,
System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection permissions 
pure virtual

Creates the specified public folder in the root public folder

parentFolderUriThe URI of parent folder
nameA name of new folder
permissionsA permission on new folder
Returns folder information

◆ CreateTask() [1/2]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateTask ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeTask task)
pure virtual

Creates the given task in the default task folder.

taskA task to create.
A task uri
AsposeArgumentNullExceptiontask is null.

◆ CreateTask() [2/2]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateTask ( System::String  folder,
System::SharedPtr< ExchangeTask task 
pure virtual

Creates the given task in the specified folder.

folderA folder where task should be created.
taskA task to create.
A task uri
AsposeArgumentExceptionfolder is null or empty.
AsposeArgumentNullExceptiontask is null.

◆ CreateUserConfiguration()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CreateUserConfiguration ( System::SharedPtr< UserConfiguration userConfiguration)
pure virtual

Creates the specified user configuration

userConfigurationUserConfiguration to be created
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionthrows when userConfiguration is null

◆ DelegateAccess() [1/3]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DelegateAccess ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUser delegateUser,
System::String  mailbox 
pure virtual

Delegates access on the specified mailbox to the specified user.

delegateUserA ExchangeDelegateUser containing user information and delegation settings.
mailboxA mailbox to grant access on.
AsposeArgumentNullExceptiondelegateUser is null.
AsposeArgumentExceptionmailbox is null or empty.

◆ DelegateAccess() [2/3]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DelegateAccess ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUserCollection delegateUsers,
System::String  mailbox 
pure virtual

Delegates access on the mailbox to the specified users.

delegateUsersA ExchangeDelegateUserCollection containing the users information and delegation settings.
mailboxA mailbox to grant access on.
AsposeArgumentNullExceptiondelegateUsers is null.
AsposeArgumentExceptionmailbox is null or empty.

◆ DelegateAccess() [3/3]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DelegateAccess ( System::String  delegateSmtpAddress,
ExchangeDelegateFolderPermissionLevel  permissionLevel,
System::String  mailbox 
pure virtual

Delegates access on the principal mailbox to the specified user.

delegateSmtpAddressA primary smtp address of user.
permissionLevelA permission level that is granted to the user on all folders.
mailboxA mailbox to grant access on.
AsposeArgumentExceptiondelegateSmtpAddress or mailbox is null or empty.

◆ DeleteConversationItems() [1/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DeleteConversationItems ( System::String  conversationId)
pure virtual

Deletes all items of the specified conversation

conversationIdId of conversation to delete
AsposeArgumentExceptionconversationId is null or empty

◆ DeleteConversationItems() [2/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DeleteConversationItems ( System::String  conversationId,
System::String  contextFolderId 
pure virtual

Deletes the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder

conversationIdId of conversation to delete
contextFolderIdId of folder in which delete conversation items. Note: If it's set to null(or empty), all conversation items will be deleted
AsposeArgumentExceptionconversationId is null or empty

◆ DeleteDistributionList()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DeleteDistributionList ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDistributionList distributionList,
bool  deletePermanently 
pure virtual

Deletes the Distribution List.

distributionListA ExchangeDistributionList containing information about Distribution List to delete.
deletePermanentlyIndicates whether the specified List should be deleted permanently or should be moved into DeletedItems folder.

◆ DeleteFolder() [1/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DeleteFolder ( System::String  folderUri)
pure virtual

Deletes the folder

folderUriThe folder Uri

◆ DeleteFolder() [2/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DeleteFolder ( System::String  folderUri,
bool  deletePermanently 
pure virtual

Deletes the folder

folderUriThe folder Uri
deletePermanentlyIndicates whether the folder should be deleted permanently or should be moved into DeletedItems folder

◆ DeleteFolders() [1/4]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DeleteFolders ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollection folders)
pure virtual

Deletes the specified folders

foldersA ExchangeFolderInfoCollection containing information about folders to delete
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionfolders is null

◆ DeleteFolders() [2/4]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DeleteFolders ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollection folders,
bool  deletePermanently 
pure virtual

Deletes the specified folders

foldersA ExchangeFolderInfoCollection containing information about folders to delete
deletePermanentlyIndicates whether the folder should be deleted permanently or should be moved into DeletedItems folder
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionfolders is null

◆ DeleteFolders() [3/4]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DeleteFolders ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Specialized::StringCollection >  folderUris)
pure virtual

Deletes the specified folders

folderUrisThe folder uris
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionfolderUris is null

◆ DeleteFolders() [4/4]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DeleteFolders ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Specialized::StringCollection >  folderUris,
bool  deletePermanently 
pure virtual

Deletes the folder

folderUrisThe folder Uri
deletePermanentlyIndicates whether the folder should be deleted permanently or should be moved into DeletedItems folder
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionfolderUris is null

◆ DeleteFromDistributionList()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DeleteFromDistributionList ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDistributionList distributionList,
System::SharedPtr< MailAddressCollection members 
pure virtual

Deletes the members from Distribution List.

distributionListA ExchangeDistributionList containing information about Distribution List to update.
membersA MailAddressCollection containing the mail addresses to delete. The MailAddress must contain id.

◆ DeleteInboxRule() [1/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DeleteInboxRule ( System::String  ruleId)
pure virtual

Deletes the specified inbox rule

ruleIdAn id of inbox rule to delete
AsposeArgumentExceptionthrows when ruleId is null or empty

◆ DeleteInboxRule() [2/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DeleteInboxRule ( System::String  ruleId,
System::String  mailbox 
pure virtual

Deletes the specified inbox rule

ruleIdAn id of inbox rule to delete
mailboxA mailbox where rule is located. Note: if it is set to null or empty, the rule will be searched in the default mailbox
AsposeArgumentExceptionthrows when ruleId is null or empty

◆ DeleteItem()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DeleteItem ( System::String  itemUri,
System::SharedPtr< DeletionOptions options 
pure virtual

Deletes specified item

itemUriThe item uri
optionsDefines parameters for item deletion

◆ DeleteItems()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DeleteItems ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  itemUris,
System::SharedPtr< DeletionOptions options 
pure virtual

Deletes specified items

itemUrisAn items uris
optionsDefines parameters for items deletion

◆ DeleteUserConfiguration()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DeleteUserConfiguration ( System::SharedPtr< UserConfigurationName userConfigurationName)
pure virtual

Deletes the specified user configuration

userConfigurationNameSpecifies a user configuration to delete
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionthrows when userConfigurationName is null

◆ DisconnectPhoneCall()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DisconnectPhoneCall ( System::String  callId)
pure virtual

Disconnects a phone call specified by id.

callIdPhone call id.

◆ EmptyFolder() [1/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::EmptyFolder ( System::String  folderUri)
pure virtual

Empties the specified folder. Subfolders will not be deleted; deleted items will be moved into DeletedItems folder

folderUriSpecifies the folder to be empty
ExchangeExceptionEmptyFolder operation failed
AsposeArgumentExceptionfolderUri is null or empty

◆ EmptyFolder() [2/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::EmptyFolder ( System::String  folderUri,
EmptyFolderOptions  options 
pure virtual

Empties the specified folder

folderUriSpecifies the folder to be empty
optionsSpecifies the options of clearing folder
ExchangeExceptionEmptyFolder operation failed
AsposeArgumentExceptionfolderUri is null or empty

◆ ExpandDistributionList()

virtual System::SharedPtr<MailAddressCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ExpandDistributionList ( System::SharedPtr< MailAddress mailAddress)
pure virtual

Expands the public Distribution List members.

mailAddressA public MailAddress to expand.
A MailAddressCollection that contains members from the specified public Distribution List.

◆ ExportItems()

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<ExchangeStreamedItem> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ExportItems ( const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &  itemIds)
pure virtual

Exports the specified items from mailbox

itemIdsIds of itmes to be exported
An array of ExchangeStreamedItem
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionitemIds is null
AsposeArgumentExceptionitemIds is empty

◆ FetchAppointment() [1/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchAppointment ( System::String  appointmentUri)
pure virtual

Fetch the specified appointment from server.

appointmentUriAn uri of appointment to be fetched.
AsposeArgumentExceptionappointmentUri is null or empty.
A fetched Appointment.

◆ FetchAppointment() [2/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchAppointment ( System::String  appointmentUri,
System::String  folderUri 
pure virtual

Fetch the specified appointment from server.

appointmentUriAn uri of appointment to be fetched.
folderUriAn uri of appointments parent folder.
AsposeArgumentExceptionappointmentUri is null or empty.
A fetched Appointment.

