
FolderCreationOptions.AllowNameCaseDifference property

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow a difference in name casing when comparing folder names.

public bool AllowNameCaseDifference { get; set; }

Property Value

true if a difference in name casing should be allowed when comparing folder names; otherwise, false. The default value is false.


If a folder with the same name already exists when adding a new folder and AllowNameCaseDifference is set to true, the folder names will be treated as different even if the casing differs. In this case, no exception will be thrown, and the folder will be added. When AllowNameCaseDifference is set to false, the comparison will be case-insensitive, and the folder creation operation will consider folders with the same name but different casing as duplicates, throwing an InvalidOperationException to indicate that a folder with the specified name already exists.

See Also