Represents the interface for Exchange client. More...
Inherits Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::IExchangeClientBase.
Public Member Functions | |
virtual System::String | get_TimezoneId ()=0 |
Gets timezone id More... | |
virtual void | set_TimezoneId (System::String value)=0 |
Sets timezone id More... | |
virtual System::String | get_CurrentCalendarFolderUri ()=0 |
Gets current calendar folder uri More... | |
virtual void | set_CurrentCalendarFolderUri (System::String value)=0 |
Sets current calendar folder uri More... | |
virtual bool | get_EnableDecompression ()=0 |
Gets a value that indicates whether decompression is enabled More... | |
virtual void | set_EnableDecompression (bool value)=0 |
Sets a value that indicates whether decompression is enabled More... | |
virtual bool | get_UseSlashAsFolderSeparator ()=0 |
Gets value that determines whether the slash '/' is used as folder separator. More... | |
virtual void | set_UseSlashAsFolderSeparator (bool value)=0 |
Sets value that determines whether the slash '/' is used as folder separator. More... | |
virtual ExchangeVersion | get_ServerVersion ()=0 |
Gets the information about the current version of MS Exchange. More... | |
virtual EventTypes | get_RootFolderEventFilter ()=0 |
Specifies event types for Root folder More... | |
virtual void | set_RootFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0 |
Specifies event types for Root folder More... | |
virtual EventTypes | get_CalendarFolderEventFilter ()=0 |
Specifies event types for Calendar folder More... | |
virtual void | set_CalendarFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0 |
Specifies event types for Calendar folder More... | |
virtual EventTypes | get_ContactsFolderEventFilter ()=0 |
Specifies event types for Contacts folder More... | |
virtual void | set_ContactsFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0 |
Specifies event types for Contacts folder More... | |
virtual EventTypes | get_DeletedItemsFolderEventFilter ()=0 |
Specifies event types for DeletedItems folder More... | |
virtual void | set_DeletedItemsFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0 |
Specifies event types for DeletedItems folder More... | |
virtual EventTypes | get_DraftsFolderEventFilter ()=0 |
Specifies event types for Drafts folder More... | |
virtual void | set_DraftsFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0 |
Specifies event types for Drafts folder More... | |
virtual EventTypes | get_InboxFolderEventFilter ()=0 |
Specifies event types for Inbox folder More... | |
virtual void | set_InboxFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0 |
Specifies event types for Inbox folder More... | |
virtual EventTypes | get_JournalFolderEventFilter ()=0 |
Specifies event types for Journal folder More... | |
virtual void | set_JournalFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0 |
Specifies event types for Journal folder More... | |
virtual EventTypes | get_NotesFolderEventFilter ()=0 |
Specifies event types for Notes folder More... | |
virtual void | set_NotesFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0 |
Specifies event types for Notes folder More... | |
virtual EventTypes | get_OutboxFolderEventFilter ()=0 |
Specifies event types for Outbox folder More... | |
virtual void | set_OutboxFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0 |
Specifies event types for Outbox folder More... | |
virtual EventTypes | get_SentItemsFolderEventFilter ()=0 |
Specifies event types for SentItems folder More... | |
virtual void | set_SentItemsFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0 |
Specifies event types for SentItems folder More... | |
virtual EventTypes | get_TasksFolderEventFilter ()=0 |
Specifies event types for Tasks folder More... | |
virtual void | set_TasksFolderEventFilter (EventTypes value)=0 |
Specifies event types for Tasks folder More... | |
virtual int32_t | get_NotificationTimeout ()=0 |
Defines timeout for server notifications More... | |
virtual void | set_NotificationTimeout (int32_t value)=0 |
Defines timeout for server notifications More... | |
virtual int32_t | get_NotificationsCheckInterval ()=0 |
Defines interval for notification check More... | |
virtual void | set_NotificationsCheckInterval (int32_t value)=0 |
Defines interval for notification check More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair< System::String, System::String > > | get_Headers ()=0 |
Gets array of name value pairs wich are added to WebHeaderCollection in EWS request. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMailboxInfo > | get_MailboxInfo ()=0 |
Gets the mailbox info. More... | |
virtual int32_t | get_ReconnectCount ()=0 |
Gets the number of reconnect attempts at connection breaks. More... | |
virtual void | set_ReconnectCount (int32_t value)=0 |
Sets the number of reconnect attempts at connection breaks. More... | |
virtual bool | get_ReturnClientRequestId ()=0 |
Gets a flag to indicate whether the client requires the server side to return the request id. More... | |
virtual void | set_ReturnClientRequestId (bool value)=0 |
Sets a flag to indicate whether the client requires the server side to return the request id. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollection > | ListMessages (System::String mailbox, System::String folder, bool recursive)=0 |
List the messages in the specified folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollection > | ListMessages (System::String mailbox, System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query)=0 |
List the messages in the specified folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollection > | ListMessages (System::String folder, bool recursive)=0 |
List the messages in the specified folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollection > | ListMessages (System::String folder, ExchangeListMessagesOptions options, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> extendedProperties)=0 |
List the messages in the specified folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollection > | ListMessages (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query)=0 |
List the messages in the specified folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollection > | ListMessages (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, bool recursive)=0 |
List the messages in the specified folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollection > | ListMessages (System::String folder, int32_t maxNumberOfMessages, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, bool recursive)=0 |
List the messages in the specified folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollection > | ListMessages (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> iDs)=0 |
List the messages in the specified folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollection > | ListMessages ()=0 |
List the messages in the inbox folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollection > | ListMessages (System::String folder, int32_t maxNumberOfMessages, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query)=0 |
Lists the messages. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollection > | ListMessagesFromPublicFolder (System::String folderUri)=0 |
Get collection of messages from public folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollection > | ListMessagesFromPublicFolder (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfo > folder)=0 |
Get collection of messages from public folder More... | |
virtual System::String | MoveItem (System::String itemUri, System::String destinationFolderUri)=0 |
Moves the item to specified folder More... | |
virtual void | Send (System::String from, System::String to, System::String subject, System::String body)=0 |
Sends the specified message More... | |
virtual void | Send (System::SharedPtr< MailMessage > message, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::FollowUpOptions > messageOptions)=0 |
Sends the message. More... | |
virtual void | DeleteFolder (System::String folderUri, bool deletePermanently)=0 |
Deletes the folder More... | |
virtual ExchangeVersion | GetExchangeType ()=0 |
Gets the information about the current version of MS Exchange. More... | |
virtual void | SetReadFlag (System::String messageUri, bool isRead)=0 |
Marks the specifeid message as read. More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< MessageTrackingReportInfo > > | FindMessageTrackingReport (System::SharedPtr< FindMessageTrackingReportOptions > options)=0 |
Finds messages that meet the specified criteria. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< MessageTrackingReport > | GetMessageTrackingReport (System::SharedPtr< GetMessageTrackingReportOptions > options)=0 |
Gets message tracking report More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< MailTips > > | GetMailTips (System::SharedPtr< GetMailTipsOptions > options)=0 |
Gets mail tips More... | |
virtual void | CreateUserConfiguration (System::SharedPtr< UserConfiguration > userConfiguration)=0 |
Creates the specified user configuration More... | |
virtual void | UpdateUserConfiguration (System::SharedPtr< UserConfiguration > userConfiguration)=0 |
Updates the specified user configuration More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< UserConfiguration > | GetUserConfiguration (System::SharedPtr< UserConfigurationName > userConfigurationName)=0 |
Gets the specified user configuration More... | |
virtual void | DeleteUserConfiguration (System::SharedPtr< UserConfigurationName > userConfigurationName)=0 |
Deletes the specified user configuration More... | |
virtual void | CreateInboxRule (System::SharedPtr< InboxRule > rule)=0 |
Creates the specified inbox rule More... | |
virtual void | CreateInboxRule (System::SharedPtr< InboxRule > rule, System::String mailbox)=0 |
Creates the specified inbox rule More... | |
virtual void | UpdateInboxRule (System::SharedPtr< InboxRule > rule)=0 |
Updates the specified inbox rule More... | |
virtual void | UpdateInboxRule (System::SharedPtr< InboxRule > rule, System::String mailbox)=0 |
Updates the specified inbox rule More... | |
virtual void | DeleteInboxRule (System::String ruleId)=0 |
Deletes the specified inbox rule More... | |
virtual void | DeleteInboxRule (System::String ruleId, System::String mailbox)=0 |
Deletes the specified inbox rule More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< InboxRule > > | GetInboxRules ()=0 |
Gets inbox rules More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< InboxRule > > | GetInboxRules (System::String mailbox)=0 |
Gets inbox rules More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< ExchangeStreamedItem > > | ExportItems (const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &itemIds)=0 |
Exports the specified items from mailbox More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< ExchangeUploadItemResult > > | UpdateItems (System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< ExchangeStreamedItem >> items, System::String parentFolderUri)=0 |
Updates the specified items in to a mailbox More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< ExchangeUploadItemResult > > | CreateItems (System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< ExchangeStreamedItem >> items, System::String parentFolderUri)=0 |
Creates the specified items in the speciifed folder More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< ExchangeConversation > > | FindConversations (System::String folderId)=0 |
Finds conversations in the specified folder More... | |
virtual void | DeleteConversationItems (System::String conversationId)=0 |
Deletes all items of the specified conversation More... | |
virtual void | DeleteConversationItems (System::String conversationId, System::String contextFolderId)=0 |
Deletes the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< MailMessageCollection > | FetchConversationMessages (System::String conversationId)=0 |
Fetches the specified conversation messages More... | |
virtual void | MoveConversationItems (System::String conversationId, System::String destinationFolderId)=0 |
Moves the conversation items into the specified target folder More... | |
virtual void | MoveConversationItems (System::String conversationId, System::String contextFolderId, System::String destinationFolderId)=0 |
Moves the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder, into the specified target folder More... | |
virtual void | CopyConversationItems (System::String conversationId, System::String destinationFolderId)=0 |
Copies the conversation items into the specified target folder More... | |
virtual void | CopyConversationItems (System::String conversationId, System::String contextFolderId, System::String destinationFolderId)=0 |
Copies the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder, into the specified target folder More... | |
virtual void | SetConversationReadState (System::String conversationId, bool isRead)=0 |
Set read state of the conversation items to the specified value More... | |
virtual void | SetConversationReadState (System::String conversationId, System::String contextFolderId, bool isRead)=0 |
Set read state of the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder, to the specified value More... | |
virtual System::String | CopyItem (System::String itemUri, System::String destinationFolderUri)=0 |
Copies the item to specified folder More... | |
virtual void | EmptyFolder (System::String folderUri)=0 |
Empties the specified folder. Subfolders will not be deleted; deleted items will be moved into DeletedItems folder More... | |
virtual void | EmptyFolder (System::String folderUri, EmptyFolderOptions options)=0 |
Empties the specified folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfo > | CreatePublicFolder (System::String name, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection > permissions)=0 |
Creates the specified public folder in the root public folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfo > | CreatePublicFolder (System::String parentFolderUri, System::String name, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection > permissions)=0 |