◆ FetchAttachment()

virtual System::SharedPtr<Attachment> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchAttachment ( System::String  attachmentUri)
pure virtual

Fetches the attachment

attachmentUriThe attachment uri
Attachment that represents fetched attachment

◆ FetchConversationMessages()

virtual System::SharedPtr<MailMessageCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchConversationMessages ( System::String  conversationId)
pure virtual

Fetches the specified conversation messages

conversationIdId of conversation
AsposeArgumentExceptionconversationId is null or empty

◆ FetchDistributionList()

virtual System::SharedPtr<MailAddressCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchDistributionList ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDistributionList distributionList)
pure virtual

Fetches the private Distribution List members.

distributionListA ExchangeDistributionList containing information about Distribution List to fetch.
A MailAddressCollection that contains members from the specified private Distribution List.

◆ FetchItem() [1/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchItem ( System::String  uri)
pure virtual

Retrieves the item as MapiMessage.

Note this method doesn't fetch message attachments.

uriThe item URI.
MapiMessage object.

◆ FetchItem() [2/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchItem ( System::String  uri,
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>>  extendedProperties 
pure virtual

Retrieves the item as MapiMessage.

Note this method doesn't fetch message attachments.

uriThe item URI.
extendedPropertiesSpecified properties to retrieve.
MapiMessage object.

◆ FetchMapiCalendar() [1/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::IList<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar> > > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchMapiCalendar ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  calendarUris)
pure virtual

Fetch array of MapiCalendar objects.

calendarUrisList of calendar uris to be fetched.
Fetch array of MapiCalendar objects.

◆ FetchMapiCalendar() [2/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::IList<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar> > > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchMapiCalendar ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  calendarUris,
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>>  customProperties 
pure virtual

Fetch array of MapiCalendar objects.

calendarUrisList of calendar uris to be fetched.
customPropertiesCustom mapi properties to retrieve.
Fetch array of MapiCalendar objects.

◆ FetchMapiMessages() [1/2]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchMapiMessages ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  uris)
pure virtual

Fetches the speciifed messages

urisA IEnumerable<string> "/> containing message uris to be retrieved</param> <returns>An array of <see cref="MapiMessage">containing fetched messages

◆ FetchMapiMessages() [2/2]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchMapiMessages ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  uris,
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>>  extendedProperties 
pure virtual

Fetches the speciifed messages

urisA StringCollection containing message uris to be retrieved
extendedPropertiesAn enumeration of extended properties
An array of MapiMessage containing fetched messages

◆ FetchMapiNotes() [1/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::IList<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiNote> > > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchMapiNotes ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  noteUris)
pure virtual

Fetch array of MapiNote objects.

noteUrisList of note uris to be fetched.
Fetch array of MapiNote objects.

◆ FetchMapiNotes() [2/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::IList<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiNote> > > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchMapiNotes ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  noteUris,
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>>  customProperties 
pure virtual

Fetch array of MapiNote objects.

noteUrisList of note uris to be fetched.
customPropertiesCustom mapi properties to retrieve.
Fetch array of MapiNote objects.

◆ FetchMapiTasks() [1/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::IList<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiTask> > > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchMapiTasks ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  taskUris)
pure virtual

Fetch array of MapiTask objects.

taskUrisList of task uris to be fetched.
Fetch array of MapiTask objects.

◆ FetchMapiTasks() [2/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::IList<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiTask> > > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchMapiTasks ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  taskUris,
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>>  customProperties 
pure virtual

Fetch array of MapiTask objects.

taskUrisList of task uris to be fetched.
customPropertiesCustom mapi properties to retrieve.
Fetch array of MapiTask objects.

◆ FetchMessage() [1/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<MailMessage> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchMessage ( System::String  messageUri)
pure virtual

Fetches the message.

messageUriThe message URI.
Returns a message

◆ FetchMessage() [2/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<MailMessage> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchMessage ( System::String  messageUri,
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>>  extendedProperties 
pure virtual

Fetches the message from server

messageUriThe URI of the message
extendedPropertiesAn enumeration of extended properties
AsposeArgumentExceptionmessageUri is null or empty
ExchangeExceptionMessage can not be fetched
MailMessage that represents e-mail message, if custom properties have been found and set you can access them using MailMessage::Headers collection.

◆ FetchMessages() [1/4]

virtual System::SharedPtr<MailMessageCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchMessages ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfo >>>  messageInfos)
pure virtual

Fetches the speciifed messages

messageInfosA IEnumerable<ExchangeMessageInfo> "/> of messages to be retrieved
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionmessageInfos is null
A MailMessageCollection containing fetched messages

◆ FetchMessages() [2/4]

virtual System::SharedPtr<MailMessageCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchMessages ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  uris)
pure virtual

Fetches the speciifed messages

urisA StringCollection containing message uris to be retrieved
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionuris is null
A MailMessageCollection containing fetched messages

◆ FetchMessages() [3/4]

virtual System::SharedPtr<MailMessageCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchMessages ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  uris,
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>>  extendedProperties 
pure virtual

Fetches the speciifed messages

urisA StringCollection containing message uris to be retrieved
extendedPropertiesAn enumeration of extended properties
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionuris is null
A MailMessageCollection containing fetched messages

◆ FetchMessages() [4/4]

virtual System::SharedPtr<MailMessageCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchMessages ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Specialized::StringCollection >  messageUris)
pure virtual

Fetches the speciifed messages

messageUrisA StringCollection containing message uris to be retrieved
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionmessageUris is null
A MailMessageCollection containing fetched messages

◆ FetchTask()

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeTask> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FetchTask ( System::String  taskUri)
pure virtual

Fetches the specified task.

taskUriA task uri.
A fetched ExchangeTask
AsposeArgumentExceptiontaskUri is null or empty.

◆ FindConversations()

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<ExchangeConversation> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FindConversations ( System::String  folderId)
pure virtual

Finds conversations in the specified folder

folderIdAn id of folder in which search
An array of found ExchangeConversation
AsposeArgumentExceptionfolderId is null or empty

◆ FindMessageTrackingReport()

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<MessageTrackingReportInfo> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FindMessageTrackingReport ( System::SharedPtr< FindMessageTrackingReportOptions options)
pure virtual

Finds messages that meet the specified criteria.

optionsOptions specifying a search criteria
An array of MessageTrackingReportInfo that represents message tracking report information
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionthrows when options is null

◆ FindPeople() [1/2]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FindPeople ( System::String  folderUri,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query,
int32_t  maxNumberOfItems 
pure virtual

Find contacts located in the specified user's personal mailbox on server.

folderUriThe URI of folder.
queryMailQuery that represents contact search criteria.
maxNumberOfItemsMaximum number of items.
An array of Contact that represents contact information

◆ FindPeople() [2/2]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FindPeople ( System::String  queryString,
int32_t  maxNumberOfItems 
pure virtual

Find contacts located in the global address list (GAL) on server.

queryStringRepresents contact search criteria.
maxNumberOfItemsMaximum number of items.
An array of Contact that represents contact information

◆ FolderExists() [1/2]

virtual bool Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FolderExists ( System::String  parentFolderUri,
System::String  folderName 
pure virtual

Checks whether the specified folder exists.

parentFolderUriAn uri of parent folder.
folderNameA folder name.
AsposeArgumentExceptionparentFolderUri or folderName is null or empty
true if the specified folder exists in the specified parent folder; otherwise, false.

◆ FolderExists() [2/2]

virtual bool Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::FolderExists ( System::String  parentFolderUri,
System::String  folderName,
System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfo > &  folder 
pure virtual

Checks whether the specified folder exists.

parentFolderUriAn uri of parent folder.
folderNameA folder name.
folderA ExchangeFolderInfo that represents the found folder information, if folder exists.
true if the specified folder exists in the specified parent folder; otherwise, false.

◆ Forward()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::Forward ( System::SharedPtr< MailMessage message,
System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfo referencedMessage 
pure virtual

Forward a message.

messageThe MailMessage that represents the precomposed forward message.
referencedMessageThe ExchangeMessageInfo that represents the original message.

