Class AmpAnim

AmpAnim class

A runtime-managed animated image, typically a GIF.

public class AmpAnim : AmpImage


AmpAnim(int, int)Creates instance of AmpAnim.


Alt { get; set; }A string of alternate text, similar to the alt attribute on img.
Attributes { get; }AMP provides a set of common attributes that are extended to many AMP components.
Attribution { get; set; }A string that indicates the attribution of the image.
Fallback { get; set; }A fallback is a convention that allows the element to communicate to the reader that the browser does not support the element.
IsValid { get; }Indicates whether this image is valid of AmpImage.
Placeholder { get; set; }The element marked with the placeholder attribute acts as a placeholder for the parent AMP element. If specified, a placeholder element must be a direct child of the AMP element.
override RequiredScript { get; }Required script that muct be added to head section.
Src { get; set; }Similar to the src attribute on the img tag. The value must be a URL that points to a publicly-cacheable image file


override ToAmpHtml()Represents amp html version of component.
override ToHtml()Represents html version of component.

See Also