Creates the specified public folder in the root public folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfo > | CreatePublicFolder (System::String name, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection > permissions, ExchangeFolderType folderType)=0 |
Creates the specified public folder in the root public folder More... | |
virtual void | MailEnablePublicFolder (System::String folderUri)=0 |
Mail-enable a public folder More... | |
virtual void | MailDisablePublicFolder (System::String folderUri)=0 |
Mail-disable a public folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfo > | GetFolderInfo (System::String folder)=0 |
Gets the folder information More... | |
virtual void | ImpersonateUser (ItemChoice valueType, System::String value)=0 |
Impersonates the user. More... | |
virtual void | ResetImpersonation ()=0 |
Makes the impersonation reset. More... | |
virtual void | DelegateAccess (System::String delegateSmtpAddress, ExchangeDelegateFolderPermissionLevel permissionLevel, System::String mailbox)=0 |
Delegates access on the principal mailbox to the specified user. More... | |
virtual void | DelegateAccess (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUser > delegateUser, System::String mailbox)=0 |
Delegates access on the specified mailbox to the specified user. More... | |
virtual void | DelegateAccess (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUserCollection > delegateUsers, System::String mailbox)=0 |
Delegates access on the mailbox to the specified users. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUserCollection > | ListDelegates (System::String mailbox)=0 |
Lists the users who are granted access on the specified mailbox. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateDelegate (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUser > delegateUser, System::String mailbox)=0 |
Updates the delegate user settings who is granted access on the specified mailbox. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateDelegates (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUserCollection > delegateUsers, System::String mailbox)=0 |
Updates the delegate users settings who are granted access on the specified mailbox. More... | |
virtual void | CloseAccess (System::String delegateSmtpAddress, System::String mailbox)=0 |
Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user. More... | |
virtual void | CloseAccess (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderUserInfo > userInfo, System::String mailbox)=0 |
Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user. More... | |
virtual void | CloseAccess (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUser > delegateUser, System::String mailbox)=0 |
Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user. More... | |
virtual void | CloseAccess (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDelegateUserCollection > delegateUsers, System::String mailbox)=0 |
Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user. More... | |
virtual void | DeleteFolders (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollection > folders)=0 |
Deletes the specified folders More... | |
virtual void | DeleteFolders (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Specialized::StringCollection > folderUris)=0 |
Deletes the specified folders More... | |
virtual void | DeleteFolders (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollection > folders, bool deletePermanently)=0 |
Deletes the specified folders More... | |
virtual void | DeleteFolders (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Specialized::StringCollection > folderUris, bool deletePermanently)=0 |
Deletes the folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeUserAvailability > | CheckUserAvailability (System::String user, System::SharedPtr< DateRange > timeWindow)=0 |
Checks user availability within the specified time window. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeUserAvailabilityCollection > | CheckUserAvailability (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Specialized::StringCollection > users, System::SharedPtr< DateRange > timeWindow)=0 |
Checks users availability within the specified time window. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > | FetchAppointment (System::String appointmentUri)=0 |
Fetch the specified appointment from server. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > | FetchAppointment (System::String appointmentUri, System::String folderUri)=0 |
Fetch the specified appointment from server. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfo > | CreateFolder (System::String name)=0 |
Fetch the specified appointment from server. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfo > | CreateFolder (System::String parentFolderUri, System::String name)=0 |
Creates the new folder with the specified name in the specified parent folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfo > | CreateFolder (System::String parentFolderUri, System::String name, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection > permissions)=0 |
Creates the new folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfo > | CreateFolder (System::String parentFolderUri, System::String name, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPermissionCollection > permissions, System::String folderClass)=0 |
Creates the new folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfo > | CreateFolder (System::String name, ExchangeFolderType folderType)=0 |
Creates new folder in the root folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfo > | CreateFolder (System::String parentFolderUri, System::String name, ExchangeFolderType folderType)=0 |
Creates the new folder More... | |
virtual System::String | CreateTask (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeTask > task)=0 |
Creates the given task in the default task folder. More... | |
virtual System::String | CreateTask (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeTask > task)=0 |
Creates the given task in the specified folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeTask > | FetchTask (System::String taskUri)=0 |
Fetches the specified task. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateTask (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeTask > task)=0 |
Updates the specified task. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateTask (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeTask > task, UpdateTaskOptions options)=0 |
Updates the specified task. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangePermissionCollection > | GetFolderPermissions (System::String folderUrl)=0 |
Gets the folder permissions. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateSubscription ()=0 |
Updates subscriptions More... | |
virtual void | ResetSubscription ()=0 |
Reset all subscriptions More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > > | ListAppointments ()=0 |
Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > > | ListAppointments (System::String folderUri)=0 |
Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > > | ListAppointments (System::String folderUri, bool recursive)=0 |
Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > > | ListAppointments (bool recursive)=0 |
Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > > | ListAppointments (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query)=0 |
Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > > | ListAppointments (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query)=0 |
Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > > | ListAppointments (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, bool recursive)=0 |
Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > > | ListAppointments (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, bool recursive)=0 |
Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder More... | |
virtual System::String | CreateAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > appointment)=0 |
Creates appointment. More... | |
virtual System::String | CreateAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > appointment, System::String folderUri)=0 |
Creates appointment. More... | |
virtual System::String | CreateAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar > appointment, System::String folderUri, bool suppressInvitations)=0 |
Creates appointment. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar > appointment)=0 |
Updates appointment. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar > appointment, System::String folderUri)=0 |
Updates appointment. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > appointment)=0 |
Updates appointment. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > appointment, System::String folderUri)=0 |
Updates appointment. More... | |
virtual void | CancelAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar > appointment)=0 |
Cancels appointment. More... | |
virtual void | CancelAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar > appointment, System::String folderUri)=0 |
Cancels appointment. More... | |
virtual void | CancelAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > appointment)=0 |
Cancels appointment. More... | |
virtual void | CancelAppointment (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > appointment, System::String folderUri)=0 |
Cancels appointment. More... | |
virtual void | CancelAppointment (System::String uniqueId)=0 |
Cancels an exiting meeting on an organizers calendar More... | |
virtual void | CancelAppointment (System::String uniqueId, System::String folderUri)=0 |
Cancels an exiting meeting on an organizers calendar More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< UnifiedMessagingConfiguration > | GetUMConfiguration ()=0 |
Retrieves unified messaging configuration More... | |
virtual System::String | PlayOnPhone (System::String messageId, System::String dialString)=0 |
The PlayOnPhone operation initiates an outbound call and plays a message over the telephone. More... | |
virtual void | DisconnectPhoneCall (System::String callId)=0 |
Disconnects a phone call specified by id. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< CallInformation > | GetCallInfo (System::String callId)=0 |
Retrieves phone call information by call id More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > | GetServerTimeZoneIds ()=0 |
The GetServerTimeZoneIds returns information from time zone id that are available on an Exchange server. More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > | GetServerTimeZoneIds (const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &timeZoneIds)=0 |
The GetServerTimeZoneIds returns information from time zone id that are available on an Exchange server. More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > | GetServerTimeZoneIds (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> timeZoneIds)=0 |
The GetServerTimeZoneIds returns information from time zone id that are available on an Exchange server. More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > | MarkAsJunk (bool isJunk, const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &messageUriEn)=0 |
The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender. More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > | MarkAsJunk (bool isJunk, bool moveItem, const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &messageUriEn)=0 |
The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender. More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > | MarkAsJunk (bool isJunk, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> messageUriEn)=0 |
The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender. More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > | MarkAsJunk (bool isJunk, bool moveItem, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> messageUriEn)=0 |
The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender. More... | |
virtual void | MarkAsJunk (bool isJunk, bool moveItem, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> messageUriEn, System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &movedMessageIds, System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &failedMessageIds, System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &errorMessages)=0 |
The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender. More... | |
virtual void | MarkAllItemsAsRead ()=0 |
Marks all items in inbox folder as read without receipts. More... | |
virtual void | MarkAllItemsAsUnread ()=0 |
Marks all items in inbox folder as unread. More... | |
virtual void | MarkAllItemsAsRead (const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &folderIds)=0 |
Marks all items in specified folders as read without receipts. More... | |
virtual void | MarkAllItemsAsUnread (const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &folderIds)=0 |
Marks all items in specified folders as unread. More... | |
virtual void | MarkAllItemsAsRead (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> folderIds)=0 |
Marks all items in specified folders as read without receipts. More... | |
virtual void | MarkAllItemsAsUnread (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> folderIds)=0 |
Marks all items in specified folders as unread. More... | |
virtual void | MarkAllItems (bool read, const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &folderIds)=0 |
Marks all items in specified folders. More... | |
virtual void | MarkAllItems (bool read, bool suppressReadReceipts, const System::ArrayPtr< System::String > &folderIds)=0 |
Marks all items in specified folders. More... | |
virtual void | MarkAllItems (bool read, bool suppressReadReceipts, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> folderIds)=0 |
Marks all items in specified folders. More... | |
virtual void | Reply (System::SharedPtr< MailMessage > message, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfo > referencedMessage)=0 |
Reply to the sender's message. More... | |
virtual void | ReplyAll (System::SharedPtr< MailMessage > message, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfo > referencedMessage)=0 |
Reply to the sender and all recipients of a message. More... | |
