[KnownPropertyList class The read-only Master Property List provides implementers with a single source of information about all the properties that are described by the specifications that comprise the Exchange Server Protocols documentation (MS-OXPROPS). Coincides MS-OXPROPS revision 16.2 from 7/31/2014 public sealed class KnownPropertyList : IList<PropertyDescriptor> Properties Name Description static Values { get; } Gets PropertyList with all properties. Count { get; } Gets the number of elements contained in the System.Collections.Generic.ICollection. IsReadOnly { get; } true if the System.Collections.Generic.ICollection is read-only; otherwise, false. Item { get; set; } Gets the element at the specified index. Methods Name Description static GetValues() Gets PropertyList with all properties. Add(PropertyDescriptor) List is read-only. Operation is not supported. Clear() List is read-only. Operation is not supported. Contains(PropertyDescriptor) Determines whether the System.Collections.Generic.ICollection contains a specific value. CopyTo(PropertyDescriptor[], int) List is read-only. Operation is not supported. Find(params Guid[]) Finds properties in list according to its PropertySet Find(int) Finds PidTagPropertyDescriptor properties in list Find(long) Finds PidTagPropertyDescriptor property in list Find(string) Finds property in list with specified name Find(int, PropertyDataType) Finds PidTagPropertyDescriptor property in list Find(long, Guid) Finds PidLidPropertyDescriptor property in list according to required parameters This is simplified search operation without data type comparison. Find(string, Guid) Finds PidNamePropertyDescriptor property in list according to required parameters This is simplified search operation without data type comparison. Find(long, PropertyDataType, Guid) Finds PidLidPropertyDescriptor property in list according to required parameters Find(string, PropertyDataType, Guid) Finds PidNamePropertyDescriptor property in list according to required parameters FindOrGetCurrent(PropertyDescriptor) Finds property in list with canonical name GetEnumerator() Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. IndexOf(PropertyDescriptor) Determines the index of a specific item in the System.Collections.Generic.IList. IndexOf(string) Determines the index of a specific item in the System.Collections.Generic.IList. Insert(int, PropertyDescriptor) List is read-only. Operation is not supported. Remove(PropertyDescriptor) List is read-only. Operation is not supported. RemoveAt(int) List is read-only. Operation is not supported. Fields Name Description static readonly AbDefaultDir Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_AB_DEFAULT_DIR static readonly AbDefaultPab Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_AB_DEFAULT_PAB static readonly AbProviderId Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_AB_PROVIDER_ID static readonly AbProviders Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_AB_PROVIDERS static readonly AbSearchPath Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_AB_SEARCH_PATH static readonly AbSearchPathUpdate Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_AB_SEARCH_PATH_UPDATE static readonly Abstract Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ABSTRACT static readonly AcceptLanguage Contains the value of the MIME Accept-Language header. Area: Email Canonical name: PidNameAcceptLanguage Alternate names: AcceptLanguage static readonly Access Indicates the operations available to the client for the object. Area: Access Control Properties Canonical name: PidTagAccess Alternate names: PR_ACCESS, ptagAccess static readonly AccessControlListData Contains a permissions list for a folder. Area: Access Control Properties Canonical name: PidTagAccessControlListData Alternate names: PR_ACL_DATA, ptagACLData static readonly AccessLevel Indicates the client’s access level to the object. Area: Access Control Properties Canonical name: PidTagAccessLevel Alternate names: PR_ACCESS_LEVEL, ptagAccessLevel static readonly Account Contains the alias of an Address Book object, which is an alternative name by which the object can be identified. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAccount Alternate names: PR_ACCOUNT, PR_ACCOUNT_A, PR_ACCOUNT_W, urn:schemas:contacts:account static readonly ActiveUserEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ACTIVE_USER_ENTRYID static readonly AdditionalRenEntryIds Contains the indexed entry IDs for several special folders related to conflicts, sync issues, local failures, server failures, junk email and spam. Area: Outlook Application Canonical name: PidTagAdditionalRenEntryIds Alternate names: PR_ADDITIONAL_REN_ENTRYIDS, ptagAdditionalRenEntryIds static readonly AdditionalRenEntryIdsEx Contains an array of blocks that specify the EntryIDs of several special folders. Area: Outlook Application Canonical name: PidTagAdditionalRenEntryIdsEx Alternate names: PR_ADDITIONAL_REN_ENTRYIDS_EX, ptagAdditionalRenEntryIdsEx static readonly AddrbookForLocalSiteEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ADDRBOOK_FOR_LOCAL_SITE_ENTRYID static readonly AddressBookAuthorizedSenders Indicates whether delivery restrictions exist for a recipient. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookAuthorizedSenders Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_AUTH_ORIG static readonly AddressBookContainerId Contains the ID of a container on an NSPI server. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookContainerId Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CONTAINERID static readonly AddressBookDeliveryContentLength Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of a message that a recipient can receive. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookDeliveryContentLength Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DELIV_CONT_LENGTH static readonly AddressBookDisplayName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ADDRESS_BOOK_DISPLAY_NAME static readonly AddressBookDisplayNamePrintable Contains the printable string version of the display name. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookDisplayNamePrintable Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DISPLAY_NAME_PRINTABLE, ptagSimpleDisplayName static readonly AddressBookDisplayTypeExtended Contains a value that indicates how to display an Address Book object in a table or as a recipient on a message. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookDisplayTypeExtended Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DISPLAY_TYPE_EX static readonly AddressBookDistributionListExternalMemberCount Contains the number of external recipients in the distribution list. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookDistributionListExternalMemberCount Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DL_EXTERNAL_MEMBER_COUNT static readonly AddressBookDistributionListMemberCount Contains the total number of recipients in the distribution list. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookDistributionListMemberCount Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DL_TOTAL_MEMBER_COUNT static readonly AddressBookDistributionListMemberSubmitAccepted Indicates that delivery restrictions exist for a recipient. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookDistributionListMemberSubmitAccepted Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DL_MEM_SUBMIT_PERMS_BL_O static readonly AddressBookDistributionListMemberSubmitRejected Indicates that delivery restrictions exist for a recipient. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookDistributionListMemberSubmitRejected Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DL_MEM_SUBMIT_PERMS static readonly AddressBookDistributionListRejectMessagesFromDLMembers Indicates that delivery restrictions exist for a recipient. Area: Address book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookDistributionListRejectMessagesFromDLMembers Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DL_MEM_REJECT_PERMS static readonly AddressBookEntryId Contains the name-service EntryID of a directory object that refers to a public folder. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookEntryId Alternate names: PR_ADDRESS_BOOK_ENTRYID, ptagAddressBookEntryId static readonly AddressBookExtensionAttribute1 Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute1 Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_1, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_1_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_1_W static readonly AddressBookExtensionAttribute10 Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute10 Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_10, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_10_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_10_W static readonly AddressBookExtensionAttribute11 Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute11 Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_11, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_11_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_11_W static readonly AddressBookExtensionAttribute12 Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute12 Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_12, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_12_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_12_W static readonly AddressBookExtensionAttribute13 Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute13 Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_13, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_13_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_13_W static readonly AddressBookExtensionAttribute14 Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute14 Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_14, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_14_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_14_W static readonly AddressBookExtensionAttribute15 Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute15 Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_15, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_15_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_15_W static readonly AddressBookExtensionAttribute2 Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute2 Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_2, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_2_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_2_W static readonly AddressBookExtensionAttribute3 Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute3 Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_3, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_3_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_3_W static readonly AddressBookExtensionAttribute4 Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute4 Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_4, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_4_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_4_W static readonly AddressBookExtensionAttribute5 Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute5 Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_5, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_5_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_5_W static readonly AddressBookExtensionAttribute6 Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute6 Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_6, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_6_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_6_W static readonly AddressBookExtensionAttribute7 Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute7 Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_7, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_7_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_7_W static readonly AddressBookExtensionAttribute8 Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute8 Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_8, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_8_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_8_W static readonly AddressBookExtensionAttribute9 Contains custom values defined and populated by the organization that modified the display templates. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookExtensionAttribute9 Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_9, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_9_A, PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_9_W static readonly AddressBookFolderPathname This property is deprecated and is to be ignored. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookFolderPathname Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_FOLDER_PATHNAME, PR_EMS_AB_FOLDER_PATHNAME_A, PR_EMS_AB_FOLDER_PATHNAME_W static readonly AddressBookHierarchicalChildDepartments Contains the child departments in a hierarchy of departments. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookHierarchicalChildDepartments Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HAB_CHILD_DEPARTMENTS static readonly AddressBookHierarchicalDepartmentMembers Contains all of the mail users that belong to this department. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookHierarchicalDepartmentMembers Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HAB_DEPARTMENT_MEMBERS static readonly AddressBookHierarchicalIsHierarchicalGroup Indicates whether the distribution list represents a departmental group. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookHierarchicalIsHierarchicalGroup Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HAB_IS_HIERARCHICAL_GROUP, PR_EMS_AB_IS_ORGANIZATIONAL static readonly AddressBookHierarchicalParentDepartment Contains all of the departments to which this department is a child. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookHierarchicalParentDepartment Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HAB_PARENT_DEPARTMENT static readonly AddressBookHierarchicalRootDepartment Contains the distinguished name (DN) of either the root Department object or the root departmental group in the department hierarchy for the organization. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookHierarchicalRootDepartment Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HAB_ROOT_DEPARTMENT static readonly AddressBookHierarchicalShowInDepartments Lists all Department objects of which the mail user is a member. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookHierarchicalShowInDepartments Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HAB_SHOW_IN_DEPARTMENTS static readonly AddressBookHomeMessageDatabase Contains the DN expressed in the X500 DN format. This property is returned from a PtypString8. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookHomeMessageDatabase Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HOME_MDB, PR_EMS_AB_HOME_MDB_A, PR_EMS_AB_HOME_MDB_W static readonly AddressBookIsMaster Contains a Boolean value of TRUE if it is possible to create Address Book objects in that container, and FALSE otherwise. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookIsMaster Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_IS_MASTER static readonly AddressBookIsMemberOfDistributionList Lists all of the distribution lists for which the object is a member. This property is returned from an NSPI server as a PtypEmbeddedTable. Otherwise, the data type is PtypString8. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookIsMemberOfDistributionList Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_IS_MEMBER_OF_DL, PR_EMS_AB_IS_MEMBER_OF_DL_A, PR_EMS_AB_IS_MEMBER_OF_DL_W static readonly AddressBookManageDistributionList Contains information for use in display templates for distribution lists. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookManageDistributionList Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MANAGE_DL static readonly AddressBookManager Contains one row that references the mail user’s manager. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookManager Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MANAGER, PR_EMS_AB_MANAGER_A, PR_EMS_AB_MANAGER_W static readonly AddressBookManagerDistinguishedName Contains the DN of the mail user’s manager. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookManagerDistinguishedName Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MANAGER_T static readonly AddressBookMember Contains the members of the distribution list. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookMember Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MEMBER, PR_EMS_AB_MEMBER_A, PR_EMS_AB_MEMBER_W static readonly AddressBookMessageId Contains the Short-term Message ID (MID) ([MS-OXCDATA] section of the first message in the local site’s offline address book public folder. Area: ProviderDefinedNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookMessageId Alternate names: ptagAddrbookMID static readonly AddressBookModerationEnabled Indicates whether moderation is enabled for the mail user or distribution list. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookModerationEnabled Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ENABLE_MODERATION static readonly AddressBookNetworkAddress Contains a list of names by which a server is known to the various transports in use by the network. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookNetworkAddress Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_NETWORK_ADDRESS, PR_EMS_AB_NETWORK_ADDRESS_A, PR_EMS_AB_NETWORK_ADDRESS_W static readonly AddressBookObjectDistinguishedName Contains the DN of the Address Book object. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookObjectDistinguishedName Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OBJ_DIST_NAME, PR_EMS_AB_OBJ_DIST_NAME_A, PR_EMS_AB_OBJ_DIST_NAME_W static readonly AddressBookObjectGuid Contains a GUID that identifies an Address Book object. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookObjectGuid Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OBJECT_GUID static readonly AddressBookOrganizationalUnitRootDistinguishedName Contains the DN of the Organization object of the mail user’s organization. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookOrganizationalUnitRootDistinguishedName Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ORG_UNIT_ROOT_DN, msExchOURoot static readonly AddressBookOwner Contains one row that references the distribution list’s owner. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookOwner Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OWNER_O static readonly AddressBookOwnerBackLink Contains a list of the distribution lists owned by a mail user. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookOwnerBackLink Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OWNER_BL_O static readonly AddressBookParentEntryId Contains the EntryID of the parent container in a hierarchy of address book containers. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookParentEntryId Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PARENT_ENTRYID static readonly AddressBookPhoneticCompanyName Contains the phonetic representation of the PidTagCompanyName property (section 2.630). Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookPhoneticCompanyName Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_COMPANY_NAME, PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_COMPANY_NAME_A, PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_COMPANY_NAME_W static readonly AddressBookPhoneticDepartmentName Contains the phonetic representation of the PidTagDepartmentName property (section 2.663). Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookPhoneticDepartmentName Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_DEPARTMENT_NAME, PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_DEPARTMENT_NAME_A, PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_DEPARTMENT_NAME_W static readonly AddressBookPhoneticDisplayName Contains the phonetic representation of the PidTagDisplayName property (section 2.667). Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookPhoneticDisplayName Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_DISPLAY_NAME_A, PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_DISPLAY_NAME_W static readonly AddressBookPhoneticGivenName Contains the phonetic representation of the PidTagGivenName property (section 2.705). Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookPhoneticGivenName Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_GIVEN_NAME, PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_GIVEN_NAME_A, PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_GIVEN_NAME_W static readonly AddressBookPhoneticSurname Contains the phonetic representation of the PidTagSurname property (section 2.1026). Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookPhoneticSurname Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_SURNAME, PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_SURNAME_A, PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_SURNAME_W static readonly AddressBookProviderArrayType Specifies the state of the electronic addresses of the contact and represents a set of bit flags. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidAddressBookProviderArrayType Alternate names: dispidABPArrayType static readonly AddressBookProviderEmailList Specifies which electronic address properties are set on the Contact object. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidAddressBookProviderEmailList Alternate names: dispidABPEmailList static readonly AddressBookProxyAddresses Contains alternate email addresses for the Address Book object. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookProxyAddresses Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES, PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES_A, PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES_W static readonly AddressBookPublicDelegates Contains a list of mail users who are allowed to send email on behalf of the mailbox owner. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookPublicDelegates Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PUBLIC_DELEGATES, PR_EMS_AB_PUBLIC_DELEGATES_A, PR_EMS_AB_PUBLIC_DELEGATES_W static readonly AddressBookReports Lists all of the mail user�s direct reports. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookReports Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_REPORTS, PR_EMS_AB_REPORTS_A, PR_EMS_AB_REPORTS_W static readonly AddressBookRoomCapacity Contains the maximum occupancy of the room. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookRoomCapacity Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ROOM_CAPACITY static readonly AddressBookRoomContainers Contains a list of DNs that represent the address book containers that hold Resource objects, such as conference rooms and equipment. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookRoomContainers Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ROOM_CONTAINERS, PR_EMS_AB_ROOM_CONTAINERS_A, PR_EMS_AB_ROOM_CONTAINERS_W static readonly AddressBookRoomDescription Contains a description of the Resource object. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookRoomDescription Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ROOM_DESCRIPTION, PR_EMS_AB_ROOM_DESCRIPTION_A, PR_EMS_AB_ROOM_DESCRIPTION_W static readonly AddressBookSenderHintTranslations Contains the locale ID and translations of the default mail tip. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookSenderHintTranslations Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DL_SENDER_HINT_TRANSLATIONS_W static readonly AddressBookSeniorityIndex Contains a signed integer that specifies the seniority order of Address Book objects that group, with larger values specifying members that are more senior. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookSeniorityIndex Alternate names: static readonly AddressBookTargetAddress Contains the foreign system email address of an Address Book object. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookTargetAddress Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TARGET_ADDRESS, PR_EMS_AB_TARGET_ADDRESS_A, PR_EMS_AB_TARGET_ADDRESS_W static readonly AddressBookUnauthorizedSenders Indicates whether delivery restrictions exist for a recipient. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookUnauthorizedSenders Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_UNAUTH_ORIG static readonly AddressBookX509Certificate Contains the ASN_1 DER encoded X.509 certificates for the mail user. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAddressBookX509Certificate Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_X509_CERT static readonly AddressCountryCode Specifies the country code portion of the mailing address of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidAddressCountryCode Alternate names: dispidAddressCountryCode static readonly AddressType Contains the email address type of a Message object. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagAddressType Alternate names: PR_ADDRTYPE, PR_ADDRTYPE_A, ptagAddrType, PR_ADDRTYPE_W static readonly AgingDontAgeMe Specifies whether to automatically archive the message. Area: Common Canonical name: PidLidAgingDontAgeMe Alternate names: dispidAgingDontAgeMe static readonly AllAttendeesString Specifies a list of all the attendees except for the organizer, including resources and unsendable attendees. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAllAttendeesString Alternate names: dispidAllAttendeesString static readonly AllowExternalCheck This property is set to TRUE. Area: Conferencing Canonical name: PidLidAllowExternalCheck Alternate names: dispidAllowExternCheck static readonly AlternateRecipient Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ALTERNATE_RECIPIENT static readonly AlternateRecipientAllowed Specifies whether the sender permits the message to be auto-forwarded. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagAlternateRecipientAllowed Alternate names: PR_ALTERNATE_RECIPIENT_ALLOWED, ptagAlternateRecipientAllowed static readonly AnniversaryEventEntryId Specifies the EntryID of the Appointment object that represents an anniversary of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidAnniversaryEventEntryId Alternate names: dispidAnniversaryEventEID static readonly Anr Contains a filter value used in ambiguous name resolution. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagAnr Alternate names: PR_ANR, PR_ANR_A, PR_ANR_W static readonly ApplicationName Specifies the application used to open the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameApplicationName Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#NameOfApplication static readonly AppointmentAuxiliaryFlags Specifies a bit field that describes the auxiliary state of the object. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentAuxiliaryFlags Alternate names: dispidApptAuxFlags static readonly AppointmentColor Specifies the color to be used when displaying the Calendar object. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentColor Alternate names: dispidApptColor static readonly AppointmentCounterProposal Indicates whether a Meeting Response object is a counter proposal. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentCounterProposal Alternate names: dispidApptCounterProposal static readonly AppointmentDuration Specifies the length of the event, in minutes. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentDuration Alternate names: dispidApptDuration static readonly AppointmentEndDate Indicates the date that the appointment ends. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentEndDate Alternate names: dispidApptEndDate static readonly AppointmentEndTime Indicates the time that the appointment ends. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentEndTime Alternate names: dispidApptEndTime static readonly AppointmentEndWhole Specifies the end date and time for the event. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentEndWhole Alternate names: dispidApptEndWhole static readonly AppointmentLastSequence Indicates to the organizer the last sequence number that was sent to any attendee. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentLastSequence Alternate names: dispidApptLastSequence static readonly AppointmentMessageClass Indicates the message class of the Meeting object to be generated from the Meeting Request object. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentMessageClass Alternate names: dispidApptMessageClass static readonly AppointmentNotAllowPropose Indicates whether attendees are not allowed to propose a new date and/or time for the meeting. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentNotAllowPropose Alternate names: dispidApptNotAllowPropose static readonly AppointmentProposalNumber Specifies the number of attendees who have sent counter proposals that have not been accepted or rejected by the organizer. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentProposalNumber Alternate names: dispidApptProposalNum static readonly AppointmentProposedDuration Indicates the proposed value for the PidLidAppointmentDuration property (section 2.11) for a counter proposal. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentProposedDuration Alternate names: dispidApptProposedDuration static readonly AppointmentProposedEndWhole Specifies the proposed value for the PidLidAppointmentEndWhole property (section 2.14) for a counter proposal. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentProposedEndWhole Alternate names: dispidApptProposedEndWhole static readonly AppointmentProposedStartWhole Specifies the proposed value for the PidLidAppointmentStartWhole property (section 2.29) for a counter proposal. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentProposedStartWhole Alternate names: dispidApptProposedStartWhole static readonly AppointmentRecur Specifies the dates and times when a recurring series occurs. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentRecur Alternate names: dispidApptRecur static readonly AppointmentReplyName Specifies the user who last replied to the meeting request or meeting update. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentReplyName Alternate names: dispidApptReplyName, http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/apptreplyname static readonly AppointmentReplyTime Specifies the date and time at which the attendee responded to a received meeting request or Meeting Update object. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentReplyTime Alternate names: dispidApptReplyTime static readonly AppointmentSequence Specifies the sequence number of a Meeting object. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentSequence Alternate names: dispidApptSequence static readonly AppointmentSequenceTime Indicates the date and time at which the PidLidAppointmentSequence property (section 2.25) was last modified. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentSequenceTime Alternate names: dispidApptSeqTime static readonly AppointmentStartDate Identifies the date that the appointment starts. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentStartDate Alternate names: dispidApptStartDate static readonly AppointmentStartTime Identifies the time that the appointment starts. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentStartTime Alternate names: dispidApptStartTime static readonly AppointmentStartWhole Specifies the start date and time of the appointment. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentStartWhole Alternate names: dispidApptStartWhole static readonly AppointmentStateFlags Specifies a bit field that describes the state of the object. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentStateFlags Alternate names: dispidApptStateFlags static readonly AppointmentSubType Specifies whether the event is an all-day event. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentSubType Alternate names: dispidApptSubType static readonly AppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionEndDisplay Specifies time zone information that indicates the time zone of the PidLidAppointmentEndWhole property (section 2.14). Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionEndDisplay Alternate names: dispidApptTZDefEndDisplay static readonly AppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionRecur Specifies time zone information that describes how to convert the meeting date and time on a recurring series to and from UTC. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionRecur Alternate names: dispidApptTZDefRecur static readonly AppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionStartDisplay Specifies time zone information that indicates the time zone of the PidLidAppointmentStartWhole property (section 2.29). Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionStartDisplay Alternate names: dispidApptTZDefStartDisplay static readonly AppointmentUnsendableRecipients Contains a list of unsendable attendees. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentUnsendableRecipients Alternate names: dispidApptUnsendableRecips static readonly AppointmentUpdateTime Indicates the time at which the appointment was last updated. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAppointmentUpdateTime Alternate names: dispidApptUpdateTime static readonly ArchiveDate Specifies the date, in UTC, after which a Message object is archived by the server. Area: Archive Canonical name: PidTagArchiveDate Alternate names: PR_ARCHIVE_DATE, ptagArchiveDate static readonly ArchivePeriod Specifies the number of days that a Message object can remain unarchived. Area: Archive Canonical name: PidTagArchivePeriod Alternate names: PR_ARCHIVE_PERIOD, ptagArchivePeriod static readonly ArchiveTag Specifies the GUID of an archive tag. Area: Archive Canonical name: PidTagArchiveTag Alternate names: PR_ARCHIVE_TAG, ptagArchiveTag static readonly ArrivalTime Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ARRIVAL_TIME static readonly Assistant Contains the name of the mail user’s administrative assistant. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagAssistant Alternate names: PR_ASSISTANT, PR_ASSISTANT_A, PR_ASSISTANT_W, static readonly AssistantTelephoneNumber Contains the telephone number of the mail user’s administrative assistant. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagAssistantTelephoneNumber Alternate names: PR_ASSISTANT_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, PR_ASSISTANT_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A, static readonly AssocContentCount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ASSOC_CONTENT_COUNT static readonly Associated Specifies whether the message being synchronized is an FAI message. Area: Sync Canonical name: PidTagAssociated Alternate names: ptagAssociated static readonly AssocMessageSize Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ASSOC_MESSAGE_SIZE static readonly AssocMessageSizeExtended Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ASSOC_MESSAGE_SIZE_EXTENDED static readonly AssocMsgWAttachCount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ASSOC_MSG_W_ATTACH_COUNT static readonly AttachAdditionalInformation Contains attachment encoding information. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachAdditionalInformation Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_ADDITIONAL_INFO static readonly AttachContentBase Contains the base of a relative URI. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachContentBase Alternate names: static readonly AttachContentId Contains a content identifier unique to the Message object that matches a corresponding Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachContentId Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID, PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID_A, PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID_W static readonly AttachContentLocation Contains a relative or full URI that matches a corresponding reference in the HTML body of a Message object. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachContentLocation Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_LOCATION, PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_LOCATION_A, PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_LOCATION_W static readonly AttachDataBinary Contains the contents of the file to be attached. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachDataBinary Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN, ptagAttachDataBin static readonly AttachDataObject Contains the binary representation of the Attachment object in an application-specific format. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachDataObject Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ, ptagAttachDataObj static readonly AttachEncoding Contains encoding information about the Attachment object. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachEncoding Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_ENCODING static readonly AttachExtension Contains a file name extension that indicates the document type of an attachment. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachExtension Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_EXTENSION, PR_ATTACH_EXTENSION_A, PR_ATTACH_EXTENSION_W static readonly AttachFilename Contains the 8.3 name of the PidTagAttachLongFilename property (section 2.586). Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachFilename Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_FILENAME, PR_ATTACH_FILENAME_A, ptagAttachFilename, PR_ATTACH_FILENAME_W static readonly AttachFlags Indicates which body formats might reference this attachment when rendering data. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachFlags Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_FLAGS static readonly AttachLongFilename Contains the full filename and extension of the Attachment object. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachLongFilename Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME, PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME_A, static readonly AttachLongPathname Contains the fully-qualified path and file name with extension. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachLongPathname Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_LONG_PATHNAME, PR_ATTACH_LONG_PATHNAME_A, ptagAttachLongPathname, PR_ATTACH_LONG_PATHNAME_W static readonly AttachmentContactPhoto Indicates that a contact photo attachment is attached to a Contact object. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachmentContactPhoto Alternate names: PR_ATTACHMENT_CONTACTPHOTO static readonly AttachmentFlags Indicates special handling for an Attachment object. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachmentFlags Alternate names: PR_ATTACHMENT_FLAGS, ptagAttachmentFlags static readonly AttachmentHidden Indicates whether an Attachment object is hidden from the end user. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachmentHidden Alternate names: PR_ATTACHMENT_HIDDEN static readonly AttachmentIsFolder A value indicating whether the attachment points to a folder. static readonly AttachmentLinkId Contains the type of Message object to which an attachment is linked. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachmentLinkId Alternate names: PR_ATTACHMENT_LINKID, ptagAttachmentLinkId static readonly AttachmentMacContentType Contains the Content-Type of the Mac attachment. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidNameAttachmentMacContentType Alternate names: static readonly AttachmentMacInfo Contains the headers and resource fork data associated with the Mac attachment. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidNameAttachmentMacInfo Alternate names: static readonly AttachmentOriginalPermissionType The original permission of the attachment. static readonly AttachmentOriginalUrl The original URL of the attachment. static readonly AttachmentPermissionType The permission of the attachment. static readonly AttachmentPreviewUrl The URL of the attachment preview. static readonly AttachmentProviderEndpointUrl The URL of the attachment provider. static readonly AttachmentProviderType The type of the attachment provider. static readonly AttachmentThumbnailUrl The URL of the attachment thumbnail. static readonly AttachmentX400Parameters Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ATTACHMENT_X400_PARAMETERS static readonly AttachMethod Represents the way the contents of an attachment are accessed. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachMethod Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_METHOD, ptagAttachMethod static readonly AttachMimeTag Contains a content-type MIME header. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachMimeTag Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG, PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG_A, PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG_W static readonly AttachNumber Identifies the Attachment object within its Message object. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachNumber Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_NUM, ptagAttachNum static readonly AttachOnAssocMsgCount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_ON_ASSOC_MSG_COUNT static readonly AttachOnNormalMsgCount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_ON_NORMAL_MSG_COUNT static readonly AttachPathname Contains the 8.3 name of the PidTagAttachLongPathname property (section 2.587). Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachPathname Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_PATHNAME, PR_ATTACH_PATHNAME_A, ptagAttachPathname, PR_ATTACH_PATHNAME_W static readonly AttachPayloadClass Contains the class name of an object that can display the contents of the message. Area: Outlook Application Canonical name: PidTagAttachPayloadClass Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_PAYLOAD_CLASS, PR_ATTACH_PAYLOAD_CLASS_A, PR_ATTACH_PAYLOAD_CLASS_W, ptagAttachPayloadClass static readonly AttachPayloadProviderGuidString Contains the GUID of the software component that can display the contents of the message. Area: Outlook Application Canonical name: PidTagAttachPayloadProviderGuidString Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_PAYLOAD_PROV_GUID_STR, PR_ATTACH_PAYLOAD_PROV_GUID_STR_A, PR_ATTACH_PAYLOAD_PROV_GUID_STR_W static readonly AttachRendering Contains a Windows Metafile, as specified in [MS-WMF], for the Attachment object. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachRendering Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_RENDERING, ptagAttachRendering static readonly AttachSize Contains the size, in bytes, consumed by the Attachment object on the server. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachSize Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_SIZE, ptagAttachSize static readonly AttachTag Contains the identifier information for the application that supplied the Attachment object data. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachTag Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_TAG static readonly AttachTransportName Contains the name of an attachment file, modified so that it can be correlated with TNEF messages. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttachTransportName Alternate names: PR_ATTACH_TRANSPORT_NAME, PR_ATTACH_TRANSPORT_NAME_A, PR_ATTACH_TRANSPORT_NAME_W static readonly AttendeeCriticalChange Specifies the date and time at which the meeting-related object was sent. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAttendeeCriticalChange Alternate names: LID_ATTENDEE_CRITICAL_CHANGE static readonly AttributeHidden Specifies the hide or show status of a folder. Area: Access Control Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttributeHidden Alternate names: PR_ATTR_HIDDEN, ptagAttrHidden, DAV:ishidden static readonly AttributeReadOnly Indicates whether an item can be modified or deleted. Area: Access Control Properties Canonical name: PidTagAttributeReadOnly Alternate names: PR_ATTR_READONLY, ptagAttrReadonly, DAV:isreadonly static readonly AudioNotes Contains textual annotations to a voice message after it has been delivered to the user’s mailbox. Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidNameAudioNotes Alternate names: UMAudioNotes static readonly Author Specifies the author of the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameAuthor Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Author static readonly AuthorizingUsers Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_AUTHORIZING_USERS static readonly AutoAddNewSubs Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_AUTO_ADD_NEW_SUBS static readonly AutoFillLocation Indicates whether the value of the PidLidLocation property (section 2.159) is set to the PidTagDisplayName property (section 2.667). Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidAutoFillLocation Alternate names: dispidAutoFillLocation static readonly AutoForwardComment Contains text included in an automatically-generated message. Area: General Report Properties Canonical name: PidTagAutoForwardComment Alternate names: PR_AUTO_FORWARD_COMMENT, PR_AUTO_FORWARD_COMMENT_A, PR_AUTO_FORWARD_COMMENT_W static readonly AutoForwarded Indicates that a Message object has been automatically generated or automatically forwarded. Area: General Report Properties Canonical name: PidTagAutoForwarded Alternate names: PR_AUTO_FORWARDED, ptagAutoForwarded static readonly AutoLog Specifies to the application whether to create a Journal object for each action associated with this Contact object. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidAutoLog Alternate names: dispidAutoLog static readonly AutomaticSpeechRecognitionData Contains an unprotected voice message. Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidNameAutomaticSpeechRecognitionData Alternate names: static readonly AutoProcessState Specifies the options used in the automatic processing of email messages. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidAutoProcessState Alternate names: dispidSniffState static readonly AutoResponseSuppress Specifies whether a client or server application should forego sending automated replies in response to this message. Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagAutoResponseSuppress Alternate names: PR_AUTO_RESPONSE_SUPPRESS, ptagAutoResponseSuppress static readonly AutoStartCheck Specifies whether to automatically start the conferencing application when a reminder for the start of a meeting is executed. Area: Conferencing Canonical name: PidLidAutoStartCheck Alternate names: dispidAutoStartCheck static readonly BilateralInfo Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_BILATERAL_INFO static readonly Billing Specifies billing information for the contact. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidBilling Alternate names: dispidBilling static readonly Birthday Contains the date of the mail user’s birthday at midnight. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagBirthday Alternate names: PR_BIRTHDAY, urn:schemas:contacts:bday static readonly BirthdayEventEntryId Specifies the EntryID of an optional Appointment object that represents the birthday of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidBirthdayEventEntryId Alternate names: dispidBirthdayEventEID static readonly BirthdayLocal Specifies the birthday of a contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidBirthdayLocal Alternate names: dispidApptBirthdayLocal static readonly BlockStatus Indicates the user’s preference for viewing external content (such as links to images on an HTTP server) in the message body. Area: Secure Messaging Properties Canonical name: PidTagBlockStatus Alternate names: PR_BLOCK_STATUS, ptagBlockStatus static readonly Body Contains message body text in plain text format. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagBody Alternate names: PR_BODY, PR_BODY_A, ptagBody, PR_BODY_W, static readonly BodyContentId Contains a GUID that corresponds to the current message body. Area: Exchange Canonical name: PidTagBodyContentId Alternate names: PR_BODY_CONTENT_ID, PR_BODY_CONTENT_ID_A, PR_BODY_CONTENT_ID_W static readonly BodyContentLocation Contains a globally unique Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that serves as a label for the current message body. Area: MIME Properties Canonical name: PidTagBodyContentLocation Alternate names: PR_BODY_CONTENT_LOCATION, PR_BODY_CONTENT_LOCATION_A, PR_BODY_CONTENT_LOCATION_W static readonly BodyCrc Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_BODY_CRC static readonly BodyHtml Contains the HTML body of the Message object. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagBodyHtml Alternate names: PR_BODY_HTML, PR_BODY_HTML_A, ptagBodyHtml, PR_BODY_HTML_W static readonly Business2TelephoneNumber Contains a secondary telephone number at the mail user’s place of business. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagBusiness2TelephoneNumber Alternate names: “PR_BUSINESS2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, PR_BUSINESS2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A, PR_BUSINESS2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W, PR_OFFICE2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, static readonly Business2TelephoneNumbers Contains secondary telephone numbers at the mail user’s place of business. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagBusiness2TelephoneNumbers Alternate names: PR_BUSINESS2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A_MV static readonly BusinessCardCardPicture Contains the image to be used on a business card. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidBusinessCardCardPicture Alternate names: dispidBCCardPicture static readonly BusinessCardDisplayDefinition Contains user customization details for displaying a contact as a business card. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidBusinessCardDisplayDefinition Alternate names: dispidBCDisplayDefinition static readonly BusinessFaxNumber Contains the telephone number of the mail user’s business fax machine. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagBusinessFaxNumber Alternate names: PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER, PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER_A, static readonly BusinessHomePage Contains the URL of the mail user’s business home page. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagBusinessHomePage Alternate names: PR_BUSINESS_HOME_PAGE, PR_BUSINESS_HOME_PAGE_A, PR_BUSINESS_HOME_PAGE_W, static readonly BusinessTelephoneNumber Contains the primary telephone number of the mail user’s place of business. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagBusinessTelephoneNumber Alternate names: PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A, PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W, PR_OFFICE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, static readonly BusyStatus Specifies the availability of a user for the event described by the object. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidBusyStatus Alternate names: dispidBusyStatus static readonly ByteCount Specifies the size, in bytes, of the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameByteCount Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Bytes static readonly CachedColumnCount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CACHED_COLUMN_COUNT static readonly CalendarAttendeeRole Specifies the role of the attendee. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarAttendeeRole Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:attendeerole static readonly CalendarBusystatus Specifies whether the attendee is busy at the time of an appointment on their calendar. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarBusystatus Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:busystatus static readonly CalendarContact Identifies the name of a contact who is an attendee of a meeting. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarContact Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:contact static readonly CalendarContactUrl Identifies the URL where you can access contact information in HTML format. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarContactUrl Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:contacturl static readonly CalendarCreated Identifies the date and time, in UTC, when the organizer created the appointment or meeting. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarCreated Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:created static readonly CalendarDescriptionUrl Specifies the URL of a resource that contains a description of an appointment or meeting. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarDescriptionUrl Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:descriptionurl static readonly CalendarDuration Identifies the duration, in seconds, of an appointment or meeting. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarDuration Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:duration static readonly CalendarExceptionDate Identifies a list of dates that are exceptions to a recurring appointment. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarExceptionDate Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:exdate static readonly CalendarExceptionRule Specifies an exception rule for a recurring appointment. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarExceptionRule Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:exrule static readonly CalendarGeoLatitude Specifies the geographical latitude of the location of an appointment. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarGeoLatitude Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:geolatitude static readonly CalendarGeoLongitude Specifies the geographical longitude of the location of an appointment. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarGeoLongitude Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:geolongitude static readonly CalendarInstanceType Specifies the type of an appointment. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarInstanceType Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:instancetype static readonly CalendarIsOrganizer Specifies whether an attendee is the organizer of an appointment or meeting. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarIsOrganizer Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:isorganizer static readonly CalendarLastModified Specifies the date and time, in UTC, when an appointment was last modified. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarLastModified Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:lastmodified static readonly CalendarLocationUrl Specifies a URL with location information in HTML format. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarLocationUrl Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:locationurl static readonly CalendarMeetingStatus Specifies the status of an appointment or meeting. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarMeetingStatus Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:meetingstatus static readonly CalendarMethod Specifies the iCalendar method that is associated with an Appointment object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarMethod Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:method static readonly CalendarProductId Identifies the product that created the iCalendar-formatted stream. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarProductId Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:prodid static readonly CalendarRecurrenceIdRange Specifies which instances of a recurring appointment are being referred to. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarRecurrenceIdRange Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:recurrenceidrange static readonly CalendarReminderOffset Identifies the number of seconds before an appointment starts that a reminder is to be displayed. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarReminderOffset Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:reminderoffset static readonly CalendarResources Identifies a list of resources, such as rooms and video equipment, that are available for an appointment. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarResources Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:resources static readonly CalendarRsvp Specifies whether the organizer of an appointment or meeting requested a response. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarRsvp Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:rsvp static readonly CalendarSequence Specifies the sequence number of a version of an appointment. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarSequence Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:sequence static readonly CalendarTimeZone Specifies the time zone of an appointment or meeting. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarTimeZone Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:timezone static readonly CalendarTimeZoneId Specifies the time zone identifier of an appointment or meeting. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarTimeZoneId Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:timezoneid static readonly CalendarTransparent Specifies whether an appointment or meeting is visible to busy time searches. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarTransparent Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:transparent static readonly CalendarType Contains the value of the CalendarType field from the PidLidAppointmentRecur property (section 2.22). Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidCalendarType Alternate names: LID_CALENDAR_TYPE static readonly CalendarUid Specifies the unique identifier of an appointment or meeting. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarUid Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:uid static readonly CalendarVersion Identifies the version of the iCalendar specification, as specified in [MS-OXCICAL] section, that is required to correctly interpret an iCalendar object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarVersion Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:version static readonly CallbackTelephoneNumber Contains a telephone number to reach the mail user. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagCallbackTelephoneNumber Alternate names: PR_CALLBACK_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, PR_CALLBACK_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A, static readonly CallId Contains a unique identifier associated with the phone call. Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidTagCallId Alternate names: InternalSchemaCallID static readonly CarTelephoneNumber Contains the mail user’s car telephone number. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagCarTelephoneNumber Alternate names: PR_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, PR_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A, static readonly CategCount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CATEG_COUNT static readonly Categories Contains the array of text labels assigned to this Message object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidLidCategories Alternate names: dispidCategories static readonly Category Specifies the category of the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCategory Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Category static readonly CcAttendeesString Contains a list of all the sendable attendees who are also optional attendees. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidCcAttendeesString Alternate names: dispidCCAttendeesString static readonly CdoRecurrenceid Identifies a specific instance of a recurring appointment. Area: Exchange Canonical name: PidTagCdoRecurrenceid Alternate names: PR_CDO_RECURRENCEID, urn:schemas:calendar:recurrenceid static readonly ChangeAdvisor Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CHANGE_ADVISOR static readonly ChangeHighlight Specifies a bit field that indicates how the Meeting object has changed. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidChangeHighlight Alternate names: dispidChangeHighlight static readonly ChangeKey Contains a structure that identifies the last change to the object. Area: History Properties Canonical name: PidTagChangeKey Alternate names: PR_CHANGE_KEY static readonly ChangeNotificationGuid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_GUID static readonly ChangeNumber Contains a structure that identifies the last change to the message or folder that is currently being synchronized. Area: Sync Canonical name: PidTagChangeNumber Alternate names: ptagCn static readonly CharacterCount Specifies the character count of the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCharacterCount Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Characters static readonly ChildrensNames Specifies the names of the children of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagChildrensNames Alternate names: PR_CHILDRENS_NAMES, PR_CHILDRENS_NAMES_A, PR_CHILDRENS_NAMES_W, static readonly Classification Contains a list of the classification categories to which the associated Message object has been assigned. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidClassification Alternate names: dispidClassification static readonly ClassificationDescription Contains a human-readable summary of each of the classification categories included in the PidLidClassification property (section 2.53). Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidClassificationDescription Alternate names: dispidClassDesc static readonly ClassificationGuid Contains the GUID that identifies the list of email classification categories used by a Message object. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidClassificationGuid Alternate names: dispidClassGuid static readonly ClassificationKeep Indicates whether the message uses any classification categories. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidClassificationKeep Alternate names: dispidClassKeep static readonly Classified Indicates whether the contents of this message are regarded as classified information. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidClassified Alternate names: dispidClassified static readonly CleanGlobalObjectId Contains the value of the PidLidGlobalObjectId property (section 2.142) for an object all zero. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidCleanGlobalObjectId Alternate names: dispidCleanGlobalObjId static readonly ClientActions Specifies the actions the client is required to take on the message. Area: Server-side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagClientActions Alternate names: PR_CLIENT_ACTIONS, ptagClientActions static readonly ClientIntent Indicates what actions the user has taken on this Meeting object. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidClientIntent Alternate names: dispidClientIntent static readonly ClientSubmitTime Contains the current time, in UTC, when the email message is submitted. Area: Message Time Properties Canonical name: PidTagClientSubmitTime Alternate names: PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME, urn:schemas:httpmail:date, static readonly ClipEnd Specifies the end date and time of the event in UTC. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidClipEnd Alternate names: dispidClipEnd static readonly ClipStart Specifies the start date and time of the event in UTC. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidClipStart Alternate names: dispidClipStart static readonly CodePageId Contains the identifier for the client code page used for Unicode to double-byte character set (DBCS) string conversion. Area: Exchange Profile Configuration Canonical name: PidTagCodePageId Alternate names: PR_CODE_PAGE_ID, ptagCodePageId static readonly CollaborateDoc Specifies the document to be launched when the user joins the meeting. Area: Conferencing Canonical name: PidLidCollaborateDoc Alternate names: dispidCollaborateDoc static readonly Collector Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_COLLECTOR static readonly Comment Contains a comment about the purpose or content of the Address Book object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidTagComment Alternate names: PR_COMMENT, PR_COMMENT_A, ptagComment, PR_COMMENT_W, DAV:comment, static readonly Comments Specifies the comments of the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameComments Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Comments static readonly CommonEnd Indicates the end time for the Message object. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidCommonEnd Alternate names: dispidCommonEnd static readonly CommonStart Indicates the start time for the Message object. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidCommonStart Alternate names: dispidCommonStart static readonly CommonViewsEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_COMMON_VIEWS_ENTRYID static readonly Companies Contains a list of company names, each of which is associated with a contact that is specified in the PidLidContacts property ([MS-OXCMSG] section Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidCompanies Alternate names: dispidCompanies, http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/companies static readonly Company Specifies the company for which the file was created. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCompany Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Company static readonly CompanyMainTelephoneNumber Contains the main telephone number of the mail user’s company. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagCompanyMainTelephoneNumber Alternate names: PR_COMPANY_MAIN_PHONE_NUMBER, PR_COMPANY_MAIN_PHONE_NUMBER_A, static readonly CompanyName Contains the mail user’s company name. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagCompanyName Alternate names: PR_COMPANY_NAME, PR_COMPANY_NAME_A, PR_COMPANY_NAME_W, static readonly ComputerNetworkName Contains the name of the mail user’s computer network. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagComputerNetworkName Alternate names: PR_COMPUTER_NETWORK_NAME, PR_COMPUTER_NETWORK_NAME_A, static readonly ConferencingCheck Area: Conferencing Canonical name: PidLidConferencingCheck Alternate names: dispidConfCheck static readonly ConferencingType Specifies the type of the meeting. Area: Conferencing Canonical name: PidLidConferencingType Alternate names: dispidConfType static readonly ConflictEntryId Contains the EntryID of the conflict resolve message. Area: ICS Canonical name: PidTagConflictEntryId Alternate names: PR_CONFLICT_ENTRYID, ptagConflictEntryId static readonly ContactAddrtypes Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTACT_ADDRTYPES static readonly ContactCharacterSet Specifies the character set used for a Contact object. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactCharacterSet Alternate names: dispidContactCharSet static readonly ContactCount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTACT_COUNT static readonly ContactDefaultAddressIndex Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTACT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_INDEX static readonly ContactEmailAddresses Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTACT_EMAIL_ADDRESSES static readonly ContactEntryids Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTACT_ENTRYIDS static readonly ContactItemData Specifies the visible fields in the application’s user interface that are used to help display the contact information. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactItemData Alternate names: dispidContactItemData static readonly ContactLinkedGlobalAddressListEntryId Specifies the EntryID of the GAL contact to which the duplicate contact is linked. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactLinkedGlobalAddressListEntryId Alternate names: dispidContactLinkedGALEntryID static readonly ContactLinkEntry Contains the elements of the PidLidContacts property (section 2.77). Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactLinkEntry Alternate names: dispidContactLinkEntry static readonly ContactLinkGlobalAddressListLinkId Specifies the GUID of the GAL contact to which the duplicate contact is linked. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactLinkGlobalAddressListLinkId Alternate names: dispidContactLinkGALLinkID static readonly ContactLinkGlobalAddressListLinkState Specifies the state of the linking between the GAL contact and the duplicate contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactLinkGlobalAddressListLinkState Alternate names: dispidContactLinkGALLinkState static readonly ContactLinkLinkRejectHistory Contains a list of GAL contacts that were previously rejected for linking with the duplicate contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactLinkLinkRejectHistory Alternate names: dispidContactLinkLinkRejectHistory static readonly ContactLinkName Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactLinkName Alternate names: dispidContactLinkName static readonly ContactLinkSearchKey Contains the list of SearchKeys for a Contact object linked to by the Message object. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactLinkSearchKey Alternate names: dispidContactLinkSearchKey static readonly ContactLinkSMTPAddressCache Contains a list of the SMTP addresses that are used by the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactLinkSMTPAddressCache Alternate names: dispidContactLinkSMTPAddressCache static readonly Contacts Contains the PidTagDisplayName property (section 2.667) of each Address Book EntryID referenced in the value of the PidLidContactLinkEntry property (section 2.70). Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidContacts Alternate names: dispidContacts static readonly ContactUserField1 Contains text used to add custom text to a business card representation of a Contact object. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactUserField1 Alternate names: dispidContactUserField1 static readonly ContactUserField2 Contains text used to add custom text to a business card representation of a Contact object. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactUserField2 Alternate names: dispidContactUserField2 static readonly ContactUserField3 Contains text used to add custom text to a business card representation of a Contact object. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactUserField3 Alternate names: dispidContactUserField3 static readonly ContactUserField4 Contains text used to add custom text to a business card representation of a Contact object. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidContactUserField4 Alternate names: dispidContactUserField4 static readonly ContactVersion Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTACT_VERSION static readonly ContainerClass Contains a string value that describes the type of Message object that a folder contains. Area: Container Properties Canonical name: PidTagContainerClass Alternate names: PR_CONTAINER_CLASS, PR_CONTAINER_CLASS_A, ptagContainerClass, PR_CONTAINER_CLASS_W, static readonly ContainerContents Always empty. An NSPI server defines this value for distribution lists and it is not present for other objects. Area: Container Properties Canonical name: PidTagContainerContents Alternate names: PR_CONTAINER_CONTENTS, ptagContainerContents static readonly ContainerFlags Contains a bitmask of flags that describe capabilities of an address book container. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagContainerFlags Alternate names: PR_CONTAINER_FLAGS static readonly ContainerHierarchy Identifies all of the subfolders of the current folder. Area: Container Properties Canonical name: PidTagContainerHierarchy Alternate names: PR_CONTAINER_HIERARCHY, ptagContainerHierarchy static readonly ContainerModifyVersion Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTAINER_MODIFY_VERSION static readonly ContentBase Specifies the value of the MIME Content-Base header, which defines the base URI for resolving relative URLs contained within the message body. Area: Email Canonical name: PidNameContentBase Alternate names: BodyContentBase static readonly ContentClass Contains a string that identifies the type of content of a Message object. Area: Email Canonical name: PidNameContentClass Alternate names: DAV:contentclass, urn:schemas:mailheader:content-class static readonly ContentConfidentialityAlgorithmId Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTENT_CONFIDENTIALITY_ALGORITHM_ID static readonly ContentCorrelator Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTENT_CORRELATOR static readonly ContentCount Specifies the number of rows under the header row. Area: Folder Properties Canonical name: PidTagContentCount Alternate names: PR_CONTENT_COUNT, ptagContentCount, DAV:visiblecount static readonly ContentFilterSpamConfidenceLevel Indicates a confidence level that the message is spam. Area: Secure Messaging Properties Canonical name: PidTagContentFilterSpamConfidenceLevel Alternate names: PR_CONTENT_FILTER_SCL, ptagContentFilterSCL static readonly ContentIdentifier Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTENT_IDENTIFIER static readonly ContentIntegrityCheck Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTENT_INTEGRITY_CHECK static readonly ContentLength Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTENT_LENGTH static readonly ContentReturnRequested Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTENT_RETURN_REQUESTED static readonly ContentSearchKey Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTENT_SEARCH_KEY static readonly ContentsSortOrder Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTENTS_SORT_ORDER static readonly ContentsSynchronizer Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTENTS_SYNCHRONIZER static readonly ContentType Specifies the type of the body part content. Area: Email Canonical name: PidNameContentType Alternate names: urn:schemas:mailheader:content-type static readonly ContentUnreadCount Specifies the number of rows under the header row that have the PidTagRead property (section 2.869) set to FALSE. Area: Folder Properties Canonical name: PidTagContentUnreadCount Alternate names: PR_CONTENT_UNREAD, ptagContentUnread, urn:schemas:httpmail:unreadcount static readonly ControlFlags Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTROL_FLAGS static readonly ControlId Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTROL_ID static readonly ControlStructure Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTROL_STRUCTURE static readonly ControlType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONTROL_TYPE static readonly ConversationActionLastAppliedTime Contains the time, in UTC, that an Email object was last received in the conversation, or the last time that the user modified the conversation action, whichever occurs later. Area: Conversation Actions Canonical name: PidLidConversationActionLastAppliedTime Alternate names: dispidConvActionLastAppliedTime static readonly ConversationActionMaxDeliveryTime Contains the maximum value of the PidTagMessageDeliveryTime property (section conversation action on the client. Area: Conversation Actions Canonical name: PidLidConversationActionMaxDeliveryTime Alternate names: dispidConvActionMaxDeliveryTime static readonly ConversationActionMoveFolderEid Contains the EntryID for the destination folder. Area: Conversation Actions Canonical name: PidLidConversationActionMoveFolderEid Alternate names: dispidConvActionMoveFolderEid static readonly ConversationActionMoveStoreEid Contains the EntryID for a move to a folder in a different message store. Area: Conversation Actions Canonical name: PidLidConversationActionMoveStoreEid Alternate names: dispidConvActionMoveStoreEid static readonly ConversationActionVersion Contains the version of the conversation action FAI message. Area: Conversation Actions Canonical name: PidLidConversationActionVersion Alternate names: dispidConvActionVersion static readonly ConversationId Contains a computed value derived from other conversation-related properties. Area: Conversations Canonical name: PidTagConversationId Alternate names: PR_CONVERSATION_ID static readonly ConversationIndex Indicates the relative position of this message within a conversation thread. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagConversationIndex Alternate names: PR_CONVERSATION_INDEX, ptagConversationIndex static readonly ConversationIndexTracking Indicates whether the GUID portion of the PidTagConversationIndex property (section 2.641) is to be used to compute the PidTagConversationId property (section 2.640). Area: Conversations Canonical name: PidTagConversationIndexTracking Alternate names: PR_CONVERSATION_INDEX_TRACKING static readonly ConversationKey Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONVERSATION_KEY static readonly ConversationProcessed Specifies a sequential number to be used in the processing of a conversation action. Area: Conversation Actions Canonical name: PidLidConversationProcessed Alternate names: dispidConvExLegacyProcessedRand static readonly ConversationTopic Contains an unchanging copy of the original subject. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagConversationTopic Alternate names: PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC, PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC_A, static readonly ConversionEits Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONVERSION_EITS static readonly ConversionProhibited Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONVERSION_PROHIBITED static readonly ConversionWithLossProhibited Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONVERSION_WITH_LOSS_PROHIBITED static readonly ConvertedEits Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CONVERTED_EITS static readonly Correlate Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CORRELATE static readonly CorrelateMtsid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CORRELATE_MTSID static readonly Country Contains the name of the mail user’s country/region. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagCountry Alternate names: PR_COUNTRY, PR_COUNTRY_A, PR_COUNTRY_W, PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_COUNTRY, PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_A, static readonly CreateDateTimeReadOnly Specifies the time, in UTC, that the file was first created. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCreateDateTimeReadOnly Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Created static readonly CreateTemplates Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CREATE_TEMPLATES static readonly CreationTime Contains the time, in UTC, that the object was created. Area: Message Time Properties Canonical name: PidTagCreationTime Alternate names: PR_CREATION_TIME, ptagCreationTime, DAV:creationdate static readonly CreationVersion Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CREATION_VERSION static readonly CreatorEntryId Specifies the original author of the message according to their Address Book EntryID. Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagCreatorEntryId Alternate names: PR_CREATOR_ENTRYID, ptagCreatorEntryId static readonly CreatorName Contains the name of the creator of a Message object. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagCreatorName Alternate names: PR_CREATOR_NAME, PR_CREATOR_NAME_A, ptagCreatorName, PR_CREATOR_NAME_W static readonly CrossReference Contains the name of the host (with domains omitted) and a white-space-separated list of colon-separated pairs of newsgroup names and message numbers. Area: Email Canonical name: PidNameCrossReference Alternate names: urn:schemas:mailheader:xref static readonly CurrentVersion Specifies the build number of the client application that sent the message. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidCurrentVersion Alternate names: dispidCurrentVersion static readonly CurrentVersionName Specifies the name of the client application that sent the message. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidCurrentVersionName Alternate names: dispidCurrentVersionName static readonly CustomerId Contains the mail user’s customer identification number. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagCustomerId Alternate names: PR_CUSTOMER_ID, PR_CUSTOMER_ID_A, PR_CUSTOMER_ID_W, static readonly DamBackPatched Indicates whether the Deferred Action Message (DAM) was updated by the server. Area: Server-side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagDamBackPatched Alternate names: PR_DAM_BACK_PATCHED, ptagDamBackPatched static readonly DamOriginalEntryId Contains the EntryID of the delivered message that the client has to process. Area: Server-side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagDamOriginalEntryId Alternate names: PR_DAM_ORIGINAL_ENTRYID static readonly DavId Specifies a unique ID for the calendar item. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameDavId Alternate names: DAV:id static readonly DavIsCollection Indicates whether a Calendar object is a collection. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameDavIsCollection Alternate names: DAV:iscollection static readonly DavIsStructuredDocument Indicates whether a Calendar object is a structured document. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameDavIsStructuredDocument Alternate names: DAV:isstructureddocument static readonly DavParentName Specifies the name of the Folder object that contains the Calendar object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameDavParentName Alternate names: DAV:parentname static readonly DavUid Specifies the unique identifier for an item. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameDavUid Alternate names: DAV:uid static readonly DayInterval Identifies the day interval for the recurrence pattern. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidDayInterval Alternate names: LID_DAY_INTERVAL static readonly DayOfMonth Identifies the day of the month for the appointment or meeting. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidDayOfMonth Alternate names: static readonly DefaultPostMessageClass Contains the message class of the object. Area: MapiContainer Canonical name: PidTagDefaultPostMessageClass Alternate names: PR_DEF_POST_MSGCLASS static readonly DefaultProfile Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DEFAULT_PROFILE static readonly DefaultStore Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DEFAULT_STORE static readonly DefaultViewEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DEFAULT_VIEW_ENTRYID static readonly DefCreateDl Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DEF_CREATE_DL static readonly DefCreateMailuser Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DEF_CREATE_MAILUSER static readonly DeferredActionMessageOriginalEntryId Contains the server EntryID for the DAM. Area: Server-side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagDeferredActionMessageOriginalEntryId Alternate names: PR_DAM_ORIG_MSG_SVREID, ptagDamOrgMsgSvrEID static readonly DeferredDeliveryTime Contains the date and time, in UTC, at which the sender prefers that the message be delivered. Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagDeferredDeliveryTime Alternate names: PR_DEFERRED_DELIVERY_TIME, ptagDeferredDeliveryTime, static readonly DeferredSendNumber Contains a number used in the calculation of how long to defer sending a message. Area: MapiStatus Canonical name: PidTagDeferredSendNumber Alternate names: PR_DEFERRED_SEND_NUMBER static readonly DeferredSendTime Contains the amount of time after which a client would like to defer sending the message. Area: MapiStatus Canonical name: PidTagDeferredSendTime Alternate names: PR_DEFERRED_SEND_TIME, ptagDeferredSendTime static readonly DeferredSendUnits Specifies the unit of time used as a multiplier with the PidTagDeferredSendNumber property (section 2.654) value. Area: MapiStatus Canonical name: PidTagDeferredSendUnits Alternate names: PR_DEFERRED_SEND_UNITS static readonly DelegatedByRule Specifies whether the message was forwarded due to the triggering of a delegate forward rule. Area: MapiStatus Canonical name: PidTagDelegatedByRule Alternate names: PR_DELEGATED_BY_RULE static readonly DelegateFlags Indicates whether delegates can view Message objects that are marked as private. Area: MessageClassDefinedTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagDelegateFlags Alternate names: PR_DELEGATE_FLAGS, ptagDelegateFlags static readonly DelegateMail Indicates whether a delegate responded to the meeting request. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidDelegateMail Alternate names: LID_DELEGATE_MAIL static readonly Delegation Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DELEGATION static readonly DeleteAfterSubmit Indicates that the original message is to be deleted after it is sent. Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagDeleteAfterSubmit Alternate names: PR_DELETE_AFTER_SUBMIT, ptagDeleteAfterSubmit static readonly DeletedAssocMessageSizeExtended Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DELETED_ASSOC_MESSAGE_SIZE_EXTENDED static readonly DeletedAssocMsgCount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DELETED_ASSOC_MSG_COUNT static readonly DeletedCountTotal Contains the total count of messages that have been deleted from a folder, excluding messages deleted within subfolders. Area: Server Canonical name: PidTagDeletedCountTotal Alternate names: PR_DELETED_COUNT_TOTAL, ptagDeleteCountTotal static readonly DeletedFolderCount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DELETED_FOLDER_COUNT static readonly DeletedMessageSizeExtended Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DELETED_MESSAGE_SIZE_EXTENDED static readonly DeletedMsgCount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DELETED_MSG_COUNT static readonly DeletedNormalMessageSizeExtended Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DELETED_NORMAL_MESSAGE_SIZE_EXTENDED static readonly DeletedOn Specifies the time, in UTC, when the item or folder was soft deleted. Area: ExchangeFolder Canonical name: PidTagDeletedOn Alternate names: PR_DELETED_ON, ptagDeletedOn, urn:schemas:httpmail:deletedon static readonly DeliverTime Contains the delivery time for a delivery status notification, as specified [RFC3464], or a message disposition notification, as specified in [RFC3798]. Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagDeliverTime Alternate names: PR_DELIVER_TIME, ptagDeliverTime static readonly DeliveryPoint Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DELIVERY_POINT static readonly Deltax Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DELTAX static readonly Deltay Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DELTAY static readonly Department This property is ignored by the server and is set to an empty string by the client. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidDepartment Alternate names: dispidDepartment static readonly DepartmentName Contains a name for the department in which the mail user works. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagDepartmentName Alternate names: PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME, PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME_A, PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME_W, static readonly Depth Specifies the number of nested categories in which a given row is contained. Area: MapiCommon Canonical name: PidTagDepth Alternate names: PR_DEPTH, ptagDepth static readonly DesignInProgress Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DESIGN_IN_PROGRESS static readonly DetailsTable Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DETAILS_TABLE static readonly Directory Specifies the directory server to be used. Area: Conferencing Canonical name: PidLidDirectory Alternate names: dispidDirectory static readonly DisableFullFidelity Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DISABLE_FULL_FIDELITY static readonly DisableWinsock Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DISABLE_WINSOCK static readonly DiscardReason Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DISCARD_REASON static readonly DiscloseRecipients Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DISCLOSE_RECIPIENTS static readonly DisclosureOfRecipients Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DISCLOSURE_OF_RECIPIENTS static readonly DiscreteValues Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DISCRETE_VALUES static readonly DiscVal Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DISC_VAL static readonly DisplayBcc Contains a list of blind carbon copy (Bcc) recipient display names. Area: Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagDisplayBcc Alternate names: PR_DISPLAY_BCC, PR_DISPLAY_BCC_A, ptagDisplayBcc, PR_DISPLAY_BCC_W, static readonly DisplayCc Contains a list of carbon copy (Cc) recipient display names. Area: Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagDisplayCc Alternate names: PR_DISPLAY_CC, PR_DISPLAY_CC_A, ptagDisplayCc, PR_DISPLAY_CC_W, static readonly DisplayName Contains the display name of the folder. Area: MapiCommon Canonical name: PidTagDisplayName Alternate names: PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A, ptagDisplayName, static readonly DisplayNamePrefix Contains the mail user’s honorific title. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagDisplayNamePrefix Alternate names: PR_DISPLAY_NAME_PREFIX, PR_DISPLAY_NAME_PREFIX_A, static readonly DisplayTo Contains a list of the primary recipient display names, separated by semicolons, when an email message has primary recipients . Area: Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagDisplayTo Alternate names: PR_DISPLAY_TO, PR_DISPLAY_TO_A, ptagDisplayTo, PR_DISPLAY_TO_W static readonly DisplayType Contains an integer value that indicates how to display an Address Book object in a table or as an addressee on a message. Area: MapiAddressBook Canonical name: PidTagDisplayType Alternate names: PR_DISPLAY_TYPE, ptagDisplayType static readonly DisplayTypeEx Contains an integer value that indicates how to display an Address Book object in a table or as a recipient on a message. Area: MapiAddressBook Canonical name: PidTagDisplayTypeEx Alternate names: PR_DISPLAY_TYPE_EX static readonly DistributionListChecksum Specifies the 32-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) polynomial checksum, as property (section 2.96). Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidDistributionListChecksum Alternate names: dispidDLChecksum static readonly DistributionListMembers Specifies the list of EntryIDs of the objects corresponding to the members of the personal distribution list. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidDistributionListMembers Alternate names: dispidDLMembers static readonly DistributionListName Specifies the name of the personal distribution list. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidDistributionListName Alternate names: dispidDLName static readonly DistributionListOneOffMembers Specifies the list of one-off EntryIDs corresponding to the members of the personal distribution list. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidDistributionListOneOffMembers Alternate names: dispidDLOneOffMembers static readonly DistributionListStream Specifies the list of EntryIDs and one-off EntryIDs corresponding to the members of the personal distribution list. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidDistributionListStream Alternate names: dispidDLStream static readonly DlExpansionHistory Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DL_EXPANSION_HISTORY static readonly DlExpansionProhibited Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DL_EXPANSION_PROHIBITED static readonly DlReportFlags Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_DL_REPORT_FLAGS static readonly DocumentParts Specifies the title of each part of the document. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameDocumentParts Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#PartTitles static readonly EditTime Specifies the time that the file was last edited. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameEditTime Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#TotalTime static readonly EformsForLocaleEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EFORMS_FOR_LOCALE_ENTRYID static readonly EformsLocaleId Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EFORMS_LOCALE_ID static readonly EformsRegistryEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EFORMS_REGISTRY_ENTRYID static readonly Email1AddressType Specifies the address type of an electronic address. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail1AddressType Alternate names: dispidEmail1AddrType static readonly Email1DisplayName Specifies the user-readable display name for the email address. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail1DisplayName Alternate names: dispidEmail1DisplayName static readonly Email1EmailAddress Specifies the email address of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail1EmailAddress Alternate names: dispidEmail1EmailAddress static readonly Email1OriginalDisplayName Specifies the SMTP email address that corresponds to the email address for the Contact object. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail1OriginalDisplayName Alternate names: dispidEmail1OriginalDisplayName, Email1OriginalDisplayName, EXSCHEMA_MAPI_EMAIL1ORIGINALDISPLAYNAME static readonly Email1OriginalEntryId Specifies the EntryID of the object corresponding to this electronic address. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail1OriginalEntryId Alternate names: dispidEmail1OriginalEntryID static readonly Email2AddressType Specifies the address type of the electronic address. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail2AddressType Alternate names: dispidEmail2AddrType static readonly Email2DisplayName Specifies the user-readable display name for the email address. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail2DisplayName Alternate names: dispidEmail2DisplayName static readonly Email2EmailAddress Specifies the email address of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail2EmailAddress Alternate names: dispidEmail2EmailAddress static readonly Email2OriginalDisplayName Specifies the SMTP email address that corresponds to the email address for the Contact object. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail2OriginalDisplayName Alternate names: dispidEmail2OriginalDisplayName static readonly Email2OriginalEntryId Specifies the EntryID of the object that corresponds to this electronic address. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail2OriginalEntryId Alternate names: dispidEmail2OriginalEntryID static readonly Email3AddressType Specifies the address type of the electronic address. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail3AddressType Alternate names: dispidEmail3AddrType static readonly Email3DisplayName Specifies the user-readable display name for the email address. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail3DisplayName Alternate names: dispidEmail3DisplayName static readonly Email3EmailAddress Specifies the email address of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail3EmailAddress Alternate names: dispidEmail3EmailAddress static readonly Email3OriginalDisplayName Specifies the SMTP email address that corresponds to the email address for the Contact object. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail3OriginalDisplayName Alternate names: dispidEmail3OriginalDisplayName static readonly Email3OriginalEntryId Specifies the EntryID of the object that corresponds to this electronic address. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidEmail3OriginalEntryId Alternate names: dispidEmail3OriginalEntryID static readonly EmailAddress Contains the email address of a Message object. Area: MapiCommon Canonical name: PidTagEmailAddress Alternate names: PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS, PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A, PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W static readonly EmsAbAccessCategory Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ACCESS_CATEGORY static readonly EmsAbActivationSchedule Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ACTIVATION_SCHEDULE static readonly EmsAbActivationStyle Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ACTIVATION_STYLE static readonly EmsAbAddressEntryDisplayTable Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ADDRESS_ENTRY_DISPLAY_TABLE static readonly EmsAbAddressEntryDisplayTableMsdos Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ADDRESS_ENTRY_DISPLAY_TABLE_MSDOS static readonly EmsAbAddressSyntax Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ADDRESS_SYNTAX static readonly EmsAbAddressType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ADDRESS_TYPE static readonly EmsAbAdmd Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ADMD static readonly EmsAbAdminDescription Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ADMIN_DESCRIPTION static readonly EmsAbAdminDisplayName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ADMIN_DISPLAY_NAME static readonly EmsAbAdminExtensionDll Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ADMIN_EXTENSION_DLL static readonly EmsAbAliasedObjectName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ALIASED_OBJECT_NAME static readonly EmsAbAliasedObjectNameO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ALIASED_OBJECT_NAME_O static readonly EmsAbAltRecipient Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ALT_RECIPIENT static readonly EmsAbAltRecipientBl Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ALT_RECIPIENT_BL static readonly EmsAbAltRecipientBlO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ALT_RECIPIENT_BL_O static readonly EmsAbAltRecipientO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ALT_RECIPIENT_O static readonly EmsAbAncestorId Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ANCESTOR_ID static readonly EmsAbAnonymousAccess Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS static readonly EmsAbAnonymousAccount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ANONYMOUS_ACCOUNT static readonly EmsAbAssociationLifetime Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ASSOCIATION_LIFETIME static readonly EmsAbAssocNtAccount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ASSOC_NT_ACCOUNT static readonly EmsAbAssocProtocolCfgNntp Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ASSOC_PROTOCOL_CFG_NNTP static readonly EmsAbAssocProtocolCfgNntpO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ASSOC_PROTOCOL_CFG_NNTP_O static readonly EmsAbAssocRemoteDxa Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ASSOC_REMOTE_DXA static readonly EmsAbAssocRemoteDxaO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ASSOC_REMOTE_DXA_O static readonly EmsAbAttributeCertificate Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ATTRIBUTE_CERTIFICATE static readonly EmsAbAuthenticationToUse Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_AUTHENTICATION_TO_USE static readonly EmsAbAuthOrigBl Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_AUTH_ORIG_BL static readonly EmsAbAuthOrigBlO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_AUTH_ORIG_BL_O static readonly EmsAbAuthorityRevocationList Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_AUTHORITY_REVOCATION_LIST static readonly EmsAbAuthorizedDomain Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_AUTHORIZED_DOMAIN static readonly EmsAbAuthorizedPassword Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_AUTHORIZED_PASSWORD static readonly EmsAbAuthorizedPasswordConfirm Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_AUTHORIZED_PASSWORD_CONFIRM static readonly EmsAbAuthorizedUser Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_AUTHORIZED_USER static readonly EmsAbAutoreply Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_AUTOREPLY static readonly EmsAbAutoreplyMessage Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_AUTOREPLY_MESSAGE static readonly EmsAbAutoreplySubject Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_AUTOREPLY_SUBJECT static readonly EmsAbAvailableAuthorizationPackages Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_AVAILABLE_AUTHORIZATION_PACKAGES static readonly EmsAbAvailableDistributions Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_AVAILABLE_DISTRIBUTIONS static readonly EmsAbBridgeheadServers Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_BRIDGEHEAD_SERVERS static readonly EmsAbBridgeheadServersO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_BRIDGEHEAD_SERVERS_O static readonly EmsAbBusinessCategory Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_BUSINESS_CATEGORY static readonly EmsAbBusinessRoles Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_BUSINESS_ROLES static readonly EmsAbCaCertificate Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CA_CERTIFICATE static readonly EmsAbCanCreatePf Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CAN_CREATE_PF static readonly EmsAbCanCreatePfBl Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CAN_CREATE_PF_BL static readonly EmsAbCanCreatePfBlO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CAN_CREATE_PF_BL_O static readonly EmsAbCanCreatePfDl Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CAN_CREATE_PF_DL static readonly EmsAbCanCreatePfDlBl Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CAN_CREATE_PF_DL_BL static readonly EmsAbCanCreatePfDlBlO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CAN_CREATE_PF_DL_BL_O static readonly EmsAbCanCreatePfDlO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CAN_CREATE_PF_DL_O static readonly EmsAbCanCreatePfO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CAN_CREATE_PF_O static readonly EmsAbCanNotCreatePf Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CAN_NOT_CREATE_PF static readonly EmsAbCanNotCreatePfBl Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CAN_NOT_CREATE_PF_BL static readonly EmsAbCanNotCreatePfBlO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CAN_NOT_CREATE_PF_BL_O static readonly EmsAbCanNotCreatePfDl Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CAN_NOT_CREATE_PF_DL static readonly EmsAbCanNotCreatePfDlBl Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CAN_NOT_CREATE_PF_DL_BL static readonly EmsAbCanNotCreatePfDlBlO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CAN_NOT_CREATE_PF_DL_BL_O static readonly EmsAbCanNotCreatePfDlO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CAN_NOT_CREATE_PF_DL_O static readonly EmsAbCanNotCreatePfO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CAN_NOT_CREATE_PF_O static readonly EmsAbCanPreserveDns Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CAN_PRESERVE_DNS static readonly EmsAbCertificateChainV3 Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN_V3 static readonly EmsAbCertificateRevocationList Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CERTIFICATE_REVOCATION_LIST static readonly EmsAbCertificateRevocationListV1 Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CERTIFICATE_REVOCATION_LIST_V1 static readonly EmsAbCertificateRevocationListV3 Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CERTIFICATE_REVOCATION_LIST_V3 static readonly EmsAbCharacterSet Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CHARACTER_SET static readonly EmsAbCharacterSetList Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CHARACTER_SET_LIST static readonly EmsAbChildRdns Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CHILD_RDNS static readonly EmsAbClientAccessEnabled Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CLIENT_ACCESS_ENABLED static readonly EmsAbClockAlertOffset Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CLOCK_ALERT_OFFSET static readonly EmsAbClockAlertRepair Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CLOCK_ALERT_REPAIR static readonly EmsAbClockWarningOffset Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CLOCK_WARNING_OFFSET static readonly EmsAbClockWarningRepair Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CLOCK_WARNING_REPAIR static readonly EmsAbCompromisedKeyList Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_COMPROMISED_KEY_LIST static readonly EmsAbComputerName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_COMPUTER_NAME static readonly EmsAbConnectedDomains Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CONNECTED_DOMAINS static readonly EmsAbConnectionListFilter Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CONNECTION_LIST_FILTER static readonly EmsAbConnectionListFilterType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CONNECTION_LIST_FILTER_TYPE static readonly EmsAbConnectionType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CONNECTION_TYPE static readonly EmsAbContainerInfo Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CONTAINER_INFO static readonly EmsAbContentType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CONTENT_TYPE static readonly EmsAbControlMsgFolderId Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CONTROL_MSG_FOLDER_ID static readonly EmsAbControlMsgRules Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CONTROL_MSG_RULES static readonly EmsAbCost Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_COST static readonly EmsAbCountryName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_COUNTRY_NAME static readonly EmsAbCrossCertificateCrl Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CROSS_CERTIFICATE_CRL static readonly EmsAbCrossCertificatePair Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_CROSS_CERTIFICATE_PAIR static readonly EmsAbDefaultMessageFormat Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DEFAULT_MESSAGE_FORMAT static readonly EmsAbDelegateUser Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DELEGATE_USER static readonly EmsAbDelivEits Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DELIV_EITS static readonly EmsAbDeliverAndRedirect Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DELIVER_AND_REDIRECT static readonly EmsAbDeliveryMechanism Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DELIVERY_MECHANISM static readonly EmsAbDelivExtContTypes Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DELIV_EXT_CONT_TYPES static readonly EmsAbDeltaRevocationList Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DELTA_REVOCATION_LIST static readonly EmsAbDescription Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DESCRIPTION static readonly EmsAbDestinationIndicator Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DESTINATION_INDICATOR static readonly EmsAbDiagnosticRegKey Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DIAGNOSTIC_REG_KEY static readonly EmsAbDisableDeferredCommit Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DISABLE_DEFERRED_COMMIT static readonly EmsAbDisabledGatewayProxy Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DISABLED_GATEWAY_PROXY static readonly EmsAbDisplayNameOverride Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DISPLAY_NAME_OVERRIDE static readonly EmsAbDisplayNameSuffix Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DISPLAY_NAME_SUFFIX static readonly EmsAbDlMemberRule Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DL_MEMBER_RULE static readonly EmsAbDlMemRejectPermsBl Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DL_MEM_REJECT_PERMS_BL static readonly EmsAbDlMemRejectPermsBlO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DL_MEM_REJECT_PERMS_BL_O static readonly EmsAbDmdName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DMD_NAME static readonly EmsAbDomainDefAltRecip Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DOMAIN_DEF_ALT_RECIP static readonly EmsAbDomainDefAltRecipO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DOMAIN_DEF_ALT_RECIP_O static readonly EmsAbDomainName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DOMAIN_NAME static readonly EmsAbDoOabVersion Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DO_OAB_VERSION static readonly EmsAbDsaSignature Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DSA_SIGNATURE static readonly EmsAbDxaAdminCopy Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_ADMIN_COPY static readonly EmsAbDxaAdminForward Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_ADMIN_FORWARD static readonly EmsAbDxaAdminUpdate Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_ADMIN_UPDATE static readonly EmsAbDxaAppendReqcn Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_APPEND_REQCN static readonly EmsAbDxaConfContainerList Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_CONF_CONTAINER_LIST static readonly EmsAbDxaConfContainerListO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_CONF_CONTAINER_LIST_O static readonly EmsAbDxaConfReqTime Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_CONF_REQ_TIME static readonly EmsAbDxaConfSeq Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_CONF_SEQ static readonly EmsAbDxaConfSeqUsn Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_CONF_SEQ_USN static readonly EmsAbDxaExchangeOptions Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_EXCHANGE_OPTIONS static readonly EmsAbDxaExportNow Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_EXPORT_NOW static readonly EmsAbDxaFlags Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_FLAGS static readonly EmsAbDxaImportNow Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_IMPORT_NOW static readonly EmsAbDxaImpSeq Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_IMP_SEQ static readonly EmsAbDxaImpSeqTime Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_IMP_SEQ_TIME static readonly EmsAbDxaImpSeqUsn Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_IMP_SEQ_USN static readonly EmsAbDxaInTemplateMap Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_IN_TEMPLATE_MAP static readonly EmsAbDxaLocalAdmin Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_LOCAL_ADMIN static readonly EmsAbDxaLocalAdminO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_LOCAL_ADMIN_O static readonly EmsAbDxaLoggingLevel Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_LOGGING_LEVEL static readonly EmsAbDxaNativeAddressType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_NATIVE_ADDRESS_TYPE static readonly EmsAbDxaOutTemplateMap Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_OUT_TEMPLATE_MAP static readonly EmsAbDxaPassword Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_PASSWORD static readonly EmsAbDxaPrevExchangeOptions Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_PREV_EXCHANGE_OPTIONS static readonly EmsAbDxaPrevExportNativeOnly Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_PREV_EXPORT_NATIVE_ONLY static readonly EmsAbDxaPrevInExchangeSensitivity Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_PREV_IN_EXCHANGE_SENSITIVITY static readonly EmsAbDxaPrevRemoteEntries Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_PREV_REMOTE_ENTRIES static readonly EmsAbDxaPrevRemoteEntriesO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_PREV_REMOTE_ENTRIES_O static readonly EmsAbDxaPrevReplicationSensitivity Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_PREV_REPLICATION_SENSITIVITY static readonly EmsAbDxaPrevTemplateOptions Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_PREV_TEMPLATE_OPTIONS static readonly EmsAbDxaPrevTypes Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_PREV_TYPES static readonly EmsAbDxaRecipientCp Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_RECIPIENT_CP static readonly EmsAbDxaRemoteClient Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_REMOTE_CLIENT static readonly EmsAbDxaRemoteClientO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_REMOTE_CLIENT_O static readonly EmsAbDxaReqname Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_REQNAME static readonly EmsAbDxaReqSeq Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_REQ_SEQ static readonly EmsAbDxaReqSeqTime Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_REQ_SEQ_TIME static readonly EmsAbDxaReqSeqUsn Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_REQ_SEQ_USN static readonly EmsAbDxaSvrSeq Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_SVR_SEQ static readonly EmsAbDxaSvrSeqTime Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_SVR_SEQ_TIME static readonly EmsAbDxaSvrSeqUsn Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_SVR_SEQ_USN static readonly EmsAbDxaTask Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_TASK static readonly EmsAbDxaTemplateOptions Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_TEMPLATE_OPTIONS static readonly EmsAbDxaTemplateTimestamp Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_TEMPLATE_TIMESTAMP static readonly EmsAbDxaTypes Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_TYPES static readonly EmsAbDxaUnconfContainerList Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_UNCONF_CONTAINER_LIST static readonly EmsAbDxaUnconfContainerListO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_DXA_UNCONF_CONTAINER_LIST_O static readonly EmsAbEmployeeNumber Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER static readonly EmsAbEmployeeType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EMPLOYEE_TYPE static readonly EmsAbEnableCompatibility Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ENABLE_COMPATIBILITY static readonly EmsAbEnabled Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ENABLED static readonly EmsAbEnabledAuthorizationPackages Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ENABLED_AUTHORIZATION_PACKAGES static readonly EmsAbEnabledProtocolCfg Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ENABLED_PROTOCOL_CFG static readonly EmsAbEnabledProtocols Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS static readonly EmsAbEncapsulationMethod Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ENCAPSULATION_METHOD static readonly EmsAbEncrypt Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ENCRYPT static readonly EmsAbEncryptAlgListNa Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ENCRYPT_ALG_LIST_NA static readonly EmsAbEncryptAlgListOther Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ENCRYPT_ALG_LIST_OTHER static readonly EmsAbEncryptAlgSelectedNa Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ENCRYPT_ALG_SELECTED_NA static readonly EmsAbEncryptAlgSelectedOther Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ENCRYPT_ALG_SELECTED_OTHER static readonly EmsAbExpandDlsLocally Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXPAND_DLS_LOCALLY static readonly EmsAbExpirationTime Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXPIRATION_TIME static readonly EmsAbExportContainers Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXPORT_CONTAINERS static readonly EmsAbExportContainersO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXPORT_CONTAINERS_O static readonly EmsAbExportCustomRecipients Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXPORT_CUSTOM_RECIPIENTS static readonly EmsAbExtendedCharsAllowed Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXTENDED_CHARS_ALLOWED static readonly EmsAbExtensionData Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_DATA static readonly EmsAbExtensionName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_NAME static readonly EmsAbExtensionNameInherited Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_NAME_INHERITED static readonly EmsAbFacsimileTelephoneNumber Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_FACSIMILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER static readonly EmsAbFileVersion Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_FILE_VERSION static readonly EmsAbFilterLocalAddresses Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_FILTER_LOCAL_ADDRESSES static readonly EmsAbFoldersContainer Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_FOLDERS_CONTAINER static readonly EmsAbFoldersContainerO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_FOLDERS_CONTAINER_O static readonly EmsAbFormData Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_FORM_DATA static readonly EmsAbForwardingAddress Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_FORWARDING_ADDRESS static readonly EmsAbGarbageCollPeriod Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_GARBAGE_COLL_PERIOD static readonly EmsAbGatewayLocalCred Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_GATEWAY_LOCAL_CRED static readonly EmsAbGatewayLocalDesig Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_GATEWAY_LOCAL_DESIG static readonly EmsAbGatewayProxy Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_GATEWAY_PROXY static readonly EmsAbGatewayRoutingTree Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_GATEWAY_ROUTING_TREE static readonly EmsAbGenerationQualifier Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_GENERATION_QUALIFIER static readonly EmsAbGroupByAttr1 Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_GROUP_BY_ATTR_1 static readonly EmsAbGroupByAttr2 Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_GROUP_BY_ATTR_2 static readonly EmsAbGroupByAttr3 Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_GROUP_BY_ATTR_3 static readonly EmsAbGroupByAttr4 Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_GROUP_BY_ATTR_4 static readonly EmsAbGroupByAttrValueDn Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_GROUP_BY_ATTR_VALUE_DN static readonly EmsAbGroupByAttrValueDnO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_GROUP_BY_ATTR_VALUE_DN_O static readonly EmsAbGroupByAttrValueStr Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_GROUP_BY_ATTR_VALUE_STR static readonly EmsAbGwartLastModified Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_GWART_LAST_MODIFIED static readonly EmsAbHasFullReplicaNcs Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HAS_FULL_REPLICA_NCS static readonly EmsAbHasFullReplicaNcsO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HAS_FULL_REPLICA_NCS_O static readonly EmsAbHasMasterNcs Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HAS_MASTER_NCS static readonly EmsAbHasMasterNcsO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HAS_MASTER_NCS_O static readonly EmsAbHelpData16 Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HELP_DATA16 static readonly EmsAbHelpData32 Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HELP_DATA32 static readonly EmsAbHelpFileName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HELP_FILE_NAME static readonly EmsAbHeuristics Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HEURISTICS static readonly EmsAbHideDlMembership Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HIDE_DL_MEMBERSHIP static readonly EmsAbHideFromAddressBook Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HIDE_FROM_ADDRESS_BOOK static readonly EmsAbHierarchyPath Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HIERARCHY_PATH static readonly EmsAbHomeMdbBl Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HOME_MDB_BL static readonly EmsAbHomeMdbBlO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HOME_MDB_BL_O static readonly EmsAbHomeMta Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HOME_MTA static readonly EmsAbHomeMtaO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HOME_MTA_O static readonly EmsAbHomePublicServer Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HOME_PUBLIC_SERVER static readonly EmsAbHomePublicServerO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HOME_PUBLIC_SERVER_O static readonly EmsAbHouseIdentifier Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HOUSE_IDENTIFIER static readonly EmsAbHttpPubAbAttributes Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HTTP_PUB_AB_ATTRIBUTES static readonly EmsAbHttpPubGal Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HTTP_PUB_GAL static readonly EmsAbHttpPubGalLimit Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HTTP_PUB_GAL_LIMIT static readonly EmsAbHttpPubPf Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HTTP_PUB_PF static readonly EmsAbHttpServers Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_HTTP_SERVERS static readonly EmsAbImportContainer Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_IMPORT_CONTAINER static readonly EmsAbImportContainerO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_IMPORT_CONTAINER_O static readonly EmsAbImportedFrom Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_IMPORTED_FROM static readonly EmsAbImportSensitivity Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_IMPORT_SENSITIVITY static readonly EmsAbInboundAcceptAll Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_INBOUND_ACCEPT_ALL static readonly EmsAbInboundDn Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_INBOUND_DN static readonly EmsAbInboundDnO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_INBOUND_DN_O static readonly EmsAbInboundHost Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_INBOUND_HOST static readonly EmsAbInboundNewsfeed Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_INBOUND_NEWSFEED static readonly EmsAbInboundNewsfeedType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_INBOUND_NEWSFEED_TYPE static readonly EmsAbInboundSites Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_INBOUND_SITES static readonly EmsAbInboundSitesO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_INBOUND_SITES_O static readonly EmsAbIncomingMsgSizeLimit Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_INCOMING_MSG_SIZE_LIMIT static readonly EmsAbIncomingPassword Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_INCOMING_PASSWORD static readonly EmsAbInsadmin Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_INSADMIN static readonly EmsAbInsadminO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_INSADMIN_O static readonly EmsAbInstanceType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_INSTANCE_TYPE static readonly EmsAbInternationalIsdnNumber Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_INTERNATIONAL_ISDN_NUMBER static readonly EmsAbInvocationId Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_INVOCATION_ID static readonly EmsAbIsDeleted Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_IS_DELETED static readonly EmsAbIsSingleValued Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_IS_SINGLE_VALUED static readonly EmsAbKccStatus Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_KCC_STATUS static readonly EmsAbKmServer Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_KM_SERVER static readonly EmsAbKmServerO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_KM_SERVER_O static readonly EmsAbKnowledgeInformation Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_KNOWLEDGE_INFORMATION static readonly EmsAbLabeleduri Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_LABELEDURI static readonly EmsAbLanguage Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_LANGUAGE static readonly EmsAbLanguageIso639 Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_LANGUAGE_ISO639 static readonly EmsAbLdapDisplayName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_LDAP_DISPLAY_NAME static readonly EmsAbLdapSearchCfg Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_LDAP_SEARCH_CFG static readonly EmsAbLineWrap Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_LINE_WRAP static readonly EmsAbLinkId Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_LINK_ID static readonly EmsAbListPublicFolders Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_LIST_PUBLIC_FOLDERS static readonly EmsAbLocalBridgeHead Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_LOCAL_BRIDGE_HEAD static readonly EmsAbLocalBridgeHeadAddress Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_LOCAL_BRIDGE_HEAD_ADDRESS static readonly EmsAbLocalInitialTurn Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_LOCAL_INITIAL_TURN static readonly EmsAbLocalScope Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_LOCAL_SCOPE static readonly EmsAbLocalScopeO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_LOCAL_SCOPE_O static readonly EmsAbLogFilename Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_LOG_FILENAME static readonly EmsAbLogRolloverInterval Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_LOG_ROLLOVER_INTERVAL static readonly EmsAbMailDrop Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MAIL_DROP static readonly EmsAbMaintainAutoreplyHistory Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MAINTAIN_AUTOREPLY_HISTORY static readonly EmsAbMapiDisplayType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MAPI_DISPLAY_TYPE static readonly EmsAbMapiId Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MAPI_ID static readonly EmsAbMaximumObjectId Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MAXIMUM_OBJECT_ID static readonly EmsAbMdbBackoffInterval Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MDB_BACKOFF_INTERVAL static readonly EmsAbMdbMsgTimeOutPeriod Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MDB_MSG_TIME_OUT_PERIOD static readonly EmsAbMdbOverQuotaLimit Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MDB_OVER_QUOTA_LIMIT static readonly EmsAbMdbStorageQuota Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MDB_STORAGE_QUOTA static readonly EmsAbMdbUnreadLimit Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MDB_UNREAD_LIMIT static readonly EmsAbMdbUseDefaults Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MDB_USE_DEFAULTS static readonly EmsAbMessageTrackingEnabled Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MESSAGE_TRACKING_ENABLED static readonly EmsAbMimeTypes Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MIME_TYPES static readonly EmsAbModerated Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MODERATED static readonly EmsAbModerator Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MODERATOR static readonly EmsAbMonitorClock Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITOR_CLOCK static readonly EmsAbMonitoredConfigurations Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORED_CONFIGURATIONS static readonly EmsAbMonitoredConfigurationsO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORED_CONFIGURATIONS_O static readonly EmsAbMonitoredServers Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORED_SERVERS static readonly EmsAbMonitoredServersO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORED_SERVERS_O static readonly EmsAbMonitoredServices Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORED_SERVICES static readonly EmsAbMonitoringAlertDelay Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_ALERT_DELAY static readonly EmsAbMonitoringAlertUnits Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_ALERT_UNITS static readonly EmsAbMonitoringAvailabilityStyle Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_AVAILABILITY_STYLE static readonly EmsAbMonitoringAvailabilityWindow Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_AVAILABILITY_WINDOW static readonly EmsAbMonitoringCachedViaMail Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_CACHED_VIA_MAIL static readonly EmsAbMonitoringCachedViaMailO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_CACHED_VIA_MAIL_O static readonly EmsAbMonitoringCachedViaRpc Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_CACHED_VIA_RPC static readonly EmsAbMonitoringCachedViaRpcO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_CACHED_VIA_RPC_O static readonly EmsAbMonitoringEscalationProcedure Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_ESCALATION_PROCEDURE static readonly EmsAbMonitoringHotsitePollInterval Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_HOTSITE_POLL_INTERVAL static readonly EmsAbMonitoringHotsitePollUnits Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_HOTSITE_POLL_UNITS static readonly EmsAbMonitoringMailUpdateInterval Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_MAIL_UPDATE_INTERVAL static readonly EmsAbMonitoringMailUpdateUnits Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_MAIL_UPDATE_UNITS static readonly EmsAbMonitoringNormalPollInterval Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_NORMAL_POLL_INTERVAL static readonly EmsAbMonitoringNormalPollUnits Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_NORMAL_POLL_UNITS static readonly EmsAbMonitoringRecipients Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_RECIPIENTS static readonly EmsAbMonitoringRecipientsNdr Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_RECIPIENTS_NDR static readonly EmsAbMonitoringRecipientsNdrO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_RECIPIENTS_NDR_O static readonly EmsAbMonitoringRecipientsO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_RECIPIENTS_O static readonly EmsAbMonitoringRpcUpdateInterval Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_RPC_UPDATE_INTERVAL static readonly EmsAbMonitoringRpcUpdateUnits Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_RPC_UPDATE_UNITS static readonly EmsAbMonitoringWarningDelay Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_WARNING_DELAY static readonly EmsAbMonitoringWarningUnits Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_WARNING_UNITS static readonly EmsAbMonitorServers Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITOR_SERVERS static readonly EmsAbMonitorServices Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MONITOR_SERVICES static readonly EmsAbMtaLocalCred Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MTA_LOCAL_CRED static readonly EmsAbMtaLocalDesig Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_MTA_LOCAL_DESIG static readonly EmsAbNAddress Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_N_ADDRESS static readonly EmsAbNAddressType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_N_ADDRESS_TYPE static readonly EmsAbNewsfeedType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_NEWSFEED_TYPE static readonly EmsAbNewsgroup Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_NEWSGROUP static readonly EmsAbNewsgroupList Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_NEWSGROUP_LIST static readonly EmsAbNntpCharacterSet Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_NNTP_CHARACTER_SET static readonly EmsAbNntpContentFormat Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_NNTP_CONTENT_FORMAT static readonly EmsAbNntpDistributions Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_NNTP_DISTRIBUTIONS static readonly EmsAbNntpDistributionsFlag Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_NNTP_DISTRIBUTIONS_FLAG static readonly EmsAbNntpNewsfeeds Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_NNTP_NEWSFEEDS static readonly EmsAbNntpNewsfeedsO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_NNTP_NEWSFEEDS_O static readonly EmsAbNtMachineName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_NT_MACHINE_NAME static readonly EmsAbNtSecurityDescriptor Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR static readonly EmsAbNumOfOpenRetries Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_NUM_OF_OPEN_RETRIES