◆ get_CalendarFolderEventFilter()

virtual EventTypes Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_CalendarFolderEventFilter ( )
pure virtual

Specifies event types for Calendar folder

◆ get_ContactsFolderEventFilter()

virtual EventTypes Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_ContactsFolderEventFilter ( )
pure virtual

Specifies event types for Contacts folder

◆ get_CurrentCalendarFolderUri()

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_CurrentCalendarFolderUri ( )
pure virtual

Gets current calendar folder uri

◆ get_DeletedItemsFolderEventFilter()

virtual EventTypes Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_DeletedItemsFolderEventFilter ( )
pure virtual

Specifies event types for DeletedItems folder

◆ get_DraftsFolderEventFilter()

virtual EventTypes Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_DraftsFolderEventFilter ( )
pure virtual

Specifies event types for Drafts folder

◆ get_EnableDecompression()

virtual bool Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_EnableDecompression ( )
pure virtual

Gets a value that indicates whether decompression is enabled

◆ get_Headers()

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair<System::String, System::String> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_Headers ( )
pure virtual

Gets array of name value pairs wich are added to WebHeaderCollection in EWS request.

◆ get_InboxFolderEventFilter()

virtual EventTypes Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_InboxFolderEventFilter ( )
pure virtual

Specifies event types for Inbox folder

◆ get_JournalFolderEventFilter()

virtual EventTypes Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_JournalFolderEventFilter ( )
pure virtual

Specifies event types for Journal folder

◆ get_MailboxInfo()

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMailboxInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_MailboxInfo ( )
pure virtual

Gets the mailbox info.

The mailbox info.

◆ get_NotesFolderEventFilter()

virtual EventTypes Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_NotesFolderEventFilter ( )
pure virtual

Specifies event types for Notes folder

◆ get_NotificationsCheckInterval()

virtual int32_t Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_NotificationsCheckInterval ( )
pure virtual

Defines interval for notification check

◆ get_NotificationTimeout()

virtual int32_t Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_NotificationTimeout ( )
pure virtual

Defines timeout for server notifications

◆ get_OutboxFolderEventFilter()

virtual EventTypes Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_OutboxFolderEventFilter ( )
pure virtual

Specifies event types for Outbox folder

◆ get_ReconnectCount()

virtual int32_t Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_ReconnectCount ( )
pure virtual

Gets the number of reconnect attempts at connection breaks.

◆ get_ReturnClientRequestId()

virtual bool Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_ReturnClientRequestId ( )
pure virtual

Gets a flag to indicate whether the client requires the server side to return the request id.

◆ get_RootFolderEventFilter()

virtual EventTypes Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_RootFolderEventFilter ( )
pure virtual

Specifies event types for Root folder

◆ get_SentItemsFolderEventFilter()

virtual EventTypes Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_SentItemsFolderEventFilter ( )
pure virtual

Specifies event types for SentItems folder

◆ get_ServerVersion()

virtual ExchangeVersion Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_ServerVersion ( )
pure virtual

Gets the information about the current version of MS Exchange.

◆ get_TasksFolderEventFilter()

virtual EventTypes Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_TasksFolderEventFilter ( )
pure virtual

Specifies event types for Tasks folder

◆ get_TimezoneId()

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_TimezoneId ( )
pure virtual

Gets timezone id

◆ get_UseSlashAsFolderSeparator()

virtual bool Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::get_UseSlashAsFolderSeparator ( )
pure virtual

Gets value that determines whether the slash '/' is used as folder separator.

◆ GetCallInfo()

virtual System::SharedPtr<CallInformation> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetCallInfo ( System::String  callId)
pure virtual

Retrieves phone call information by call id

callIdcall id
Returns phone call information object

◆ GetContact() [1/4]

virtual System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetContact ( System::SharedPtr< ObjectIdentifier contactId)
pure virtual

Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier.

contactIdContact identifier
Contact information

◆ GetContact() [2/4]

virtual System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetContact ( System::SharedPtr< ObjectIdentifier contactId,
ExchangeListContactsOptions  options 
pure virtual

Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier.

contactIdContact identifier
optionsSettings for retrieving contact.
Contact information

◆ GetContact() [3/4]

virtual System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetContact ( System::String  contactId)
pure virtual

Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier.

contactIdContact identifier
Contact information

◆ GetContact() [4/4]

virtual System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetContact ( System::String  contactId,
ExchangeListContactsOptions  options 
pure virtual

Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier.

contactIdContact identifier
optionsSettings for retrieving contact.
Contact information

◆ GetContacts() [1/2]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetContacts ( System::String  folder)
pure virtual

Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server

folderA folder to search contacts in
An array of read Contact that represents contact information

◆ GetContacts() [2/2]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetContacts ( System::String  folder,
ExchangeListContactsOptions  options 
pure virtual

Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server

folderA folder to search contacts in
optionsEnumerates the list contacts options
An array of read Contact that represents contact information

◆ GetExchangeType()

virtual ExchangeVersion Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetExchangeType ( )
pure virtual

Gets the information about the current version of MS Exchange.

Returns Exchange server version

◆ GetFolderInfo()

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeFolderInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetFolderInfo ( System::String  folder)
pure virtual

Gets the folder information

folderA folder uri or distinguished folder name
AsposeArgumentExceptionfolder is null or empty
ExchangeExceptionServer responded an error message
A ExchangeFolderInfo that represents the folder information

◆ GetFolderPermissions()

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangePermissionCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetFolderPermissions ( System::String  folderUrl)
pure virtual

Gets the folder permissions.

folderUrlThe folder URL.
The ExchangePermissionCollection

◆ GetInboxRules() [1/2]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<InboxRule> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetInboxRules ( )
pure virtual

Gets inbox rules

An array of InboxRule

◆ GetInboxRules() [2/2]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<InboxRule> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetInboxRules ( System::String  mailbox)
pure virtual

Gets inbox rules

mailboxA mailbox to read inbox rule from. Note: if it is set to null or empty, the rules will be read from the default mailbox
An array of InboxRule

◆ GetMailboxes()

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetMailboxes ( )
pure virtual

Lists mailboxes having smtp addresses. Note: the maximum count of returned contacts is 100. This is a restriction of used EWS operation.

Contacts that represents contact information

◆ GetMailboxInfo() [1/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMailboxInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetMailboxInfo ( )
pure virtual

Gets the mailbox info.

ExchangeMailboxInfo that represents mailbox information

◆ GetMailboxInfo() [2/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMailboxInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetMailboxInfo ( System::String  mailbox)
pure virtual

Gets the mailbox information

mailboxA mailbox to read from.
ExchangeMailboxInfo that represents mailbox information

◆ GetMailboxSize()

virtual int64_t Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetMailboxSize ( )
pure virtual

Gets the size of the mailbox. Please, note this operation is performed recursively for all subfolders and make take some time

size of the mailbox in bytes

◆ GetMailboxSizeEx()

virtual int64_t Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetMailboxSizeEx ( System::String  folderUri)
pure virtual

Gets the size of the mailbox Please, note this operation is performed recursively for all subfolders and make take some time

folderUriFolder uri
size of the mailbox in bytes

◆ GetMailTips()

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<MailTips> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetMailTips ( System::SharedPtr< GetMailTipsOptions options)
pure virtual

Gets mail tips

optionsOptions specifying a search criteria
An array of MailTips
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionthrows when options is null

◆ GetMessageTrackingReport()

virtual System::SharedPtr<MessageTrackingReport> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetMessageTrackingReport ( System::SharedPtr< GetMessageTrackingReportOptions options)
pure virtual

Gets message tracking report

optionsOptions specifying a search criteria
A found MessageTrackingReport or null if no message tracking report was found
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionthrows when options is null

◆ GetServerTimeZoneIds() [1/3]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetServerTimeZoneIds ( )
pure virtual

The GetServerTimeZoneIds returns information from time zone id that are available on an Exchange server.

Returns an array of time zone id that are available on an Exchange server.

◆ GetServerTimeZoneIds() [2/3]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetServerTimeZoneIds ( const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &  timeZoneIds)
pure virtual

The GetServerTimeZoneIds returns information from time zone id that are available on an Exchange server.

timeZoneIdsIdentifiers of time zones for checking existence on the server.
Returns an array of time zone id that are available on an Exchange server.

◆ GetServerTimeZoneIds() [3/3]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetServerTimeZoneIds ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  timeZoneIds)
pure virtual

The GetServerTimeZoneIds returns information from time zone id that are available on an Exchange server.

timeZoneIdsIdentifiers of time zones for checking existence on the server.
Returns an array of time zone id that are available on an Exchange server.