virtual void | Forward (System::SharedPtr< MailMessage > message, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfo > referencedMessage)=0 |
Forward a message. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateContact (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > contact)=0 |
Updates a contact item in the Exchange store. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > | GetContact (System::SharedPtr< ObjectIdentifier > contactId)=0 |
Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > | GetContact (System::SharedPtr< ObjectIdentifier > contactId, ExchangeListContactsOptions options)=0 |
Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > | GetContact (System::String contactId)=0 |
Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > | GetContact (System::String contactId, ExchangeListContactsOptions options)=0 |
Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier. More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > > | GetContacts (System::String folder, ExchangeListContactsOptions options)=0 |
Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > > | GetMailboxes ()=0 |
Lists mailboxes having smtp addresses. Note: the maximum count of returned contacts is 100. This is a restriction of used EWS operation. More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > > | ResolveContacts (System::String unresolvedEntry, ExchangeListContactsOptions options)=0 |
Resolves ambiguous e-mail addresses and display names Note: the maximum count of returned contacts is 100. This is a restriction of used EWS operation. More... | |
virtual void | LoadContactPhoto (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::ContactPhoto > photo)=0 |
Loads contact photo binary data More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< SyncFolderResult > | SyncFolder (System::String folderUri)=0 |
Retrieves changes of the items and subfolders in a specified folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< SyncFolderResult > | SyncFolder (System::String folderUri, SyncFolderType syncType)=0 |
Retrieves changes of the items and subfolders in a specified folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< SyncFolderResult > | SyncFolder (System::SharedPtr< SyncState > syncState)=0 |
Retrieves changes of the items in a specified folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< SyncFolderResult > | SyncFolder (System::String folderUri, System::String syncState)=0 |
Retrieves changes of the items in a specified folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< SyncFolderResult > | SyncFolder (System::String folderUri, System::String syncState, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> ignoreList)=0 |
Retrieves changes of the items in a specified folder. More... | |
virtual void | AddHeader (System::String name, System::String value)=0 |
Adds name and value to WebHeaderCollection in EWS request. More... | |
virtual void | RemoveHeader (System::String name)=0 |
Remove WebHeader from WebHeaderCollection in EWS request. More... | |
virtual System::String | AppendMessage (System::SharedPtr< MailMessage > message)=0 |
Uploads the mail message to the Inbox folder More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > | AppendMessages (const System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< MailMessage >> &messages)=0 |
Uploads the mail message to the specified folder More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > | AppendMessages (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< MailMessage >>> messages)=0 |
Uploads the mail message to the specified folder More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > | AppendMessages (System::String folderUri, const System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< MailMessage >> &messages)=0 |
Uploads the mail message to the specified folder More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > | AppendMessages (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< MailMessage >>> messages)=0 |
Uploads the mail messages to the specified folder More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > | AppendMessages (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage >>> messages)=0 |
Uploads the mapi messages to the specified folder More... | |
virtual System::String | AppendMessage (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< MailMessage > message)=0 |
Uploads the mail message to the specified folder More... | |
virtual System::String | CreateDistributionList (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDistributionList > distributionList, System::SharedPtr< MailAddressCollection > members)=0 |
Creates the private Distribution List. More... | |
virtual void | AddToDistributionList (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDistributionList > distributionList, System::SharedPtr< MailAddressCollection > members)=0 |
Appends the members to Distribution List. More... | |
virtual void | DeleteFromDistributionList (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDistributionList > distributionList, System::SharedPtr< MailAddressCollection > members)=0 |
Deletes the members from Distribution List. More... | |
virtual void | DeleteDistributionList (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDistributionList > distributionList, bool deletePermanently)=0 |
Deletes the Distribution List. More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDistributionList > > | ListDistributionLists ()=0 |
List the private Distribution Lists. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< MailAddressCollection > | FetchDistributionList (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeDistributionList > distributionList)=0 |
Fetches the private Distribution List members. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< MailAddressCollection > | ExpandDistributionList (System::SharedPtr< MailAddress > mailAddress)=0 |
Expands the public Distribution List members. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage > | CreateCalendarSharingInvitationMessage (System::String recipient)=0 |
Create calendar sharing invitation message. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPageInfo > | ListSubFoldersByPage (System::String parentFolderUri, System::SharedPtr< PageInfo > page)=0 |
Searches the specified folder in the given parent folder with paging Method supports paging. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPageInfo > | ListSubFoldersByPage (System::String parentFolderUri, int32_t itemsPerPage)=0 |
Searches the specified folder in the given parent folder with paging Method supports paging. Invokes for the first time in paging cycle. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderPageInfo > | ListSubFoldersByPage (System::String parentFolderUri, int32_t itemsPerPage, int32_t pageOffset)=0 |
Searches the specified folder in the given parent folder with paging Method supports paging. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< AppointmentPageInfo > | ListAppointmentsByPage (int32_t itemsPerPage)=0 |
Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< AppointmentPageInfo > | ListAppointmentsByPage (System::String folderUri, int32_t itemsPerPage)=0 |
Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< AppointmentPageInfo > | ListAppointmentsByPage (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, int32_t itemsPerPage)=0 |
Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< AppointmentPageInfo > | ListAppointmentsByPage (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, int32_t itemsPerPage)=0 |
Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< AppointmentPageInfo > | ListAppointmentsByPage (int32_t itemsPerPage, int32_t itemOffset)=0 |
Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< AppointmentPageInfo > | ListAppointmentsByPage (System::String folderUri, int32_t itemsPerPage, int32_t itemOffset)=0 |
Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< AppointmentPageInfo > | ListAppointmentsByPage (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, int32_t itemsPerPage, int32_t itemOffset)=0 |
Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< AppointmentPageInfo > | ListAppointmentsByPage (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, int32_t itemsPerPage, int32_t itemOffset)=0 |
Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessagePageInfo > | ListMessagesByPage (System::String folder, int32_t itemsPerPage)=0 |
List the messages in the specified folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessagePageInfo > | ListMessagesByPage (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, int32_t itemsPerPage)=0 |
List the messages in the specified folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessagePageInfo > | ListMessagesByPage (System::String folder, int32_t itemsPerPage, int32_t offset)=0 |
List the messages in the specified folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessagePageInfo > | ListMessagesByPage (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, int32_t itemsPerPage, int32_t offset)=0 |
List the messages in the specified folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessagePageInfo > | ListMessagesByPage (System::String folder, int32_t itemsPerPage, int32_t pageOffset, ExchangeListMessagesOptions options)=0 |
List the messages in the specified folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessagePageInfo > | ListMessagesByPage (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< PageInfo > pageInfo)=0 |
List the messages in the specified folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessagePageInfo > | ListMessagesByPage (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< PageInfo > pageInfo, ExchangeListMessagesOptions options)=0 |
List the messages in the specified folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< MailMessage > | FetchMessage (System::String messageUri, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> extendedProperties)=0 |
Fetches the message from server More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< MailMessageCollection > | FetchMessages (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> uris, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> extendedProperties)=0 |
Fetches the speciifed messages More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< MailMessageCollection > | FetchMessages (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> uris)=0 |
Fetches the speciifed messages More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< MailMessageCollection > | FetchMessages (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfo >>> messageInfos)=0 |
Fetches the speciifed messages More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< MailMessageCollection > | FetchMessages (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Specialized::StringCollection > messageUris)=0 |
Fetches the speciifed messages More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::TaskCollection > | ListTasks ()=0 |
Retrieves lists of exchange tasks for default folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::TaskCollection > | ListTasks (System::String folder)=0 |
Retrieves lists of exchange tasks. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::TaskCollection > | ListTasks (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query)=0 |
Retrieves lists of exchange tasks. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::TaskCollection > | ListTasks (System::String folder, int32_t maxNumberOfItems)=0 |
Retrieves lists of exchange tasks. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::TaskCollection > | ListTasks (System::String folder, int32_t maxNumberOfItems, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query)=0 |
Retrieves lists of exchange tasks. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::TaskCollection > | ListTasks (System::String folder, int32_t maxNumberOfItems, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, bool recursive)=0 |
Retrieves lists of exchange tasks. More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > | ListItems (System::String mailbox, System::String folder)=0 |
Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > | ListItems (System::String mailbox, System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query)=0 |
Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > | ListItems (System::String mailbox, System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, bool recursive)=0 |
Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > | ListItems (System::String folder)=0 |
Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > | ListItems (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query)=0 |
Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::String > | ListItems (System::String folder, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, bool recursive)=0 |
Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IList< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar > > > | FetchMapiCalendar (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> calendarUris)=0 |
Fetch array of MapiCalendar objects. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IList< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiCalendar > > > | FetchMapiCalendar (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> calendarUris, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> customProperties)=0 |
Fetch array of MapiCalendar objects. More... | |
virtual int64_t | GetMailboxSize ()=0 |
Gets the size of the mailbox. Please, note this operation is performed recursively for all subfolders and make take some time More... | |
virtual int64_t | GetMailboxSizeEx (System::String folderUri)=0 |
Gets the size of the mailbox Please, note this operation is performed recursively for all subfolders and make take some time More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMailboxInfo > | GetMailboxInfo ()=0 |
Gets the mailbox info. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMailboxInfo > | GetMailboxInfo (System::String mailbox)=0 |
Gets the mailbox information More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollection > | ListMessages (System::String folder)=0 |
