WireTransferMessageSetV1 class

WireTransferMessageSetV1 class

Version 1 of wire transfers message set.

Inheritance: WireTransferMessageSetV1AbstractMessageSetVersion

The WireTransferMessageSetV1 type exposes the following members:


WireTransferMessageSetV1()Initializes a new instance of WireTransferMessageSetV1 class.


message_set_coreGets or sets the AbstractMessageSetVersion.message_set_core.
processing_days_offsGets or sets the days of week that no processing occurs.
processing_end_timeGets or sets the time of day that day’s processing ends.
can_scheduledGets or sets whether supports scheduled transfers.
domestic_transfer_feeGets or sets the standard fee for a domestic wire transfer.
international_transfer_feeGets or sets the standard fee for an international wire transfer.

See Also