ProfileResponse class

ProfileResponse class

Profile response class.

The ProfileResponse type exposes the following members:


ProfileResponse()Initializes a new instance of ProfileResponse class.


message_set_listGets or sets the ProfileResponse.message_set_list.
signon_infosGets or sets the collection of SignonInfo.
profile_update_dateGets or sets the time this was updated on server.
fi_nameGets or sets the name of institution.
address1Gets or sets the FI address, line 1.
address2Gets or sets the FI address, line 2.
address3Gets or sets the FI address, line 3.
cityGets or sets the FI address city.
stateGets or sets the FI address state.
postal_codeGets or sets the FI address postal code.
countryGets or sets the FI address country. 3-letter country code from ISO/DIS-3166.
customer_service_phoneGets or sets the customer service telephone number.
technical_support_phoneGets or sets the technical support telephone number.
fax_phoneGets or sets the fax number.
urlGets or sets the URL for general information about FI (not for sending data).
emailGets or sets the email address for FI.

See Also