Lists the messages. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollection > | ListMessages (System::String folder, ExchangeListMessagesOptions options)=0 |
Lists the messages. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollection > | ListMessages (System::String folder, int32_t maxNumberOfMessages)=0 |
Lists the messages. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeMessageInfoCollection > | ListMessages (System::String folder, int32_t maxNumberOfMessages, ExchangeListMessagesOptions options)=0 |
Lists the messages. More... | |
virtual void | SaveMessage (System::String messageUri, System::String path)=0 |
Saves the message. More... | |
virtual void | SaveMessage (System::String messageUri, System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > stream)=0 |
Saves the message. More... | |
virtual void | Send (System::SharedPtr< MailMessage > message)=0 |
Sends the specified message. More... | |
virtual void | SetReadFlag (System::String messageUri)=0 |
Sets the read flag. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< MailMessage > | FetchMessage (System::String messageUri)=0 |
Fetches the message. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollection > | ListPublicFolders ()=0 |
Gets collection of public folders from root public folder More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollection > | ListSubFolders (System::String mailbox, System::String parentFolderUri)=0 |
Gets collection of child folders from parent More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollection > | ListSubFolders (System::String parentFolderUri)=0 |
Gets collection of child folders from parent More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollection > | ListSubFolders (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfo > parentFolder)=0 |
Gets collection of child public folders from parent More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< Attachment > | FetchAttachment (System::String attachmentUri)=0 |
Fetches the attachment More... | |
virtual void | DeleteFolder (System::String folderUri)=0 |
Deletes the folder More... | |
virtual bool | FolderExists (System::String parentFolderUri, System::String folderName)=0 |
Checks whether the specified folder exists. More... | |
virtual bool | FolderExists (System::String parentFolderUri, System::String folderName, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfo > &folder)=0 |
Checks whether the specified folder exists. More... | |
virtual void | Backup (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollection > folders, System::String fileName, Storage::Pst::BackupOptions options)=0 |
Backups the content of the specified folders More... | |
virtual void | Backup (System::SharedPtr< ExchangeFolderInfoCollection > folders, System::SharedPtr< System::IO::Stream > stream, Storage::Pst::BackupOptions options)=0 |
Backups the content of the specified folders More... | |
virtual void | Restore (System::SharedPtr< Storage::Pst::PersonalStorage > pst, System::SharedPtr< RestoreSettings > settings)=0 |
Restores the specified exchange folders from the given personal storage. More... | |
virtual System::String | GetVersionInfo ()=0 |
Returns exchange server version info More... | |
virtual System::String | CreateContact (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > contact)=0 |
Creates a contact item in the Exchange store. More... | |
virtual System::String | CreateContact (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > contact)=0 |
Creates a contact item in the specified folder. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContactCollection > | ResolveContact (System::String unresolvedEntry)=0 |
Resolves ambiguous mailbox names. More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > > | ResolveContacts (System::String unresolvedEntry)=0 |
Resolves ambiguous mailbox display names. Note: the maximum count of returned contacts is 100. This is a restriction of used exchange command. More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContact > > | ListContacts (System::String folderUri)=0 |
Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContact > > | ListContacts (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> mapiProperties)=0 |
Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > > | GetContacts (System::String folder)=0 |
Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage > | FetchItem (System::String uri)=0 |
Retrieves the item as MapiMessage. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage > | FetchItem (System::String uri, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> extendedProperties)=0 |
Retrieves the item as MapiMessage. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateContact (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContact > contact)=0 |
Updates a contact item in the Exchange store. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IList< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiTask > > > | FetchMapiTasks (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> taskUris)=0 |
Fetch array of MapiTask objects. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IList< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiTask > > > | FetchMapiTasks (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> taskUris, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> customProperties)=0 |
Fetch array of MapiTask objects. More... | |
virtual System::String | UpdateTask (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiTask > task)=0 |
Updates the specified task. More... | |
virtual System::String | UpdateTask (System::String uri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiTask > task)=0 |
Updates the specified task. More... | |
virtual System::String | UpdateTask (System::String uri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiTask > task, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> additionalProperties)=0 |
Updates the specified task. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IList< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiNote > > > | FetchMapiNotes (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> noteUris)=0 |
Fetch array of MapiNote objects. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IList< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiNote > > > | FetchMapiNotes (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> noteUris, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> customProperties)=0 |
Fetch array of MapiNote objects. More... | |
virtual System::String | UpdateNote (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiNote > note)=0 |
Updates the specified note. More... | |
virtual System::String | UpdateNote (System::String uri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiNote > note)=0 |
Updates the specified note. More... | |
virtual System::String | UpdateNote (System::String uri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiNote > note, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> additionalProperties)=0 |
Updates the specified note. More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage > > | FetchMapiMessages (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> uris)=0 |
Fetches the speciifed messages More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage > > | FetchMapiMessages (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> uris, System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::PropertyDescriptor >>> extendedProperties)=0 |
Fetches the speciifed messages More... | |
virtual System::String | AppendMessage (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage > mapiMessage)=0 |
Uploads the mail message to the specified folder More... | |
virtual System::String | AppendMessage (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage > mapiMessage, bool markAsSent)=0 |
Uploads the mail message to the specified folder More... | |
virtual System::String | AppendMessage (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessage > mapiMessage, bool markAsSent)=0 |
Uploads the mail message to the specified folder More... | |
virtual void | DeleteItem (System::String itemUri, System::SharedPtr< DeletionOptions > options)=0 |
Deletes specified item More... | |
virtual void | DeleteItems (System::SharedPtr< System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable< System::String >> itemUris, System::SharedPtr< DeletionOptions > options)=0 |
Deletes specified items More... | |
virtual void | ArchiveItem (System::String sourceFolderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessageItemBase > item)=0 |
The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user's archive mailbox. More... | |
virtual void | ArchiveItem (System::String sourceFolderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Calendar::Appointment > appointment)=0 |
The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user's archive mailbox. More... | |
virtual void | ArchiveItem (System::String sourceFolderUri, System::SharedPtr< ExchangeTask > task)=0 |
The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user's archive mailbox. More... | |
virtual void | ArchiveItem (System::String sourceFolderUri, System::String uniqueId)=0 |
The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user's archive mailbox. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContactCollection > | ListMailboxes ()=0 |
Lists mailboxes. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiContactCollection > | ListMailboxes (System::String filter)=0 |
Please pay your attention, this overridden method works with Exchange Server 2013 and higher. More... | |
virtual System::String | CreateItem (System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessageItemBase > item)=0 |
Creates the given item in the default item folder. More... | |
virtual System::String | CreateItem (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiMessageItemBase > item)=0 |
Creates the given item in the specified folder. More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > > | FindPeople (System::String queryString, int32_t maxNumberOfItems)=0 |
Find contacts located in the global address list (GAL) on server. More... | |
virtual System::ArrayPtr< System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::PersonalInfo::Contact > > | FindPeople (System::String folderUri, System::SharedPtr< Aspose::Email::Tools::Search::MailQuery > query, int32_t maxNumberOfItems)=0 |
Find contacts located in the specified user's personal mailbox on server. More... | |
Public Member Functions inherited from Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::IExchangeClientBase | |
virtual bool | get_UseDateInLogFileName ()=0 |
Gets value which indicates if date has to be used in log file name. More... | |
virtual void | set_UseDateInLogFileName (bool value)=0 |
Sets value which indicates if date has to be used in log file name. More... | |
virtual System::String | get_LogFileName ()=0 |
Gets log file name More... | |
virtual void | set_LogFileName (System::String value)=0 |
Sets log file name More... | |
virtual System::String | get_MailboxUri ()=0 |
Gets the mailbox uri. More... | |
virtual void | set_MailboxUri (System::String value)=0 |
Sets the mailbox uri. More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< System::Net::IWebProxy > | get_Proxy ()=0 |
Gets the proxy. More... | |
virtual void | set_Proxy (System::SharedPtr< System::Net::IWebProxy > value)=0 |
Sets the proxy. More... | |
virtual int32_t | get_Timeout ()=0 |
Gets the number of milliseconds to wait before the operation times out. The default value is 100,000 milliseconds (100 seconds). More... | |
virtual void | set_Timeout (int32_t value)=0 |
Sets the number of milliseconds to wait before the operation times out. The default value is 100,000 milliseconds (100 seconds). More... | |
virtual System::SharedPtr< System::Net::ICredentials > | get_Credentials ()=0 |
Gets the credentials. More... | |
virtual void | set_Credentials (System::SharedPtr< System::Net::ICredentials > value)=0 |
Sets the credentials. More... | |
Public Attributes | |
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > | RootFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for Root folder. More... | |
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > | CalendarFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for Calendar folder. More... | |
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > | ContactsFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for Contacts folder. More... | |
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > | DeletedItemsFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for DeletedItems folder. More... | |
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > | DraftsFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for Drafts folder. More... | |
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > | InboxFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for Inbox folder. More... | |
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > | JournalFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for Journal folder. More... | |
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > | NotesFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for Notes folder. More... | |
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > | OutboxFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for Outbox folder. More... | |
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > | SentItemsFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for SentItems folder. More... | |
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< ServerNotificationEventArgs > > | TasksFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for Tasks folder. More... | |
System::EventHandler< System::SharedPtr< SentItemEventArgs > > | ItemSent |
Raised when an item is sent and save in Sent Items folder. More... | |
Represents the interface for Exchange client.
pure virtual |
Adds name and value to WebHeaderCollection in EWS request.
name | Header name |
value | Header value |
pure virtual |
Appends the members to Distribution List.