◆ GetUMConfiguration()

virtual System::SharedPtr<UnifiedMessagingConfiguration> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetUMConfiguration ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves unified messaging configuration

Returns unified messaging configuration

◆ GetUserConfiguration()

virtual System::SharedPtr<UserConfiguration> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetUserConfiguration ( System::SharedPtr< UserConfigurationName userConfigurationName)
pure virtual

Gets the specified user configuration

userConfigurationNameSpecifies a user configuration to search
A received UserConfiguration
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionthrows when userConfigurationName is null

◆ GetVersionInfo()

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::GetVersionInfo ( )
pure virtual

Returns exchange server version info

Returns exchange server version info

◆ ImpersonateUser()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ImpersonateUser ( ItemChoice  valueType,
System::String  value 
pure virtual

Impersonates the user.

valueTypeThe ItemChoiceType enumeration value to use for impersonation.
valueThe item name.

◆ ListAppointments() [1/8]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListAppointments ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder

Returns array of appointments

◆ ListAppointments() [2/8]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListAppointments ( bool  recursive)
pure virtual

Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder

recursiveIndicates whether recursive listing or not.
Returns array of appointments

◆ ListAppointments() [3/8]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListAppointments ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query)
pure virtual

Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder

queryMailQuery that represents appointments search criteria.
Returns array of appointments

◆ ListAppointments() [4/8]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListAppointments ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query,
bool  recursive 
pure virtual

Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder

queryMailQuery that represents appointments search criteria.
recursiveIndicates whether recursive listing or not.
Returns array of appointments

◆ ListAppointments() [5/8]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListAppointments ( System::String  folderUri)
pure virtual

Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder

extendedPropertiesExtended properties of retrieved item
Returns array of appointments

Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder

folderUriA folder to search appointments in.
extendedPropertiesExtended properties of retrieved item
Returns array of appointments

Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder

folderUriA folder to search appointments in.
queryMailQuery that represents appointments search criteria.
recursiveIndicates whether recursive listing or not.
extendedPropertiesExtended properties of retrieved item
Returns array of appointments

Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder

folderUriA folder to search appointments in.
Returns array of appointments

◆ ListAppointments() [6/8]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListAppointments ( System::String  folderUri,
bool  recursive 
pure virtual

Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder

folderUriA folder to search appointments in.
recursiveIndicates whether recursive listing or not.
Returns array of appointments

◆ ListAppointments() [7/8]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListAppointments ( System::String  folderUri,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query 
pure virtual

Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder

folderUriA folder to search appointments in.
queryMailQuery that represents appointments search criteria.
Returns array of appointments

◆ ListAppointments() [8/8]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListAppointments ( System::String  folderUri,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query,
bool  recursive 
pure virtual

Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder

folderUriA folder to search appointments in.
queryMailQuery that represents appointments search criteria.
recursiveIndicates whether recursive listing or not.
Returns array of appointments

◆ ListAppointmentsByPage() [1/8]

virtual System::SharedPtr<AppointmentPageInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListAppointmentsByPage ( int32_t  itemsPerPage)
pure virtual

Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder

itemsPerPageA number of items in page
Returns page with appointments

◆ ListAppointmentsByPage() [2/8]

virtual System::SharedPtr<AppointmentPageInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListAppointmentsByPage ( int32_t  itemsPerPage,
int32_t  itemOffset 
pure virtual

Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder

itemsPerPageA number of items in page
itemOffsetAn offset of next item in view
Returns page with appointments

◆ ListAppointmentsByPage() [3/8]

virtual System::SharedPtr<AppointmentPageInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListAppointmentsByPage ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query,
int32_t  itemsPerPage 
pure virtual

Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder

queryMailQuery that represents appointments search criteria.
itemsPerPageA number of items in page
Returns page with appointments

◆ ListAppointmentsByPage() [4/8]

virtual System::SharedPtr<AppointmentPageInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListAppointmentsByPage ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query,
int32_t  itemsPerPage,
int32_t  itemOffset 
pure virtual

Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder

queryMailQuery that represents appointments search criteria.
itemsPerPageA number of items in page
itemOffsetAn offset of next item in view
Returns page with appointments

◆ ListAppointmentsByPage() [5/8]

virtual System::SharedPtr<AppointmentPageInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListAppointmentsByPage ( System::String  folderUri,
int32_t  itemsPerPage 
pure virtual

Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder

folderUriA folder to search appointments in.
itemsPerPageA number of items in page
Returns collection of appointments

◆ ListAppointmentsByPage() [6/8]

virtual System::SharedPtr<AppointmentPageInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListAppointmentsByPage ( System::String  folderUri,
int32_t  itemsPerPage,
int32_t  itemOffset 
pure virtual

Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder

folderUriA folder to search appointments in.
itemsPerPageA number of items in page
itemOffsetAn offset of next item in view
Returns page with appointments

◆ ListAppointmentsByPage() [7/8]

virtual System::SharedPtr<AppointmentPageInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListAppointmentsByPage ( System::String  folderUri,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query,
int32_t  itemsPerPage 
pure virtual

Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder

folderUriA folder to search appointments in.
queryMailQuery that represents appointments search criteria.
itemsPerPageA number of items in page
Returns page with appointments

◆ ListAppointmentsByPage() [8/8]

virtual System::SharedPtr<AppointmentPageInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListAppointmentsByPage ( System::String  folderUri,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query,
int32_t  itemsPerPage,
int32_t  itemOffset 
pure virtual

Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder

folderUriA folder to search appointments in.
queryMailQuery that represents appointments search criteria.
itemsPerPageA number of items in page
itemOffsetAn offset of next item in view
Returns page with appointments

◆ ListContacts() [1/2]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContact> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListContacts ( System::String  folderUri)
pure virtual

Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server

folderUriThe URI of folder
An array of read MapiContact that represents contact information

◆ ListContacts() [2/2]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContact> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListContacts ( System::String  folderUri,
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>>  mapiProperties 
pure virtual

Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server

folderUriA folder to search contacts in
mapiPropertiesRequired additional mapi properties
An array of read MapiContact that represents contact information

◆ ListDelegates()

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeDelegateUserCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListDelegates ( System::String  mailbox)
pure virtual

Lists the users who are granted access on the specified mailbox.

mailboxA mailbox.
AsposeArgumentExceptionmailbox is null or empty.
A ExchangeDelegateUserCollection representing the delegate users.

◆ ListDistributionLists()

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<ExchangeDistributionList> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListDistributionLists ( )
pure virtual

List the private Distribution Lists.

An array of ExchangeDistributionList that represents Distribution List information.

◆ ListItems() [1/6]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListItems ( System::String  folder)
pure virtual

Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder

folderfolder to search items
Returns list of item uries

◆ ListItems() [2/6]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListItems ( System::String  folder,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query 
pure virtual

Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder

folderfolder to search items
queryAdditional conditions to select items
Returns list of item uries

◆ ListItems() [3/6]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListItems ( System::String  folder,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query,
bool  recursive 
pure virtual

Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder

folderfolder to search items
queryAdditional conditions to select items
recursiveSpecifies whether request should be reqursive.
Returns list of item uries

◆ ListItems() [4/6]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListItems ( System::String  mailbox,
System::String  folder 
pure virtual

Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder

mailboxThe mailbox that is used to initialize the folder id class.
folderfolder to search items
Returns list of item uries

◆ ListItems() [5/6]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListItems ( System::String  mailbox,
System::String  folder,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query 
pure virtual

Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder

mailboxThe mailbox that is used to initialize the folder id class.
folderfolder to search items
queryAdditional conditions to select items
Returns list of item uries

◆ ListItems() [6/6]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListItems ( System::String  mailbox,
System::String  folder,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query,
bool  recursive 
pure virtual

Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder

mailboxThe mailbox that is used to initialize the folder id class.
folderfolder to search items
queryAdditional conditions to select items
recursiveSpecifies whether request should be reqursive.
Returns list of item uries

◆ ListMailboxes() [1/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContactCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMailboxes ( )
pure virtual

Lists mailboxes.

A MapiContactCollection that represents contact information.

◆ ListMailboxes() [2/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContactCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMailboxes ( System::String  filter)
pure virtual

Please pay your attention, this overridden method works with Exchange Server 2013 and higher.

Lists mailboxes.

filterfilter string
A MapiContactCollection that represents contact information.

◆ ListMessages() [1/14]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessageInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessages ( )
pure virtual

List the messages in the inbox folder.

ExchangeMessageInfoCollection from inbox folder.

◆ ListMessages() [2/14]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessageInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessages ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  iDs)
pure virtual

List the messages in the specified folder.

iDsEnumeration of message ids
ExchangeMessageInfoCollection that contains messages with.

