SignonResponse class

SignonResponse class

Signon response class.

The SignonResponse type exposes the following members:


SignonResponse()Initializes a new instance of SignonResponse class.


statusGets or sets the SignonResponse.status.
server_dateGets or sets the date and time of the server response.
user_keyGets or sets the use user key instead of UserId and UserPassword for subsequent requests. KeyExpireTime can limit lifetime.
key_expire_timeGets or sets the date and time that USERKEY expires.
languageGets or sets the language used in text responses.
profile_update_dateGets or sets the date and time of last update to profile information for any service supported by this FI.
account_update_dateGets or sets the date and time of last update to account information.
financial_institutionGets or sets the SignonResponse.financial_institution.
session_cookieGets or sets the session cookie that the client should return on the next signon request.
access_keyGets or sets the access key that the client should send in the next signon request
ofx_extensionGets or sets the OfxExtensionType.

See Also