distributionList | A ExchangeDistributionList containing information about Distribution List to update. |
members | A MailAddressCollection containing the mail addresses to add. |
pure virtual |
Uploads the mail message to the specified folder
mapiMessage | A message to upload |
pure virtual |
Uploads the mail message to the specified folder
mapiMessage | A message to upload |
markAsSent | A value indicating whether the message should be appended as a sent message or a draft. |
pure virtual |
Uploads the mail message to the Inbox folder
message | A message to upload |
pure virtual |
Uploads the mail message to the specified folder
folderUri | A folder URI to which message is uploaded. |
mapiMessage | A message to upload |
markAsSent | A value indicating whether the message should be appended as a sent message or a draft. |
AsposeArgumentException | A folder is not specified |
AsposeArgumentNullException | mapiMessage is null |
pure virtual |
Uploads the mail message to the specified folder
folderUri | A folder URI to which message is uploaded. |
message | A message to upload |
pure virtual |
Uploads the mail message to the specified folder
messages | A messages to upload |
pure virtual |
Uploads the mail message to the specified folder
messages | A messages to upload |
pure virtual |
Uploads the mail message to the specified folder
folderUri | A folder URI to which message is uploaded. |
messages | A messages to upload |
pure virtual |
Uploads the mapi messages to the specified folder
folderUri | A folder URI to which message is uploaded. |
messages | A messages to upload |
pure virtual |
Uploads the mail messages to the specified folder
folderUri | A folder URI to which message is uploaded. |
messages | A messages to upload |
pure virtual |
The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user's archive mailbox.
sourceFolderUri | |
appointment | Item which will be archived |
pure virtual |
The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user's archive mailbox.
sourceFolderUri | |
item | Item which will be archived |
pure virtual |
The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user's archive mailbox.
sourceFolderUri | |
task | Item which will be archived |
pure virtual |
The ArchiveItem operation moves an item into the mailbox user's archive mailbox.
sourceFolderUri | |
uniqueId | Item id |
pure virtual |
Backups the content of the specified folders
folders | A folders to backup |
stream | A stream to write into |
options | A backup options |
pure virtual |
Backups the content of the specified folders
folders | A folders to backup |
fileName | A path to the presonal storage file |
options | A backup options |
pure virtual |
Cancels appointment.
appointment | Calendar appointment. |
pure virtual |
Cancels appointment.
appointment | Calendar appointment. |
folderUri | An uri of appointments parent folder. |
pure virtual |
Cancels appointment.
appointment | Calendar appointment. |
pure virtual |
Cancels appointment.
appointment | Calendar appointment. |
folderUri | An uri of appointments parent folder. |
pure virtual |
Cancels an exiting meeting on an organizers calendar
uniqueId | Unique identifier |
pure virtual |
Cancels an exiting meeting on an organizers calendar
uniqueId | Unique identifier |
folderUri | An uri of appointments parent folder. |
pure virtual |
Checks users availability within the specified time window.
users | An users smtp addresses. |
timeWindow | A time span for the queried user's availability. |
AsposeArgumentNullException | timeWindow or users is null . |
pure virtual |
Checks user availability within the specified time window.
user | An user smtp address. |
timeWindow | A time span for the queried user's availability. |
pure virtual |
Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user.
delegateUser | A delegate user. |
mailbox | A mailbox. |
AsposeArgumentNullException | delegateUser is null . |
AsposeArgumentException | mailbox is null or empty . |
pure virtual |
Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user.
delegateUsers | A delegate users. |
mailbox | A mailbox. |
AsposeArgumentNullException | delegateUsers is null . |
AsposeArgumentException | mailbox is null or empty . |
pure virtual |
Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user.
userInfo | A user information. |
mailbox | A mailbox. |
AsposeArgumentNullException | userInfo is null . |
AsposeArgumentException | mailbox is null or empty . |
pure virtual |
Closes access on the specified mailbox for the specified user.
delegateSmtpAddress | A primary smtp address of delegate user. |
mailbox | A mailbox. |
AsposeArgumentException | delegateSmtpAddress or mailbox is null or empty . |
pure virtual |
Copies the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder, into the specified target folder
conversationId | Id of conversation to copy |
contextFolderId | Id of folder in which conversation items are located. Note: If it's set to null(or empty), all conversation items will be copied |
destinationFolderId | Id of folder into which copy items |
AsposeArgumentException | conversationId is null or empty |
AsposeArgumentException | destinationFolderId is null or empty |
pure virtual |
Copies the conversation items into the specified target folder
conversationId | Id of conversation to copy |
destinationFolderId | Id of folder into which copy items |
AsposeArgumentException | conversationId is null or empty |
AsposeArgumentException | destinationFolderId is null or empty |
pure virtual |
Copies the item to specified folder
itemUri | The item URI |
destinationFolderUri | The destination folder URI |
AsposeArgumentException | itemUri is null or empty |
AsposeArgumentException | destinationFolderUri is null or empty |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
Creates appointment.
appointment | Calendar appointment. |
folderUri | An uri of appointments parent folder. |
pure virtual |
Creates appointment.
appointment | Calendar appointment. |
folderUri | An uri of appointments parent folder. |
suppressInvitations | If true, invitations won't be sent to attendees. |
pure virtual |
Create calendar sharing invitation message.
recipient | A recipient's address. |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
Creates a contact item in the specified folder.
folderUri | Folder uri |
contact | Contact item |
pure virtual |
Creates the private Distribution List.
distributionList | A ExchangeDistributionList containing information about Distribution List to create. |
members | A MailAddressCollection containing the Distribution List mail addresses to create. |
pure virtual |
Fetch the specified appointment from server.
appointmentUri | An uri of appointment to be fetched. |
AsposeArgumentException | appointmentUri is null or empty . |
extendedProperties | Extended properties of retrieved item |
Fetch the specified appointment from server.
appointmentUri | An uri of appointment to be fetched. |
folderUri | An uri of appointments parent folder. |
AsposeArgumentException | appointmentUri is null or empty . |
extendedProperties | Extended properties of retrieved item |
Creates new folder in the root folder.
name | The name of new folder |
pure virtual |
Creates new folder in the root folder.
name | The name of new folder |
folderType | Type of folder |
pure virtual |
Creates the new folder with the specified name in the specified parent folder.
parentFolderUri | An uri of parent folder. |
name | A name of folder to be created. |
AsposeArgumentException | parentFolderUri or name is null or empty . |
pure virtual |
Creates the new folder
parentFolderUri | The URI of parent folder |
name | The name of new folder |
folderType | Type of folder |
pure virtual |
Creates the new folder
parentFolderUri | The URI of parent folder |
name | The name of new folder |
permissions | A permission on new folder |
pure virtual |
Creates the new folder
parentFolderUri | The URI of parent folder |
name | The name of new folder |
permissions | A permission on new folder |
folderClass | The class of new folder |
pure virtual |
Creates the specified inbox rule
rule | A inbox rule to create |
AsposeArgumentNullException | throws when rule is null |
pure virtual |
Creates the specified inbox rule
rule | A inbox rule to create |
mailbox | A mailbox to create rule for. Note: if it is set to null or empty , the rule will be created in the default mailbox |
AsposeArgumentNullException | throws when rule is null |
pure virtual |
Creates the given item in the default item folder.
item | An item to create. |
pure virtual |
Creates the given item in the specified folder.
folderUri | A folder Uri where item should be created. |
item | An item to create. |
pure virtual |
Creates the specified items in the speciifed folder
items | An items to be uploaded |
parentFolderUri | Specifies the folder in which to place the items |
AsposeArgumentNullException | items is null |
AsposeArgumentException | items is empty |
AsposeArgumentException | parentFolderUri is null or empty |
pure virtual |
Creates the specified public folder in the root public folder
name | A name of new folder |
permissions | A permission on new folder |
pure virtual |
Creates the specified public folder in the root public folder
name | A name of new folder |
permissions | A permission on new folder |
folderType | Type of folder |
pure virtual |
Creates the specified public folder in the root public folder
parentFolderUri | The URI of parent folder |
name | A name of new folder |
permissions | A permission on new folder |
pure virtual |
Creates the given task in the default task folder.
task | A task to create. |
AsposeArgumentNullException | task is null . |
pure virtual |
Creates the given task in the specified folder.
folder | A folder where task should be created. |
task | A task to create. |
AsposeArgumentException | folder is null or empty . |
AsposeArgumentNullException | task is null . |
pure virtual |
Creates the specified user configuration
userConfiguration | UserConfiguration to be created |
AsposeArgumentNullException | throws when userConfiguration is null |
pure virtual |
Delegates access on the specified mailbox to the specified user.
delegateUser | A ExchangeDelegateUser containing user information and delegation settings. |
mailbox | A mailbox to grant access on. |
AsposeArgumentNullException | delegateUser is null. |
AsposeArgumentException | mailbox is null or empty . |
pure virtual |
Delegates access on the mailbox to the specified users.
delegateUsers | A ExchangeDelegateUserCollection containing the users information and delegation settings. |
mailbox | A mailbox to grant access on. |
AsposeArgumentNullException | delegateUsers is null . |
AsposeArgumentException | mailbox is null or empty . |
pure virtual |
Delegates access on the principal mailbox to the specified user.
delegateSmtpAddress | A primary smtp address of user. |
permissionLevel | A permission level that is granted to the user on all folders. |
mailbox | A mailbox to grant access on. |
AsposeArgumentException | delegateSmtpAddress or mailbox is null or empty . |
pure virtual |
Deletes all items of the specified conversation
conversationId | Id of conversation to delete |
AsposeArgumentException | conversationId is null or empty |
pure virtual |
Deletes the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder
conversationId | Id of conversation to delete |
contextFolderId | Id of folder in which delete conversation items. Note: If it's set to null(or empty), all conversation items will be deleted |
AsposeArgumentException | conversationId is null or empty |
pure virtual |
Deletes the Distribution List.
distributionList | A ExchangeDistributionList containing information about Distribution List to delete. |
deletePermanently | Indicates whether the specified List should be deleted permanently or should be moved into DeletedItems folder. |
pure virtual |
Deletes the folder
folderUri | The folder Uri |
pure virtual |
Deletes the folder
folderUri | The folder Uri |
deletePermanently | Indicates whether the folder should be deleted permanently or should be moved into DeletedItems folder |
pure virtual |
Deletes the specified folders
folders | A ExchangeFolderInfoCollection containing information about folders to delete |
AsposeArgumentNullException | folders is null |
pure virtual |
Deletes the specified folders
folders | A ExchangeFolderInfoCollection containing information about folders to delete |
deletePermanently | Indicates whether the folder should be deleted permanently or should be moved into DeletedItems folder |
AsposeArgumentNullException | folders is null |
pure virtual |
Deletes the specified folders
folderUris | The folder uris |
AsposeArgumentNullException | folderUris is null |
pure virtual |
Deletes the folder
folderUris | The folder Uri |
deletePermanently | Indicates whether the folder should be deleted permanently or should be moved into DeletedItems folder |
AsposeArgumentNullException | folderUris is null |
pure virtual |
Deletes the members from Distribution List.
