Class LogLevel

LogLevel class

Defines available log levels.

public class LogLevel


CompareTo(object)Compares the level to the other LogLevel object.
override ToString()Returns a string representation of the log level.
operator >Compares two LogLevel objects and returns a value indicating whether the first one is greater than the second one.
operator >=Compares two LogLevel objects and returns a value indicating whether the first one is greater than or equal to the second one.
operator <Compares two LogLevel objects and returns a value indicating whether the first one is less than the second one.
operator <=Compares two LogLevel objects and returns a value indicating whether the first one is less than or equal to the second one.


static readonly DebugThe Debug level.
static readonly ErrorThe Error level.
static readonly FatalThe Fatal level.
static readonly InformationThe Info level.
static readonly TraceThe Trace level.
static readonly WarningThe Warn level.

See Also