static readonly EmsAbNumOfTransferRetries Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_NUM_OF_TRANSFER_RETRIES static readonly EmsAbObjectClassCategory Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OBJECT_CLASS_CATEGORY static readonly EmsAbObjectOid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OBJECT_OID static readonly EmsAbObjectVersion Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OBJECT_VERSION static readonly EmsAbObjViewContainers Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OBJ_VIEW_CONTAINERS static readonly EmsAbObjViewContainersO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OBJ_VIEW_CONTAINERS_O static readonly EmsAbOffLineAbContainers Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OFF_LINE_AB_CONTAINERS static readonly EmsAbOffLineAbContainersO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OFF_LINE_AB_CONTAINERS_O static readonly EmsAbOffLineAbSchedule Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OFF_LINE_AB_SCHEDULE static readonly EmsAbOffLineAbServer Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OFF_LINE_AB_SERVER static readonly EmsAbOffLineAbServerO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OFF_LINE_AB_SERVER_O static readonly EmsAbOffLineAbStyle Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OFF_LINE_AB_STYLE static readonly EmsAbOidType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OID_TYPE static readonly EmsAbOmObjectClass Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OM_OBJECT_CLASS static readonly EmsAbOmSyntax Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OM_SYNTAX static readonly EmsAbOofReplyToOriginator Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OOF_REPLY_TO_ORIGINATOR static readonly EmsAbOpenRetryInterval Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OPEN_RETRY_INTERVAL static readonly EmsAbOrganizationalUnitName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_NAME static readonly EmsAbOrganizationName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ORGANIZATION_NAME static readonly EmsAbOriginalDisplayTable Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_TABLE static readonly EmsAbOriginalDisplayTableMsdos Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_TABLE_MSDOS static readonly EmsAbOtherRecips Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OTHER_RECIPS static readonly EmsAbOutboundHost Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OUTBOUND_HOST static readonly EmsAbOutboundHostType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OUTBOUND_HOST_TYPE static readonly EmsAbOutboundNewsfeed Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OUTBOUND_NEWSFEED static readonly EmsAbOutboundSites Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OUTBOUND_SITES static readonly EmsAbOutboundSitesO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OUTBOUND_SITES_O static readonly EmsAbOutgoingMsgSizeLimit Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OUTGOING_MSG_SIZE_LIMIT static readonly EmsAbOverrideNntpContentFormat Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OVERRIDE_NNTP_CONTENT_FORMAT static readonly EmsAbOwaServer Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_OWA_SERVER static readonly EmsAbPeriodReplStagger Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PERIOD_REPL_STAGGER static readonly EmsAbPeriodRepSyncTimes Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PERIOD_REP_SYNC_TIMES static readonly EmsAbPerMsgDialogDisplayTable Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PER_MSG_DIALOG_DISPLAY_TABLE static readonly EmsAbPerRecipDialogDisplayTable Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PER_RECIP_DIALOG_DISPLAY_TABLE static readonly EmsAbPersonalTitle Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PERSONAL_TITLE static readonly EmsAbPfContacts Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PF_CONTACTS static readonly EmsAbPfContactsO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PF_CONTACTS_O static readonly EmsAbPopCharacterSet Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_POP_CHARACTER_SET static readonly EmsAbPopContentFormat Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_POP_CONTENT_FORMAT static readonly EmsAbPortNumber Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PORT_NUMBER static readonly EmsAbPostalAddress Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_POSTAL_ADDRESS static readonly EmsAbPreferredDeliveryMethod Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PREFERRED_DELIVERY_METHOD static readonly EmsAbPreserveInternetContent Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PRESERVE_INTERNET_CONTENT static readonly EmsAbPrmd Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PRMD static readonly EmsAbPromoExpiration Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PROMO_EXPIRATION static readonly EmsAbProtocolSettings Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PROTOCOL_SETTINGS static readonly EmsAbProxyGenerationEnabled Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_GENERATION_ENABLED static readonly EmsAbProxyGeneratorDll Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_GENERATOR_DLL static readonly EmsAbPSelector Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_P_SELECTOR static readonly EmsAbPSelectorInbound Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_P_SELECTOR_INBOUND static readonly EmsAbPublicDelegatesBl Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PUBLIC_DELEGATES_BL static readonly EmsAbPublicDelegatesBlO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_PUBLIC_DELEGATES_BL_O static readonly EmsAbQuotaNotificationSchedule Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_QUOTA_NOTIFICATION_SCHEDULE static readonly EmsAbQuotaNotificationStyle Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_QUOTA_NOTIFICATION_STYLE static readonly EmsAbRangeLower Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_RANGE_LOWER static readonly EmsAbRangeUpper Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_RANGE_UPPER static readonly EmsAbRasAccount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_RAS_ACCOUNT static readonly EmsAbRasCallbackNumber Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_RAS_CALLBACK_NUMBER static readonly EmsAbRasPassword Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_RAS_PASSWORD static readonly EmsAbRasPhonebookEntryName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_RAS_PHONEBOOK_ENTRY_NAME static readonly EmsAbRasPhoneNumber Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_RAS_PHONE_NUMBER static readonly EmsAbRasRemoteSrvrName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_RAS_REMOTE_SRVR_NAME static readonly EmsAbReferralList Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_REFERRAL_LIST static readonly EmsAbRegisteredAddress Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_REGISTERED_ADDRESS static readonly EmsAbRemoteBridgeHead Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_REMOTE_BRIDGE_HEAD static readonly EmsAbRemoteBridgeHeadAddress Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_REMOTE_BRIDGE_HEAD_ADDRESS static readonly EmsAbRemoteOutBhServer Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_REMOTE_OUT_BH_SERVER static readonly EmsAbRemoteOutBhServerO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_REMOTE_OUT_BH_SERVER_O static readonly EmsAbRemoteSite Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_REMOTE_SITE static readonly EmsAbRemoteSiteO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_REMOTE_SITE_O static readonly EmsAbReplicatedObjectVersion Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_REPLICATED_OBJECT_VERSION static readonly EmsAbReplicationMailMsgSize Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_REPLICATION_MAIL_MSG_SIZE static readonly EmsAbReplicationSensitivity Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_REPLICATION_SENSITIVITY static readonly EmsAbReplicationStagger Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_REPLICATION_STAGGER static readonly EmsAbReportToOriginator Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_REPORT_TO_ORIGINATOR static readonly EmsAbReportToOwner Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_REPORT_TO_OWNER static readonly EmsAbReqSeq Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_REQ_SEQ static readonly EmsAbRequireSsl Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_REQUIRE_SSL static readonly EmsAbResponsibleLocalDxa Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_RESPONSIBLE_LOCAL_DXA static readonly EmsAbResponsibleLocalDxaO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_RESPONSIBLE_LOCAL_DXA_O static readonly EmsAbReturnExactMsgSize Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_RETURN_EXACT_MSG_SIZE static readonly EmsAbRidServer Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_RID_SERVER static readonly EmsAbRidServerO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_RID_SERVER_O static readonly EmsAbRoleOccupant Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ROLE_OCCUPANT static readonly EmsAbRoleOccupantO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ROLE_OCCUPANT_O static readonly EmsAbRootNewsgroupsFolderId Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ROOT_NEWSGROUPS_FOLDER_ID static readonly EmsAbRoutingList Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_ROUTING_LIST static readonly EmsAbRtsCheckpointSize Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_RTS_CHECKPOINT_SIZE static readonly EmsAbRtsRecoveryTimeout Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_RTS_RECOVERY_TIMEOUT static readonly EmsAbRtsWindowSize Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_RTS_WINDOW_SIZE static readonly EmsAbRunsOn Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_RUNS_ON static readonly EmsAbRunsOnO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_RUNS_ON_O static readonly EmsAbSchemaFlags Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SCHEMA_FLAGS static readonly EmsAbSchemaVersion Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SCHEMA_VERSION static readonly EmsAbSearchFlags Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SEARCH_FLAGS static readonly EmsAbSearchGuide Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SEARCH_GUIDE static readonly EmsAbSecurityPolicy Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SECURITY_POLICY static readonly EmsAbSecurityProtocol Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SECURITY_PROTOCOL static readonly EmsAbSeeAlso Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SEE_ALSO static readonly EmsAbSeeAlsoO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SEE_ALSO_O static readonly EmsAbSendEmailMessage Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SEND_EMAIL_MESSAGE static readonly EmsAbSendTnef Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SEND_TNEF static readonly EmsAbSerialNumber Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SERIAL_NUMBER static readonly EmsAbServer Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SERVER static readonly EmsAbServiceActionFirst Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SERVICE_ACTION_FIRST static readonly EmsAbServiceActionOther Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SERVICE_ACTION_OTHER static readonly EmsAbServiceActionSecond Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SERVICE_ACTION_SECOND static readonly EmsAbServiceRestartDelay Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SERVICE_RESTART_DELAY static readonly EmsAbServiceRestartMessage Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SERVICE_RESTART_MESSAGE static readonly EmsAbSessionDisconnectTimer Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SESSION_DISCONNECT_TIMER static readonly EmsAbSiteAffinity Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SITE_AFFINITY static readonly EmsAbSiteFolderGuid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SITE_FOLDER_GUID static readonly EmsAbSiteFolderServer Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SITE_FOLDER_SERVER static readonly EmsAbSiteFolderServerO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SITE_FOLDER_SERVER_O static readonly EmsAbSiteProxySpace Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SITE_PROXY_SPACE static readonly EmsAbSmimeAlgListNa Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SMIME_ALG_LIST_NA static readonly EmsAbSmimeAlgListOther Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SMIME_ALG_LIST_OTHER static readonly EmsAbSmimeAlgSelectedNa Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SMIME_ALG_SELECTED_NA static readonly EmsAbSmimeAlgSelectedOther Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SMIME_ALG_SELECTED_OTHER static readonly EmsAbSpaceLastComputed Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SPACE_LAST_COMPUTED static readonly EmsAbSSelector Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_S_SELECTOR static readonly EmsAbSSelectorInbound Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_S_SELECTOR_INBOUND static readonly EmsAbStreetAddress Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_STREET_ADDRESS static readonly EmsAbSubmissionContLength Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SUBMISSION_CONT_LENGTH static readonly EmsAbSubRefs Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SUB_REFS static readonly EmsAbSubRefsO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SUB_REFS_O static readonly EmsAbSubSite Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SUB_SITE static readonly EmsAbSupportedAlgorithms Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SUPPORTED_ALGORITHMS static readonly EmsAbSupportedApplicationContext Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SUPPORTED_APPLICATION_CONTEXT static readonly EmsAbSupportingStack Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SUPPORTING_STACK static readonly EmsAbSupportingStackBl Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SUPPORTING_STACK_BL static readonly EmsAbSupportingStackBlO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SUPPORTING_STACK_BL_O static readonly EmsAbSupportingStackO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SUPPORTING_STACK_O static readonly EmsAbSupportSmimeSignatures Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_SUPPORT_SMIME_SIGNATURES static readonly EmsAbTargetMtas Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TARGET_MTAS static readonly EmsAbTelephoneNumber Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TELEPHONE_NUMBER static readonly EmsAbTelephonePersonalPager Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TELEPHONE_PERSONAL_PAGER static readonly EmsAbTeletexTerminalIdentifier Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TELETEX_TERMINAL_IDENTIFIER static readonly EmsAbTempAssocThreshold Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TEMP_ASSOC_THRESHOLD static readonly EmsAbTombstoneLifetime Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TOMBSTONE_LIFETIME static readonly EmsAbTrackingLogPathName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TRACKING_LOG_PATH_NAME static readonly EmsAbTransferRetryInterval Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TRANSFER_RETRY_INTERVAL static readonly EmsAbTransferTimeoutNonUrgent Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT_NON_URGENT static readonly EmsAbTransferTimeoutNormal Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT_NORMAL static readonly EmsAbTransferTimeoutUrgent Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT_URGENT static readonly EmsAbTranslationTableUsed Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TRANSLATION_TABLE_USED static readonly EmsAbTransportExpeditedData Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TRANSPORT_EXPEDITED_DATA static readonly EmsAbTransRetryMins Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TRANS_RETRY_MINS static readonly EmsAbTransTimeoutMins Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TRANS_TIMEOUT_MINS static readonly EmsAbTrustLevel Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TRUST_LEVEL static readonly EmsAbTSelector Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_T_SELECTOR static readonly EmsAbTSelectorInbound Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_T_SELECTOR_INBOUND static readonly EmsAbTurnRequestThreshold Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TURN_REQUEST_THRESHOLD static readonly EmsAbTwoWayAlternateFacility Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TWO_WAY_ALTERNATE_FACILITY static readonly EmsAbType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_TYPE static readonly EmsAbUnauthOrigBl Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_UNAUTH_ORIG_BL static readonly EmsAbUnauthOrigBlO Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_UNAUTH_ORIG_BL_O static readonly EmsAbUsenetSiteName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_USENET_SITE_NAME static readonly EmsAbUserPassword Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_USER_PASSWORD static readonly EmsAbUseServerValues Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_USE_SERVER_VALUES static readonly EmsAbUseSiteValues Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_USE_SITE_VALUES static readonly EmsAbUsnChanged Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_USN_CHANGED static readonly EmsAbUsnCreated Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_USN_CREATED static readonly EmsAbUsnDsaLastObjRemoved Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_USN_DSA_LAST_OBJ_REMOVED static readonly EmsAbUsnIntersite Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_USN_INTERSITE static readonly EmsAbUsnLastObjRem Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_USN_LAST_OBJ_REM static readonly EmsAbUsnSource Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_USN_SOURCE static readonly EmsAbViewContainer1 Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_VIEW_CONTAINER_1 static readonly EmsAbViewContainer2 Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_VIEW_CONTAINER_2 static readonly EmsAbViewContainer3 Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_VIEW_CONTAINER_3 static readonly EmsAbViewDefinition Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_VIEW_DEFINITION static readonly EmsAbViewFlags Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_VIEW_FLAGS static readonly EmsAbViewSite Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_VIEW_SITE static readonly EmsAbVoiceMailFlags Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_VOICE_MAIL_FLAGS static readonly EmsAbVoiceMailGreetings Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_VOICE_MAIL_GREETINGS static readonly EmsAbVoiceMailPassword Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_VOICE_MAIL_PASSWORD static readonly EmsAbVoiceMailRecordedName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_VOICE_MAIL_RECORDED_NAME static readonly EmsAbVoiceMailRecordingLength Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_VOICE_MAIL_RECORDING_LENGTH static readonly EmsAbVoiceMailSpeed Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_VOICE_MAIL_SPEED static readonly EmsAbVoiceMailSystemGuid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_VOICE_MAIL_SYSTEM_GUID static readonly EmsAbVoiceMailUserId Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_VOICE_MAIL_USER_ID static readonly EmsAbVoiceMailVolume Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_VOICE_MAIL_VOLUME static readonly EmsAbWwwHomePage Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_WWW_HOME_PAGE static readonly EmsAbX121Address Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_X121_ADDRESS static readonly EmsAbX25CallUserDataIncoming Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_X25_CALL_USER_DATA_INCOMING static readonly EmsAbX25CallUserDataOutgoing Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_X25_CALL_USER_DATA_OUTGOING static readonly EmsAbX25FacilitiesDataIncoming Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_X25_FACILITIES_DATA_INCOMING static readonly EmsAbX25FacilitiesDataOutgoing Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_X25_FACILITIES_DATA_OUTGOING static readonly EmsAbX25LeasedLinePort Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_X25_LEASED_LINE_PORT static readonly EmsAbX25LeasedOrSwitched Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_X25_LEASED_OR_SWITCHED static readonly EmsAbX25RemoteMtaPhone Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_X25_REMOTE_MTA_PHONE static readonly EmsAbX400AttachmentType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_X400_ATTACHMENT_TYPE static readonly EmsAbX400SelectorSyntax Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_X400_SELECTOR_SYNTAX static readonly EmsAbX500AccessControlList Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_X500_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST static readonly EmsAbX500Nc Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_X500_NC static readonly EmsAbX500Rdn Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_X500_RDN static readonly EmsAbXmitTimeoutNonUrgent Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_XMIT_TIMEOUT_NON_URGENT static readonly EmsAbXmitTimeoutNormal Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_XMIT_TIMEOUT_NORMAL static readonly EmsAbXmitTimeoutUrgent Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_XMIT_TIMEOUT_URGENT static readonly EndDate Contains the value of the PidLidAppointmentEndWhole property (section 2.14). Area: MapiEnvelope Property set Canonical name: PidTagEndDate Alternate names: PR_END_DATE, http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/end_date static readonly EndRecurrenceDate Identifies the end date of the recurrence range. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidEndRecurrenceDate Alternate names: LID_END_RECUR_DATE static readonly EndRecurrenceTime Identifies the end time of the recurrence range. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidEndRecurrenceTime Alternate names: LID_END_RECUR_TIME static readonly EntryId Contains the information to identify many different types of messaging objects. Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagEntryId Alternate names: PR_ENTRYID, ptagEntryId static readonly EventsRootFolderEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EVENTS_ROOT_FOLDER_ENTRYID static readonly ExceptionEndTime Contains the end date and time of the exception in the local time zone of the computer when the exception is created. Area: MessageClassDefinedNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagExceptionEndTime Alternate names: PR_EXCEPTION_ENDTIME, ptagExceptionEndTime static readonly ExceptionReplaceTime Specifies the date and time, in UTC, within a recurrence pattern that an exception will replace. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidExceptionReplaceTime Alternate names: dispidExceptionReplaceTime static readonly ExceptionStartTime Contains the start date and time of the exception in the local time zone of the computer when the exception is created. Area: MessageClassDefinedNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagExceptionStartTime Alternate names: PR_EXCEPTION_STARTTIME, ptagExceptionStartTime static readonly ExcessStorageUsed Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EXCESS_STORAGE_USED static readonly ExchangeIntendedBusyStatus Specifies the intended free/busy status of a meeting in a Meeting request. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchangeIntendedBusyStatus Alternate names: http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/intendedbusystatus static readonly ExchangeJunkEmailMoveStamp Indicates that the message is not to be processed by a spam filter. Area: Secure Messaging Properties Canonical name: PidNameExchangeJunkEmailMoveStamp Alternate names: http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/junkemailmovestamp static readonly ExchangeModifyExceptionStructure Specifies a structure that modifies an exception to the recurrence. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchangeModifyExceptionStructure Alternate names: http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/modifyexceptionstruct static readonly ExchangeNoModifyExceptions Indicates whether exceptions to a recurring appointment can be modified. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchangeNoModifyExceptions Alternate names: http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/nomodifyexceptions static readonly ExchangeNTSecurityDescriptor Contains the calculated security descriptor for the item. Area: Calendar Document Canonical name: PidTagExchangeNTSecurityDescriptor Alternate names: http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/ntsecuritydescriptor, static readonly ExchangePatternEnd Identifies the maximum time when an instance of a recurring appointment ends. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchangePatternEnd Alternate names: http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/patternend static readonly ExchangePatternStart Identifies the absolute minimum time when an instance of a recurring appointment starts. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchangePatternStart Alternate names: http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/patternstart static readonly ExchangeReminderInterval Identifies the time, in seconds, between reminders. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchangeReminderInterval Alternate names: http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/reminderinterval static readonly ExchDatabaseSchema Specifies an array of URLs that identifies other folders within the same message store that contain schema definition items. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchDatabaseSchema Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:exch-data:baseschema static readonly ExchDataExpectedContentClass Specifies an array of names that indicates the expected content classes of items within a folder. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchDataExpectedContentClass Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:exch-data:expected-content-class static readonly ExchDataSchemaCollectionReference Specifies an array of names that indicates the expected content classes of items within a folder. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameExchDataSchemaCollectionReference Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:exch-data:schema-collection-ref static readonly ExCurrentVersion Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_CURRENT_VERSION static readonly ExpiryNumber Contains an integer value that is used along with the PidTagExpiryUnits property (section 2.681) to define the expiry send time. Area: MapiStatus Canonical name: PidTagExpiryNumber Alternate names: PR_EXPIRY_NUMBER static readonly ExpiryTime Contains the time, in UTC, after which a client wants to receive an expiry event if the message arrives late. Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagExpiryTime Alternate names: PR_EXPIRY_TIME, ptagExpiryTime, urn:schemas:httpmail:expiry-date, static readonly ExpiryUnits Contains the unit of time that the value of the PidTagExpiryNumber property (section 2.679) multiplies. Area: MapiStatus Canonical name: PidTagExpiryUnits Alternate names: PR_EXPIRY_UNITS static readonly ExplicitConversion Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EXPLICIT_CONVERSION static readonly ExSecurity Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SECURITY static readonly ExtendedAclData Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_EXTENDED_ACL_DATA static readonly ExtendedFolderFlags Contains encoded sub-properties for a folder. Area: MapiContainer Canonical name: PidTagExtendedFolderFlags Alternate names: PR_EXTENDED_FOLDER_FLAGS, ptagExtendedFolderFlags static readonly ExtendedRuleMessageActions Contains action information about named properties used in the rule. Area: Rules Canonical name: PidTagExtendedRuleMessageActions Alternate names: PR_EXTENDED_RULE_MSG_ACTIONS static readonly ExtendedRuleMessageCondition Contains condition information about named properties used in the rule. Area: Rules Canonical name: PidTagExtendedRuleMessageCondition Alternate names: PR_EXTENDED_RULE_MSG_CONDITION static readonly ExtendedRuleSizeLimit Contains the maximum size, in bytes, that the user is allowed to accumulate for a single extended rule. Area: Rules Canonical name: PidTagExtendedRuleSizeLimit Alternate names: PR_EXTENDED_RULE_SIZE_LIMIT static readonly ExtractedAddresses Contains an XML document with a single AddressSet element. Area: Extracted Entities Canonical name: PidNameExtractedAddresses Alternate names: dispidXmlExtractedAddresses static readonly ExtractedContacts Contains an XML document with a single ContactSet element. Area: Extracted Entities Canonical name: PidNameExtractedContacts Alternate names: dispidXmlExtractedContacts static readonly ExtractedEmails Contains an XML document with a single EmailSet element. Area: Extracted Entities Canonical name: PidNameExtractedEmails Alternate names: dispidXmlExtractedEmails static readonly ExtractedMeetings Contains an XML document with a single MeetingSet element. Area: Extracted Entities Canonical name: PidNameExtractedMeetings Alternate names: dispidXmlExtractedMeetings static readonly ExtractedPhones Contains an XML document with a single PhoneSet element. Area: Extracted Entities Canonical name: PidNameExtractedPhones Alternate names: dispidXmlExtractedPhones static readonly ExtractedTasks Contains an XML document with a single TaskSet element. Area: Extracted Entities Canonical name: PidNameExtractedTasks Alternate names: dispidXmlExtractedTasks static readonly ExtractedUrls Contains an XML document with a single UrlSet element. Area: Extracted Entities Canonical name: PidNameExtractedUrls Alternate names: dispidXmlExtractedUrls static readonly FastTransfer Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FAST_TRANSFER static readonly FavoritesDefaultName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FAVORITES_DEFAULT_NAME static readonly Fax1AddressType Contains the string value “FAX”. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax1AddressType Alternate names: dispidFax1AddrType static readonly Fax1EmailAddress Contains a user-readable display name, followed by the “@” character, followed by a fax number. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax1EmailAddress Alternate names: dispidFax1EmailAddress static readonly Fax1OriginalDisplayName Contains the same value as the PidTagNormalizedSubject property (section 2.803). Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax1OriginalDisplayName Alternate names: dispidFax1OriginalDisplayName static readonly Fax1OriginalEntryId Specifies a one-off EntryID that corresponds to this fax address. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax1OriginalEntryId Alternate names: dispidFax1OriginalEntryID static readonly Fax2AddressType Contains the string value “FAX”. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax2AddressType Alternate names: dispidFax2AddrType static readonly Fax2EmailAddress Contains a user-readable display name, followed by the “@” character, followed by a fax number. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax2EmailAddress Alternate names: dispidFax2EmailAddress static readonly Fax2OriginalDisplayName Contains the same value as the PidTagNormalizedSubject property (section 2.803). Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax2OriginalDisplayName Alternate names: dispidFax2OriginalDisplayName static readonly Fax2OriginalEntryId Specifies a one-off EntryID corresponding to this fax address. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax2OriginalEntryId Alternate names: dispidFax2OriginalEntryID static readonly Fax3AddressType Contains the string value “FAX”. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax3AddressType Alternate names: dispidFax3AddrType static readonly Fax3EmailAddress Contains a user-readable display name, followed by the “@” character, followed by a fax number. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax3EmailAddress Alternate names: dispidFax3EmailAddress static readonly Fax3OriginalDisplayName Contains the same value as the PidTagNormalizedSubject property (section 2.803). Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax3OriginalDisplayName Alternate names: dispidFax3OriginalDisplayName static readonly Fax3OriginalEntryId Specifies a one-off EntryID that corresponds to this fax address. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFax3OriginalEntryId Alternate names: dispidFax3OriginalEntryID static readonly FaxNumberOfPages Contains the number of pages in a Fax object. Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidTagFaxNumberOfPages Alternate names: InternalSchemaFaxNumberOfPages static readonly FExceptionalAttendees Indicates that the object is a Recurring Calendar object with one or more exceptions, structure, as described in [MS-OXCDATA] section 2.8.3. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidFExceptionalAttendees Alternate names: dispidFExceptionalAttendees static readonly FExceptionalBody Indicates that the Exception Embedded Message object has a body that differs from the Recurring Calendar object. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidFExceptionalBody Alternate names: dispidFExceptionalBody static readonly FileUnder Specifies the name under which to file a contact when displaying a list of contacts. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFileUnder Alternate names: dispidFileUnder static readonly FileUnderId Specifies how to generate and recompute the value of the PidLidFileUnder property (section 2.132) when other contact name properties change. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFileUnderId Alternate names: dispidFileUnderId static readonly FileUnderList Specifies a list of possible values for the PidLidFileUnderId property (section 2.133). Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFileUnderList Alternate names: dispidFileUnderList static readonly FilteringHooks Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FILTERING_HOOKS static readonly FinderEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FINDER_ENTRYID static readonly FInvited Indicates whether invitations have been sent for the meeting that this Meeting object represents. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidFInvited Alternate names: dispidFInvited static readonly FlagCompleteTime Specifies the date and time, in UTC, that the Message object was flagged as complete. Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagFlagCompleteTime Alternate names: PR_FLAG_COMPLETE_TIME, ptagFlagCompleteTime, static readonly FlagRequest Contains user-specifiable text to be associated with the flag. Area: Flagging Canonical name: PidLidFlagRequest Alternate names: dispidRequest static readonly FlagStatus Specifies the flag state of the Message object. Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagFlagStatus Alternate names: PR_FLAG_STATUS, ptagFlagStatus static readonly FlagString Contains an index identifying one of a set of pre-defined text strings to be associated with the flag. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidFlagString Alternate names: dispidFlagStringEnum static readonly FlatUrlName Contains a unique identifier for an item across the message store. Area: ExchangeAdministrative Canonical name: PidTagFlatUrlName Alternate names: PR_FLAT_URL_NAME, PR_FLAT_URL_NAME_A, PR_FLAT_URL_NAME_W, static readonly FolderAssociatedContents Identifies all FAI messages in the current folder. Area: MapiContainer Canonical name: PidTagFolderAssociatedContents Alternate names: PR_FOLDER_ASSOCIATED_CONTENTS static readonly FolderChildCount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FOLDER_CHILD_COUNT static readonly FolderDesignFlags Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FOLDER_DESIGN_FLAGS static readonly FolderFlags Contains a computed value to specify the type or state of a folder. Area: ExchangeAdministrative Canonical name: PidTagFolderFlags Alternate names: PR_FOLDER_FLAGS static readonly FolderId Contains the Folder ID (FID) ([MS-OXCDATA] section of the folder. Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagFolderId Alternate names: ptagFID static readonly FolderPathname Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FOLDER_PATHNAME static readonly FolderType Specifies the type of a folder that includes the Root folder, Generic folder, and Search folder. Area: MapiContainer Canonical name: PidTagFolderType Alternate names: PR_FOLDER_TYPE, ptagFolderType static readonly FollowupIcon Specifies the flag color of the Message object. Area: RenMessageFolder Canonical name: PidTagFollowupIcon Alternate names: PR_FOLLOWUP_ICON, ptagFollowupIcon static readonly ForeignId Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FOREIGN_ID static readonly ForeignReportId Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FOREIGN_REPORT_ID static readonly ForeignSubjectId Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FOREIGN_SUBJECT_ID static readonly FormCategory Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FORM_CATEGORY static readonly FormCategorySub Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FORM_CATEGORY_SUB static readonly FormClsid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FORM_CLSID static readonly FormContactName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FORM_CONTACT_NAME static readonly FormDesignerGuid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FORM_DESIGNER_GUID static readonly FormDesignerName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FORM_DESIGNER_NAME static readonly FormHidden Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FORM_HIDDEN static readonly FormHostMap Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FORM_HOST_MAP static readonly FormMessageBehavior Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FORM_MESSAGE_BEHAVIOR static readonly FormVersion Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FORM_VERSION static readonly ForwardInstance Indicates whether the Meeting Request object represents an exception to a recurring invitation sent by the organizer. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidForwardInstance Alternate names: dispidFwrdInstance static readonly ForwardNotificationRecipients Contains a list of RecipientRow structures, as described in [MS-OXCDATA] section 2.8.3, that indicate the recipients of a meeting forward. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidForwardNotificationRecipients Alternate names: dispidForwardNotificationRecipients static readonly FOthersAppointment Indicates whether the Calendar folder from which the meeting was opened is another user’s calendar. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidFOthersAppointment Alternate names: dispidFOthersAppt, http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/fothersappt static readonly FreeBusyCountMonths Contains an integer value used to calculate the start and end dates of the range of free/busy data to be published to the public folders. Area: MessageClassDefinedTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagFreeBusyCountMonths Alternate names: PR_FREEBUSY_COUNT_MONTHS static readonly FreeBusyEntryIds Contains EntryIDs of the Delegate Information object, the free/busy message of the “Freebusy Data”. Area: MapiContainer Canonical name: PidTagFreeBusyEntryIds Alternate names: PR_FREEBUSY_ENTRYIDS, ptagFreeBusyEntryIds static readonly FreeBusyForLocalSiteEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_FREE_BUSY_FOR_LOCAL_SITE_ENTRYID static readonly FreeBusyLocation Specifies a URL path from which a client can retrieve free/busy status information for the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidFreeBusyLocation Alternate names: dispidFreeBusyLocation static readonly FreeBusyMessageEmailAddress Specifies the email address of the user or resource to whom this free/busy message applies. Area: MessageClassDefinedTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagFreeBusyMessageEmailAddress Alternate names: PR_FREEBUSY_EMA static readonly FreeBusyPublishEnd Specifies the end time, in UTC, of the publishing range. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagFreeBusyPublishEnd Alternate names: PR_FREEBUSY_PUBLISH_END static readonly FreeBusyPublishStart Specifies the start time, in UTC, of the publishing range. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagFreeBusyPublishStart Alternate names: PR_FREEBUSY_PUBLISH_START static readonly FreeBusyRangeTimestamp Specifies the time, in UTC, that the data was published. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagFreeBusyRangeTimestamp Alternate names: PR_FREEBUSY_RANGE_TIMESTAMP static readonly From Specifies the SMTP email alias of the organizer of an appointment or meeting. Area: Email Canonical name: PidNameFrom Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:organizer static readonly FtpSite Contains the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site address of the mail user. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagFtpSite Alternate names: PR_FTP_SITE, PR_FTP_SITE_A, PR_FTP_SITE_W, urn:schemas:contacts:ftpsite static readonly GatewayNeedsToRefresh This property is deprecated and SHOULD NOT be used. Area: MessageClassDefinedTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagGatewayNeedsToRefresh Alternate names: PR_GATEWAY_NEEDS_TO_REFRESH static readonly GDataContactVersion Contains GData contact version (ETag). https://developers.google.com/contacts/v3/ https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/2.0/reference?csw=1#ResourceVersioning This property does not transmit via transport protocols. Area: User-defined Aspose specified properties static readonly GDataPhotoVersion Contains GData photo version (ETag). https://developers.google.com/contacts/v3/ https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/2.0/reference?csw=1#ResourceVersioning This property does not transmit via transport protocols. Area: User-defined Aspose specified properties static readonly Gender Contains a value that represents the mail user’s gender. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagGender Alternate names: PR_GENDER, urn:schemas:contacts:gender static readonly Generation Contains a generational abbreviation that follows the full name of the mail user. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagGeneration Alternate names: PR_GENERATION, PR_GENERATION_A, PR_GENERATION_W, static readonly GivenName Contains the mail user’s given name. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagGivenName Alternate names: PR_GIVEN_NAME, PR_GIVEN_NAME_A, PR_GIVEN_NAME_W, static readonly GlobalObjectId Contains an ID for an object that represents an exception to a recurring series. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidGlobalObjectId Alternate names: LID_GLOBAL_OBJID static readonly GovernmentIdNumber Contains a government identifier for the mail user. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagGovernmentIdNumber Alternate names: PR_GOVERNMENT_ID_NUMBER, PR_GOVERNMENT_ID_NUMBER_A, static readonly GwAdminOperations Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_GW_ADMIN_OPERATIONS static readonly GwMtsinEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_GW_MTSIN_ENTRYID static readonly GwMtsoutEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_GW_MTSOUT_ENTRYID static readonly HasAttachments Indicates whether the Message object contains at least one attachment. Area: Message Attachment Properties Property set Canonical name: PidTagHasAttachments Alternate names: PR_HASATTACH, ptagHasAttach, urn:schemas:httpmail:hasattachment static readonly HasDeferredActionMessages Indicates whether a Message object has a deferred action message associated with it. Area: Rules Canonical name: PidTagHasDeferredActionMessages Alternate names: PR_HAS_DAMS, ptagHasDAMs static readonly HasModeratorRules Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_HAS_MODERATOR_RULES static readonly HasNamedProperties Indicates whether the Message object has a named property. Area: ExchangeMessageReadOnly Canonical name: PidTagHasNamedProperties Alternate names: PR_HAS_NAMED_PROPERTIES, ptagHasNamedProperties static readonly HasPicture Specifies whether the attachment has a picture. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidHasPicture Alternate names: dispidHasPicture static readonly HasRules Indicates whether a Folder object has rules. Area: ExchangeFolder Canonical name: PidTagHasRules Alternate names: PR_HAS_RULES, ptagHasRules static readonly HeaderFolderEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_HEADER_FOLDER_ENTRYID static readonly HeadingPairs Specifies which group of headings are indented in the document. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameHeadingPairs Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#HeadingPairs static readonly HiddenCount Specifies the hidden value of the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameHiddenCount Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#HiddenSlides static readonly HierarchyChangeNumber Contains a number that monotonically increases every time a subfolder is added to, or deleted from, this folder. Area: ExchangeFolder Canonical name: PidTagHierarchyChangeNumber Alternate names: PR_HIERARCHY_CHANGE_NUM static readonly HierarchyServer Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_HIERARCHY_SERVER static readonly HierarchySynchronizer Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_HIERARCHY_SYNCHRONIZER static readonly HierRev Specifies the time, in UTC, to trigger the client in cached mode to synchronize the folder hierarchy. Area: TransportEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagHierRev Alternate names: PR_HIER_REV, ptagHierRev static readonly Hobbies Contains the names of the mail user’s hobbies. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHobbies Alternate names: PR_HOBBIES, PR_HOBBIES_A, PR_HOBBIES_W, urn:schemas:contacts:hobbies static readonly Home2TelephoneNumber Contains a secondary telephone number at the mail user’s home. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHome2TelephoneNumber Alternate names: PR_HOME2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, PR_HOME2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A, static readonly Home2TelephoneNumbers Contains secondary telephone numbers at the mail user’s home. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHome2TelephoneNumbers Alternate names: PR_HOME2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A_MV static readonly HomeAddress Specifies the complete address of the home address of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidHomeAddress Alternate names: dispidHomeAddress static readonly HomeAddressCity Contains the name of the mail user’s home locality, such as the town or city. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHomeAddressCity Alternate names: PR_HOME_ADDRESS_CITY, PR_HOME_ADDRESS_CITY_A, static readonly HomeAddressCountry Contains the name of the mail user’s home country/region. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHomeAddressCountry Alternate names: PR_HOME_ADDRESS_COUNTRY, PR_HOME_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_A, static readonly HomeAddressCountryCode Specifies the country code portion of the home address of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidHomeAddressCountryCode Alternate names: dispidHomeAddressCountryCode static readonly HomeAddressPostalCode Contains the postal code for the mail user’s home postal address. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHomeAddressPostalCode Alternate names: PR_HOME_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE, PR_HOME_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE_A, static readonly HomeAddressPostOfficeBox Contains the number or identifier of the mail user’s home post office box. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHomeAddressPostOfficeBox Alternate names: PR_HOME_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX, PR_HOME_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX_A, PR_HOME_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX_W, static readonly HomeAddressStateOrProvince Contains the name of the mail user’s home state or province. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHomeAddressStateOrProvince Alternate names: PR_HOME_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE, PR_HOME_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_A, PR_HOME_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_W, static readonly HomeAddressStreet Contains the mail user’s home street address. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHomeAddressStreet Alternate names: PR_HOME_ADDRESS_STREET, PR_HOME_ADDRESS_STREET_A, static readonly HomeFaxNumber Contains the telephone number of the mail user’s home fax machine. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHomeFaxNumber Alternate names: PR_HOME_FAX_NUMBER, PR_HOME_FAX_NUMBER_A, static readonly HomeTelephoneNumber Contains the primary telephone number of the mail user’s home. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagHomeTelephoneNumber Alternate names: PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A, static readonly Html Specifies the business webpage URL of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidHtml Alternate names: dispidHTML static readonly HttpmailCalendar Specifies the URL for the Calendar folder for a particular user. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameHttpmailCalendar Alternate names: urn:schemas:httpmail:calendar static readonly HttpmailHtmlDescription Specifies the HTML content of the message. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameHttpmailHtmlDescription Alternate names: urn:schemas:httpmail:htmldescription static readonly HttpmailSendMessage Specifies the email submission URI to which outgoing email is submitted. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameHttpmailSendMessage Alternate names: urn:schemas:httpmail:sendmsg static readonly ICalendarDayOfWeekMask Identifies the day of the week for the appointment or meeting. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidICalendarDayOfWeekMask Alternate names: http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/dayofweekmask static readonly ICalendarEndTime Contains the date and time, in UTC, when an appointment or meeting ends. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidTagICalendarEndTime Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:dtend static readonly ICalendarRecurrenceDate Identifies an array of instances of a recurring appointment. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameICalendarRecurrenceDate Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:rdate static readonly ICalendarRecurrenceRule Specifies the rule for the pattern that defines a recurring appointment. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameICalendarRecurrenceRule Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:rrule static readonly ICalendarReminderNextTime Contains the date and time, in UTC, for the activation of the next reminder. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidTagICalendarReminderNextTime Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:remindernexttime static readonly ICalendarStartTime Contains the date and time, in UTC, when the appointment or meeting starts. Area: Calendar Property set Canonical name: PidTagICalendarStartTime Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:dtstart static readonly Icon Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ICON static readonly IconIndex Specifies which icon is to be used by a user interface when displaying a group of Message objects. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagIconIndex Alternate names: PR_ICON_INDEX, ptagIconIndex static readonly IdentityDisplay Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IDENTITY_DISPLAY static readonly IdentityEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IDENTITY_ENTRYID static readonly IdentitySearchKey Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IDENTITY_SEARCH_KEY static readonly ImapInternalDate Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IMAP_INTERNAL_DATE static readonly ImplicitConversionProhibited Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IMPLICIT_CONVERSION_PROHIBITED static readonly Importance Indicates the level of importance assigned by the end user to the Message object. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagImportance Alternate names: PR_IMPORTANCE, ptagImportance, urn:schemas:httpmail:importance, static readonly InboundICalStream Contains the contents of the iCalendar MIME part of the original MIME message. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidInboundICalStream Alternate names: InboundICalStream, dispidInboundICalStream static readonly InboundNewsfeedDn Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_INBOUND_NEWSFEED_DN static readonly IncompleteCopy Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_INCOMPLETE_COPY static readonly InConflict Specifies whether the attachment represents an alternate replica. Area: Conflict Note Canonical name: PidTagInConflict Alternate names: PR_IN_CONFLICT, ptagInConflict static readonly InfoPathFormName Contains the name of the form associated with this message. Area: Common Canonical name: PidLidInfoPathFormName Alternate names: static readonly InitialDetailsPane Indicates which page of a display template to display first. Area: MAPI Display Tables Canonical name: PidTagInitialDetailsPane Alternate names: PR_INITIAL_DETAILS_PANE static readonly Initials Contains the initials for parts of the full name of the mail user. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagInitials Alternate names: PR_INITIALS, PR_INITIALS_A, PR_INITIALS_W, urn:schemas:contacts:initials static readonly InReplyToId Contains the value of the original message’s PidTagInternetMessageId property (section 2.739) value. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagInReplyToId Alternate names: PR_IN_REPLY_TO_ID, PR_IN_REPLY_TO_ID_A, PR_IN_REPLY_TO_ID_W static readonly InstanceKey Contains an object on an NSPI server. Area: Table Properties Canonical name: PidTagInstanceKey Alternate names: PR_INSTANCE_KEY, ptagInstanceKey static readonly InstanceNum Contains an identifier for a single instance of a row in the table. Area: ProviderDefinedNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagInstanceNum Alternate names: ptagInstanceNum static readonly InstantMessagingAddress Specifies the instant messaging address of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidInstantMessagingAddress Alternate names: dispidInstMsg static readonly InstID Contains an identifier for all instances of a row in the table. Area: ProviderDefinedNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagInstID Alternate names: ptagInstID static readonly IntendedBusyStatus Contains the value of the PidLidBusyStatus property (section 2.47) on the Meeting object was sent. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidIntendedBusyStatus Alternate names: dispidIntendedBusyStatus static readonly InternetAccountName Specifies the user-visible email account name through which the email message is sent. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidInternetAccountName Alternate names: dispidInetAcctName static readonly InternetAccountStamp Specifies the email account ID through which the email message is sent. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidInternetAccountStamp Alternate names: dispidInetAcctStamp static readonly InternetApproved Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_INTERNET_APPROVED static readonly InternetArticleNumber Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_INTERNET_ARTICLE_NUMBER static readonly InternetCharset Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_INTERNET_CHARSET static readonly InternetCodepage Indicates the code page used for the PidTagBody property (section 2.609) or the PidTagBodyHtml property (section 2.612). Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagInternetCodepage Alternate names: PR_INTERNET_CPID, ptagInternetCpid static readonly InternetControl Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_INTERNET_CONTROL static readonly InternetDistribution Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_INTERNET_DISTRIBUTION static readonly InternetFollowupTo Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_INTERNET_FOLLOWUP_TO static readonly InternetLines Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_INTERNET_LINES static readonly InternetMailOverrideFormat Indicates the encoding method and HTML inclusion for attachments. Area: MIME Properties Canonical name: PidTagInternetMailOverrideFormat Alternate names: PR_INETMAIL_OVERRIDE_FORMAT, ptagInetMailOverrideFormat static readonly InternetMessageId Corresponds to the message-id field. Area: MIME Properties Canonical name: PidTagInternetMessageId Alternate names: PR_INTERNET_MESSAGE_ID, PR_INTERNET_MESSAGE_ID_A, PR_INTERNET_MESSAGE_ID_W static readonly InternetNewsgroupName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_INTERNET_NEWSGROUP_NAME static readonly InternetNewsgroups Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_INTERNET_NEWSGROUPS static readonly InternetNntpPath Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_INTERNET_NNTP_PATH static readonly InternetOrganization Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_INTERNET_ORGANIZATION static readonly InternetPrecedence Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_INTERNET_PRECEDENCE static readonly InternetReferences Contains a list of message IDs that specify the messages to which this reply is related. Area: MIME Properties Canonical name: PidTagInternetReferences Alternate names: PR_INTERNET_REFERENCES, PR_INTERNET_REFERENCES_A, PR_INTERNET_REFERENCES_W static readonly InternetSubject Specifies the subject of the message. Area: Email Canonical name: PidNameInternetSubject Alternate names: urn:schemas:mailheader:subject static readonly InTransit Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IN_TRANSIT static readonly IpmAppointmentEntryId Contains the EntryID of the Calendar folder. Area: Folder Properties Canonical name: PidTagIpmAppointmentEntryId Alternate names: PR_IPM_APPOINTMENT_ENTRYID static readonly IpmContactEntryId Contains the EntryID of the Contacts folder. Area: Folder Properties Canonical name: PidTagIpmContactEntryId Alternate names: PR_IPM_CONTACT_ENTRYID static readonly IpmDafEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IPM_DAF_ENTRYID static readonly IpmDraftsEntryId Contains the EntryID of the Drafts folder. Area: Folder Properties Canonical name: PidTagIpmDraftsEntryId Alternate names: PR_IPM_DRAFTS_ENTRYID static readonly IpmFavoritesEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IPM_FAVORITES_ENTRYID static readonly IpmId Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IPM_ID static readonly IpmJournalEntryId Contains the EntryID of the Journal folder. Area: Folder Properties Canonical name: PidTagIpmJournalEntryId Alternate names: PR_IPM_JOURNAL_ENTRYID static readonly IpmNoteEntryId Contains the EntryID of the Notes folder. Area: Folder Properties Canonical name: PidTagIpmNoteEntryId Alternate names: PR_IPM_NOTE_ENTRYID static readonly IpmOutboxEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID static readonly IpmOutboxSearchKey Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IPM_OUTBOX_SEARCH_KEY static readonly IpmPublicFoldersEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IPM_PUBLIC_FOLDERS_ENTRYID static readonly IpmReturnRequested Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IPM_RETURN_REQUESTED static readonly IpmSentmailEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID static readonly IpmSentmailSearchKey Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_SEARCH_KEY static readonly IpmSubtreeEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IPM_SUBTREE_ENTRYID static readonly IpmSubtreeSearchKey Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IPM_SUBTREE_SEARCH_KEY static readonly IpmTaskEntryId Contains the EntryID of the Tasks folder. Area: Folder Properties Canonical name: PidTagIpmTaskEntryId Alternate names: PR_IPM_TASK_ENTRYID static readonly IpmWastebasketEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IPM_WASTEBASKET_ENTRYID static readonly IpmWastebasketSearchKey Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IPM_WASTEBASKET_SEARCH_KEY static readonly IsContactLinked Specifies whether the contact is linked to other contacts. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidIsContactLinked Alternate names: dispidIsContactLinked static readonly IsdnNumber Contains the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) telephone number of the mail user. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagIsdnNumber Alternate names: PR_ISDN_NUMBER, PR_ISDN_NUMBER_A, PR_ISDN_NUMBER_W, static readonly IsException Indicates whether the object represents an exception (including an orphan instance). Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidIsException Alternate names: LID_IS_EXCEPTION static readonly IsNewsgroup Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IS_NEWSGROUP static readonly IsNewsgroupAnchor Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_IS_NEWSGROUP_ANCHOR static readonly IsRecurring Specifies whether the object is associated with a recurring series. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidIsRecurring Alternate names: LID_IS_RECURRING static readonly IsSilent Indicates whether the user did not include any text in the body of the Meeting Response object. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidIsSilent Alternate names: LID_IS_SILENT static readonly JunkAddRecipientsToSafeSendersList Indicates whether email recipients are to be added to the safe senders list. Area: Spam Canonical name: PidTagJunkAddRecipientsToSafeSendersList Alternate names: PR_JUNK_ADD_RECIPS_TO_SSL static readonly JunkIncludeContacts Indicates whether email addresses of the contacts in the Contacts folder are treated in a special way with respect to the spam filter. Area: Spam Canonical name: PidTagJunkIncludeContacts Alternate names: PR_JUNK_INCLUDE_CONTACTS static readonly JunkPermanentlyDelete Indicates whether messages identified as spam can be permanently deleted. Area: Spam Canonical name: PidTagJunkPermanentlyDelete Alternate names: PR_JUNK_PERMANENTLY_DELETE static readonly JunkPhishingEnableLinks Indicated whether the phishing stamp on a message is to be ignored. Area: Spam Canonical name: PidTagJunkPhishingEnableLinks Alternate names: PR_JUNK_PHISHING_ENABLE_LINKS static readonly JunkThreshold Indicates how aggressively incoming email is to be sent to the Junk Email folder. Area: Spam Canonical name: PidTagJunkThreshold Alternate names: PR_JUNK_THRESHOLD static readonly Keyword Contains a keyword that identifies the mail user to the mail user’s system administrator. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagKeyword Alternate names: PR_KEYWORD, PR_KEYWORD_A, PR_KEYWORD_W static readonly Keywords Contains keywords or categories for the Message object. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidNameKeywords Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Keywords, static readonly Language Contains a value that indicates the language in which the messaging user is writing messages. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagLanguage Alternate names: PR_LANGUAGE, PR_LANGUAGE_A, PR_LANGUAGE_W, static readonly Languages Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_LANGUAGES static readonly LastAccessTime Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_LAST_ACCESS_TIME static readonly LastAuthor Specifies the most recent author of the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameLastAuthor Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#LastAuthor static readonly LastFullBackup Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_LAST_FULL_BACKUP static readonly LastLogoffTime Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_LAST_LOGOFF_TIME static readonly LastLogonTime Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_LAST_LOGON_TIME static readonly LastModificationTime Contains the time, in UTC, of the last modification to the object. Area: Message Time Properties Canonical name: PidTagLastModificationTime Alternate names: PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME, ptagLastModificationTime, static readonly LastModifierEntryId Specifies the Address Book EntryID of the last user to modify the contents of the message. Area: History Properties Canonical name: PidTagLastModifierEntryId Alternate names: PR_LAST_MODIFIER_ENTRYID, ptagLastModifierEntryId static readonly LastModifierName Contains the name of the last mail user to change the Message object. Area: History Properties Canonical name: PidTagLastModifierName Alternate names: PR_LAST_MODIFIER_NAME, PR_LAST_MODIFIER_NAME_A, ptagLastModifierName, PR_LAST_MODIFIER_NAME_W static readonly LastPrinted Specifies the time, in UTC, that the file was last printed. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameLastPrinted Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#LastPrinted static readonly LastSaveDateTime Specifies the time, in UTC, that the file was last saved. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameLastSaveDateTime Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#LastSaved static readonly LastVerbExecuted Specifies the last verb executed for the message item to which it is related. Area: History Properties Canonical name: PidTagLastVerbExecuted Alternate names: PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTED, ptagLastVerbExecuted static readonly LastVerbExecutionTime Contains the date and time, in UTC, during which the operation represented in the PidTagLastVerbExecuted property (section 2.758) took place. Area: History Properties Canonical name: PidTagLastVerbExecutionTime Alternate names: PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTION_TIME, ptagLastVerbExecutionTime static readonly LatestDeliveryTime Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_LATEST_DELIVERY_TIME static readonly LineCount Specifies the number of lines in the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameLineCount Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Lines static readonly LinkedTaskItems Indicates whether the user did not include any text in the body of the Meeting Response object. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidLinkedTaskItems Alternate names: dispidLinkedTaskItems static readonly LinksDirty Indicates whether the links in the document are up-to-date. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameLinksDirty Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#LinksUpToDate static readonly ListHelp Contains a URI that provides detailed help information for the mailing list from which an email message was sent. Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagListHelp Alternate names: PR_LIST_HELP, PR_LIST_HELP_A, PR_LIST_HELP_W static readonly ListSubscribe Contains the URI that subscribes a recipient to a message�s associated mailing list. Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagListSubscribe Alternate names: PR_LIST_SUBSCRIBE, PR_LIST_SUBSCRIBE_A, PR_LIST_SUBSCRIBE_W static readonly ListUnsubscribe Contains the URI that unsubscribes a recipient from a message�s associated mailing list. Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagListUnsubscribe Alternate names: PR_LIST_UNSUBSCRIBE, PR_LIST_UNSUBSCRIBE_A, PR_LIST_UNSUBSCRIBE_W static readonly LocalCommitTime Specifies the time, in UTC, that a Message object or Folder object was last changed. Area: Server Canonical name: PidTagLocalCommitTime Alternate names: PR_LOCAL_COMMIT_TIME, ptagLocalCommitTime static readonly LocalCommitTimeMax Contains the time of the most recent message change within the folder container, excluding messages changed within subfolders. Area: Server Canonical name: PidTagLocalCommitTimeMax Alternate names: PR_LOCAL_COMMIT_TIME_MAX, ptagLocalCommitTimeMax static readonly LocaleId Contains the Logon object LocaleID. Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagLocaleId Alternate names: PR_LOCALE_ID, ptagLocaleId static readonly Locality Contains the name of the mail user’s locality, such as the town or city. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagLocality Alternate names: PR_LOCALITY, PR_LOCALITY_A, PR_LOCALITY_W, PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_LOCALITY, PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_LOCALITY_A, static readonly Location Specifies the location of the event. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidLocation Alternate names: dispidLocation static readonly LocationUrl Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidNameLocationUrl Alternate names: urn:schemas:calendar:locationurl, LocationUrl static readonly LogDocumentPosted Indicates whether the document was sent by email or posted to a server folder during journaling. Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogDocumentPosted Alternate names: dispidLogDocPosted static readonly LogDocumentPrinted Indicates whether the document was printed during journaling. Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogDocumentPrinted Alternate names: dispidLogDocPrinted static readonly LogDocumentRouted Indicates whether the document was sent to a routing recipient during journaling. Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogDocumentRouted Alternate names: dispidLogDocRouted static readonly LogDocumentSaved Indicates whether the document was saved during journaling. Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogDocumentSaved Alternate names: dispidLogDocSaved static readonly LogDuration Contains the duration, in minutes, of the activity. Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogDuration Alternate names: dispidLogDuration static readonly LogEnd Contains the time, in UTC, at which the activity ended. Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogEnd Alternate names: dispidLogEnd static readonly LogFlags Contains metadata about the Journal object. Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogFlags Alternate names: dispidLogFlags static readonly LogStart Contains the time, in UTC, at which the activity began. Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogStart Alternate names: dispidLogStart static readonly LogType Briefly describes the journal activity that is being recorded. Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogType Alternate names: dispidLogType static readonly LogTypeDesc Contains an expanded description of the journal activity that is being recorded. Area: Journal Canonical name: PidLidLogTypeDesc Alternate names: dispidLogTypeDesc static readonly LongtermEntryidFromTable Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_LONGTERM_ENTRYID_FROM_TABLE static readonly MailboxOwnerEntryId Contains the EntryID in the Global Address List (GAL) of the owner of the mailbox. Area: Message Store Properties Canonical name: PidTagMailboxOwnerEntryId Alternate names: PR_MAILBOX_OWNER_ENTRYID, ptagMailboxOwnerEntryId static readonly MailboxOwnerName Contains the display name of the owner of the mailbox. Area: Message Store Properties Canonical name: PidTagMailboxOwnerName Alternate names: PR_MAILBOX_OWNER_NAME, PR_MAILBOX_OWNER_NAME_A, ptagMailboxOwnerName, PR_MAILBOX_OWNER_NAME_W static readonly MailPermission Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_MAIL_PERMISSION static readonly Manager Specifies the manager of the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameManager Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Manager static readonly ManagerName Contains the name of the mail user’s manager. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagManagerName Alternate names: PR_MANAGER_NAME, PR_MANAGER_NAME_A, PR_MANAGER_NAME_W, static readonly MappingSignature A 16-byte constant that is present on all Address Book objects, but is not present on objects in an offline address book. Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagMappingSignature Alternate names: PR_MAPPING_SIGNATURE, ptagMappingSignature static readonly MaximumSubmitMessageSize Maximum size, in kilobytes, of a message that a user is allowed to submit for transmission to another user. Area: Message Store Properties Canonical name: PidTagMaximumSubmitMessageSize Alternate names: PR_MAX_SUBMIT_MESSAGE_SIZE static readonly MdbProvider Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_MDB_PROVIDER static readonly MeetingType Indicates the type of Meeting Request object or Meeting Update object. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidMeetingType Alternate names: dispidMeetingType static readonly MeetingWorkspaceUrl Specifies the URL of the Meeting Workspace that is associated with a Calendar object. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidMeetingWorkspaceUrl Alternate names: dispidMWSURL static readonly MemberId Contains a unique identifier that the messaging server generates for each user. Area: Access Control Properties Canonical name: PidTagMemberId Alternate names: PR_MEMBER_ID, ptagMemberId static readonly MemberName Contains the user-readable name of the user. Area: Access Control Properties Canonical name: PidTagMemberName Alternate names: PR_MEMBER_NAME, PR_MEMBER_NAME_A, ptagMemberName, PR_MEMBER_NAME_W static readonly MemberRights Contains the permissions for the specified user. Area: Access Control Properties Canonical name: PidTagMemberRights Alternate names: PR_MEMBER_RIGHTS, ptagMemberRights static readonly MessageAttachments Identifies all attachments to the current message. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageAttachments Alternate names: PR_MESSAGE_ATTACHMENTS, ptagMessageAttachments static readonly MessageCcMe Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageCcMe Alternate names: PR_MESSAGE_CC_ME, ptagMessageCcMe static readonly MessageClass Denotes the specific type of the Message object. Area: Common Property set Canonical name: PidTagMessageClass Alternate names: PR_MESSAGE_CLASS, PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_A, ptagMessageClass, PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_W, static readonly MessageCodepage Specifies the code page used to encode the non-Unicode string properties on this Message object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidTagMessageCodepage Alternate names: PR_MESSAGE_CODEPAGE static readonly MessageDeliveryId Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_ID static readonly MessageDeliveryTime Specifies the time (in UTC) when the server received the message. Area: Message Time Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageDeliveryTime Alternate names: PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME, urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived static readonly MessageDownloadTime Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_MESSAGE_DOWNLOAD_TIME static readonly MessageEditorFormat Specifies the format that an email editor can use for editing the message body. Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageEditorFormat Alternate names: PR_MSG_EDITOR_FORMAT, ptagMsgEditorFormat static readonly MessageFlags Specifies the status of the Message object. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageFlags Alternate names: PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS, ptagMessageFlags static readonly MessageHandlingSystemCommonName Contains the common name of a messaging user for use in a message header. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageHandlingSystemCommonName Alternate names: PR_MHS_COMMON_NAME, PR_MHS_COMMON_NAME_A, static readonly MessageLocaleId Contains the Windows Locale ID of the end-user who created this message. Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageLocaleId Alternate names: PR_MESSAGE_LOCALE_ID static readonly MessageProcessed Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_MESSAGE_PROCESSED static readonly MessageRecipientMe Indicates that the receiving mailbox owner is a primary or a carbon copy (Cc) recipient of this email message. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageRecipientMe Alternate names: PR_MESSAGE_RECIP_ME, ptagMessageRecipMe static readonly MessageRecipients Identifies all of the recipients of the current message. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageRecipients Alternate names: PR_MESSAGE_RECIPIENTS, ptagMessageRecipients static readonly MessageSecurityLabel Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_MESSAGE_SECURITY_LABEL static readonly MessageSiteName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_MESSAGE_SITE_NAME static readonly MessageSize Contains the size, in bytes, consumed by the Message object on the server. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageSize Alternate names: PR_MESSAGE_SIZE, ptagMessageSize static readonly MessageSizeExtended Specifies the 64-bit version of the PidTagMessageSize property (section 2.787). Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageSizeExtended Alternate names: PR_MESSAGE_SIZE_EXTENDED, ptagMessageSizeExtended static readonly MessageStatus Specifies the status of a message in a contents table. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageStatus Alternate names: PR_MSG_STATUS, ptagMsgStatus static readonly MessageSubmissionId Contains a message identifier assigned by a message transfer agent. Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagMessageSubmissionId Alternate names: PR_MESSAGE_SUBMISSION_ID, ptagMessageSubmissionId static readonly MessageToken Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_MESSAGE_TOKEN static readonly MessageToMe Indicates that the receiving mailbox owner is one of the primary recipients of this email message. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagMessageToMe Alternate names: PR_MESSAGE_TO_ME, ptagMessageToMe static readonly Mid Contains a value that contains the MID of the message currently being synchronized. Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagMid Alternate names: ptagMID, http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/mid static readonly MiddleName Specifies the middle name(s) of the contact. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagMiddleName Alternate names: PR_MIDDLE_NAME, PR_MIDDLE_NAME_A, PR_MIDDLE_NAME_W, static readonly Mileage Contains the mileage information that is associated with an item. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidMileage Alternate names: dispidMileage static readonly MimeSkeleton Contains the top-level MIME message headers, all MIME message body part headers, attachments. Area: MIME properties Canonical name: PidTagMimeSkeleton Alternate names: ptagMimeSkeleton static readonly MiniIcon Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_MINI_ICON static readonly MobileTelephoneNumber Contains the mail user’s cellular telephone number. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagMobileTelephoneNumber Alternate names: PR_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, PR_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A, static readonly ModifyVersion Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_MODIFY_VERSION static readonly MonthInterval Indicates the monthly interval of the appointment or meeting. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidMonthInterval Alternate names: LID_MONTH_INTERVAL static readonly MonthOfYear Indicates the month of the year in which the appointment or meeting occurs. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidMonthOfYear Alternate names: static readonly MonthOfYearMask Indicates the calculated month of the year in which the appointment or meeting occurs. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidMonthOfYearMask Alternate names: LID_MOY_MASK static readonly MoveToFolderEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_MOVE_TO_FOLDER_ENTRYID static readonly MoveToStoreEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_MOVE_TO_STORE_ENTRYID static readonly MsgBodyId Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_MSG_BODY_ID static readonly MtsSubjectId Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_MTS_SUBJECT_ID static readonly MultimediaClipCount Specifies the number of multimedia clips in the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameMultimediaClipCount Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#MultimediaClips static readonly NativeBody Indicates the best available format for storing the message body. Area: BestBody Canonical name: PidTagNativeBody Alternate names: PR_NATIVE_BODY_INFO, ptagNativeBodyInfo static readonly NetShowUrl Specifies the URL to be launched when the user joins the meeting. Area: Conferencing Canonical name: PidLidNetShowUrl Alternate names: dispidNetShowURL static readonly NewsfeedInfo Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_NEWSFEED_INFO static readonly NewsgroupComponent Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_NEWSGROUP_COMPONENT static readonly NewsgroupName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_NEWSGROUP_NAME static readonly NewsgroupRootFolderEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_NEWSGROUP_ROOT_FOLDER_ENTRYID static readonly NewSubsGetAutoAdd Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_NEW_SUBS_GET_AUTO_ADD static readonly NextSendAcct Specifies the server that a client is currently attempting to use to send email. Area: Outlook Application Canonical name: PidTagNextSendAcct Alternate names: PR_NEXT_SEND_ACCT static readonly Nickname Contains the mail user’s nickname. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagNickname Alternate names: PR_NICKNAME, PR_NICKNAME_A, PR_NICKNAME_W, static readonly NntpArticleFolderEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_NNTP_ARTICLE_FOLDER_ENTRYID static readonly NntpControlFolderEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_NNTP_CONTROL_FOLDER_ENTRYID static readonly NntpXref Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_NNTP_XREF static readonly NoEndDateFlag Indicates whether the recurrence pattern has an end date. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidNoEndDateFlag Alternate names: http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/fnoenddate static readonly NonDeliveryReportDiagCode Contains the diagnostic code for a delivery status notification, as specified in [RFC3464]. Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagNonDeliveryReportDiagCode Alternate names: PR_NDR_DIAG_CODE, ptagNonDeliveryDiagCode static readonly NonDeliveryReportReasonCode Contains an integer value that indicates a reason for delivery failure. Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagNonDeliveryReportReasonCode Alternate names: PR_NDR_REASON_CODE, ptagNDRReasonCode static readonly NonDeliveryReportStatusCode Contains the value of the Status field for a delivery status notification, as specified in [RFC3464]. Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagNonDeliveryReportStatusCode Alternate names: PR_NDR_STATUS_CODE, ptagNDRStatusCode static readonly NonIpmSubtreeEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_NON_IPM_SUBTREE_ENTRYID static readonly NonReceiptNotificationRequested Specifies whether the client sends a non-read receipt. Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagNonReceiptNotificationRequested Alternate names: PR_NON_RECEIPT_NOTIFICATION_REQUESTED static readonly NonReceiptReason Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_NON_RECEIPT_REASON static readonly NonSendableBcc Contains a list of all of the unsendable attendees who are also resources. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidNonSendableBcc Alternate names: dispidNonSendableBCC static readonly NonSendableCc Contains a list of all of the unsendable attendees who are also optional attendees. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidNonSendableCc Alternate names: dispidNonSendableCC static readonly NonSendableTo Contains a list of all of the unsendable attendees who are also required attendees. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidNonSendableTo Alternate names: dispidNonSendableTo static readonly NonSendBccTrackStatus Contains the value from the response table. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidNonSendBccTrackStatus Alternate names: dispidNonSendBccTrackStatus static readonly NonSendCcTrackStatus Contains the value from the response table. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidNonSendCcTrackStatus Alternate names: dispidNonSendCcTrackStatus static readonly NonSendToTrackStatus Contains the value from the response table. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidNonSendToTrackStatus Alternate names: dispidNonSendToTrackStatus static readonly NormalizedSubject Contains the normalized subject of the message. Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagNormalizedSubject Alternate names: PR_NORMALIZED_SUBJECT, PR_NORMALIZED_SUBJECT_A, static readonly NormalMessageSize Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_NORMAL_MESSAGE_SIZE static readonly NormalMessageSizeExtended Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_NORMAL_MESSAGE_SIZE_EXTENDED static readonly NormalMsgWAttachCount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_NORMAL_MSG_W_ATTACH_COUNT static readonly NoteColor Specifies the suggested background color of the Note object. Area: Sticky Notes Canonical name: PidLidNoteColor Alternate names: dispidNoteColor static readonly NoteCount Specifies the number of notes in the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameNoteCount Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Notes static readonly NoteHeight Specifies the height of the visible message window in pixels. Area: Sticky Notes Canonical name: PidLidNoteHeight Alternate names: dispidNoteHeight static readonly NoteWidth Specifies the width of the visible message window in pixels. Area: Sticky Notes Canonical name: PidLidNoteWidth Alternate names: dispidNoteWidth static readonly NoteX Specifies the distance, in pixels, from the left edge of the screen that a user interface displays a Note object. Area: Sticky Notes Canonical name: PidLidNoteX Alternate names: dispidNoteX static readonly NoteY Specifies the distance, in pixels, from the top edge of the screen that a user interface displays a Note object. Area: Sticky Notes Canonical name: PidLidNoteY Alternate names: dispidNoteY static readonly NtUserName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_NT_USER_NAME static readonly ObjectType Indicates the type of Server object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidTagObjectType Alternate names: PR_OBJECT_TYPE, ptagObjectType static readonly ObjectUri Contains object uri. This property does not transmit via transport protocols. Area: User-defined Aspose specified properties Alternate names: ObjectUri static readonly ObsoletedIpms Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_OBSOLETED_IPMS static readonly Occurrences Indicates the number of occurrences in the recurring appointment or meeting. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidOccurrences Alternate names: static readonly OfficeLocation Contains the mail user’s office location. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagOfficeLocation Alternate names: PR_OFFICE_LOCATION, PR_OFFICE_LOCATION_A, PR_OFFICE_LOCATION_W, static readonly OfflineAddrbookEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_OFFLINE_ADDRBOOK_ENTRYID static readonly OfflineAddressBookContainerGuid A string-formatted GUID that represents the address list container object. Area: Offline Address Book Properties Canonical name: PidTagOfflineAddressBookContainerGuid Alternate names: PR_OAB_CONTAINER_GUID, PR_OAB_CONTAINER_GUID_W static readonly OfflineAddressBookDistinguishedName Contains the DN of the address list that is contained in the OAB message. Area: Offline Address Book Properties Canonical name: PidTagOfflineAddressBookDistinguishedName Alternate names: PR_OAB_DN, PR_OAB_DN_W static readonly OfflineAddressBookMessageClass Contains the message class for full OAB messages. Area: Offline Address Book Properties Canonical name: PidTagOfflineAddressBookMessageClass Alternate names: PR_OAB_MESSAGE_CLASS static readonly OfflineAddressBookName Contains the display name of the address list. Area: Offline Address Book Properties Canonical name: PidTagOfflineAddressBookName Alternate names: PR_OAB_NAME, PR_OAB_NAME_W static readonly OfflineAddressBookSequence Contains the sequence number of the OAB. Area: Offline Address Book Properties Canonical name: PidTagOfflineAddressBookSequence Alternate names: PR_OAB_SEQUENCE static readonly OfflineAddressBookTruncatedProperties Contains a list of the property tags that have been truncated or limited by the server. Area: Offline Address Book Properties Canonical name: PidTagOfflineAddressBookTruncatedProperties Alternate names: PR_OAB_TRUNCATED_PROPS static readonly OfflineFlags Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_OFFLINE_FLAGS static readonly OfflineMessageEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_OFFLINE_MESSAGE_ENTRYID static readonly OldestDeletedOn Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_OLDEST_DELETED_ON static readonly OldLocation Indicates the original value of the PidLidLocation property (section 2.159) before a meeting update. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidOldLocation Alternate names: dispidOldLocation static readonly OldRecurrenceType Indicates the recurrence pattern for the appointment or meeting. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidOldRecurrenceType Alternate names: LID_RECUR_TYPE static readonly OldWhenEndWhole Indicates the original value of the PidLidAppointmentEndWhole property (section 2.14) before a meeting update. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidOldWhenEndWhole Alternate names: dispidOldWhenEndWhole static readonly OldWhenStartWhole Indicates the original value of the PidLidAppointmentStartWhole property (section 2.29) before a meeting update. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidOldWhenStartWhole Alternate names: dispidOldWhenStartWhole static readonly OMSAccountGuid Contains the GUID of the SMS account used to deliver the message. Area: SMS Canonical name: PidNameOMSAccountGuid Alternate names: static readonly OMSMobileModel Indicates the model of the mobile device used to send the SMS or MMS message. Area: SMS Canonical name: PidNameOMSMobileModel Alternate names: static readonly OMSScheduleTime Contains the time, in UTC, at which the client requested that the service provider send the SMS or MMS message. Area: SMS Canonical name: PidNameOMSScheduleTime Alternate names: static readonly OMSServiceType Contains the type of service used to send an SMS or MMS message. Area: SMS Canonical name: PidNameOMSServiceType Alternate names: static readonly OMSSourceType Contains the source of an SMS or MMS message. Area: SMS Canonical name: PidNameOMSSourceType Alternate names: static readonly OnlinePassword Specifies the password for a meeting on which the PidLidConferencingType property (section 2.66) has the value 0x00000002. Area: Conferencing Canonical name: PidLidOnlinePassword Alternate names: dispidOnlinePassword static readonly OptionalAttendees Specifies optional attendees. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidOptionalAttendees Alternate names: LID_OPTIONAL_ATTENDEES static readonly OrdinalMost Contains a positive number whose negative is less than or equal to the value of the PidLidTaskOrdinal property (section 2.327) of all of the Task objects in the folder. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidTagOrdinalMost Alternate names: PR_ORDINAL_MOST static readonly OrganizationalIdNumber Contains an identifier for the mail user used within the mail user’s organization. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagOrganizationalIdNumber Alternate names: PR_ORGANIZATIONAL_ID_NUMBER, PR_ORGANIZATIONAL_ID_NUMBER_A, static readonly OrganizerAlias Specifies the email address of the organizer. Area: Conferencing Canonical name: PidLidOrganizerAlias Alternate names: dispidOrgAlias static readonly OriginalAuthorAddrtype Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_ADDRTYPE static readonly OriginalAuthorEmailAddress Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_EMAIL_ADDRESS static readonly OriginalAuthorEntryId Contains an address book EntryID structure ([MS-OXCDATA] section and is defined in report messages to identify the user who sent the original message. Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagOriginalAuthorEntryId Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_ENTRYID static readonly OriginalAuthorName Contains the display name of the sender of the original message referenced by a report message. Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagOriginalAuthorName Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_NAME_W static readonly OriginalAuthorSearchKey Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_SEARCH_KEY static readonly OriginalDeliveryTime Contains the delivery time, in UTC, from the original message. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalDeliveryTime Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_DELIVERY_TIME, ptagOriginalDeliveryTime static readonly OriginalDisplayBcc Contains the value of the PidTagDisplayBcc property (section 2.665) from the original message. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalDisplayBcc Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_BCC, PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_BCC_A, ptagOriginalDisplayBcc, PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_BCC_W, static readonly OriginalDisplayCc Contains the value of the PidTagDisplayCc property(section 2.666) from the original message. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalDisplayCc Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_CC, PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_CC_A, ptagOriginalDisplayCc, PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_CC_W, static readonly OriginalDisplayName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_NAME static readonly OriginalDisplayTo Contains the value of the PidTagDisplayTo property (section 2.669) from the original message. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalDisplayTo Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_TO, PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_TO_A, ptagOriginalDisplayTo, PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_TO_W, static readonly OriginalEits Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_EITS static readonly OriginalEntryId Contains the original EntryID of an object. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalEntryId Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_ENTRYID, ptagOriginalEntryId static readonly OriginallyIntendedRecipAddrtype Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIP_ADDRTYPE static readonly OriginallyIntendedRecipEmailAddress Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIP_EMAIL_ADDRESS static readonly OriginallyIntendedRecipEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIP_ENTRYID static readonly OriginallyIntendedRecipientName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIPIENT_NAME static readonly OriginalMessageClass Designates the PidTagMessageClass property ([MS-OXCMSG] section from the original message. Area: Secure Messaging Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalMessageClass Alternate names: PR_ORIG_MESSAGE_CLASS, PR_ORIG_MESSAGE_CLASS_A, PR_ORIG_MESSAGE_CLASS_W static readonly OriginalMessageId Contains the message ID of the original message included in replies or resent messages. Area: Mail Canonical name: PidTagOriginalMessageId Alternate names: ptagOriginalInternetMessageID, OriginalMessageId static readonly OriginalSearchKey Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_SEARCH_KEY static readonly OriginalSenderAddressType Contains the value of the original message sender’s PidTagSenderAddressType property (section 2.991). Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSenderAddressType Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_ADDRTYPE, PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_ADDRTYPE_A, ptagOriginalSenderAddrType, PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_ADDRTYPE_W static readonly OriginalSenderEmailAddress Contains the value of the original message sender’s PidTagSenderEmailAddress property (section 2.992). Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSenderEmailAddress Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A, PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W static readonly OriginalSenderEntryId Contains an address book EntryID that is set on delivery report messages. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSenderEntryId Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_ENTRYID, ptagOriginalSenderEntryId static readonly OriginalSenderName Contains the value of the original message sender’s PidTagSenderName property (section 2.995), and is set on delivery report messages. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSenderName Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_NAME, PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_NAME_A, ptagOriginalSenderName, PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_NAME_W, static readonly OriginalSenderSearchKey Contains an address book search key set on the original email message. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSenderSearchKey Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_SEARCH_KEY, ptagOriginalSenderSearchKey static readonly OriginalSensitivity Contains the sensitivity value of the original email message. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSensitivity Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_SENSITIVITY, ptagOriginalSensitivity static readonly OriginalSentRepresentingAddressType Contains the address type of the end user who is represented by the original email message sender. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSentRepresentingAddressType Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE, PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE_W static readonly OriginalSentRepresentingEmailAddress Contains the email address of the end user who is represented by the original email message sender. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSentRepresentingEmailAddress Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS, PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W static readonly OriginalSentRepresentingEntryId Identifies an address book EntryID that contains the entry identifier of the end user who is represented by the original message sender. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSentRepresentingEntryId Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_ENTRYID, ptagOriginalSentRepresentingEntryId static readonly OriginalSentRepresentingName Contains the display name of the end user who is represented by the original email message sender. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSentRepresentingName Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME, PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME_W static readonly OriginalSentRepresentingSearchKey Identifies an address book search key that contains the SearchKey of the end user who is represented by the original message sender. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSentRepresentingSearchKey Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_SEARCH_KEY, ptagOriginalSentRepresentingSearchKey static readonly OriginalStoreEntryId Specifies the EntryID of the delegator�s message store. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidOriginalStoreEntryId Alternate names: dispidOrigStoreEid, http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/origstoreeid static readonly OriginalSubject Specifies the subject of the original message. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSubject Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_SUBJECT, PR_ORIGINAL_SUBJECT_A, ptagOriginalSubject, static readonly OriginalSubmitTime Specifies the original email message’s submission date and time, in UTC. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginalSubmitTime Alternate names: PR_ORIGINAL_SUBMIT_TIME, ptagOriginalSubmitTime, static readonly OriginatingMtaCertificate Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGINATING_MTA_CERTIFICATE static readonly OriginatorAddr Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGINATOR_ADDR static readonly OriginatorAddrtype Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGINATOR_ADDRTYPE static readonly OriginatorAndDlExpansionHistory Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGINATOR_AND_DL_EXPANSION_HISTORY static readonly OriginatorCertificate Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGINATOR_CERTIFICATE static readonly OriginatorDeliveryReportRequested Indicates whether an email sender requests an email delivery receipt from the messaging system. Area: MIME Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginatorDeliveryReportRequested Alternate names: PR_ORIGINATOR_DELIVERY_REPORT_REQUESTED, static readonly OriginatorEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGINATOR_ENTRYID static readonly OriginatorName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGINATOR_NAME static readonly OriginatorNonDeliveryReportRequested Specifies whether an email sender requests suppression of nondelivery receipts. Area: MIME Properties Canonical name: PidTagOriginatorNonDeliveryReportRequested Alternate names: PR_ORIGINATOR_NON_DELIVERY_REPORT_REQUESTED static readonly OriginatorRequestedAlternateRecipient Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGINATOR_REQUESTED_ALTERNATE_RECIPIENT static readonly OriginatorReturnAddress Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGINATOR_RETURN_ADDRESS static readonly OriginCheck Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_ORIGIN_CHECK static readonly OscSyncEnabled Specifies whether contact synchronization with an external source is handled by the server. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidTagOscSyncEnabled Alternate names: PR_OSC_SYNC_ENABLEDONSERVER static readonly OstEncryption Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_OST_ENCRYPTION static readonly OtherAddress Specifies the complete address of the other address of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidOtherAddress Alternate names: dispidOtherAddress static readonly OtherAddressCity Contains the name of the mail user’s other locality, such as the town or city. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagOtherAddressCity Alternate names: PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_CITY, PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_CITY_A, static readonly OtherAddressCountry Contains the name of the mail user’s other country/region. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagOtherAddressCountry Alternate names: PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_COUNTRY, PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_A, static readonly OtherAddressCountryCode Specifies the country code portion of the other address of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidOtherAddressCountryCode Alternate names: dispidOtherAddressCountryCode static readonly OtherAddressPostalCode Contains the postal code for the mail user’s other postal address. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagOtherAddressPostalCode Alternate names: PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE, PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE_A, static readonly OtherAddressPostOfficeBox Contains the number or identifier of the mail user’s other post office box. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagOtherAddressPostOfficeBox Alternate names: PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX, PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX_A, PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX_W, static readonly OtherAddressStateOrProvince Contains the name of the mail user’s other state or province. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagOtherAddressStateOrProvince Alternate names: PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE, PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_A, PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_W, static readonly OtherAddressStreet Contains the mail user’s other street address. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagOtherAddressStreet Alternate names: PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_STREET, PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_STREET_A, static readonly OtherTelephoneNumber Contains an alternate telephone number for the mail user. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagOtherTelephoneNumber Alternate names: PR_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, PR_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A, static readonly OutboundNewsfeedDn Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_OUTBOUND_NEWSFEED_DN static readonly OutOfOfficeState Indicates whether the user is OOF. Area: Message Store Properties Canonical name: PidTagOutOfOfficeState Alternate names: PR_OOF_STATE, ptagOOFState static readonly OverallAgeLimit Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_OVERALL_AGE_LIMIT static readonly OverallMsgAgeLimit Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_OVERALL_MSG_AGE_LIMIT static readonly OwaUrl Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_OWA_URL static readonly OwnerAppointmentId Specifies a quasi-unique value among all of the Calendar objects in a user’s mailbox. Area: Appointment Canonical name: PidTagOwnerAppointmentId Alternate names: PR_OWNER_APPT_ID, http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/owner_appt_id static readonly OwnerCount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_OWNER_COUNT static readonly OwnerCriticalChange Specifies the date and time at which a Meeting Request object was sent by the organizer. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidOwnerCriticalChange Alternate names: LID_OWNER_CRITICAL_CHANGE static readonly OwnerName Indicates the name of the owner of the mailbox. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidOwnerName Alternate names: dispidOwnerName static readonly OwnStoreEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_OWN_STORE_ENTRYID static readonly P1Content Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_P1_CONTENT static readonly P1ContentType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_P1_CONTENT_TYPE static readonly PageCount Specifies the page count of the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNamePageCount Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Pages static readonly PagerTelephoneNumber Contains the mail user’s pager telephone number. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagPagerTelephoneNumber Alternate names: PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A, static readonly ParagraphCount Specifies the number of paragraphs in the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameParagraphCount Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Paragraphs static readonly ParentDisplay Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PARENT_DISPLAY static readonly ParentEntryId Contains the EntryID of the folder where messages or subfolders reside. Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagParentEntryId Alternate names: PR_PARENT_ENTRYID, ptagParentEntryId static readonly ParentFolderId Contains a value that contains the Folder ID (FID), as specified in [MS-OXCDATA] section, that identifies the parent folder of the messaging object being synchronized. Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagParentFolderId Alternate names: ptagParentFID static readonly ParentKey Contains the search key that is used to correlate the original message and the reports about the original message. Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagParentKey Alternate names: PR_PARENT_KEY, ptagParentKey static readonly ParentSourceKey Contains a value on a folder that contains the PidTagSourceKey property (section 2.1012) of the parent folder. Area: ExchangeNonTransmittableReserved Canonical name: PidTagParentSourceKey Alternate names: PR_PARENT_SOURCE_KEY static readonly PendingStateForSiteMailboxDocument Specifies the synchronization state of the Document object that is in the Document Libraries folder of the site mailbox. Area: Site Mailbox Canonical name: PidLidPendingStateForSiteMailboxDocument Alternate names: dispidPendingStateforTMDocument static readonly PercentComplete Indicates whether a time-flagged Message object is complete. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidPercentComplete Alternate names: dispidPercentComplete static readonly PersonalHomePage Contains the URL of the mail user’s personal home page. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagPersonalHomePage Alternate names: PR_PERSONAL_HOME_PAGE, PR_PERSONAL_HOME_PAGE_A, static readonly PhishingStamp Indicates whether a message is likely to be phishing. Area: Secure Messaging Properties Canonical name: PidNamePhishingStamp Alternate names: static readonly PhysicalDeliveryBureauFaxDelivery Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PHYSICAL_DELIVERY_BUREAU_FAX_DELIVERY static readonly PhysicalDeliveryMode Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PHYSICAL_DELIVERY_MODE static readonly PhysicalDeliveryReportRequest Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PHYSICAL_DELIVERY_REPORT_REQUEST static readonly PhysicalForwardingAddress Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PHYSICAL_FORWARDING_ADDRESS static readonly PhysicalForwardingAddressRequested Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PHYSICAL_FORWARDING_ADDRESS_REQUESTED static readonly PhysicalForwardingProhibited Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PHYSICAL_FORWARDING_PROHIBITED static readonly PhysicalRenditionAttributes Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PHYSICAL_RENDITION_ATTRIBUTES static readonly PolicyTag Specifies the GUID of a retention tag. Area: Archive Canonical name: PidTagPolicyTag Alternate names: PR_POLICY_TAG, ptagPolicyTag static readonly PostalAddress Contains the mail user’s postal address. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagPostalAddress Alternate names: PR_POSTAL_ADDRESS, PR_POSTAL_ADDRESS_A, PR_POSTAL_ADDRESS_W, static readonly PostalAddressId Specifies which physical address is the mailing address for this contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidPostalAddressId Alternate names: dispidPostalAddressId static readonly PostalCode Contains the postal code for the mail user’s postal address. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagPostalCode Alternate names: PR_POSTAL_CODE, PR_POSTAL_CODE_A, PR_POSTAL_CODE_W, PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE, PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE_A, static readonly PostFolderEntries Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_POST_FOLDER_ENTRIES static readonly PostFolderNames Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_POST_FOLDER_NAMES static readonly PostOfficeBox Contains the number or identifier of the mail user’s post office box. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagPostOfficeBox Alternate names: PR_POST_OFFICE_BOX, PR_POST_OFFICE_BOX_A, PR_POST_OFFICE_BOX_W, PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX, PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX_A, static readonly PostReplyDenied Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_POST_REPLY_DENIED static readonly PostReplyFolderEntries Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_POST_REPLY_FOLDER_ENTRIES static readonly PostReplyFolderNames Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_POST_REPLY_FOLDER_NAMES static readonly PostRssChannel Contains the contents of the title field from the XML of the Atom feed or RSS channel. Area: RSS Canonical name: PidLidPostRssChannel Alternate names: dispidPostRssChannel static readonly PostRssChannelLink Contains the URL of the RSS or Atom feed from which the XML file came. Area: RSS Canonical name: PidLidPostRssChannelLink Alternate names: dispidPostRssChannelLink static readonly PostRssItemGuid Contains a unique identifier for the RSS object. Area: RSS Canonical name: PidLidPostRssItemGuid Alternate names: dispidPostRssItemGuid static readonly PostRssItemHash Contains a hash of the feed XML computed by using an implementation-dependent algorithm. Area: RSS Canonical name: PidLidPostRssItemHash Alternate names: dispidPostRssItemHash static readonly PostRssItemLink Contains the URL of the link from an RSS or Atom item. Area: RSS Canonical name: PidLidPostRssItemLink Alternate names: dispidPostRssItemLink static readonly PostRssItemXml Contains the item element and all of its sub-elements from an RSS feed, or the entry element and all of its sub-elements from an Atom feed. Area: RSS Canonical name: PidLidPostRssItemXml Alternate names: dispidPostRssItemXml static readonly PostRssSubscription Contains the user’s preferred name for the RSS or Atom subscription. Area: RSS Canonical name: PidLidPostRssSubscription Alternate names: dispidPostRssSubscription static readonly PredecessorChangeList Contains a value that contains a serialized representation of a PredecessorChangeList structure. Area: Sync Canonical name: PidTagPredecessorChangeList Alternate names: PR_PREDECESSOR_CHANGE_LIST static readonly Preprocess Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PREPROCESS static readonly PresentationFormat Specifies the presentation format of the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNamePresentationFormat Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#PresentationFormat static readonly PreventMsgCreate Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PREVENT_MSG_CREATE static readonly Preview Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PREVIEW static readonly PreviewUnread Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PREVIEW_UNREAD static readonly PrimaryCapability Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PRIMARY_CAPABILITY static readonly PrimaryFaxNumber Contains the telephone number of the mail user’s primary fax machine. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagPrimaryFaxNumber Alternate names: PR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER, PR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER_A, static readonly PrimarySendAccount Specifies the first server that a client is to use to send the email with. Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagPrimarySendAccount Alternate names: PR_PRIMARY_SEND_ACCT static readonly PrimaryTelephoneNumber Contains the mail user’s primary telephone number. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagPrimaryTelephoneNumber Alternate names: PR_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, PR_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A, PR_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W static readonly Priority Indicates the client’s request for the priority with which the message is to be sent by the messaging system. Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagPriority Alternate names: PR_PRIORITY, ptagPriority, urn:schemas:httpmail:priority, static readonly Private Indicates whether the end user wishes for this Message object to be hidden from other users who have access to the Message object. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidPrivate Alternate names: dispidPrivate static readonly Processed Indicates whether a client has already processed a received task communication. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidTagProcessed Alternate names: PR_PROCESSED static readonly Profession Contains the name of the mail user’s line of business. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagProfession Alternate names: PR_PROFESSION, PR_PROFESSION_A, PR_PROFESSION_W, static readonly ProfileAbFilesPath Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_AB_FILES_PATH static readonly ProfileAddrInfo Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_ADDR_INFO static readonly ProfileAllpubComment Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_ALLPUB_COMMENT static readonly ProfileAllpubDisplayName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_ALLPUB_DISPLAY_NAME static readonly ProfileBindingOrder Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_BINDING_ORDER static readonly ProfileConfigFlags Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_CONFIG_FLAGS static readonly ProfileConnectFlags Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_CONNECT_FLAGS static readonly ProfileFavfldComment Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_FAVFLD_COMMENT static readonly ProfileFavfldDisplayName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_FAVFLD_DISPLAY_NAME static readonly ProfileHomeServer Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_HOME_SERVER static readonly ProfileHomeServerAddrs Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_HOME_SERVER_ADDRS static readonly ProfileHomeServerDn Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_HOME_SERVER_DN static readonly ProfileMailbox Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_MAILBOX static readonly ProfileMaxRestrict Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_MAX_RESTRICT static readonly ProfileMoab Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_MOAB static readonly ProfileMoabGuid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_MOAB_GUID static readonly ProfileMoabSeq Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_MOAB_SEQ static readonly ProfileName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_NAME static readonly ProfileOfflineInfo Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_OFFLINE_INFO static readonly ProfileOfflineStorePath Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_OFFLINE_STORE_PATH static readonly ProfileOpenFlags Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_OPEN_FLAGS static readonly ProfileOptionsData Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_OPTIONS_DATA static readonly ProfileSecureMailbox Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_SECURE_MAILBOX static readonly ProfileServer Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_SERVER static readonly ProfileServerDn Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_SERVER_DN static readonly ProfileTransportFlags Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_TRANSPORT_FLAGS static readonly ProfileType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_TYPE static readonly ProfileUiState Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_UI_STATE static readonly ProfileUnresolvedName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_NAME static readonly ProfileUnresolvedServer Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_SERVER static readonly ProfileUser Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_USER static readonly ProfileVersion Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROFILE_VERSION static readonly ProhibitReceiveQuota Maximum size, in kilobytes, that a user is allowed to accumulate in their mailbox before no further email will be delivered to their mailbox. Area: Exchange Administrative Canonical name: PidTagProhibitReceiveQuota Alternate names: PR_PROHIBIT_RECEIVE_QUOTA, ptagProhibitReceiveQuota static readonly ProhibitSendQuota Maximum size, in kilobytes, that a user is allowed to accumulate in their mailbox before the user can no longer send any more email. Area: ExchangeAdministrative Canonical name: PidTagProhibitSendQuota Alternate names: PR_PROHIBIT_SEND_QUOTA, ptagProhibitSendQuota static readonly PromptSendUpdate Indicates that the Meeting Response object was out-of-date when it was received. Area: Meeting Response Canonical name: PidLidPromptSendUpdate Alternate names: dispidPromptSendUpdate static readonly ProofOfDelivery Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROOF_OF_DELIVERY static readonly ProofOfDeliveryRequested Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROOF_OF_DELIVERY_REQUESTED static readonly ProofOfSubmission Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROOF_OF_SUBMISSION static readonly ProofOfSubmissionRequested Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROOF_OF_SUBMISSION_REQUESTED static readonly ProviderDisplay Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROVIDER_DISPLAY static readonly ProviderDllName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROVIDER_DLL_NAME static readonly ProviderOrdinal Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROVIDER_ORDINAL static readonly ProviderSubmitTime Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROVIDER_SUBMIT_TIME static readonly ProviderUid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PROVIDER_UID static readonly PstEncryption Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PST_ENCRYPTION static readonly PstPath Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PST_PATH static readonly PstPwSzOld Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PST_PW_SZ_OLD static readonly PstRememberPw Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PST_REMEMBER_PW static readonly PublicFolderEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PUBLIC_FOLDER_ENTRYID static readonly PublishInAddressBook Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_PUBLISH_IN_ADDRESS_BOOK static readonly PurportedSenderDomain Contains the domain responsible for transmitting the current message. Area: TransportEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagPurportedSenderDomain Alternate names: PR_PURPORTED_SENDER_DOMAIN static readonly QuarantineOriginalSender Specifies the original sender of a message. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameQuarantineOriginalSender Alternate names: static readonly RadioTelephoneNumber Contains the mail user’s radio telephone number. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagRadioTelephoneNumber Alternate names: PR_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, PR_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A, PR_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W static readonly Read Indicates whether a message has been read. Area: MapiNonTransmittable Property set Canonical name: PidTagRead Alternate names: PR_READ, ptagRead, urn:schemas:httpmail:read static readonly ReadReceiptAddressType Contains the address type of the end user to whom a read receipt is directed. Area: Transport Envelope Canonical name: PidTagReadReceiptAddressType Alternate names: ptagReadReceiptAddrType, ReadReceiptAddrType static readonly ReadReceiptEmailAddress Contains the email address of the end user to whom a read receipt is directed. Area: Transport Envelope Canonical name: PidTagReadReceiptEmailAddress Alternate names: ptagReadReceiptEmailAddr, ReadReceiptEmailAddress static readonly ReadReceiptEntryId Contains an address book EntryID. Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReadReceiptEntryId Alternate names: PR_READ_RECEIPT_ENTRYID, ptagReadReceiptEntryId static readonly ReadReceiptName Contains the display name for the end user to whom a read receipt is directed. Area: Transport Envelope Canonical name: PidTagReadReceiptName Alternate names: ptagReadReceiptDisplayName, ReadReceiptDisplayName static readonly ReadReceiptRequested Specifies whether the email sender requests a read receipt from all recipients when this email message is read or opened. Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagReadReceiptRequested Alternate names: PR_READ_RECEIPT_REQUESTED, ptagReadReceiptRequested, static readonly ReadReceiptSearchKey Contains an address book search key. Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReadReceiptSearchKey Alternate names: PR_READ_RECEIPT_SEARCH_KEY, ptagReadReceiptSearchKey static readonly ReadReceiptSmtpAddress Contains the SMTP email address of the user to whom a read receipt is directed. Area: Mail Canonical name: PidTagReadReceiptSmtpAddress Alternate names: ptagRecipientReadReceiptSmtpAddress static readonly ReceiptTime Contains the sent time for a message disposition notification, as specified in [RFC3798]. Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagReceiptTime Alternate names: PR_RECEIPT_TIME, ptagReceiptTime static readonly ReceivedByAddressType Contains the email message receiver’s email address type. Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReceivedByAddressType Alternate names: PR_RECEIVED_BY_ADDRTYPE, PR_RECEIVED_BY_ADDRTYPE_A, ptagReceivedByAddrType, PR_RECEIVED_BY_ADDRTYPE_W static readonly ReceivedByEmailAddress Contains the email message receiver’s email address. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagReceivedByEmailAddress Alternate names: PR_RECEIVED_BY_EMAIL_ADDRESS, PR_RECEIVED_BY_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A, PR_RECEIVED_BY_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W static readonly ReceivedByEntryId Contains the address book EntryID of the mailbox receiving the Email object. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagReceivedByEntryId Alternate names: PR_RECEIVED_BY_ENTRYID static readonly ReceivedByName Contains the email message receiver’s display name. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagReceivedByName Alternate names: PR_RECEIVED_BY_NAME, PR_RECEIVED_BY_NAME_A, PR_RECEIVED_BY_NAME_W static readonly ReceivedBySearchKey Identifies an address book search key that contains a binary-comparable key that is used to identify correlated objects for a search. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagReceivedBySearchKey Alternate names: PR_RECEIVED_BY_SEARCH_KEY static readonly ReceivedBySmtpAddress Contains the email message receiver’s SMTP email address. Area: Mail Canonical name: PidTagReceivedBySmtpAddress Alternate names: ptagRecipientRcvdBySmtpAddress static readonly ReceivedRepresentingAddressType Contains the email address type for the end user represented by the receiving mailbox owner. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagReceivedRepresentingAddressType Alternate names: PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE, PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE_A, ptagRcvdRepresentingAddrType, PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE_W static readonly ReceivedRepresentingEmailAddress Contains the email address for the end user represented by the receiving mailbox owner. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagReceivedRepresentingEmailAddress Alternate names: PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS, PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A, PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W static readonly ReceivedRepresentingEntryId Contains an address book EntryID that identifies the end user represented by the receiving mailbox owner. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagReceivedRepresentingEntryId Alternate names: PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_ENTRYID, ptagRcvdRepresentingEntryId static readonly ReceivedRepresentingName Contains the display name for the end user represented by the receiving mailbox owner. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagReceivedRepresentingName Alternate names: PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_NAME, PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_NAME_A, ptagRcvdRepresentingName, PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_NAME_W static readonly ReceivedRepresentingSearchKey Identifies an address book search key that contains a binary-comparable key of the end user represented by the receiving mailbox owner. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagReceivedRepresentingSearchKey Alternate names: PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_SEARCH_KEY, ptagRcvdRepresentingSearchKey static readonly ReceivedRepresentingSmtpAddress Contains the SMTP email address of the user represented by the receiving mailbox owner. Area: Mail Canonical name: PidTagReceivedRepresentingSmtpAddress Alternate names: ptagRecipientRcvdRepresentingSmtpAddress static readonly ReceiveFolderSettings Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RECEIVE_FOLDER_SETTINGS static readonly RecipientCertificate Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RECIPIENT_CERTIFICATE static readonly RecipientDisplayName Specifies the display name of the recipient. Area: TransportRecipient Canonical name: PidTagRecipientDisplayName Alternate names: PR_RECIPIENT_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_RECIPIENT_DISPLAY_NAME_W static readonly RecipientEntryId Identifies an Address Book object that specifies the recipient. Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagRecipientEntryId Alternate names: PR_RECIPIENT_ENTRYID, ptagRecipientEntryId static readonly RecipientFlags Specifies a bit field that describes the recipient status. Area: TransportRecipient Canonical name: PidTagRecipientFlags Alternate names: PR_RECIPIENT_FLAGS static readonly RecipientNumber Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RECIPIENT_NUMBER static readonly RecipientNumberForAdvice Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RECIPIENT_NUMBER_FOR_ADVICE static readonly RecipientOnAssocMsgCount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RECIPIENT_ON_ASSOC_MSG_COUNT static readonly RecipientOnNormalMsgCount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RECIPIENT_ON_NORMAL_MSG_COUNT static readonly RecipientOrder Specifies the location of the current recipient in the recipient table. Area: TransportRecipient Canonical name: PidTagRecipientOrder Alternate names: PR_RECIPIENT_ORDER, ptagRecipientOrder static readonly RecipientProposed Indicates that the attendee proposed a new date and/or time. Area: TransportRecipient Canonical name: PidTagRecipientProposed Alternate names: PR_RECIPIENT_PROPOSED, ptagRecipientProposed static readonly RecipientProposedEndTime Indicates the meeting end time requested by the attendee in a counter proposal. Area: TransportRecipient Canonical name: PidTagRecipientProposedEndTime Alternate names: PR_RECIPIENT_PROPOSEDENDTIME, ptagRecipientProposedEndTime static readonly RecipientProposedStartTime Indicates the meeting start time requested by the attendee in a counter proposal. Area: TransportRecipient Canonical name: PidTagRecipientProposedStartTime Alternate names: PR_RECIPIENT_PROPOSEDSTARTTIME, ptagRecipientProposedStartTime static readonly RecipientReassignmentProhibited Specifies whether adding additional or different recipients is prohibited for the email message when forwarding the email message. Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagRecipientReassignmentProhibited Alternate names: PR_RECIPIENT_REASSIGNMENT_PROHIBITED, ptagRecipientReassignmentProhibited static readonly RecipientStatus Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RECIPIENT_STATUS static readonly RecipientTrackStatus Indicates the response status that is returned by the attendee. Area: TransportRecipient Canonical name: PidTagRecipientTrackStatus Alternate names: PR_RECIPIENT_TRACKSTATUS, ptagRecipientTrackStatus static readonly RecipientTrackStatusTime Indicates the date and time at which the attendee responded. Area: TransportRecipient Canonical name: PidTagRecipientTrackStatusTime Alternate names: PR_RECIPIENT_TRACKSTATUS_TIME, ptagRecipientTrackStatusTime static readonly RecipientType Represents the recipient type of a recipient on the message. Area: MapiRecipient Canonical name: PidTagRecipientType Alternate names: PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE, ptagRecipientType static readonly RecordKey Contains a unique binary-comparable identifier for a specific object. Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagRecordKey Alternate names: PR_RECORD_KEY, ptagRecordKey static readonly RecurrenceDuration Identifies the length, in minutes, of the appointment or meeting. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidRecurrenceDuration Alternate names: static readonly RecurrencePattern Specifies a description of the recurrence pattern of the Calendar object. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidRecurrencePattern Alternate names: dispidRecurPattern static readonly RecurrenceType Specifies the recurrence type of the recurring series. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidRecurrenceType Alternate names: dispidRecurType static readonly Recurring Specifies whether the object represents a recurring series. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidRecurring Alternate names: dispidRecurring static readonly RedirectionHistory Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_REDIRECTION_HISTORY static readonly ReferenceEntryId Specifies the value of the EntryID of the Contact object unless the Contact object is a copy of an earlier original. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidReferenceEntryId Alternate names: dispidReferenceEID static readonly ReferredByName Contains the name of the mail user’s referral. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagReferredByName Alternate names: PR_REFERRED_BY_NAME, PR_REFERRED_BY_NAME_A, PR_REFERRED_BY_NAME_W static readonly RegisteredMailType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_REGISTERED_MAIL_TYPE static readonly RelatedIpms Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RELATED_IPMS static readonly ReminderDelta Specifies the interval, in minutes, between the time at which the reminder first becomes overdue and the start time of the Calendar object. Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderDelta Alternate names: dispidReminderDelta, http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/reminderdelta static readonly ReminderFileParameter Specifies the filename of the sound that a client is to play when the reminder for that object becomes overdue. Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderFileParameter Alternate names: dispidReminderFileParam static readonly ReminderOverride Specifies whether the client is to respect the current values of the property (section 2.219), or use the default values for those properties. Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderOverride Alternate names: dispidReminderOverride static readonly ReminderPlaySound Specifies whether the client is to play a sound when the reminder becomes overdue. Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderPlaySound Alternate names: dispidReminderPlaySound static readonly ReminderSet Specifies whether a reminder is set on the object. Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderSet Alternate names: dispidReminderSet static readonly ReminderSignalTime Specifies the point in time when a reminder transitions from pending to overdue. Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderSignalTime Alternate names: dispidReminderNextTime static readonly RemindersOnlineEntryId Contains an EntryID for the Reminders folder. Area: MapiContainer Canonical name: PidTagRemindersOnlineEntryId Alternate names: PR_REM_ONLINE_ENTRYID, ptagRemOnlineEntryId static readonly ReminderTime Specifies the initial signal time for objects that are not Calendar objects. Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderTime Alternate names: dispidReminderTime static readonly ReminderTimeDate Indicates the time and date of the reminder for the appointment or meeting. Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderTimeDate Alternate names: dispidReminderTimeDate static readonly ReminderTimeTime Indicates the time of the reminder for the appointment or meeting. Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderTimeTime Alternate names: dispidReminderTimeTime static readonly ReminderType This property is not set and, if set, is ignored. Area: Reminders Canonical name: PidLidReminderType Alternate names: dispidReminderType, http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/remindertype static readonly RemoteMessageTransferAgent Contains the value of the Remote-MTA field for a delivery status notification, as specified in [RFC3464]. Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagRemoteMessageTransferAgent Alternate names: PR_DSN_REMOTE_MTA, ptagDsnRemoteMta static readonly RemoteProgress Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_REMOTE_PROGRESS static readonly RemoteProgressText Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_REMOTE_PROGRESS_TEXT static readonly RemoteStatus Indicates the remote status of the calendar item. Area: Run-time configuration Canonical name: PidLidRemoteStatus Alternate names: dispidRemoteStatus static readonly RemoteValidateOk Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_REMOTE_VALIDATE_OK static readonly RenderingPosition Represents an offset, in rendered characters, to use when rendering an attachment within the main message text. Area: MapiAttachment Canonical name: PidTagRenderingPosition Alternate names: PR_RENDERING_POSITION, ptagRenderingPosition static readonly ReplicaList Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_REPLICA_LIST static readonly ReplicaServer Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_REPLICA_SERVER static readonly ReplicationAlwaysInterval Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_REPLICATION_ALWAYS_INTERVAL static readonly ReplicationMessagePriority Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_REPLICATION_MESSAGE_PRIORITY static readonly ReplicationMsgSize Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_REPLICATION_MSG_SIZE static readonly ReplicationSchedule Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_REPLICATION_SCHEDULE static readonly ReplicationStyle Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_REPLICATION_STYLE static readonly ReplicaVersion Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_REPLICA_VERSION static readonly ReplyRecipientEntries Identifies a FlatEntryList structure ([MS-OXCDATA] section 2.3.3) of address book EntryIDs for recipients that are to receive a reply. Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReplyRecipientEntries Alternate names: PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_ENTRIES, ptagReplyRecipientEntries, static readonly ReplyRecipientNames Contains a list of display names for recipients that are to receive a reply. Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReplyRecipientNames Alternate names: PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_NAMES, PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_NAMES_A, ptagReplyRecipientNames, PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_NAMES_W static readonly ReplyRecipientSmtpProxies Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_SMTP_PROXIES static readonly ReplyRequested Indicates whether a reply is requested to a Message object. Area: MapiRecipient Canonical name: PidTagReplyRequested Alternate names: PR_REPLY_REQUESTED, ptagReplyRequested static readonly ReplyTemplateId Contains the value of the GUID that points to a Reply template. Area: Rules Canonical name: PidTagReplyTemplateId Alternate names: PR_REPLY_TEMPLATE_ID, ptagReplyTemplateId static readonly ReplyTime Specifies the time, in UTC, that the sender has designated for an associated work item to be due. Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReplyTime Alternate names: PR_REPLY_TIME, urn:schemas:httpmail:reply-by, static readonly ReportDestinationEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_REPORT_DESTINATION_ENTRYID static readonly ReportDestinationName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_REPORT_DESTINATION_NAME static readonly ReportDisposition Contains a string indicating whether the original message was displayed to the user or deleted (report messages only). Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagReportDisposition Alternate names: PR_REPORT_DISPOSITION_W static readonly ReportDispositionMode Contains a description of the action that a client has performed on behalf of a user (report messages only). Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagReportDispositionMode Alternate names: PR_REPORT_DISPOSITION_MODE_W static readonly ReportEntryId Specifies an entry ID that identifies the application that generated a report message. Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReportEntryId Alternate names: PR_REPORT_ENTRYID, ptagReportEntryId static readonly ReportingDlName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_REPORTING_DL_NAME static readonly ReportingMessageTransferAgent Contains the value of the Reporting-MTA field for a delivery status notification, as specified in [RFC3464]. Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagReportingMessageTransferAgent Alternate names: ptagDsnReportingMta static readonly ReportingMtaCertificate Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_REPORTING_MTA_CERTIFICATE static readonly ReportName Contains the display name for the entity (usually a server agent) that generated the report message. Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReportName Alternate names: PR_REPORT_NAME, PR_REPORT_NAME_A, PR_REPORT_NAME_W static readonly ReportSearchKey Contains an address book search key representing the entity (usually a server agent) that generated the report message. Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReportSearchKey Alternate names: PR_REPORT_SEARCH_KEY, ptagReportSearchKey static readonly ReportTag Contains the data that is used to correlate the report and the original message. Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagReportTag Alternate names: PR_REPORT_TAG, ptagReportTag static readonly ReportText Contains the optional text for a report message. Area: MapiMessage Canonical name: PidTagReportText Alternate names: PR_REPORT_TEXT, PR_REPORT_TEXT_A, ptagReportText, PR_REPORT_TEXT_W static readonly ReportTime Indicates the last time that the contact list that is controlled by the PidTagJunkIncludeContacts property (section 2.749) was updated. Area: MapiEnvelope Property set Canonical name: PidTagReportTime Alternate names: PR_REPORT_TIME, ptagReportTime, static readonly RequestedDeliveryMethod Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_REQUESTED_DELIVERY_METHOD static readonly RequiredAttendees Identifies required attendees for the appointment or meeting. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidRequiredAttendees Alternate names: LID_REQUIRED_ATTENDEES static readonly ResolveMethod Specifies how to resolve any conflicts with the message. Area: MapiStatus Canonical name: PidTagResolveMethod Alternate names: PR_RESOLVE_METHOD, ptagResolveMethod static readonly ResourceAttendees Identifies resource attendees for the appointment or meeting. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidResourceAttendees Alternate names: LID_RESOURCE_ATTENDEES static readonly ResourceFlags Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RESOURCE_FLAGS static readonly ResourceMethods Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RESOURCE_METHODS static readonly ResourcePath Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RESOURCE_PATH static readonly ResourceType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RESOURCE_TYPE static readonly ResponseRequested Indicates whether a response is requested to a Message object. Area: MapiEnvelope Property set Canonical name: PidTagResponseRequested Alternate names: PR_RESPONSE_REQUESTED, urn:schemas:calendar:responserequested, static readonly ResponseStatus Specifies the response status of an attendee. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidResponseStatus Alternate names: dispidResponseStatus static readonly Responsibility Specifies whether another mail agent has ensured that the message will be delivered. Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagResponsibility Alternate names: PR_RESPONSIBILITY, ptagResponsibility static readonly RestrictionCount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RESTRICTION_COUNT static readonly RetentionAgeLimit Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RETENTION_AGE_LIMIT static readonly RetentionDate Specifies the date, in UTC, after which a Message object is expired by the server. Area: Archive Canonical name: PidTagRetentionDate Alternate names: PR_RETENTION_DATE, ptagRetentionDate static readonly RetentionFlags Contains flags that specify the status or nature of an item’s retention tag or archive tag. Area: Archive Canonical name: PidTagRetentionFlags Alternate names: PR_RETENTION_FLAGS, ptagRetentionFlags static readonly RetentionPeriod Specifies the number of days that a Message object can remain unarchived. Area: Archive Canonical name: PidTagRetentionPeriod Alternate names: PR_RETENTION_PERIOD, ptagRetentionPeriod static readonly ReturnedIpm Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RETURNED_IPM static readonly RevisionNumber Specifies the revision number of the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameRevisionNumber Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Revision static readonly Rights Specifies a user’s folder permissions. Area: ExchangeFolder Canonical name: PidTagRights Alternate names: PR_RIGHTS, ptagRights static readonly RightsManagementLicense Specifies the value used to cache the Use License for the rights-managed email message. Area: Secure Messaging Properties Canonical name: PidNameRightsManagementLicense Alternate names: static readonly RoamingDatatypes Contains a bitmask that indicates which stream properties exist on the message. Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagRoamingDatatypes Alternate names: PR_ROAMING_DATATYPES static readonly RoamingDictionary Contains a dictionary stream, as specified in [MS-OXOCFG] section Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagRoamingDictionary Alternate names: PR_ROAMING_DICTIONARY static readonly RoamingXmlStream Contains an XML stream, as specified in [MS-OXOCFG] section Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagRoamingXmlStream Alternate names: PR_ROAMING_XMLSTREAM static readonly Rowid Contains a unique identifier for a recipient in a message’s recipient table. Area: MapiCommon Canonical name: PidTagRowid Alternate names: PR_ROWID, ptagRowId static readonly RowType Identifies the type of the row. Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagRowType Alternate names: PR_ROW_TYPE, ptagRowType static readonly RtfCompressed Contains message body text in compressed RTF format. Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagRtfCompressed Alternate names: PR_RTF_COMPRESSED, ptagRTFCompressed static readonly RtfInSync Indicates whether the PidTagBody property (section 2.609) and the PidTagRtfCompressed property (section 2.932) contain the same text (ignoring formatting). Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagRtfInSync Alternate names: PR_RTF_IN_SYNC, ptagRTFInSync static readonly RtfSyncBodyCount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RTF_SYNC_BODY_COUNT static readonly RtfSyncBodyCrc Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RTF_SYNC_BODY_CRC static readonly RtfSyncBodyTag Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RTF_SYNC_BODY_TAG static readonly RtfSyncPrefixCount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RTF_SYNC_PREFIX_COUNT static readonly RtfSyncTrailingCount Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RTF_SYNC_TRAILING_COUNT static readonly RuleActionNumber Contains the index of a rule action that failed. Area: ExchangeMessageReadOnly Canonical name: PidTagRuleActionNumber Alternate names: PR_RULE_ACTION_NUMBER, ptagRuleActionNumber static readonly RuleActions Contains the set of actions associated with the rule. Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleActions Alternate names: PR_RULE_ACTIONS, ptagRuleActions static readonly RuleActionType Contains the ActionType field ([MS-OXORULE] section of a rule that failed. Area: ExchangeMessageReadOnly Canonical name: PidTagRuleActionType Alternate names: PR_RULE_ACTION_TYPE, ptagRuleActionType static readonly RuleCondition Defines the conditions under which a rule action is to be executed. Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleCondition Alternate names: PR_RULE_CONDITION, ptagRuleCondition static readonly RuleError Contains the error code that indicates the cause of an error encountered during the execution of the rule. Area: ExchangeMessageReadOnly Canonical name: PidTagRuleError Alternate names: PR_RULE_ERROR, ptagRuleError static readonly RuleFolderEntryId Contains the EntryID of the folder where the rule that triggered the generation of a DAM is stored. Area: ExchangeMessageReadOnly Canonical name: PidTagRuleFolderEntryId Alternate names: PR_RULE_FOLDER_ENTRYID, ptagRuleFolderEntryId static readonly RuleId Specifies a unique identifier that is generated by the messaging server for each rule when the rule is first created. Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleId Alternate names: PR_RULE_ID, ptagRuleId static readonly RuleIds Contains a buffer that is obtained by concatenating the PidTagRuleId property (section property (section 2.625). Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleIds Alternate names: PR_RULE_IDS, ptagRuleIds static readonly RuleLevel Contains 0x00000000. This property is not used. Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleLevel Alternate names: PR_RULE_LEVEL, ptagRuleLevel static readonly RuleMessageLevel Contains 0x00000000. Set on the FAI message. Area: ExchangeNonTransmittableReserved Canonical name: PidTagRuleMessageLevel Alternate names: PR_RULE_MSG_LEVEL, ptagRuleMsgLevel static readonly RuleMessageName Specifies the name of the rule. Set on the FAI message. Area: ExchangeNonTransmittableReserved Canonical name: PidTagRuleMessageName Alternate names: ptagRuleMsgName static readonly RuleMessageProvider Identifies the client application that owns the rule. Set on the FAI message. Area: ExchangeNonTransmittableReserved Canonical name: PidTagRuleMessageProvider Alternate names: ptagRuleMsgProvider static readonly RuleMessageProviderData Contains opaque data set by the client for the exclusive use of the client. Set on the FAI message. Area: ExchangeNonTransmittableReserved Canonical name: PidTagRuleMessageProviderData Alternate names: PR_RULE_MSG_PROVIDER_DATA, ptagRuleMsgProviderData static readonly RuleMessageSequence Contains a value used to determine the order in which rules are evaluated and executed. Set on the FAI message. Area: ExchangeNonTransmittableReserved Canonical name: PidTagRuleMessageSequence Alternate names: PR_RULE_MSG_SEQUENCE, ptagRuleMsgSequence static readonly RuleMessageState Contains flags that specify the state of the rule. Set on the FAI message. Area: ExchangeNonTransmittableReserved Canonical name: PidTagRuleMessageState Alternate names: PR_RULE_MSG_STATE, ptagRuleMsgState static readonly RuleMessageUserFlags Contains an opaque property that the client sets for the exclusive use of the client. Set on the FAI message. Area: ExchangeNonTransmittableReserved Canonical name: PidTagRuleMessageUserFlags Alternate names: PR_RULE_MSG_USER_FLAGS, ptagRuleMsgUserFlags static readonly RuleName Specifies the name of the rule. Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleName Alternate names: PR_RULE_NAME, PR_RULE_NAME_A, ptagRuleName, PR_RULE_NAME_W static readonly RuleProvider A string identifying the client application that owns a rule. Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleProvider Alternate names: PR_RULE_PROVIDER, ptagRuleProvider, PR_RULE_PROVIDER_W static readonly RuleProviderData Contains opaque data set by the client for the exclusive use of the client. Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleProviderData Alternate names: PR_RULE_PROVIDER_DATA, ptagRuleProviderData static readonly RulesData Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RULES_DATA static readonly RuleSequence Contains a value used to determine the order in which rules are evaluated and executed. Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleSequence Alternate names: PR_RULE_SEQUENCE, ptagRuleSequence static readonly RulesTable Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RULES_TABLE static readonly RuleState Contains flags that specify the state of the rule. Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleState Alternate names: PR_RULE_STATE, ptagRuleState static readonly RuleTriggerHistory Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_RULE_TRIGGER_HISTORY static readonly RuleUserFlags Contains an opaque property that the client sets for the exclusive use of the client. Area: Server-Side Rules Properties Canonical name: PidTagRuleUserFlags Alternate names: PR_RULE_USER_FLAGS, ptagRuleUserFlags static readonly RwRulesStream Contains additional rule data about the Rule FAI message. Area: Message Class Defined Transmittable Canonical name: PidTagRwRulesStream Alternate names: PR_RW_RULES_STREAM static readonly Scale Indicates whether the image is to be scaled or cropped. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameScale Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#ScaleCrop static readonly ScheduleFolderEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SCHEDULE_FOLDER_ENTRYID static readonly ScheduleInfoAppointmentTombstone Contains a list of tombstones, where each tombstone represents a Meeting object that has been declined. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoAppointmentTombstone Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_APPT_TOMBSTONE static readonly ScheduleInfoAutoAcceptAppointments Indicates whether a client or server is to automatically respond to all meeting requests for the attendee or resource. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoAutoAcceptAppointments Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_AUTO_ACCEPT_APPTS static readonly ScheduleInfoDelegateEntryIds Specifies the EntryIDs of the delegates. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoDelegateEntryIds Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_DELEGATE_ENTRYIDS static readonly ScheduleInfoDelegateNames Specifies the names of the delegates. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoDelegateNames Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_DELEGATE_NAMES static readonly ScheduleInfoDelegateNamesW Specifies the names of the delegates in Unicode. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoDelegateNamesW Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_DELEGATE_NAMES_W, ptagDelegateNames static readonly ScheduleInfoDelegatorWantsCopy Indicates whether the delegator wants to receive copies of the meeting-related objects that are sent to the delegate. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoDelegatorWantsCopy Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_BOSS_WANTS_COPY static readonly ScheduleInfoDelegatorWantsInfo Indicates whether the delegator wants to receive informational updates. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoDelegatorWantsInfo Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_BOSS_WANTS_INFO static readonly ScheduleInfoDisallowOverlappingAppts Indicates whether a client or server, when automatically responding to meeting requests, is to decline Meeting Request objects that overlap with previously scheduled events. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoDisallowOverlappingAppts Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_DISALLOW_OVERLAPPING_APPTS static readonly ScheduleInfoDisallowRecurringAppts Indicates whether a client or server, when automatically responding to meeting requests, is to decline Meeting Request objects that represent a recurring series. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoDisallowRecurringAppts Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_DISALLOW_RECURRING_APPTS static readonly ScheduleInfoDontMailDelegates Contains a value set to TRUE by the client, regardless of user input. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoDontMailDelegates Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_DONT_MAIL_DELEGATES static readonly ScheduleInfoFreeBusy This property is deprecated and is not to be used. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoFreeBusy Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_FREEBUSY static readonly ScheduleInfoFreeBusyAway Specifies the times for which the free/busy status is set a value of OOF. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoFreeBusyAway Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_FREEBUSY_OOF static readonly ScheduleInfoFreeBusyBusy Specifies the blocks of time for which the free/busy status is set to a value of busy. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoFreeBusyBusy Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_FREEBUSY_BUSY static readonly ScheduleInfoFreeBusyMerged Specifies the blocks for which free/busy data of type busy or OOF is present in the free/busy message. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoFreeBusyMerged Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_FREEBUSY_MERGED static readonly ScheduleInfoFreeBusyTentative Specifies the blocks of times for which the free/busy status is set to a value of tentative. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoFreeBusyTentative Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_FREEBUSY_TENTATIVE static readonly ScheduleInfoMonthsAway Specifies the months for which free/busy data of type OOF is present in the free/busy message. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoMonthsAway Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_MONTHS_OOF static readonly ScheduleInfoMonthsBusy Specifies the months for which free/busy data of type busy is present in the free/busy message. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoMonthsBusy Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_MONTHS_BUSY static readonly ScheduleInfoMonthsMerged Specifies the months for which free/busy data of type busy or OOF is present in the free/busy message. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoMonthsMerged Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_MONTHS_MERGED static readonly ScheduleInfoMonthsTentative Specifies the months for which free/busy data of type tentative is present in the free/busy message. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoMonthsTentative Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_MONTHS_TENTATIVE static readonly ScheduleInfoResourceType Set to 0x00000000 when sending and is ignored on receipt. Area: Free/Busy Properties Canonical name: PidTagScheduleInfoResourceType Alternate names: PR_SCHDINFO_RESOURCE_TYPE static readonly SchedulePlusFreeBusyEntryId Contains the EntryID of the folder named “SCHEDULE+ FREE BUSY” under the non-IPM subtree of the public folder message store. Area: ExchangeMessageStore Canonical name: PidTagSchedulePlusFreeBusyEntryId Alternate names: PR_SPLUS_FREE_BUSY_ENTRYID static readonly ScriptData Contains a series of instructions that can be executed to format an address and the data that is needed to execute those instructions. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagScriptData Alternate names: PR_EMS_SCRIPT_BLOB static readonly Search Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SEARCH static readonly SearchFolderDefinition Specifies the search criteria and search options. Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderDefinition Alternate names: PR_WB_SF_DEFINITION static readonly SearchFolderEfpFlags Specifies flags that control how a folder is displayed. Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderEfpFlags Alternate names: PR_WB_SF_EFP_FLAGS static readonly SearchFolderExpiration Contains the time, in UTC, at which the search folder container will be stale and has to be updated or recreated. Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderExpiration Alternate names: PR_WB_SF_EXPIRATION static readonly SearchFolderId Contains a GUID that identifies the search folder. Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderId Alternate names: PR_WB_SF_ID static readonly SearchFolderLastUsed Contains the last time, in UTC, that the folder was accessed. Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderLastUsed Alternate names: PR_WB_SF_LAST_USED static readonly SearchFolderRecreateInfo This property is not to be used. Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderRecreateInfo Alternate names: PR_WB_SF_RECREATE_INFO static readonly SearchFolderStorageType Contains flags that specify the binary large object (BLOB) data that appears in the PidTagSearchFolderDefinition (section 2.979) property. Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderStorageType Alternate names: PR_WB_SF_STORAGE_TYPE static readonly SearchFolderTag Contains the value of the SearchFolderTag sub-property of the PidTagExtendedFolderFlags (section 2.682) property of the search folder container. Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderTag Alternate names: PR_WB_SF_TAG static readonly SearchFolderTemplateId Contains the ID of the template that is being used for the search. Area: Search Canonical name: PidTagSearchFolderTemplateId Alternate names: PR_WB_SF_TEMPLATE_ID static readonly SearchKey Contains a unique binary-comparable key that identifies an object for a search. Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagSearchKey Alternate names: PR_SEARCH_KEY, ptagSearchKey static readonly SecureInSite Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SECURE_IN_SITE static readonly SecureOrigination Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SECURE_ORIGINATION static readonly Security Specifies the security level of the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameSecurity Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Security static readonly SecurityDescriptorAsXml Contains security attributes in XML. Area: Access Control Properties Canonical name: PidTagSecurityDescriptorAsXml Alternate names: PR_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_AS_XML, PR_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_AS_XML_A, PR_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_AS_XML_W, static readonly Selectable This property is not set and, if set, is ignored. Area: AB Container Canonical name: PidTagSelectable Alternate names: PR_SELECTABLE static readonly SenderAddressType Contains the email address type of the sending mailbox owner. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSenderAddressType Alternate names: PR_SENDER_ADDRTYPE, PR_SENDER_ADDRTYPE_A, ptagSenderAddrType, PR_SENDER_ADDRTYPE_W static readonly SenderEmailAddress Contains the email address of the sending mailbox owner. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSenderEmailAddress Alternate names: PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A, PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W static readonly SenderEntryId Identifies an address book EntryID that contains the address book EntryID of the sending mailbox owner. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSenderEntryId Alternate names: PR_SENDER_ENTRYID, ptagSenderEntryId static readonly SenderIdStatus Reports the results of a Sender-ID check. Area: Secure Messaging Properties Canonical name: PidTagSenderIdStatus Alternate names: PR_SENDER_ID_STATUS static readonly SenderName Contains the display name of the sending mailbox owner. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSenderName Alternate names: PR_SENDER_NAME, PR_SENDER_NAME_A, ptagSenderName, static readonly SenderSearchKey Identifies an address book search key. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSenderSearchKey Alternate names: PR_SENDER_SEARCH_KEY, ptagSenderSearchKey static readonly SenderSmtpAddress Contains the SMTP email address format of the e�mail address of the sending mailbox owner. Area: Mail Canonical name: PidTagSenderSmtpAddress Alternate names: SenderSmtpAddress, ptagSenderSmtpAddress static readonly SenderTelephoneNumber Contains the telephone number of the caller associated with a voice mail message. Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidTagSenderTelephoneNumber Alternate names: InternalSchemaSenderTelephoneNumber static readonly SendInternetEncoding Contains a bitmask of message encoding preferences for email sent to an email-enabled entity that is represented by this Address Book object. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSendInternetEncoding Alternate names: PR_SEND_INTERNET_ENCODING, ptagSendInternetEncoding static readonly SendRichInfo Indicates whether the email-enabled entity represented by the Address Book object can receive all message content, including Rich Text Format (RTF) and other embedded objects. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSendRichInfo Alternate names: PR_SEND_RICH_INFO, ptagSendRichInfo static readonly Sensitivity Indicates the sender’s assessment of the sensitivity of the Message object. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagSensitivity Alternate names: PR_SENSITIVITY, ptagSensitivity, static readonly SentmailEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID static readonly SentMailSvrEID Contains an EntryID that represents the Sent Items folder for the message. Area: ProviderDefinedNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagSentMailSvrEID Alternate names: ptagSentMailSvrEID static readonly SentRepresentingAddressType Contains an email address type. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSentRepresentingAddressType Alternate names: PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE, PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE_A, ptagSentRepresentingAddrType, PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE_W static readonly SentRepresentingEmailAddress Contains an email address for the end user who is represented by the sending mailbox owner. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSentRepresentingEmailAddress Alternate names: PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS, PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A, PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W static readonly SentRepresentingEntryId Contains the identifier of the end user who is represented by the sending mailbox owner. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSentRepresentingEntryId Alternate names: PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_ENTRYID, ptagSentRepresentingEntryId static readonly SentRepresentingFlags Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagSentRepresentingFlags Alternate names: ptagSentRepresentingFlags static readonly SentRepresentingName Contains the display name for the end user who is represented by the sending mailbox owner. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSentRepresentingName Alternate names: PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME, PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME_A, static readonly SentRepresentingSearchKey Contains a binary-comparable key that represents the end user who is represented by the sending mailbox owner. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSentRepresentingSearchKey Alternate names: PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_SEARCH_KEY, ptagSentRepresentingSearchKey static readonly SentRepresentingSmtpAddress Contains the SMTP email address of the end user who is represented by the sending mailbox owner. Area: Mail Canonical name: PidTagSentRepresentingSmtpAddress Alternate names: ptagRecipientSentRepresentingSMTPAddress, SentRepresentingSMTPAddressXSO, PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_SMTP_ADDRESS static readonly ServerProcessed Indicates whether the Meeting Request object or Meeting Update object has been processed. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidServerProcessed Alternate names: dispidExchangeProcessed static readonly ServerProcessingActions Indicates what processing actions have been taken on this Meeting Request object or Meeting Update object. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidServerProcessingActions Alternate names: dispidExchangeProcessingAction static readonly ServiceDeleteFiles Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SERVICE_DELETE_FILES static readonly ServiceDllName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SERVICE_DLL_NAME static readonly ServiceEntryName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SERVICE_ENTRY_NAME static readonly ServiceExtraUids Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SERVICE_EXTRA_UIDS static readonly ServiceName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SERVICE_NAME static readonly Services Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SERVICES static readonly ServiceSupportFiles Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SERVICE_SUPPORT_FILES static readonly ServiceUid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SERVICE_UID static readonly SharingAnonymity Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingAnonymity Alternate names: dispidSharingAnonymity static readonly SharingBindingEntryId Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingBindingEntryId Alternate names: dispidSharingBindingEid static readonly SharingBrowseUrl Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingBrowseUrl Alternate names: dispidSharingBrowseUrl static readonly SharingCapabilities Indicates that the Message object relates to a special folder. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingCapabilities Alternate names: dispidSharingCaps static readonly SharingConfigurationUrl Contains a zero-length string. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingConfigurationUrl Alternate names: dispidSharingConfigUrl static readonly SharingDataRangeEnd Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingDataRangeEnd Alternate names: dispidSharingDataRangeEnd static readonly SharingDataRangeStart Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingDataRangeStart Alternate names: dispidSharingDataRangeStart static readonly SharingDetail Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingDetail Alternate names: dispidSharingDetail static readonly SharingExtensionXml Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingExtensionXml Alternate names: dispidSharingExtXml static readonly SharingFilter Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingFilter Alternate names: dispidSharingFilter static readonly SharingFlags Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingFlags Alternate names: dispidSharingFlags static readonly SharingFlavor Indicates the type of Sharing Message object. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingFlavor Alternate names: dispidSharingFlavor static readonly SharingFolderEntryId Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingFolderEntryId Alternate names: dispidSharingFolderEid static readonly SharingIndexEntryId Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingIndexEntryId Alternate names: dispidSharingIndexEid static readonly SharingInitiatorEntryId Contains the value of the PidTagEntryId property (section 2.674) for the Address Book object of the currently logged-on user. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingInitiatorEntryId Alternate names: dispidSharingInitiatorEid static readonly SharingInitiatorName Contains the value of the PidTagDisplayName property (section 2.667) from the Address Book object identified by the PidLidSharingInitiatorEntryId property (section 2.248). Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingInitiatorName Alternate names: dispidSharingInitiatorName static readonly SharingInitiatorSmtp Contains the value of the PidTagSmtpAddress property (section 2.1010) from the Address Book object identified by the PidLidSharingInitiatorEntryId property (section 2.248). Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingInitiatorSmtp Alternate names: dispidSharingInitiatorSmtp static readonly SharingInstanceGuid Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingInstanceGuid Alternate names: dispidSharingInstanceGuid static readonly SharingLastAutoSyncTime Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingLastAutoSyncTime Alternate names: dispidSharingLastAutoSync static readonly SharingLastSyncTime Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingLastSyncTime Alternate names: dispidSharingLastSync static readonly SharingLocalComment Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingLocalComment Alternate names: dispidSharingLocalComment static readonly SharingLocalLastModificationTime Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingLocalLastModificationTime Alternate names: dispidSharingLocalLastMod static readonly SharingLocalName Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingLocalName Alternate names: dispidSharingLocalName static readonly SharingLocalPath Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingLocalPath Alternate names: dispidSharingLocalPath static readonly SharingLocalStoreUid Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingLocalStoreUid Alternate names: dispidSharingLocalStoreUid static readonly SharingLocalType Contains the value of the PidTagContainerClass property (section 2.633) of the folder being shared. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingLocalType Alternate names: dispidSharingLocalType static readonly SharingLocalUid Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingLocalUid Alternate names: dispidSharingLocalUid static readonly SharingOriginalMessageEntryId Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingOriginalMessageEntryId Alternate names: dispidSharingOriginalMessageEid static readonly SharingParentBindingEntryId Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingParentBindingEntryId Alternate names: dispidSharingParentBindingEid static readonly SharingParticipants Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingParticipants Alternate names: dispidSharingParticipants static readonly SharingPermissions Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingPermissions Alternate names: dispidSharingPermissions static readonly SharingProviderExtension Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingProviderExtension Alternate names: dispidSharingProviderExtension static readonly SharingProviderGuid Contains the value “%xAE.F0.”. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingProviderGuid Alternate names: dispidSharingProviderGuid static readonly SharingProviderName Contains a user-displayable name of the sharing provider identified by the PidLidSharingProviderGuid property (section 2.266). Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingProviderName Alternate names: dispidSharingProviderName static readonly SharingProviderUrl Contains a URL related to the sharing provider identified by the PidLidSharingProviderGuid property (section 2.266). Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingProviderUrl Alternate names: dispidSharingProviderUrl static readonly SharingRangeEnd Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRangeEnd Alternate names: dispidSharingRangeEnd static readonly SharingRangeStart Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRangeStart Alternate names: dispidSharingRangeStart static readonly SharingReciprocation Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingReciprocation Alternate names: dispidSharingReciprocation static readonly SharingRemoteByteSize Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteByteSize Alternate names: dispidSharingRemoteByteSize static readonly SharingRemoteComment Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteComment Alternate names: dispidSharingRemoteComment static readonly SharingRemoteCrc Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteCrc Alternate names: dispidSharingRemoteCrc static readonly SharingRemoteLastModificationTime Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteLastModificationTime Alternate names: dispidSharingRemoteLastMod static readonly SharingRemoteMessageCount Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteMessageCount Alternate names: dispidSharingRemoteMsgCount static readonly SharingRemoteName Contains the value of the PidTagDisplayName property (section 2.667) on the folder being shared. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteName Alternate names: dispidSharingRemoteName static readonly SharingRemotePass Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemotePass Alternate names: dispidSharingRemotePass static readonly SharingRemotePath Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemotePath Alternate names: dispidSharingRemotePath static readonly SharingRemoteStoreUid Contains a hexadecimal string representation of the value of the PidTagStoreEntryId property (section 2.1018) on the folder being shared. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteStoreUid Alternate names: dispidSharingRemoteStoreUid static readonly SharingRemoteType Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingLocalType property (section 2.259). Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteType Alternate names: dispidSharingRemoteType static readonly SharingRemoteUid Contains the EntryID of the folder being shared. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteUid Alternate names: dispidSharingRemoteUid static readonly SharingRemoteUser Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteUser Alternate names: dispidSharingRemoteUser static readonly SharingRemoteVersion Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteVersion Alternate names: dispidSharingRemoteVersion static readonly SharingResponseTime Contains the time at which the recipient of the sharing request sent a sharing response. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingResponseTime Alternate names: dispidSharingResponseTime static readonly SharingResponseType Contains the type of response with which the recipient of the sharing request responded. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingResponseType Alternate names: dispidSharingResponseType static readonly SharingRoamLog Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRoamLog Alternate names: dispidSharingRoamLog static readonly SharingStart Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingStart Alternate names: dispidSharingStart static readonly SharingStatus Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingStatus Alternate names: dispidSharingStatus static readonly SharingStop Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingStop Alternate names: dispidSharingStop static readonly SharingSyncFlags Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingSyncFlags Alternate names: dispidSharingSyncFlags static readonly SharingSyncInterval Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingSyncInterval Alternate names: dispidSharingSyncInterval static readonly SharingTimeToLive Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingTimeToLive Alternate names: dispidSharingTimeToLive static readonly SharingTimeToLiveAuto Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingTimeToLiveAuto Alternate names: dispidSharingTimeToLiveAuto static readonly SharingWorkingHoursDays Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingWorkingHoursDays Alternate names: dispidSharingWorkingHoursDays static readonly SharingWorkingHoursEnd Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingWorkingHoursEnd Alternate names: dispidSharingWorkingHoursEnd static readonly SharingWorkingHoursStart Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingWorkingHoursStart Alternate names: dispidSharingWorkingHoursStart static readonly SharingWorkingHoursTimeZone Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingWorkingHoursTimeZone Alternate names: dispidSharingWorkingHoursTZ static readonly SideEffects Specifies how a Message object is handled by the client in relation to certain user interface actions by the user, such as deleting a message. Area: Run-time configuration Canonical name: PidLidSideEffects Alternate names: dispidSideEffects static readonly SingleBodyICal Indicates that the original MIME message contained a single MIME part. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidSingleBodyICal Alternate names: IsSingleBodyICal, dispidIsSingleBodyICal static readonly SlideCount Specifies the number of slides in the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameSlideCount Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Slides static readonly SmartNoAttach Indicates whether the Message object has no end-user visible attachments. Area: Run-time configuration Canonical name: PidLidSmartNoAttach Alternate names: dispidSmartNoAttach static readonly SmtpAddress Contains the SMTP address of the Message object. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagSmtpAddress Alternate names: PR_SMTP_ADDRESS, PR_SMTP_ADDRESS_A, PR_SMTP_ADDRESS_W static readonly SortLocaleId Contains the locale identifier. Area: ExchangeAdministrative Canonical name: PidTagSortLocaleId Alternate names: PR_SORT_LOCALE_ID, ptagSortLocaleId static readonly SourceKey Contains a value that contains an internal global identifier (GID) for this folder or message. Area: Sync Canonical name: PidTagSourceKey Alternate names: PR_SOURCE_KEY static readonly SpamOriginalFolder Specifies which folder a message was in before it was filtered into the Junk Email folder. Area: Spam Canonical name: PidLidSpamOriginalFolder Alternate names: dispidSpamOriginalFolder static readonly SpokenName Contains a recording of the mail user’s name pronunciation. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagSpokenName Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_UM_SPOKEN_NAME static readonly SpoolerStatus Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SPOOLER_STATUS static readonly SpouseName Contains the name of the mail user’s spouse/partner. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagSpouseName Alternate names: PR_SPOUSE_NAME, PR_SPOUSE_NAME_A, PR_SPOUSE_NAME_W, static readonly StartDate Contains the value of the PidLidAppointmentStartWhole property (section 2.29). Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagStartDate Alternate names: PR_START_DATE, http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/start_date static readonly StartDateEtc Contains the default retention period, and the start date from which the age of a Message object is calculated. Area: Archive Canonical name: PidTagStartDateEtc Alternate names: PR_START_DATE_ETC, ptagStartDateEtc static readonly StartRecurrenceDate Identifies the start date of the recurrence pattern. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidStartRecurrenceDate Alternate names: LID_START_RECUR_DATE static readonly StartRecurrenceTime Identifies the start time of the recurrence pattern. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidStartRecurrenceTime Alternate names: LID_START_RECUR_TIME static readonly StateOrProvince Contains the name of the mail user’s state or province. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagStateOrProvince Alternate names: PR_STATE_OR_PROVINCE, PR_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_A, PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_A, static readonly Status Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_STATUS static readonly StatusCode Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_STATUS_CODE static readonly StatusString Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_STATUS_STRING static readonly StorageLimitInformation Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_STORAGE_LIMIT_INFORMATION static readonly StorageQuotaLimit Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_STORAGE_QUOTA_LIMIT static readonly StoreEntryId Contains the unique EntryID of the message store where an object resides. Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagStoreEntryId Alternate names: PR_STORE_ENTRYID, ptagStoreEntryId static readonly StoreOffline Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_STORE_OFFLINE static readonly StoreProviders Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_STORE_PROVIDERS static readonly StoreRecordKey Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_STORE_RECORD_KEY static readonly StoreSlowlink Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_STORE_SLOWLINK static readonly StoreState Indicates whether a mailbox has any active Search folders. Area: MapiMessageStore Canonical name: PidTagStoreState Alternate names: PR_STORE_STATE static readonly StoreSupportMask Indicates whether string properties within the .msg file are Unicode-encoded. Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagStoreSupportMask Alternate names: PR_STORE_SUPPORT_MASK, ptagStoreSupportMask static readonly StreetAddress Contains the mail user’s street address. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagStreetAddress Alternate names: PR_STREET_ADDRESS, PR_STREET_ADDRESS_A, PR_STREET_ADDRESS_W, PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_STREET, PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_STREET_A, static readonly Subfolders Specifies whether a folder has subfolders. Area: MapiContainer Canonical name: PidTagSubfolders Alternate names: PR_SUBFOLDERS, ptagSubFolders, DAV:hassubs static readonly Subject Specifies the subject of the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameSubject Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Subject static readonly SubjectIpm Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SUBJECT_IPM static readonly SubjectPrefix Contains the prefix for the subject of the message. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagSubjectPrefix Alternate names: PR_SUBJECT_PREFIX, PR_SUBJECT_PREFIX_A, ptagSubjectPrefix, PR_SUBJECT_PREFIX_W static readonly SubjectTraceInfo Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SUBJECT_TRACE_INFO static readonly SubmitFlags Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SUBMIT_FLAGS static readonly Supersedes Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SUPERSEDES static readonly SupplementaryInfo Contains supplementary information about a delivery status notification, as specified in [RFC3464]. Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagSupplementaryInfo Alternate names: PR_SUPPLEMENTARY_INFO, ptagSupplementaryInfo static readonly Surname Contains the mail user’s family name. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagSurname Alternate names: PR_SURNAME, PR_SURNAME_A, PR_SURNAME_W, urn:schemas:contacts:sn static readonly SvrGeneratingQuotaMsg Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SVR_GENERATING_QUOTA_MSG static readonly SwappedToDoData Contains a secondary storage location for flags when sender flags or sender reminders are supported. Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagSwappedToDoData Alternate names: PR_SWAPPED_TODO_DATA, ptagSwappedTodoData static readonly SwappedToDoStore Contains the value of the PidTagStoreEntryId property (section 2.1018) of the message when the value of the PidTagSwappedToDoData property (section 2.1027) is set. Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagSwappedToDoStore Alternate names: PR_SWAPPED_TODO_STORE, ptagSwappedTodoStore static readonly SynchronizeFlags Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SYNCHRONIZE_FLAGS static readonly SysConfigFolderEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_SYS_CONFIG_FOLDER_ENTRYID static readonly TagExceptionReplaceTime Indicates the original date and time, in UTC, at which the instance in the recurrence pattern would have occurred if it were not an exception. Area: MessageClassDefinedNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagExceptionReplaceTime Alternate names: PR_EXCEPTION_REPLACETIME static readonly TagHtml Contains message body text in HTML format. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagHtml Alternate names: PR_HTML, ptagHtml static readonly TagLocation Contains the location of the mail user. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagLocation Alternate names: PR_LOCATION, PR_LOCATION_A, PR_LOCATION_W, static readonly TagSubject Contains the subject of the email message. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidTagSubject Alternate names: PR_SUBJECT, PR_SUBJECT_A, ptagSubject, PR_SUBJECT_W, static readonly TagTitle Contains the mail user’s job title. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagTitle Alternate names: PR_TITLE, PR_TITLE_A, PR_TITLE_W, urn:schemas:contacts:title static readonly TargetEntryId Contains the message ID of a Message object being submitted for optimization ([MS- OXOMSG] section Area: ID Properties Canonical name: PidTagTargetEntryId Alternate names: PR_TARGET_ENTRYID, ptagTargetEntryId static readonly TaskAcceptanceState Indicates the acceptance state of the task. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskAcceptanceState Alternate names: dispidTaskDelegValue static readonly TaskAccepted Indicates whether a task assignee has replied to a task request for this Task object. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskAccepted Alternate names: dispidTaskAccepted static readonly TaskActualEffort Indicates the number of minutes that the user actually spent working on a task. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskActualEffort Alternate names: dispidTaskActualEffort static readonly TaskAssigner Specifies the name of the user that last assigned the task. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskAssigner Alternate names: dispidTaskDelegator static readonly TaskAssigners Contains a stack of entries, each of which represents a task assigner. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskAssigners Alternate names: dispidTaskMyDelegators static readonly TaskComplete Indicates that the task is complete. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskComplete Alternate names: dispidTaskComplete static readonly TaskCustomFlags The client can set this property, but it has no impact on the Task-Related Objects Protocol and is ignored by the server. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskCustomFlags Alternate names: dispidTaskCustomFlags static readonly TaskDateCompleted Specifies the date when the user completed work on the task. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskDateCompleted Alternate names: dispidTaskDateCompleted static readonly TaskDeadOccurrence Indicates whether new occurrences remain to be generated. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskDeadOccurrence Alternate names: dispidTaskDeadOccur static readonly TaskDueDate Specifies the date by which the user expects work on the task to be complete. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskDueDate Alternate names: dispidTaskDueDate static readonly TaskEstimatedEffort Indicates the number of minutes that the user expects to work on a task. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskEstimatedEffort Alternate names: dispidTaskEstimatedEffort static readonly TaskFCreator Indicates that the Task object was originally created by the action of the current user or user agent instead of by the processing of a task request. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskFCreator Alternate names: dispidTaskFCreator static readonly TaskFFixOffline Indicates the accuracy of the PidLidTaskOwner property (section 2.328). Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskFFixOffline Alternate names: dispidTaskFFixOffline static readonly TaskFRecurring Indicates whether the task includes a recurrence pattern. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskFRecurring Alternate names: dispidTaskFRecur static readonly TaskGlobalId Contains a unique GUID for this task, which is used to locate an existing task upon receipt of a task response or task update. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskGlobalId Alternate names: dispidTaskGlobalObjId static readonly TaskHistory Indicates the type of change that was last made to the Task object. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskHistory Alternate names: dispidTaskHistory static readonly TaskLastDelegate Contains the name of the user who most recently assigned the task, or the user to whom it was most recently assigned. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskLastDelegate Alternate names: dispidTaskLastDelegate static readonly TaskLastUpdate Contains the date and time of the most recent change made to the Task object. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskLastUpdate Alternate names: dispidTaskLastUpdate static readonly TaskLastUser Contains the name of the most recent user to have been the owner of the task. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskLastUser Alternate names: dispidTaskLastUser static readonly TaskMode Specifies the assignment status of the embedded Task object. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskMode Alternate names: dispidTaskMode static readonly TaskMultipleRecipients Provides optimization hints about the recipients of a Task object. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskMultipleRecipients Alternate names: dispidTaskMultRecips static readonly TaskNoCompute Not used. The client can set this property, but it has no impact on the Task-Related Objects Protocol and is ignored by the server. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskNoCompute Alternate names: dispidTaskNoCompute static readonly TaskOrdinal Provides an aid to custom sorting of Task objects. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskOrdinal Alternate names: dispidTaskOrdinal static readonly TaskOwner Contains the name of the owner of the task. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskOwner Alternate names: dispidTaskOwner static readonly TaskOwnership Indicates the role of the current user relative to the Task object. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskOwnership Alternate names: dispidTaskOwnership static readonly TaskRecurrence Contains a RecurrencePattern structure that provides information about recurring tasks. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskRecurrence Alternate names: dispidTaskRecur static readonly TaskResetReminder Indicates whether future instances of recurring tasks need reminders, even though the value of the PidLidReminderSet property (section 2.222) is 0x00. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskResetReminder Alternate names: dispidTaskResetReminder static readonly TaskRole Not used. The client can set this property, but it has no impact on the Task-Related Objects Protocol and is ignored by the server. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskRole Alternate names: dispidTaskRole static readonly TaskStartDate Specifies the date on which the user expects work on the task to begin. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskStartDate Alternate names: dispidTaskStartDate static readonly TaskState Indicates the current assignment state of the Task object. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskState Alternate names: dispidTaskState static readonly TaskStatus Specifies the status of a task. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskStatus Alternate names: dispidTaskStatus static readonly TaskStatusOnComplete Indicates whether the task assignee has been requested to send an email message update upon completion of the assigned task. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskStatusOnComplete Alternate names: dispidTaskSOC static readonly TaskUpdates Indicates whether the task assignee has been requested to send a task update when the assigned Task object changes. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskUpdates Alternate names: dispidTaskUpdates static readonly TaskVersion Indicates which copy is the latest update of a Task object. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTaskVersion Alternate names: dispidTaskVersion static readonly TeamTask This property is set by the client but is ignored by the server. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidTeamTask Alternate names: dispidTeamTask static readonly TelecommunicationsDeviceForDeafTelephoneNumber Contains the mail user’s telecommunication device for the deaf (TTY/TDD) telephone number. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagTelecommunicationsDeviceForDeafTelephoneNumber Alternate names: PR_TTYTDD_PHONE_NUMBER, PR_TTYTDD_PHONE_NUMBER_A, static readonly TelexNumber Contains the mail user’s telex number. This property is returned from an NSPI server as a PtypMultipleBinary. Otherwise, the data type is PtypString. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagTelexNumber Alternate names: PR_TELEX_NUMBER, PR_TELEX_NUMBER_A, PR_TELEX_NUMBER_W, static readonly Template Specifies the template of the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameTemplate Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Template static readonly TemplateData Describes the controls used in the template that is used to retrieve address book information. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagTemplateData Alternate names: PR_EMS_TEMPLATE_BLOB static readonly Templateid Contains the value of the PidTagEntryId property (section 2.674), expressed as a Permanent Entry ID format. Area: MapiAddressBook Canonical name: PidTagTemplateid Alternate names: PR_TEMPLATEID static readonly TestLineSpeed Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_TEST_LINE_SPEED static readonly TextAttachmentCharset Specifies the character set of an attachment received via MIME with the content-type of text. Area: Message Attachment Properties Canonical name: PidTagTextAttachmentCharset Alternate names: ptagTextAttachmentCharset static readonly Thumbnail Specifies the data representing the thumbnail image of the document. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameThumbnail Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#ThumbNail static readonly ThumbnailPhoto Contains the mail user’s photo in .jpg format. Area: Address Book Canonical name: PidTagThumbnailPhoto Alternate names: PR_EMS_AB_THUMBNAIL_PHOTO static readonly TimeZone Specifies information about the time zone of a recurring meeting. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidTimeZone Alternate names: LID_TIME_ZONE static readonly TimeZoneDescription Specifies a human-readable description of the time zone that is represented by the data in the PidLidTimeZoneStruct property (section 2.342). Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidTimeZoneDescription Alternate names: dispidTimeZoneDesc static readonly TimeZoneStruct Specifies time zone information for a recurring meeting. Area: Calendar Canonical name: PidLidTimeZoneStruct Alternate names: dispidTimeZoneStruct static readonly Title Specifies the title of the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameTitle Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Title static readonly TnefCorrelationKey Contains a value that correlates a Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF) attachment with a message. Area: MapiEnvelope Canonical name: PidTagTnefCorrelationKey Alternate names: PR_TNEF_CORRELATION_KEY static readonly ToAttendeesString Contains a list of all of the sendable attendees who are also required attendees. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidToAttendeesString Alternate names: dispidToAttendeesString static readonly ToDoItemFlags Contains flags associated with objects. Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagToDoItemFlags Alternate names: PR_TODO_ITEM_FLAGS, ptagToDoItemFlags static readonly ToDoOrdinalDate Contains the current time, in UTC, which is used to determine the sort order of objects in a consolidated to-do list. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidToDoOrdinalDate Alternate names: dispidToDoOrdinalDate static readonly ToDoSubOrdinal Contains the numerals 0 through 9 that are used to break a tie when the PidLidToDoOrdinalDate property (section 2.344) is used to perform a sort of objects. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidToDoSubOrdinal Alternate names: dispidToDoSubOrdinal static readonly ToDoTitle Contains user-specifiable text to identify this Message object in a consolidated to-do list. Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidToDoTitle Alternate names: dispidToDoTitle static readonly TraceInfo Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_TRACE_INFO static readonly TransferEnabled Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_TRANSFER_ENABLED static readonly TransmittableDisplayName Contains an Address Book object’s display name that is transmitted with the message. Area: Address Properties Canonical name: PidTagTransmittableDisplayName Alternate names: PR_TRANSMITABLE_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_TRANSMITABLE_DISPLAY_NAME_A, ptagTransmitableDisplayName, PR_TRANSMITABLE_DISPLAY_NAME_W static readonly TransportKey Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_TRANSPORT_KEY static readonly TransportMessageHeaders Contains transport-specific message envelope information for email. Area: Email Canonical name: PidTagTransportMessageHeaders Alternate names: PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS, PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS_A, PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS_W static readonly TransportProviders Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_TRANSPORT_PROVIDERS static readonly TransportStatus Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_TRANSPORT_STATUS static readonly TrustSender Specifies whether the associated message was delivered through a trusted transport channel. Area: MapiNonTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagTrustSender Alternate names: PR_TRUST_SENDER, ptagTrustSender static readonly TypeOfMtsUser Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_TYPE_OF_MTS_USER static readonly UserCertificate Contains an ASN.1 authentication certificate for a messaging user. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagUserCertificate Alternate names: PR_USER_CERTIFICATE, ptagUserCertificate, urn:schemas:contacts:usercertificate static readonly UserEntryId Address book EntryID of the user logged on to the public folders. Area: ExchangeMessageStore Canonical name: PidTagUserEntryId Alternate names: PR_USER_ENTRYID, ptagUserEntryId static readonly UserName Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_USER_NAME static readonly UserX509Certificate Contains a list of certificates for the mail user. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagUserX509Certificate Alternate names: PR_USER_X509_CERTIFICATE static readonly UseTnef Specifies whether Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF) is to be included on a message when the message is converted from TNEF to MIME or SMTP format. Area: Run-time configuration Canonical name: PidLidUseTnef Alternate names: dispidUseTNEF static readonly ValidFlagStringProof Contains the value of the PidTagMessageDeliveryTime property (section 2.780) when modifying the PidLidFlagRequest property (section 2.136). Area: Tasks Canonical name: PidLidValidFlagStringProof Alternate names: dispidValidFlagStringProof static readonly ValidFolderMask Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_VALID_FOLDER_MASK static readonly VerbResponse Specifies the voting option that a respondent has selected. Area: General Message Properties Canonical name: PidLidVerbResponse Alternate names: dispidVerbResponse static readonly VerbStream Specifies what voting responses the user can make in response to the message. Area: Run-time configuration Canonical name: PidLidVerbStream Alternate names: dispidVerbStream static readonly ViewDescriptorBinary Contains view definitions. Area: MessageClassDefinedTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagViewDescriptorBinary Alternate names: PR_VD_BINARY static readonly ViewDescriptorName Area: MessageClassDefinedTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagViewDescriptorName Alternate names: PR_VD_NAME, PR_VD_NAME_W static readonly ViewDescriptorStrings Contains view definitions in string format. Area: MessageClassDefinedTransmittable Canonical name: PidTagViewDescriptorStrings Alternate names: PR_VD_STRINGS, PR_VD_STRINGS_W static readonly ViewDescriptorVersion Contains the View Descriptor version. Area: Miscellaneous Properties Canonical name: PidTagViewDescriptorVersion Alternate names: PR_VD_VERSION static readonly ViewsEntryid Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_VIEWS_ENTRYID static readonly VoiceMessageAttachmentOrder Contains a list of file names for the audio file attachments that are to be played as part of a message. Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidTagVoiceMessageAttachmentOrder Alternate names: InternalSchemaVoiceMessageAttachmentOrder static readonly VoiceMessageDuration Specifies the length of the attached audio message, in seconds. Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidTagVoiceMessageDuration Alternate names: InternalSchemaVoiceMessageDuration static readonly VoiceMessageSenderName Specifies the name of the caller who left the attached voice message, as provided by the voice network’s caller ID system. Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidTagVoiceMessageSenderName Alternate names: InternalSchemaVoiceMessageSenderName static readonly WeddingAnniversary Contains the date of the mail user’s wedding anniversary. Area: MapiMailUser Canonical name: PidTagWeddingAnniversary Alternate names: PR_WEDDING_ANNIVERSARY, urn:schemas:contacts:weddinganniversary static readonly WeddingAnniversaryLocal Specifies the wedding anniversary of the contact, at midnight in the client’s local time zone, and is saved without any time zone conversions. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidWeddingAnniversaryLocal Alternate names: dispidApptAnniversaryLocal static readonly WeekInterval Identifies the number of weeks that occur between each meeting. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidWeekInterval Alternate names: LID_WEEK_INTERVAL static readonly Where Contains the value of the PidLidLocation property (section 2.159) from the associated Meeting object. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidWhere Alternate names: LID_WHERE static readonly WlinkAddressBookEID Specifies the value of the PidTagEntryId property (section 2.674) of the user to whom the folder belongs. Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkAddressBookEID Alternate names: PR_WLINK_ABEID static readonly WlinkAddressBookStoreEID Specifies the value of the PidTagStoreEntryId property (section 2.1018) of the current user (not the owner of the folder). Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkAddressBookStoreEID Alternate names: PR_WLINK_AB_EXSTOREEID static readonly WlinkCalendarColor Specifies the background color of the calendar. Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkCalendarColor Alternate names: PR_WLINK_CALENDAR_COLOR static readonly WlinkClientID Specifies the Client ID that allows the client to determine whether the shortcut was created on the current machine/user via an equality test. Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkClientID Alternate names: PR_WLINK_CLIENTID static readonly WlinkEntryId Specifies the EntryID of the folder pointed to by the shortcut. Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkEntryId Alternate names: PR_WLINK_ENTRYID static readonly WlinkFlags Specifies conditions associated with the shortcut. Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkFlags Alternate names: PR_WLINK_FLAGS static readonly WlinkFolderType Specifies the type of folder pointed to by the shortcut. Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkFolderType Alternate names: PR_WLINK_FOLDER_TYPE static readonly WlinkGroupClsid Specifies the value of the PidTagWlinkGroupHeaderID property (section 2.1060) of the group header associated with the shortcut. Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkGroupClsid Alternate names: PR_WLINK_GROUP_CLSID static readonly WlinkGroupHeaderID Specifies the ID of the navigation shortcut that groups other navigation shortcuts. Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkGroupHeaderID Alternate names: static readonly WlinkGroupName Specifies the value of the PidTagNormalizedSubject (section 2.803) of the group header associated with the shortcut. Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkGroupName Alternate names: PR_WLINK_GROUP_NAME static readonly WlinkOrdinal Specifies a variable-length binary property to be used to sort shortcuts lexicographically. Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkOrdinal Alternate names: PR_WLINK_ORDINAL static readonly WlinkRecordKey Specifies the value of PidTagRecordKey property (section 2.901) of the folder pointed to by the shortcut. Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkRecordKey Alternate names: PR_WLINK_RECKEY static readonly WlinkROGroupType Specifies the type of group header. Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkROGroupType Alternate names: PR_WLINK_RO_GROUP_TYPE static readonly WlinkSaveStamp Specifies an integer that allows a client to identify with a high probability whether the navigation shortcut was saved by the current client session. Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkSaveStamp Alternate names: static readonly WlinkSection Specifies the section where the shortcut should be grouped. Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkSection Alternate names: PR_WLINK_SECTION static readonly WlinkStoreEntryId Specifies the value of the PidTagStoreEntryId property (section 2.1018) of the folder pointed to by the shortcut. Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkStoreEntryId Alternate names: PR_WLINK_STORE_ENTRYID static readonly WlinkType Specifies the type of navigation shortcut. Area: Configuration Canonical name: PidTagWlinkType Alternate names: PR_WLINK_TYPE static readonly WordCount Specifies the word count of the file attached to the Document object. Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameWordCount Alternate names: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Words static readonly WorkAddress Specifies the complete address of the work address of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidWorkAddress Alternate names: dispidWorkAddress static readonly WorkAddressCity Specifies the city or locality portion of the work address of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidWorkAddressCity Alternate names: dispidWorkAddressCity static readonly WorkAddressCountry Specifies the country or region portion of the work address of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidWorkAddressCountry Alternate names: dispidWorkAddressCountry static readonly WorkAddressCountryCode Specifies the country code portion of the work address of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidWorkAddressCountryCode Alternate names: dispidWorkAddressCountryCode static readonly WorkAddressPostalCode Specifies the postal code (ZIP code) portion of the work address of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidWorkAddressPostalCode Alternate names: dispidWorkAddressPostalCode static readonly WorkAddressPostOfficeBox Specifies the post office box portion of the work address of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidWorkAddressPostOfficeBox Alternate names: dispidWorkAddressPostOfficeBox static readonly WorkAddressState Specifies the state or province portion of the work address of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidWorkAddressState Alternate names: dispidWorkAddressState static readonly WorkAddressStreet Specifies the street portion of the work address of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidWorkAddressStreet Alternate names: dispidWorkAddressStreet static readonly X400ContentType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_X400_CONTENT_TYPE static readonly X400DeferredDeliveryCancel Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_X400_DEFERRED_DELIVERY_CANCEL static readonly X400EnvelopeType Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_X400_ENVELOPE_TYPE static readonly XCallId Contains a unique identifier associated with the phone call. Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidNameXCallId Alternate names: static readonly XFaxNumberOfPages Specifies how many discrete pages are contained within an attachment representing a facsimile message. Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidNameXFaxNumberOfPages Alternate names: static readonly Xpos Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_XPOS static readonly XRequireProtectedPlayOnPhone Indicates that the client only renders the message on a phone. Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidNameXRequireProtectedPlayOnPhone Alternate names: static readonly XSenderTelephoneNumber Contains the telephone number of the caller associated with a voice mail message. Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidNameXSenderTelephoneNumber Alternate names: static readonly XSharingBrowseUrl Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingBrowseUrl Alternate names: static readonly XSharingCapabilities Contains a string representation of the value of the PidLidSharingCapabilities property (section 2.237). Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingCapabilities Alternate names: static readonly XSharingConfigUrl Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingConfigurationUrl property (section 2.238). Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingConfigUrl Alternate names: static readonly XSharingExendedCaps Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingExendedCaps Alternate names: static readonly XSharingFlavor Contains a hexadecimal string representation of the value of the PidLidSharingFlavor property (section 2.245). Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingFlavor Alternate names: static readonly XSharingInstanceGuid Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingInstanceGuid Alternate names: static readonly XSharingLocalType Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingLocalType property (section 2.259). Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingLocalType Alternate names: static readonly XSharingProviderGuid Contains the hexadecimal string representation of the value of the PidLidSharingProviderGuid property (section 2.266). Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingProviderGuid Alternate names: static readonly XSharingProviderName Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingProviderName property (section 2.267). Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingProviderName Alternate names: static readonly XSharingProviderUrl Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingProviderUrl property (section 2.268). Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingProviderUrl Alternate names: static readonly XSharingRemoteName Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingRemoteName property (section 2.277). Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingRemoteName Alternate names: static readonly XSharingRemotePath Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the client. Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingRemotePath Alternate names: static readonly XSharingRemoteStoreUid Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingRemoteStoreUid property (section 2.282). Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingRemoteStoreUid Alternate names: static readonly XSharingRemoteType Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingRemoteType property (section 2.281). Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingRemoteType Alternate names: static readonly XSharingRemoteUid Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingRemoteUid property (section 2.282). Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidNameXSharingRemoteUid Alternate names: static readonly XVoiceMessageAttachmentOrder Contains the list of names for the audio file attachments that are to be played as part of a message, in reverse order. Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidNameXVoiceMessageAttachmentOrder Alternate names: static readonly XVoiceMessageDuration Specifies the length of the attached audio message, in seconds. Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidNameXVoiceMessageDuration Alternate names: static readonly XVoiceMessageSenderName Contains the name of the caller who left the attached voice message, as provided by the voice network’s caller ID system. Area: Unified Messaging Canonical name: PidNameXVoiceMessageSenderName Alternate names: static readonly YearInterval Indicates the yearly interval of the appointment or meeting. Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidYearInterval Alternate names: LID_YEAR_INTERVAL static readonly YomiCompanyName Specifies the phonetic pronunciation of the company name of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidYomiCompanyName Alternate names: dispidYomiCompanyName static readonly YomiFirstName Specifies the phonetic pronunciation of the given name of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidYomiFirstName Alternate names: dispidYomiFirstName static readonly YomiLastName Specifies the phonetic pronunciation of the surname of the contact. Area: Contact Properties Canonical name: PidLidYomiLastName Alternate names: dispidYomiLastName static readonly Ypos Microsoft� Exchange defines this property that is used by the Microsoft Exchange Server and the Microsoft Exchange Client. Canonical name: Alternate names: PR_YPOS See Also class PropertyDescriptor namespace Aspose.Email.Mapi assembly Aspose.Email]