distributionList | A ExchangeDistributionList containing information about Distribution List to update. |
members | A MailAddressCollection containing the mail addresses to delete. The MailAddress must contain id. |
pure virtual |
Deletes the specified inbox rule
ruleId | An id of inbox rule to delete |
AsposeArgumentException | throws when ruleId is null or empty |
pure virtual |
Deletes the specified inbox rule
ruleId | An id of inbox rule to delete |
mailbox | A mailbox where rule is located. Note: if it is set to null or empty , the rule will be searched in the default mailbox |
AsposeArgumentException | throws when ruleId is null or empty |
pure virtual |
Deletes specified item
itemUri | The item uri |
options | Defines parameters for item deletion |
pure virtual |
Deletes specified items
itemUris | An items uris |
options | Defines parameters for items deletion |
pure virtual |
Deletes the specified user configuration
userConfigurationName | Specifies a user configuration to delete |
AsposeArgumentNullException | throws when userConfigurationName is null |
pure virtual |
Disconnects a phone call specified by id.
callId | Phone call id. |
pure virtual |
Empties the specified folder. Subfolders will not be deleted; deleted items will be moved into DeletedItems folder
folderUri | Specifies the folder to be empty |
ExchangeException | EmptyFolder operation failed |
AsposeArgumentException | folderUri is null or empty |
pure virtual |
Empties the specified folder
folderUri | Specifies the folder to be empty |
options | Specifies the options of clearing folder |
ExchangeException | EmptyFolder operation failed |
AsposeArgumentException | folderUri is null or empty |
pure virtual |
Expands the public Distribution List members.
mailAddress | A public MailAddress to expand. |
pure virtual |
Exports the specified items from mailbox
itemIds | Ids of itmes to be exported |
AsposeArgumentNullException | itemIds is null |
AsposeArgumentException | itemIds is empty |
pure virtual |
Fetch the specified appointment from server.
appointmentUri | An uri of appointment to be fetched. |
AsposeArgumentException | appointmentUri is null or empty . |
pure virtual |
Fetch the specified appointment from server.
appointmentUri | An uri of appointment to be fetched. |
folderUri | An uri of appointments parent folder. |
AsposeArgumentException | appointmentUri is null or empty . |
pure virtual |
Fetches the attachment
attachmentUri | The attachment uri |
pure virtual |
Fetches the specified conversation messages
conversationId | Id of conversation |
AsposeArgumentException | conversationId is null or empty |
pure virtual |
Fetches the private Distribution List members.
distributionList | A ExchangeDistributionList containing information about Distribution List to fetch. |
pure virtual |
Retrieves the item as MapiMessage.
Note this method doesn't fetch message attachments.
uri | The item URI. |
pure virtual |
Retrieves the item as MapiMessage.
Note this method doesn't fetch message attachments.
uri | The item URI. |
extendedProperties | Specified properties to retrieve. |
pure virtual |
Fetch array of MapiCalendar objects.
calendarUris | List of calendar uris to be fetched. |
pure virtual |
Fetch array of MapiCalendar objects.
calendarUris | List of calendar uris to be fetched. |
customProperties | Custom mapi properties to retrieve. |
pure virtual |
Fetches the speciifed messages
uris | A IEnumerable<string> "/> containing message uris to be retrieved</param> <returns>An array of <see cref="MapiMessage">containing fetched messages |
pure virtual |
Fetches the speciifed messages
uris | A StringCollection containing message uris to be retrieved |
extendedProperties | An enumeration of extended properties |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
Fetches the message.
messageUri | The message URI. |
pure virtual |
Fetches the message from server
messageUri | The URI of the message |
extendedProperties | An enumeration of extended properties |
AsposeArgumentException | messageUri is null or empty |
ExchangeException | Message can not be fetched |
pure virtual |
Fetches the speciifed messages
messageInfos | A IEnumerable<ExchangeMessageInfo> "/> of messages to be retrieved |
AsposeArgumentNullException | messageInfos is null |
pure virtual |
Fetches the speciifed messages
uris | A StringCollection containing message uris to be retrieved |
AsposeArgumentNullException | uris is null |
pure virtual |
Fetches the speciifed messages
uris | A StringCollection containing message uris to be retrieved |
extendedProperties | An enumeration of extended properties |
AsposeArgumentNullException | uris is null |
pure virtual |
Fetches the speciifed messages
messageUris | A StringCollection containing message uris to be retrieved |
AsposeArgumentNullException | messageUris is null |
pure virtual |
Fetches the specified task.
taskUri | A task uri. |
AsposeArgumentException | taskUri is null or empty . |
pure virtual |
Finds conversations in the specified folder
folderId | An id of folder in which search |
AsposeArgumentException | folderId is null or empty |
pure virtual |
Finds messages that meet the specified criteria.
options | Options specifying a search criteria |
AsposeArgumentNullException | throws when options is null |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
Find contacts located in the global address list (GAL) on server.
queryString | Represents contact search criteria. |
maxNumberOfItems | Maximum number of items. |
pure virtual |
Checks whether the specified folder exists.
parentFolderUri | An uri of parent folder. |
folderName | A folder name. |
AsposeArgumentException | parentFolderUri or folderName is null or empty |
if the specified folder exists in the specified parent folder; otherwise, false
pure virtual |
Checks whether the specified folder exists.
parentFolderUri | An uri of parent folder. |
folderName | A folder name. |
folder | A ExchangeFolderInfo that represents the found folder information, if folder exists. |
if the specified folder exists in the specified parent folder; otherwise, false
pure virtual |
Forward a message.
message | The MailMessage that represents the precomposed forward message. |
referencedMessage | The ExchangeMessageInfo that represents the original message. |
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for Calendar folder
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for Contacts folder
pure virtual |
Gets current calendar folder uri
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for DeletedItems folder
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for Drafts folder
pure virtual |
Gets a value that indicates whether decompression is enabled
pure virtual |
Gets array of name value pairs wich are added to WebHeaderCollection in EWS request.
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for Inbox folder
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for Journal folder
pure virtual |
Gets the mailbox info.
The mailbox info.
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for Notes folder
pure virtual |
Defines interval for notification check
pure virtual |
Defines timeout for server notifications
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for Outbox folder
pure virtual |
Gets the number of reconnect attempts at connection breaks.
pure virtual |
Gets a flag to indicate whether the client requires the server side to return the request id.
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for Root folder
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for SentItems folder
pure virtual |
Gets the information about the current version of MS Exchange.
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for Tasks folder
pure virtual |
Gets timezone id
pure virtual |
Gets value that determines whether the slash '/' is used as folder separator.
pure virtual |
Retrieves phone call information by call id
callId | call id |
pure virtual |
Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier.
contactId | Contact identifier |
pure virtual |
Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier.
contactId | Contact identifier |
options | Settings for retrieving contact. |
pure virtual |
Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier.
contactId | Contact identifier |
pure virtual |
Retrieves contact information according to specified identifier.
contactId | Contact identifier |
options | Settings for retrieving contact. |
pure virtual |
Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server
folder | A folder to search contacts in |
pure virtual |
Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server
folder | A folder to search contacts in |
options | Enumerates the list contacts options |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
Gets the folder information
folder | A folder uri or distinguished folder name |
AsposeArgumentException | folder is null or empty |
ExchangeException | Server responded an error message |
pure virtual |
Gets the folder permissions.
folderUrl | The folder URL. |
pure virtual |
Gets inbox rules
pure virtual |
Gets inbox rules
mailbox | A mailbox to read inbox rule from. Note: if it is set to null or empty , the rules will be read from the default mailbox |
pure virtual |
Lists mailboxes having smtp addresses. Note: the maximum count of returned contacts is 100. This is a restriction of used EWS operation.
pure virtual |
Gets the mailbox info.
pure virtual |
Gets the mailbox information
mailbox | A mailbox to read from. |
pure virtual |
Gets the size of the mailbox. Please, note this operation is performed recursively for all subfolders and make take some time
pure virtual |
Gets the size of the mailbox Please, note this operation is performed recursively for all subfolders and make take some time
folderUri | Folder uri |
pure virtual |
Gets mail tips
options | Options specifying a search criteria |
AsposeArgumentNullException | throws when options is null |
pure virtual |
Gets message tracking report
options | Options specifying a search criteria |
if no message tracking report was found AsposeArgumentNullException | throws when options is null |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
Retrieves unified messaging configuration
pure virtual |
Gets the specified user configuration
userConfigurationName | Specifies a user configuration to search |
AsposeArgumentNullException | throws when userConfigurationName is null |
pure virtual |
Returns exchange server version info
pure virtual |
Impersonates the user.