◆ ListMessages() [3/14]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessageInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessages ( System::String  folder)
pure virtual

Lists the messages.

folderThe folder.
A ExchangeMessageInfoCollection

◆ ListMessages() [4/14]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessageInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessages ( System::String  folder,
bool  recursive 
pure virtual

List the messages in the specified folder

folderA folder to search messages in
recursiveIndicates whether recursive listing or not
ExchangeMessageInfoCollection that contains messages from the specified folder

◆ ListMessages() [5/14]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessageInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessages ( System::String  folder,
ExchangeListMessagesOptions  options 
pure virtual

Lists the messages.

folderThe folder.
optionsSpecifies the settings of listing
A ExchangeMessageInfoCollection

◆ ListMessages() [6/14]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessageInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessages ( System::String  folder,
ExchangeListMessagesOptions  options,
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>>  extendedProperties 
pure virtual

List the messages in the specified folder

folderA folder to search messages in
optionsSpecifies the settings of listing
extendedPropertiesExtended properties of retrieved messages
ExchangeMessageInfoCollection that contains messages from the specified folder

◆ ListMessages() [7/14]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessageInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessages ( System::String  folder,
int32_t  maxNumberOfMessages 
pure virtual

Lists the messages.

folderThe folder.
maxNumberOfMessagesMaximum number of messages
A ExchangeMessageInfoCollection

◆ ListMessages() [8/14]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessageInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessages ( System::String  folder,
int32_t  maxNumberOfMessages,
ExchangeListMessagesOptions  options 
pure virtual

Lists the messages.

folderThe folder.
maxNumberOfMessagesMaximum number of messages
optionsSpecifies the settings of listing
A ExchangeMessageInfoCollection

◆ ListMessages() [9/14]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessageInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessages ( System::String  folder,
int32_t  maxNumberOfMessages,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query 
pure virtual

Lists the messages.

folderThe folder.
extendedPropertiesExtended properties of retrieved messages
A ExchangeMessageInfoCollection

Lists the messages.

folderThe folder.
optionsSpecifies the settings of listing
extendedPropertiesExtended properties of retrieved messages
A ExchangeMessageInfoCollection

List the messages in the specified folder.

folderA folder to search messages in.
maxNumberOfMessagesMaximum number of messages.
queryMailQuery that represents message search criteria.
ExchangeMessageInfoCollection that contains messages from the specified folder.

◆ ListMessages() [10/14]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessageInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessages ( System::String  folder,
int32_t  maxNumberOfMessages,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query,
bool  recursive 
pure virtual

List the messages in the specified folder.

folderA folder to search messages in.
maxNumberOfMessagesMaximum number of messages.
queryMailQuery that represents message search criteria.
recursiveIndicates whether recursive listing or not.
ExchangeMessageInfoCollection that contains messages from the specified folder.

◆ ListMessages() [11/14]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessageInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessages ( System::String  folder,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query 
pure virtual

List the messages in the specified folder.

folderA folder to search messages in.
queryMailQuery that represents message search criteria.
extendedPropertiesExtended properties of retrieved messages
ExchangeMessageInfoCollection that contains messages from the specified folder.

List the messages in the specified folder.

folderA folder to search messages in.
queryMailQuery that represents message search criteria.
ExchangeMessageInfoCollection that contains messages from the specified folder.

◆ ListMessages() [12/14]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessageInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessages ( System::String  folder,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query,
bool  recursive 
pure virtual

List the messages in the specified folder.

folderA folder to search messages in.
queryMailQuery that represents message search criteria.
recursiveIndicates whether recursive listing or not.
ExchangeMessageInfoCollection that contains messages from the specified folder.

◆ ListMessages() [13/14]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessageInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessages ( System::String  mailbox,
System::String  folder,
bool  recursive 
pure virtual

List the messages in the specified folder

mailboxThe mailbox that is used to initialize the folder id class.
folderA folder to search messages in
recursiveIndicates whether recursive listing or not
ExchangeMessageInfoCollection that contains messages from the specified folder

◆ ListMessages() [14/14]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessageInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessages ( System::String  mailbox,
System::String  folder,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query 
pure virtual

List the messages in the specified folder.

mailboxThe mailbox that is used to initialize the folder id class.
folderA folder to search messages in.
queryMailQuery that represents message search criteria.
ExchangeMessageInfoCollection that contains messages from the specified folder.

◆ ListMessagesByPage() [1/7]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessagePageInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessagesByPage ( System::String  folder,
int32_t  itemsPerPage 
pure virtual

List the messages in the specified folder.

folderA folder to search messages in.
itemsPerPageA number of items in page
ExchangeMessageInfoCollection that contains messages from the specified folder.

◆ ListMessagesByPage() [2/7]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessagePageInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessagesByPage ( System::String  folder,
int32_t  itemsPerPage,
int32_t  offset 
pure virtual

List the messages in the specified folder.

folderA folder to search messages in.
itemsPerPageA number of items in page
offsetAn offset of next page in view
ExchangeMessageInfoCollection that contains messages from the specified folder.

◆ ListMessagesByPage() [3/7]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessagePageInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessagesByPage ( System::String  folder,
int32_t  itemsPerPage,
int32_t  pageOffset,
ExchangeListMessagesOptions  options 
pure virtual

List the messages in the specified folder.

folderA folder to search messages in.
itemsPerPageA number of items in page
pageOffsetAn offset of next item in view
optionsSpecifies the settings of listing
ExchangeMessageInfoCollection that contains messages from the specified folder.

◆ ListMessagesByPage() [4/7]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessagePageInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessagesByPage ( System::String  folder,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query,
int32_t  itemsPerPage 
pure virtual

List the messages in the specified folder.

folderA folder to search messages in.
queryMailQuery that represents search criteria.
itemsPerPageA number of items in page
ExchangeMessageInfoCollection that contains messages from the specified folder.

◆ ListMessagesByPage() [5/7]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessagePageInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessagesByPage ( System::String  folder,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query,
int32_t  itemsPerPage,
int32_t  offset 
pure virtual

List the messages in the specified folder.

folderA folder to search messages in.
queryMailQuery that represents search criteria.
itemsPerPageA number of items in page
offsetAn offset of next page in view
ExchangeMessageInfoCollection that contains messages from the specified folder.

◆ ListMessagesByPage() [6/7]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessagePageInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessagesByPage ( System::String  folder,
System::SharedPtr< PageInfo pageInfo 
pure virtual

List the messages in the specified folder.

folderA folder to search messages in.
pageInfoA page info
ExchangeMessageInfoCollection that contains messages from the specified folder.

◆ ListMessagesByPage() [7/7]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessagePageInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessagesByPage ( System::String  folder,
System::SharedPtr< PageInfo pageInfo,
ExchangeListMessagesOptions  options 
pure virtual

List the messages in the specified folder.

folderA folder to search messages in.
pageInfoA page info
optionsSpecifies the settings of listing
ExchangeMessageInfoCollection that contains messages from the specified folder.

◆ ListMessagesFromPublicFolder() [1/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessageInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessagesFromPublicFolder ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfo folder)
pure virtual

Get collection of messages from public folder

folderExchangeFolderInfo that represents information about folder
ExchangeMessageInfoCollection that contains messages from the specified folder

◆ ListMessagesFromPublicFolder() [2/2]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeMessageInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListMessagesFromPublicFolder ( System::String  folderUri)
pure virtual

Get collection of messages from public folder

folderUriThe uri of folder
ExchangeMessageInfoCollection that contains messages from the specified folder

◆ ListPublicFolders()

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeFolderInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListPublicFolders ( )
pure virtual

Gets collection of public folders from root public folder

ExchangeFolderInfoCollection that contains subfolders from the root public folder

◆ ListSubFolders() [1/3]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeFolderInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListSubFolders ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfo parentFolder)
pure virtual

Gets collection of child public folders from parent

parentFolderThe parent ExchangeFolderInfo
ExchangeFolderInfoCollection that contains subfolders from the parent folder

◆ ListSubFolders() [2/3]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeFolderInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListSubFolders ( System::String  mailbox,
System::String  parentFolderUri 
pure virtual

Gets collection of child folders from parent

mailboxThe mailbox that is used to initialize the folder id class.
parentFolderUriA parent folder
ExchangeFolderInfoCollection that contains subfolders from the parent folder

◆ ListSubFolders() [3/3]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeFolderInfoCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListSubFolders ( System::String  parentFolderUri)
pure virtual

Gets collection of child folders from parent

parentFolderUriThe uri of the parent folder
ExchangeFolderInfoCollection that contains subfolders from the parent folder

◆ ListSubFoldersByPage() [1/3]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeFolderPageInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListSubFoldersByPage ( System::String  parentFolderUri,
int32_t  itemsPerPage 
pure virtual

