Investment401k class

Investment401k class

Investment 401(k) account information class.

The Investment401k type exposes the following members:


Investment401k()Initializes a new instance of Investment401k class.


employer_nameGets or sets the name of the employer.
plan_idGets or sets the plan number.
plan_join_dateGets or sets the date the employee joined the plan.
employer_contact_informationGets or sets the name of contact person at employer, plus any available contact information, such as phone number.
broker_contact_informationGets or sets the name of contact person at broker, plus any available contact information, such as phone number.
defer_percent_pre_taxGets or sets the percent of employee salary deferred before tax.
defer_percent_after_taxGets or sets the percent of employee salary deferred after tax.
match_infoGets or sets the Investment401k.match_info.
contribution_informationGets or sets the collection of ContributionSecurity.
current_vest_percentGets or sets the estimated percentage of employer contributions vested as of the current date.
vest_infosGets or sets the collection of VestInfo.
loan_infosGets or sets the collection of LoanInfo.
investment_401k_summaryGets or sets the Investment401k.investment_401k_summary.

See Also