valueType | The ItemChoiceType enumeration value to use for impersonation. |
value | The item name. |
pure virtual |
Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder
pure virtual |
Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder
recursive | Indicates whether recursive listing or not. |
pure virtual |
Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder
query | MailQuery that represents appointments search criteria. |
pure virtual |
Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder
query | MailQuery that represents appointments search criteria. |
recursive | Indicates whether recursive listing or not. |
pure virtual |
Retrieves list of appointments for default calendar folder
extendedProperties | Extended properties of retrieved item |
Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder
folderUri | A folder to search appointments in. |
extendedProperties | Extended properties of retrieved item |
Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder
folderUri | A folder to search appointments in. |
query | MailQuery that represents appointments search criteria. |
recursive | Indicates whether recursive listing or not. |
extendedProperties | Extended properties of retrieved item |
Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder
folderUri | A folder to search appointments in. |
pure virtual |
Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder
folderUri | A folder to search appointments in. |
recursive | Indicates whether recursive listing or not. |
pure virtual |
Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder
folderUri | A folder to search appointments in. |
query | MailQuery that represents appointments search criteria. |
pure virtual |
Retrieves list of appointments for specified calendar folder
folderUri | A folder to search appointments in. |
query | MailQuery that represents appointments search criteria. |
recursive | Indicates whether recursive listing or not. |
pure virtual |
Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder
itemsPerPage | A number of items in page |
pure virtual |
Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder
itemsPerPage | A number of items in page |
itemOffset | An offset of next item in view |
pure virtual |
Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder
query | MailQuery that represents appointments search criteria. |
itemsPerPage | A number of items in page |
pure virtual |
Retrieves page with appointments for calendar folder
query | MailQuery that represents appointments search criteria. |
itemsPerPage | A number of items in page |
itemOffset | An offset of next item in view |
pure virtual |
Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder
folderUri | A folder to search appointments in. |
itemsPerPage | A number of items in page |
pure virtual |
Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder
folderUri | A folder to search appointments in. |
itemsPerPage | A number of items in page |
itemOffset | An offset of next item in view |
pure virtual |
Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder
folderUri | A folder to search appointments in. |
query | MailQuery that represents appointments search criteria. |
itemsPerPage | A number of items in page |
pure virtual |
Retrieves page with appointments for specified calendar folder
folderUri | A folder to search appointments in. |
query | MailQuery that represents appointments search criteria. |
itemsPerPage | A number of items in page |
itemOffset | An offset of next item in view |
pure virtual |
Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server
folderUri | The URI of folder |
pure virtual |
Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server
folderUri | A folder to search contacts in |
mapiProperties | Required additional mapi properties |
pure virtual |
Lists the users who are granted access on the specified mailbox.
mailbox | A mailbox. |
AsposeArgumentException | mailbox is null or empty . |
pure virtual |
List the private Distribution Lists.
pure virtual |
Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder
folder | folder to search items |
pure virtual |
Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder
folder | folder to search items |
query | Additional conditions to select items |
pure virtual |
Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder
folder | folder to search items |
query | Additional conditions to select items |
recursive | Specifies whether request should be reqursive. |
pure virtual |
Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder
mailbox | The mailbox that is used to initialize the folder id class. |
folder | folder to search items |
pure virtual |
Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder
mailbox | The mailbox that is used to initialize the folder id class. |
folder | folder to search items |
query | Additional conditions to select items |
pure virtual |
Retrieve list of item uries in specified folder
mailbox | The mailbox that is used to initialize the folder id class. |
folder | folder to search items |
query | Additional conditions to select items |
recursive | Specifies whether request should be reqursive. |
pure virtual |
Lists mailboxes.
pure virtual |
Please pay your attention, this overridden method works with Exchange Server 2013 and higher.
Lists mailboxes.
filter | filter string |
pure virtual |
List the messages in the inbox folder.
pure virtual |
List the messages in the specified folder.
iDs | Enumeration of message ids |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
List the messages in the specified folder
folder | A folder to search messages in |
recursive | Indicates whether recursive listing or not |
pure virtual |
Lists the messages.
folder | The folder. |
options | Specifies the settings of listing |
pure virtual |
List the messages in the specified folder
folder | A folder to search messages in |
options | Specifies the settings of listing |
extendedProperties | Extended properties of retrieved messages |
pure virtual |
Lists the messages.
folder | The folder. |
maxNumberOfMessages | Maximum number of messages |
pure virtual |
Lists the messages.
folder | The folder. |
maxNumberOfMessages | Maximum number of messages |
options | Specifies the settings of listing |
pure virtual |
Lists the messages.
folder | The folder. |
extendedProperties | Extended properties of retrieved messages |
Lists the messages.
folder | The folder. |
options | Specifies the settings of listing |
extendedProperties | Extended properties of retrieved messages |
List the messages in the specified folder.
folder | A folder to search messages in. |
maxNumberOfMessages | Maximum number of messages. |
query | MailQuery that represents message search criteria. |
pure virtual |
List the messages in the specified folder.
folder | A folder to search messages in. |
maxNumberOfMessages | Maximum number of messages. |
query | MailQuery that represents message search criteria. |
recursive | Indicates whether recursive listing or not. |
pure virtual |
List the messages in the specified folder.
folder | A folder to search messages in. |
query | MailQuery that represents message search criteria. |
extendedProperties | Extended properties of retrieved messages |
List the messages in the specified folder.
folder | A folder to search messages in. |
query | MailQuery that represents message search criteria. |
pure virtual |
List the messages in the specified folder.
folder | A folder to search messages in. |
query | MailQuery that represents message search criteria. |
recursive | Indicates whether recursive listing or not. |
pure virtual |
List the messages in the specified folder
mailbox | The mailbox that is used to initialize the folder id class. |
folder | A folder to search messages in |
recursive | Indicates whether recursive listing or not |
pure virtual |
List the messages in the specified folder.
mailbox | The mailbox that is used to initialize the folder id class. |
folder | A folder to search messages in. |
query | MailQuery that represents message search criteria. |
pure virtual |
List the messages in the specified folder.
folder | A folder to search messages in. |
itemsPerPage | A number of items in page |
pure virtual |
List the messages in the specified folder.
folder | A folder to search messages in. |
itemsPerPage | A number of items in page |
offset | An offset of next page in view |
pure virtual |
List the messages in the specified folder.
folder | A folder to search messages in. |
itemsPerPage | A number of items in page |
pageOffset | An offset of next item in view |
options | Specifies the settings of listing |
pure virtual |
List the messages in the specified folder.
folder | A folder to search messages in. |
query | MailQuery that represents search criteria. |
itemsPerPage | A number of items in page |
pure virtual |
List the messages in the specified folder.
folder | A folder to search messages in. |
query | MailQuery that represents search criteria. |
itemsPerPage | A number of items in page |
offset | An offset of next page in view |
pure virtual |
List the messages in the specified folder.
folder | A folder to search messages in. |
pageInfo | A page info |
pure virtual |
List the messages in the specified folder.
folder | A folder to search messages in. |
pageInfo | A page info |
options | Specifies the settings of listing |
pure virtual |
Get collection of messages from public folder
folder | ExchangeFolderInfo that represents information about folder |
pure virtual |
Get collection of messages from public folder
folderUri | The uri of folder |
pure virtual |
Gets collection of public folders from root public folder
pure virtual |
Gets collection of child public folders from parent
parentFolder | The parent ExchangeFolderInfo |
pure virtual |
Gets collection of child folders from parent
mailbox | The mailbox that is used to initialize the folder id class. |
parentFolderUri | A parent folder |
pure virtual |
Gets collection of child folders from parent
parentFolderUri | The uri of the parent folder |
pure virtual |
Searches the specified folder in the given parent folder with paging Method supports paging. Invokes for the first time in paging cycle.
parentFolderUri | A parent folder URI |
itemsPerPage | A number of folders in page |
pure virtual |
Searches the specified folder in the given parent folder with paging Method supports paging.
parentFolderUri | A parent folder URI |
itemsPerPage | A number of folders in page |
pageOffset | An offset of next item in view |
pure virtual |
Searches the specified folder in the given parent folder with paging Method supports paging.
parentFolderUri | A parent folder URI |
page | A page info |
pure virtual |
Retrieves lists of exchange tasks for default folder.
pure virtual |
Retrieves lists of exchange tasks.
folder | Tasks folder |
pure virtual |
Retrieves lists of exchange tasks.
folder | Tasks folder |
maxNumberOfItems | Maximum number of items |
pure virtual |
Retrieves lists of exchange tasks.
folder | Tasks folder |
maxNumberOfItems | Maximum number of items |
query | Mail query |
pure virtual |
Retrieves lists of exchange tasks.
folder | Tasks folder |
maxNumberOfItems | Maximum number of items |
query | Mail query |
recursive | Retrieve tasks recursivly |
pure virtual |
Retrieves lists of exchange tasks.
folder | Tasks folder |
query | Mail query |
pure virtual |
Loads contact photo binary data
photo | contact photo |
pure virtual |
Mail-disable a public folder
folderUri | A folder uri |
AsposeArgumentException | folderUri is null or empty |
pure virtual |
Mail-enable a public folder
folderUri | A folder uri |
AsposeArgumentException | folderUri is null or empty |
pure virtual |
Marks all items in specified folders.
read | Sets the read/unread state to messages in specified folder. True to mark messages in the folder as read. False to mark messages as unread. |
suppressReadReceipts | True to suppress sending read receipts for messages; otherwise, false. |
folderIds | List of folder uri for processing. |
pure virtual |
Marks all items in specified folders.
read | Sets the read/unread state to messages in specified folder. True to mark messages in the folder as read. False to mark messages as unread. |
suppressReadReceipts | True to suppress sending read receipts for messages; otherwise, false. |
folderIds | List of folder uri for processing. |
pure virtual |
Marks all items in specified folders.
read | Sets the read/unread state to messages in specified folder. True to mark messages in the folder as read. False to mark messages as unread. |
folderIds | List of folder uri for processing. |
pure virtual |
Marks all items in inbox folder as read without receipts.
pure virtual |
Marks all items in specified folders as read without receipts.
folderIds | List of folder uri for processing. |
pure virtual |
Marks all items in specified folders as read without receipts.
folderIds | List of folder uri for processing. |
pure virtual |
Marks all items in inbox folder as unread.
pure virtual |
Marks all items in specified folders as unread.
folderIds | List of folder uri for processing. |
pure virtual |
Marks all items in specified folders as unread.
folderIds | List of folder uri for processing. |
pure virtual |
The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender.
isJunk | Indicates, whether messages is marked as junk mail. If value of true adds message sender to the block-list. If value of false removes message sender from the block-list. |
moveItem | Indicates, whether messages is moved to the junk mail folder. |
messageUriEn | Array of message uri |
pure virtual |
The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender.