Searches the specified folder in the given parent folder with paging Method supports paging. Invokes for the first time in paging cycle.

parentFolderUriA parent folder URI
itemsPerPageA number of folders in page
A ExchangeFolderPageInfo containing the found folder if folder name is specified; otherwise, returns all subfolders

◆ ListSubFoldersByPage() [2/3]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeFolderPageInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListSubFoldersByPage ( System::String  parentFolderUri,
int32_t  itemsPerPage,
int32_t  pageOffset 
pure virtual

Searches the specified folder in the given parent folder with paging Method supports paging.

parentFolderUriA parent folder URI
itemsPerPageA number of folders in page
pageOffsetAn offset of next item in view
A ExchangeFolderPageInfo containing the found folder if folder name is specified; otherwise, returns all subfolders

◆ ListSubFoldersByPage() [3/3]

virtual System::SharedPtr<ExchangeFolderPageInfo> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListSubFoldersByPage ( System::String  parentFolderUri,
System::SharedPtr< PageInfo page 
pure virtual

Searches the specified folder in the given parent folder with paging Method supports paging.

parentFolderUriA parent folder URI
pageA page info
A ExchangeFolderPageInfo containing the found folder if folder name is specified; otherwise, returns all subfolders

◆ ListTasks() [1/6]

virtual System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Calendar::TaskCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListTasks ( )
pure virtual

Retrieves lists of exchange tasks for default folder.

Tasks collection

◆ ListTasks() [2/6]

virtual System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Calendar::TaskCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListTasks ( System::String  folder)
pure virtual

Retrieves lists of exchange tasks.

folderTasks folder
Tasks collection

◆ ListTasks() [3/6]

virtual System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Calendar::TaskCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListTasks ( System::String  folder,
int32_t  maxNumberOfItems 
pure virtual

Retrieves lists of exchange tasks.

folderTasks folder
maxNumberOfItemsMaximum number of items
Tasks collection

◆ ListTasks() [4/6]

virtual System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Calendar::TaskCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListTasks ( System::String  folder,
int32_t  maxNumberOfItems,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query 
pure virtual

Retrieves lists of exchange tasks.

folderTasks folder
maxNumberOfItemsMaximum number of items
queryMail query
Tasks collection

◆ ListTasks() [5/6]

virtual System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Calendar::TaskCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListTasks ( System::String  folder,
int32_t  maxNumberOfItems,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query,
bool  recursive 
pure virtual

Retrieves lists of exchange tasks.

folderTasks folder
maxNumberOfItemsMaximum number of items
queryMail query
recursiveRetrieve tasks recursivly
Tasks collection

◆ ListTasks() [6/6]

virtual System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Calendar::TaskCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ListTasks ( System::String  folder,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery query 
pure virtual

Retrieves lists of exchange tasks.

folderTasks folder
queryMail query
Tasks collection

◆ LoadContactPhoto()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::LoadContactPhoto ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::ContactPhoto photo)
pure virtual

Loads contact photo binary data

photocontact photo

◆ MailDisablePublicFolder()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::MailDisablePublicFolder ( System::String  folderUri)
pure virtual

Mail-disable a public folder

folderUriA folder uri
AsposeArgumentExceptionfolderUri is null or empty

◆ MailEnablePublicFolder()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::MailEnablePublicFolder ( System::String  folderUri)
pure virtual

Mail-enable a public folder

folderUriA folder uri
AsposeArgumentExceptionfolderUri is null or empty

◆ MarkAllItems() [1/3]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::MarkAllItems ( bool  read,
bool  suppressReadReceipts,
const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &  folderIds 
pure virtual

Marks all items in specified folders.

readSets the read/unread state to messages in specified folder. True to mark messages in the folder as read. False to mark messages as unread.
suppressReadReceiptsTrue to suppress sending read receipts for messages; otherwise, false.
folderIdsList of folder uri for processing.

◆ MarkAllItems() [2/3]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::MarkAllItems ( bool  read,
bool  suppressReadReceipts,
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  folderIds 
pure virtual

Marks all items in specified folders.

readSets the read/unread state to messages in specified folder. True to mark messages in the folder as read. False to mark messages as unread.
suppressReadReceiptsTrue to suppress sending read receipts for messages; otherwise, false.
folderIdsList of folder uri for processing.

◆ MarkAllItems() [3/3]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::MarkAllItems ( bool  read,
const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &  folderIds 
pure virtual

Marks all items in specified folders.

readSets the read/unread state to messages in specified folder. True to mark messages in the folder as read. False to mark messages as unread.
folderIdsList of folder uri for processing.

◆ MarkAllItemsAsRead() [1/3]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::MarkAllItemsAsRead ( )
pure virtual

Marks all items in inbox folder as read without receipts.

◆ MarkAllItemsAsRead() [2/3]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::MarkAllItemsAsRead ( const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &  folderIds)
pure virtual

Marks all items in specified folders as read without receipts.

folderIdsList of folder uri for processing.

◆ MarkAllItemsAsRead() [3/3]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::MarkAllItemsAsRead ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  folderIds)
pure virtual

Marks all items in specified folders as read without receipts.

folderIdsList of folder uri for processing.

◆ MarkAllItemsAsUnread() [1/3]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::MarkAllItemsAsUnread ( )
pure virtual

Marks all items in inbox folder as unread.

◆ MarkAllItemsAsUnread() [2/3]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::MarkAllItemsAsUnread ( const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &  folderIds)
pure virtual

Marks all items in specified folders as unread.

folderIdsList of folder uri for processing.

◆ MarkAllItemsAsUnread() [3/3]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::MarkAllItemsAsUnread ( System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  folderIds)
pure virtual

Marks all items in specified folders as unread.

folderIdsList of folder uri for processing.

◆ MarkAsJunk() [1/5]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::MarkAsJunk ( bool  isJunk,
bool  moveItem,
const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &  messageUriEn 
pure virtual

The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender.

isJunkIndicates, whether messages is marked as junk mail. If value of true adds message sender to the block-list. If value of false removes message sender from the block-list.
moveItemIndicates, whether messages is moved to the junk mail folder.
messageUriEnArray of message uri
Returns the array of message ID which are moved to the junk mail folder.

◆ MarkAsJunk() [2/5]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::MarkAsJunk ( bool  isJunk,
bool  moveItem,
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  messageUriEn 
pure virtual

The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender.

isJunkIndicates, whether messages is marked as junk mail. If value of true adds message sender to the block-list. If value of false removes message sender from the block-list.
moveItemIndicates, whether messages is moved to the junk mail folder.
messageUriEnEnumeration of message uri
Returns the array of message ID which are moved to the junk mail folder.

◆ MarkAsJunk() [3/5]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::MarkAsJunk ( bool  isJunk,
bool  moveItem,
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  messageUriEn,
System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &  movedMessageIds,
System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &  failedMessageIds,
System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &  errorMessages 
pure virtual

The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender.

isJunkIndicates, whether messages is marked as junk mail. If value of true adds message sender to the block-list. If value of false removes message sender from the block-list.
moveItemIndicates, whether messages is moved to the junk mail folder.
messageUriEnEnumeration of message uri
movedMessageIdsReturns the array of message ID which are moved to the junk mail folder.
failedMessageIdsReturns the array of message ID which haven't been moved to the junk mail folder.
errorMessagesError messages for failed operations

◆ MarkAsJunk() [4/5]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::MarkAsJunk ( bool  isJunk,
const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &  messageUriEn 
pure virtual

The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender.

isJunkIndicates, whether messages is marked as junk mail. If value of true adds message sender to the block-list. If value of false removes message sender from the block-list.
messageUriEnArray of message uri
Returns the array of message ID which are moved to the junk mail folder.

◆ MarkAsJunk() [5/5]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::String> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::MarkAsJunk ( bool  isJunk,
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  messageUriEn 
pure virtual

The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender.

isJunkIndicates, whether messages is marked as junk mail. If value of true adds message sender to the block-list. If value of false removes message sender from the block-list.
messageUriEnEnumeration of message uri
Returns the item ID of the message marked as junk mail.

