Tax1099B_V100 class

Tax1099B_V100 class

Tax 1099B V100 form class.

Inheritance: Tax1099B_V100AbstractTaxForm1099

The Tax1099B_V100 type exposes the following members:


Tax1099B_V100()Initializes a new instance of Tax1099B_V100 class.


server_idGets or sets the ID assigned by host server to the form.
tax_yearGets or sets the tax year of this form.
voidGets or sets whether the form is void.
correctedGets or sets whether this is a corrected form.
sale_dateGets or sets the date of sale.
cusip_numberGets or sets the Committee on Uniform Security Identity Procedures number.
stocks_bondsGets or sets the Tax1099B_V100.stocks_bonds.
barteringGets or sets the bartering.
federal_tax_withheldGets or sets the federal income tax withheld.
descriptionGets or sets the description.
profitGets or sets the profit or loss realized.
unrealize_profit_preGets or sets the unrealized profit or loss on open contracts in previous tax year.
unrealize_profitGets or sets the unrealized profit or loss on open contracts in this tax year.
aggregate_profitGets or sets the aggregate profit or loss.
extended_b_info_v100Gets or sets the Tax1099B_V100.extended_b_info_v100.
payer_addressGets or sets the Tax1099B_V100.payer_address.
payer_idGets or sets the payer’s federal identification number.
recipient_addressGets or sets the Tax1099B_V100.recipient_address.
recipient_idGets or sets the recipient’s identification number.
recipient_accountGets or sets the recipient account number.
tin_notificationGets or sets the second TIN notification.

See Also