isJunk | Indicates, whether messages is marked as junk mail. If value of true adds message sender to the block-list. If value of false removes message sender from the block-list. |
moveItem | Indicates, whether messages is moved to the junk mail folder. |
messageUriEn | Enumeration of message uri |
pure virtual |
The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender.
isJunk | Indicates, whether messages is marked as junk mail. If value of true adds message sender to the block-list. If value of false removes message sender from the block-list. |
moveItem | Indicates, whether messages is moved to the junk mail folder. |
messageUriEn | Enumeration of message uri |
movedMessageIds | Returns the array of message ID which are moved to the junk mail folder. |
failedMessageIds | Returns the array of message ID which haven't been moved to the junk mail folder. |
errorMessages | Error messages for failed operations |
pure virtual |
The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender.
isJunk | Indicates, whether messages is marked as junk mail. If value of true adds message sender to the block-list. If value of false removes message sender from the block-list. |
messageUriEn | Array of message uri |
pure virtual |
The MarkAsJunk method moves mail messages to the junk mail folder and blocks message sender.
isJunk | Indicates, whether messages is marked as junk mail. If value of true adds message sender to the block-list. If value of false removes message sender from the block-list. |
messageUriEn | Enumeration of message uri |
pure virtual |
Moves the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder, into the specified target folder
conversationId | Id of conversation to move |
contextFolderId | Id of folder from which move conversation items. Note: If it's set to null(or empty), all conversation items will be moved |
destinationFolderId | Id of folder into which move items |
AsposeArgumentException | conversationId is null or empty |
AsposeArgumentException | destinationFolderId is null or empty |
pure virtual |
Moves the conversation items into the specified target folder
conversationId | Id of conversation to delete |
destinationFolderId | Id of folder into which move items |
AsposeArgumentException | conversationId is null or empty |
AsposeArgumentException | destinationFolderId is null or empty |
pure virtual |
Moves the item to specified folder
itemUri | The item URI |
destinationFolderUri | The destination folder URI |
pure virtual |
The PlayOnPhone operation initiates an outbound call and plays a message over the telephone.
messageId | Specifies message id. |
dialString | Specifies telephone to play message. |
pure virtual |
Remove WebHeader from WebHeaderCollection in EWS request.
name | Header name |
pure virtual |
Reply to the sender's message.
message | The MailMessage that represents the precomposed reply message. |
referencedMessage | The ExchangeMessageInfo that represents the original message. |
pure virtual |
Reply to the sender and all recipients of a message.
message | The MailMessage that represents the precomposed reply message. |
referencedMessage | The ExchangeMessageInfo that represents the original message. |
pure virtual |
Makes the impersonation reset.
pure virtual |
Reset all subscriptions
pure virtual |
Resolves ambiguous mailbox names.
unresolvedEntry | A name of contact to resolve. |
pure virtual |
Resolves ambiguous mailbox display names. Note: the maximum count of returned contacts is 100. This is a restriction of used exchange command.
unresolvedEntry | A name of contact to resolve. |
pure virtual |
Resolves ambiguous e-mail addresses and display names Note: the maximum count of returned contacts is 100. This is a restriction of used EWS operation.
unresolvedEntry | A name of contact to resolve |
options | Enumerates the list contacts options |
AsposeArgumentException | unresolvedEntry is null or empty |
pure virtual |
Restores the specified exchange folders from the given personal storage.
pst | A personal storage containing the backuped exchange folders. |
settings | The restore settings. |
pure virtual |
Saves the message.
messageUri | The message URI. |
stream | The stream. |
pure virtual |
Saves the message.
messageUri | The message URI. |
path | The path to save message. |
pure virtual |
Sends the specified message.
message | The message. |
pure virtual |
Sends the message.
message | The MailMessage to be sent. |
messageOptions | The FollowUpOptions that represents additional options for using follow-up flags and voting buttons. |
pure virtual |
Sends the specified message
from | From address |
to | To address |
subject | The subject of message |
body | The body of message |
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for Calendar folder
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for Contacts folder
pure virtual |
Sets current calendar folder uri
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for DeletedItems folder
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for Drafts folder
pure virtual |
Sets a value that indicates whether decompression is enabled
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for Inbox folder
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for Journal folder
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for Notes folder
pure virtual |
Defines interval for notification check
pure virtual |
Defines timeout for server notifications
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for Outbox folder
pure virtual |
Sets the number of reconnect attempts at connection breaks.
pure virtual |
Sets a flag to indicate whether the client requires the server side to return the request id.
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for Root folder
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for SentItems folder
pure virtual |
Specifies event types for Tasks folder
pure virtual |
Sets timezone id
pure virtual |
Sets value that determines whether the slash '/' is used as folder separator.
pure virtual |
Set read state of the conversation items to the specified value
conversationId | Id of conversation to be changed |
isRead | A flag that enables setting the read state of items in a conversation. |
AsposeArgumentException | conversationId is null or empty |
pure virtual |
Set read state of the conversation items, which are located in the specified folder, to the specified value
conversationId | Id of conversation to be changed |
contextFolderId | Id of folder in which conversation items are located. Note: If it's set to null(or empty), all conversation items will be copied |
isRead | A flag that enables setting the read state of items in a conversation. |
AsposeArgumentException | conversationId is null or empty |
pure virtual |
Sets the read flag.
messageUri | The message URI. |
pure virtual |
Marks the specifeid message as read.
messageUri | A message uri. |
isRead | A value indicating whether the message was read |
AsposeArgumentException | messageUri is null or empty . |
pure virtual |
Retrieves changes of the items in a specified folder.
syncState | The synchronization state. |
pure virtual |
Retrieves changes of the items and subfolders in a specified folder.
folderUri | The folder uri |
pure virtual |
Retrieves changes of the items and subfolders in a specified folder.
folderUri | The folder uri |
syncType | Folder synchronization type |
pure virtual |
Retrieves changes of the items in a specified folder.
folderUri | The folder uri |
syncState | The optional synchronization state. Must be null for first synchronization. |
pure virtual |
Retrieves changes of the items in a specified folder.
folderUri | The folder uri |
syncState | The optional synchronization state. Must be null for first synchronization. |
ignoreList | The optional list of item uris that should be ignored. |
pure virtual |
Updates appointment.
appointment | Calendar appointment. |
pure virtual |
Updates appointment.
appointment | Calendar appointment. |
folderUri | An uri of appointments parent folder. |
pure virtual |
Updates appointment.
appointment | Calendar appointment. |
pure virtual |
Updates appointment.
appointment | Calendar appointment. |
folderUri | An uri of appointments parent folder. |
pure virtual |
Updates a contact item in the Exchange store.
contact | Contact item |
pure virtual |
Updates a contact item in the Exchange store.
contact | Contact item |
pure virtual |
Updates the delegate user settings who is granted access on the specified mailbox.
delegateUser | A new settings of delegate user. |
mailbox | A mailbox on which the delegate user is granted access. |
AsposeArgumentNullException | delegateUser is null . |
AsposeArgumentException | mailbox is null or empty . |
pure virtual |
Updates the delegate users settings who are granted access on the specified mailbox.
delegateUsers | A ExchangeDelegateUserCollection containing the new settings of delegates. |
mailbox | A mailbox on which the delegate users are granted access. |
AsposeArgumentNullException | delegateUsers is null . |
AsposeArgumentException | mailbox is null or empty . |
pure virtual |
Updates the specified inbox rule
rule | A inbox rule to update |
AsposeArgumentNullException | throws when rule is null |
pure virtual |
Updates the specified inbox rule
rule | A inbox rule to update |
mailbox | A mailbox where rule is located. Note: if it is set to null or empty , the rule will be searched in the default mailbox |
AsposeArgumentNullException | throws when rule is null |
pure virtual |
Updates the specified items in to a mailbox
items | An items to be updated |
parentFolderUri | Specifies the folder that contains the items to update |
AsposeArgumentNullException | items is null |
AsposeArgumentException | items is empty |
AsposeArgumentException | parentFolderUri is null or empty |
pure virtual |
Updates the specified note.
note | An MapiNote containing the note information. |
pure virtual |
Updates the specified note.
uri | Note identifier |
note | An MapiNote containing the note information. |
pure virtual |
Updates the specified note.
uri | Note identifier |
note | An MapiNote containing the note information. |
additionalProperties | An additional MAPI properties which can be used in MAPI object. |
pure virtual |
Updates subscriptions
pure virtual |
Updates the specified task.
task | An MapiTask containing the task information. |
pure virtual |
Updates the specified task.
task | An ExchangeTask containing the task information. |
AsposeArgumentException | An UniqueUri property of task is null or empty . |
AsposeArgumentNullException | task is null . |
pure virtual |
Updates the specified task.
task | An ExchangeTask containing the task information. |
options | An updation options. |
AsposeArgumentException | An UniqueUri property of task is null or empty . |
AsposeArgumentNullException | task is null . |
pure virtual |
Updates the specified task.
uri | Task identifier |
task | An ExchangeTask containing the task information. |
pure virtual |
Updates the specified task.
uri | Task identifier |
task | An ExchangeTask containing the task information. |
additionalProperties | An additional MAPI properties which can be used in MAPI object. |
pure virtual |
Updates the specified user configuration
userConfiguration | UserConfiguration to update |
AsposeArgumentNullException | throws when userConfiguration is null |
System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::CalendarFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for Calendar folder.
System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ContactsFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for Contacts folder.
System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DeletedItemsFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for DeletedItems folder.
System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::DraftsFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for Drafts folder.
System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::InboxFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for Inbox folder.
System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<SentItemEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::ItemSent |
Raised when an item is sent and save in Sent Items folder.
System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::JournalFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for Journal folder.
System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::NotesFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for Notes folder.
System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::OutboxFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for Outbox folder.
System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::RootFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for Root folder.
System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::SentItemsFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for SentItems folder.
System::EventHandler<System::SharedPtr<ServerNotificationEventArgs> > Aspose::Email::Clients::Exchange::WebService::IEWSClient::TasksFolderServerNotifications |
Occurs when arises specified event type for Tasks folder.