
MapiType enumeration

Contains possible MAPI property types which can be stored with message object.


Member nameDescription
NONENo values are set.
SHORT2 bytes, a 16-bit integer
LONG4 bytes, a 32-bit integer
FLOAT4 bytes, a 32-bit floating point number
DOUBLE8 bytes, a 64-bit floating point number
CURRENCY8 bytes, a 64-bit signed, scaled integer representation of a decimal currency value, with 4 places to the right of the decimal point
APPTIME8 bytes, a 64-bit floating point number in which the whole number part represents the number of days since December 30, 1899, and the fractional part represents the fraction of a day since midnight
ERROR4 bytes, a 32-bit integer encoding error information
BOOLEAN1 byte, restricted to 1 or 0
OBJECTThe property value is a COM object
LONGLONG8 bytes, a 64-bit integer
UNICODEVariable size, a string of Unicode characters in UTF-16LE encoding with terminating null character(0x0000)
STRING8Variable size, a string of multi-byte characters in externally specified encoding with terminating null character (single 0 byte).
SYSTIME8 bytes, a 64-bit integer representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601
CLSID16 bytes, a GUID with Data1, Data2, and Data3 fields in little-endian format
BINARYVariable size, a byte array
MV_SHORTVariable size, a set of
MV_LONGVariable size, a set of
MV_FLOATVariable size, a set of
MV_DOUBLEVariable size, a set of
MV_CURRENCYVariable size, a set of
MV_APPTIMEVariable size, a set of
MV_LONGLONGVariable size, a set of
MV_UNICODEVariable size, a set of
MV_STRING8Variable size, a set of
MV_SYSTIMEVariable size, a set of
MV_CLSIDVariable size, a set of
MV_BINARYVariable size, a set of

See Also