Class MapiCalendarTimeZoneInfo

MapiCalendarTimeZoneInfo class

Represents the mapi calendar time zone rule

public sealed class MapiCalendarTimeZoneInfo


MapiCalendarTimeZoneInfo()Initializes a new instance of the MapiCalendarTimeZoneInfo class.


Bias { get; set; }Gets or sets the time zone’s offset in minutes from UTC.
DaylightBias { get; set; }Gets or sets offset in minutes from lBias during daylight saving time.
DaylightDate { get; set; }Gets or sets the date and local time that indicate when to begin using the DaylightBias.
StandardBias { get; set; }Gets or sets the offset in minutes from lBias during standard time.
StandardDate { get; set; }Gets or sets the date and local time that indicate when to begin using the StandardBias.
TimeZoneFlags { get; set; }Gets or sets individual bit flags that specify information about this TimeZoneRule
Year { get; set; }Gets or sets the year in which this rule is scheduled to take effect.

See Also