
The Aspose.Email.Storage.Pst namespace contains classes for work with Microsoft Outlook PST\OST file format.


FolderCreationOptionsRepresents the options for creating a subfolder in the Outlook PST message store. This class serves as a container for configuring specific settings related to the creation of subfolders.
FolderInfoRepresents information about personal folder in PST.
FolderInfoCollectionRepresents collection of FolderInfo.
ItemMovedEventArgsProvides data for the ItemMoved event
ItemMovedEventHandlerRepresents the method that will handle an ItemMoved event.
MessageAddedEventArgsProvides data for the MessageAdded event
MessageAddedEventHandlerRepresents the method that will handle an MessageAdded event.
MessageInfoRepresents information about message in PST.
MessageInfoCollectionRepresents the collection of MessageInfo.
MessageStoreMessage store is the root of the PST, which is the rough equivalent of the top of a Mailbox.
PersonalStorageProvides functionality to access and manipulate the PST (Personal Storage Table) files used by Microsoft Outlook.
PersonalStorageLoadOptionsSpecifies additional options when loading a PST storage.
PersonalStorageQueryBuilderRepresents the builder of search expression that used by pst.
RestoredItemEntryRepresents an entry for a soft-deleted item in the PST file, containing the message and the folder Id it was in.
SaveResultRepresents the result of saving the retrieved item.
StorageProcessedEventArgsProvides data for the StorageProcessed event
StorageProcessedEventHandlerRepresents the method that will handle an StorageProcessed event.
StorageProcessingEventArgsProvides data for the StorageProcessing event
StorageProcessingEventHandlerEvent handler for the StoragePreProcessing. Occurs before the srorage is processed.


BackupOptionsEnumerates backup options
FileFormatSpecifies the file format used to store messages, calendar events, and other items.
FileFormatVersionRepresents version of file.
FolderKindRepresents the different kinds of pst folders.
MapiImportanceContains a values that indicates the message importance.
MapiSensitivityContains a values that indicates the message sensitivity.
MessageKindRepresents the different kinds of messages in pst.
RestoreOptionsEnumerates restore options
SaveStatusRepresents the status of saving the retrieved message.
StandardIpmFolderRepresents a standard interpersonal message (IPM) folders.