PaymentInfo class

PaymentInfo class

The Payment Information class is used to specify detailed payment information. It is used for both single payments and recurring payments.

The PaymentInfo type exposes the following members:


PaymentInfo()Initializes a new instance of PaymentInfo class.


bank_account_fromGets or sets the from of BankAccount.
transfer_amountGets or sets the payment amount.
payee_idGets or sets the server payee identifier (required if assigned).
payeeGets or sets the complete PaymentInfo.payee billing information.
payee_list_idGets or sets the payee list ID (required if assigned),
bank_account_toGets or sets the to of BankAccount.
extended_paymentsGets or sets the collection of ExtendedPayment.
payee_accountGets or sets the user account number with the payee.
due_dateGets or sets the payment due date or the date by which payment must be received by payee.
memoGets or sets the memo from user to payee.
bill_reference_informationGets or sets the biller-supplied reference information when paying a bill, if available.
bill_pub_infoGets or sets the PaymentInfo.bill_pub_info.

See Also