SignonInfo class

SignonInfo class

Signon information class.

The SignonInfo type exposes the following members:


SignonInfo()Initializes a new instance of SignonInfo class.


signon_realmGets or sets the identifies this realm.
minGets or sets the minimum number of password characters.
maxGets or sets the maximum number of password characters
char_typeGets or sets the type of characters allowed in password.
case_sensitiveGets or sets whether password is case-sensitive.
specialGets or sets whether special characters are allowed over and above those characters.
spacesGets or sets whether spaces are allowed over and above those characters.
pinchGets or sets whether server supports PIN change requests.
change_pin_firstGets or sets whether server requires clients to change user password as part of first signon.
user_credential_1_labelGets or sets the text prompt for user credential. If it is present, a third credential (USERCRED1) is required in addition to USERID and USERPASS.
user_credential_2_labelGets or sets the text prompt for user credential. If it is present, a fourth credential (USERCRED2) is required in addition to USERID, USERPASS and USERCRED1. If present, UserCredential1Label must also be present.
clientuid_requireGets or sets whether CLIENTUID is required.
auth_token_firstGets or sets whether server requires clients to send AUTHTOKEN as part of the first signon.
auth_token_labelGets or sets the text label for the AUTHTOKEN.
auth_token_info_urlGets or sets the URL where AUTHTOKEN information is provided by the institution operating the OFX server.
mfa_challenge_supportGets or sets whether the server supports MFACHALLENGE functionality.
mfa_challenge_firstGets or sets whether the client is required to send MFACHALLENGERQ as part of the first signon, before sending any other requests.
access_token_requireGets or sets whether the server requires ACCESSTOKEN for all requests except profile.

See Also