◆ MoveConversationItems() [1/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::MoveConversationItems ( System::String  conversationId,
System::String  contextFolderId,
System::String  destinationFolderId 
pure virtual

Moves the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder, into the specified target folder

conversationIdId of conversation to move
contextFolderIdId of folder from which move conversation items. Note: If it's set to null(or empty), all conversation items will be moved
destinationFolderIdId of folder into which move items
AsposeArgumentExceptionconversationId is null or empty
AsposeArgumentExceptiondestinationFolderId is null or empty

◆ MoveConversationItems() [2/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::MoveConversationItems ( System::String  conversationId,
System::String  destinationFolderId 
pure virtual

Moves the conversation items into the specified target folder

conversationIdId of conversation to delete
destinationFolderIdId of folder into which move items
AsposeArgumentExceptionconversationId is null or empty
AsposeArgumentExceptiondestinationFolderId is null or empty

◆ MoveItem()

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::MoveItem ( System::String  itemUri,
System::String  destinationFolderUri 
pure virtual

Moves the item to specified folder

itemUriThe item URI
destinationFolderUriThe destination folder URI
An uri of the moved message

◆ PlayOnPhone()

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::PlayOnPhone ( System::String  messageId,
System::String  dialString 
pure virtual

The PlayOnPhone operation initiates an outbound call and plays a message over the telephone.

messageIdSpecifies message id.
dialStringSpecifies telephone to play message.
Returns phone call id

◆ RemoveHeader()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::RemoveHeader ( System::String  name)
pure virtual

Remove WebHeader from WebHeaderCollection in EWS request.

nameHeader name

◆ Reply()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::Reply ( System::SharedPtr< MailMessage message,
System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfo referencedMessage 
pure virtual

Reply to the sender's message.

messageThe MailMessage that represents the precomposed reply message.
referencedMessageThe ExchangeMessageInfo that represents the original message.

◆ ReplyAll()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ReplyAll ( System::SharedPtr< MailMessage message,
System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfo referencedMessage 
pure virtual

Reply to the sender and all recipients of a message.

messageThe MailMessage that represents the precomposed reply message.
referencedMessageThe ExchangeMessageInfo that represents the original message.

◆ ResetImpersonation()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ResetImpersonation ( )
pure virtual

Makes the impersonation reset.

◆ ResetSubscription()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ResetSubscription ( )
pure virtual

Reset all subscriptions

◆ ResolveContact()

virtual System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContactCollection> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ResolveContact ( System::String  unresolvedEntry)
pure virtual

Resolves ambiguous mailbox names.

unresolvedEntryA name of contact to resolve.
A MapiContactCollection that represents contacts information.

◆ ResolveContacts() [1/2]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ResolveContacts ( System::String  unresolvedEntry)
pure virtual

Resolves ambiguous mailbox display names. Note: the maximum count of returned contacts is 100. This is a restriction of used exchange command.

unresolvedEntryA name of contact to resolve.
An array of Contact objects.

◆ ResolveContacts() [2/2]

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ResolveContacts ( System::String  unresolvedEntry,
ExchangeListContactsOptions  options 
pure virtual

Resolves ambiguous e-mail addresses and display names Note: the maximum count of returned contacts is 100. This is a restriction of used EWS operation.

unresolvedEntryA name of contact to resolve
optionsEnumerates the list contacts options
AsposeArgumentExceptionunresolvedEntry is null or empty
Contacts that represents contacts information

◆ Restore()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::Restore ( System::SharedPtr< Storage::Pst::PersonalStorage pst,
System::SharedPtr< RestoreSettings settings 
pure virtual

Restores the specified exchange folders from the given personal storage.

pstA personal storage containing the backuped exchange folders.
settingsThe restore settings.

◆ SaveMessage() [1/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::SaveMessage ( System::String  messageUri,
System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream >  stream 
pure virtual

Saves the message.

messageUriThe message URI.
streamThe stream.

◆ SaveMessage() [2/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::SaveMessage ( System::String  messageUri,
System::String  path 
pure virtual

Saves the message.

messageUriThe message URI.
pathThe path to save message.

◆ Send() [1/3]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::Send ( System::SharedPtr< MailMessage message)
pure virtual

Sends the specified message.

messageThe message.

◆ Send() [2/3]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::Send ( System::SharedPtr< MailMessage message,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::FollowUpOptions messageOptions 
pure virtual

Sends the message.

messageThe MailMessage to be sent.
messageOptionsThe FollowUpOptions that represents additional options for using follow-up flags and voting buttons.

◆ Send() [3/3]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::Send ( System::String  from,
System::String  to,
System::String  subject,
System::String  body 
pure virtual

Sends the specified message

fromFrom address
toTo address
subjectThe subject of message
bodyThe body of message

◆ set_CalendarFolderEventFilter()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::set_CalendarFolderEventFilter ( EventTypes  value)
pure virtual

Specifies event types for Calendar folder

◆ set_ContactsFolderEventFilter()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::set_ContactsFolderEventFilter ( EventTypes  value)
pure virtual

Specifies event types for Contacts folder

◆ set_CurrentCalendarFolderUri()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::set_CurrentCalendarFolderUri ( System::String  value)
pure virtual

Sets current calendar folder uri

◆ set_DeletedItemsFolderEventFilter()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::set_DeletedItemsFolderEventFilter ( EventTypes  value)
pure virtual

Specifies event types for DeletedItems folder

◆ set_DraftsFolderEventFilter()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::set_DraftsFolderEventFilter ( EventTypes  value)
pure virtual

Specifies event types for Drafts folder

◆ set_EnableDecompression()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::set_EnableDecompression ( bool  value)
pure virtual

Sets a value that indicates whether decompression is enabled

◆ set_InboxFolderEventFilter()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::set_InboxFolderEventFilter ( EventTypes  value)
pure virtual

Specifies event types for Inbox folder

◆ set_JournalFolderEventFilter()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::set_JournalFolderEventFilter ( EventTypes  value)
pure virtual

Specifies event types for Journal folder

◆ set_NotesFolderEventFilter()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::set_NotesFolderEventFilter ( EventTypes  value)
pure virtual

Specifies event types for Notes folder

◆ set_NotificationsCheckInterval()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::set_NotificationsCheckInterval ( int32_t  value)
pure virtual

Defines interval for notification check

◆ set_NotificationTimeout()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::set_NotificationTimeout ( int32_t  value)
pure virtual

Defines timeout for server notifications

◆ set_OutboxFolderEventFilter()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::set_OutboxFolderEventFilter ( EventTypes  value)
pure virtual

Specifies event types for Outbox folder

◆ set_ReconnectCount()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::set_ReconnectCount ( int32_t  value)
pure virtual

Sets the number of reconnect attempts at connection breaks.

◆ set_ReturnClientRequestId()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::set_ReturnClientRequestId ( bool  value)
pure virtual

Sets a flag to indicate whether the client requires the server side to return the request id.

◆ set_RootFolderEventFilter()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::set_RootFolderEventFilter ( EventTypes  value)
pure virtual

Specifies event types for Root folder

◆ set_SentItemsFolderEventFilter()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::set_SentItemsFolderEventFilter ( EventTypes  value)
pure virtual

Specifies event types for SentItems folder

◆ set_TasksFolderEventFilter()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::set_TasksFolderEventFilter ( EventTypes  value)
pure virtual

Specifies event types for Tasks folder

◆ set_TimezoneId()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::set_TimezoneId ( System::String  value)
pure virtual

Sets timezone id

◆ set_UseSlashAsFolderSeparator()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::set_UseSlashAsFolderSeparator ( bool  value)
pure virtual

Sets value that determines whether the slash '/' is used as folder separator.

◆ SetConversationReadState() [1/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::SetConversationReadState ( System::String  conversationId,
bool  isRead 
pure virtual

Set read state of the conversation items to the specified value

conversationIdId of conversation to be changed
isReadA flag that enables setting the read state of items in a conversation.
AsposeArgumentExceptionconversationId is null or empty

◆ SetConversationReadState() [2/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::SetConversationReadState ( System::String  conversationId,
System::String  contextFolderId,
bool  isRead 
pure virtual

Set read state of the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder, to the specified value

conversationIdId of conversation to be changed
contextFolderIdId of folder in which conversation items are located. Note: If it's set to null(or empty), all conversation items will be copied
isReadA flag that enables setting the read state of items in a conversation.
AsposeArgumentExceptionconversationId is null or empty

◆ SetReadFlag() [1/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::SetReadFlag ( System::String  messageUri)
pure virtual

Sets the read flag.

messageUriThe message URI.

◆ SetReadFlag() [2/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::SetReadFlag ( System::String  messageUri,
bool  isRead 
pure virtual

Marks the specifeid message as read.

messageUriA message uri.
isReadA value indicating whether the message was read
AsposeArgumentExceptionmessageUri is null or empty.

