
MapiContactProfessionalPropertySet class

Properties are used to store professional
details for the person represented by the contact

The MapiContactProfessionalPropertySet type exposes the following members:


MapiContactProfessionalPropertySet()Initializes a new instance of the MapiContactProfessionalPropertySet class.
MapiContactProfessionalPropertySet(company_name, title)Initializes a new instance of the MapiContactProfessionalPropertySet class
MapiContactProfessionalPropertySet(properties)Initializes a new instance of the MapiContactProfessionalPropertySet class


titleGets or sets the job title
of the contact
company_nameGets or sets the company
that employs the contact
department_nameGets or sets the name of the department
to which the contact belongs
office_locationGets or sets the location
of the office that the contact works in
manager_nameGets or sets the name
of the contact’s manager
assistantGets or sets the name
of the contact’s assistant
professionGets or sets the profession
of the contact

See Also