
IcsSaveOptions class

Represents iCalendar save options

The IcsSaveOptions type exposes the following members:


IcsSaveOptions()Initializes a new instance of the IcsSaveOptions class
IcsSaveOptions(method)Initializes a new instance of the IcsSaveOptions class


save_formatGets a save format
defaultGets the default Ics save options
actionGets or sets appointment Action
product_idGets or sets the product identifier that created iCalendar object.
sequence_idGets or sets the sequence id.
method_typeGets or sets the iCalendar object method type associated
with the calendar object.
start_time_zoneGets or sets the Start time zone.
end_time_zoneGets or sets the End time zone.
create_newGets or sets value indicating whether need create new calendar or append events in existing calendar.
Default value is true.

See Also