◆ SyncFolder() [1/5]

virtual System::SharedPtr<SyncFolderResult> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::SyncFolder ( System::SharedPtr< SyncState syncState)
pure virtual

Retrieves changes of the items in a specified folder.

syncStateThe synchronization state.
Returns result of SyncFolder operation.

◆ SyncFolder() [2/5]

virtual System::SharedPtr<SyncFolderResult> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::SyncFolder ( System::String  folderUri)
pure virtual

Retrieves changes of the items and subfolders in a specified folder.

folderUriThe folder uri
Returns result of SyncFolder operation.

◆ SyncFolder() [3/5]

virtual System::SharedPtr<SyncFolderResult> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::SyncFolder ( System::String  folderUri,
SyncFolderType  syncType 
pure virtual

Retrieves changes of the items and subfolders in a specified folder.

folderUriThe folder uri
syncTypeFolder synchronization type
Returns result of SyncFolder operation.

◆ SyncFolder() [4/5]

virtual System::SharedPtr<SyncFolderResult> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::SyncFolder ( System::String  folderUri,
System::String  syncState 
pure virtual

Retrieves changes of the items in a specified folder.

folderUriThe folder uri
syncStateThe optional synchronization state. Must be null for first synchronization.
Returns result of SyncFolder operation.

◆ SyncFolder() [5/5]

virtual System::SharedPtr<SyncFolderResult> Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::SyncFolder ( System::String  folderUri,
System::String  syncState,
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >>  ignoreList 
pure virtual

Retrieves changes of the items in a specified folder.

folderUriThe folder uri
syncStateThe optional synchronization state. Must be null for first synchronization.
ignoreListThe optional list of item uris that should be ignored.
Returns result of SyncFolder operation.

◆ UpdateAppointment() [1/4]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateAppointment ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment appointment)
pure virtual

Updates appointment.

appointmentCalendar appointment.

◆ UpdateAppointment() [2/4]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateAppointment ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment appointment,
System::String  folderUri 
pure virtual

Updates appointment.

appointmentCalendar appointment.
folderUriAn uri of appointments parent folder.

◆ UpdateAppointment() [3/4]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateAppointment ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar appointment)
pure virtual

Updates appointment.

appointmentCalendar appointment.

◆ UpdateAppointment() [4/4]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateAppointment ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar appointment,
System::String  folderUri 
pure virtual

Updates appointment.

appointmentCalendar appointment.
folderUriAn uri of appointments parent folder.

◆ UpdateContact() [1/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateContact ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContact contact)
pure virtual

Updates a contact item in the Exchange store.

contactContact item

◆ UpdateContact() [2/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateContact ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact contact)
pure virtual

Updates a contact item in the Exchange store.

contactContact item

◆ UpdateDelegate()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateDelegate ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUser delegateUser,
System::String  mailbox 
pure virtual

Updates the delegate user settings who is granted access on the specified mailbox.

delegateUserA new settings of delegate user.
mailboxA mailbox on which the delegate user is granted access.
AsposeArgumentNullExceptiondelegateUser is null.
AsposeArgumentExceptionmailbox is null or empty.

◆ UpdateDelegates()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateDelegates ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUserCollection delegateUsers,
System::String  mailbox 
pure virtual

Updates the delegate users settings who are granted access on the specified mailbox.

delegateUsersA ExchangeDelegateUserCollection containing the new settings of delegates.
mailboxA mailbox on which the delegate users are granted access.
AsposeArgumentNullExceptiondelegateUsers is null.
AsposeArgumentExceptionmailbox is null or empty.

◆ UpdateInboxRule() [1/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateInboxRule ( System::SharedPtr< InboxRule rule)
pure virtual

Updates the specified inbox rule

ruleA inbox rule to update
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionthrows when rule is null

◆ UpdateInboxRule() [2/2]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateInboxRule ( System::SharedPtr< InboxRule rule,
System::String  mailbox 
pure virtual

Updates the specified inbox rule

ruleA inbox rule to update
mailboxA mailbox where rule is located. Note: if it is set to null or empty, the rule will be searched in the default mailbox
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionthrows when rule is null

◆ UpdateItems()

virtual System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<ExchangeUploadItemResult> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateItems ( System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< ExchangeStreamedItem >>  items,
System::String  parentFolderUri 
pure virtual

Updates the specified items in to a mailbox

itemsAn items to be updated
parentFolderUriSpecifies the folder that contains the items to update
An array of ExchangeUploadItemResult
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionitems is null
AsposeArgumentExceptionitems is empty
AsposeArgumentExceptionparentFolderUri is null or empty

◆ UpdateNote() [1/3]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateNote ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiNote note)
pure virtual

Updates the specified note.

noteAn MapiNote containing the note information.
Note uri.

◆ UpdateNote() [2/3]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateNote ( System::String  uri,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiNote note 
pure virtual

Updates the specified note.

uriNote identifier
noteAn MapiNote containing the note information.
Note uri.

◆ UpdateNote() [3/3]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateNote ( System::String  uri,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiNote note,
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>>  additionalProperties 
pure virtual

Updates the specified note.

uriNote identifier
noteAn MapiNote containing the note information.
additionalPropertiesAn additional MAPI properties which can be used in MAPI object.
Note uri.

◆ UpdateSubscription()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateSubscription ( )
pure virtual

Updates subscriptions

◆ UpdateTask() [1/5]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateTask ( System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiTask task)
pure virtual

Updates the specified task.

taskAn MapiTask containing the task information.
Task uri.

◆ UpdateTask() [2/5]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateTask ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeTask task)
pure virtual

Updates the specified task.

taskAn ExchangeTask containing the task information.
AsposeArgumentExceptionAn UniqueUri property of task is null or empty.
AsposeArgumentNullExceptiontask is null.

◆ UpdateTask() [3/5]

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateTask ( System::SharedPtr< ExchangeTask task,
UpdateTaskOptions  options 
pure virtual

Updates the specified task.

taskAn ExchangeTask containing the task information.
optionsAn updation options.
AsposeArgumentExceptionAn UniqueUri property of task is null or empty.
AsposeArgumentNullExceptiontask is null.

◆ UpdateTask() [4/5]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateTask ( System::String  uri,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiTask task 
pure virtual

Updates the specified task.

uriTask identifier
taskAn ExchangeTask containing the task information.
Task uri.

◆ UpdateTask() [5/5]

virtual System::String Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateTask ( System::String  uri,
System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiTask task,
System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>>  additionalProperties 
pure virtual

Updates the specified task.

uriTask identifier
taskAn ExchangeTask containing the task information.
additionalPropertiesAn additional MAPI properties which can be used in MAPI object.
Task uri.

◆ UpdateUserConfiguration()

virtual void Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::UpdateUserConfiguration ( System::SharedPtr< UserConfiguration userConfiguration)
pure virtual

Updates the specified user configuration

userConfigurationUserConfiguration to update
AsposeArgumentNullExceptionthrows when userConfiguration is null

Member Data Documentation

◆ CalendarFolderServerNotifications

System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CalendarFolderServerNotifications

Occurs when arises specified event type for Calendar folder.

◆ ContactsFolderServerNotifications

System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ContactsFolderServerNotifications

Occurs when arises specified event type for Contacts folder.

◆ DeletedItemsFolderServerNotifications

System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DeletedItemsFolderServerNotifications

Occurs when arises specified event type for DeletedItems folder.

◆ DraftsFolderServerNotifications

System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DraftsFolderServerNotifications

Occurs when arises specified event type for Drafts folder.

◆ InboxFolderServerNotifications

System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::InboxFolderServerNotifications

Occurs when arises specified event type for Inbox folder.

◆ ItemSent

System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<SentItemEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ItemSent

Raised when an item is sent and save in Sent Items folder.

◆ JournalFolderServerNotifications

System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::JournalFolderServerNotifications

Occurs when arises specified event type for Journal folder.

◆ NotesFolderServerNotifications

System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::NotesFolderServerNotifications

Occurs when arises specified event type for Notes folder.

◆ OutboxFolderServerNotifications

System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::OutboxFolderServerNotifications

Occurs when arises specified event type for Outbox folder.

◆ RootFolderServerNotifications

System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::RootFolderServerNotifications

Occurs when arises specified event type for Root folder.

◆ SentItemsFolderServerNotifications

System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::SentItemsFolderServerNotifications

Occurs when arises specified event type for SentItems folder.

◆ TasksFolderServerNotifications

System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::TasksFolderServerNotifications

Occurs when arises specified event type for Tasks folder.