Tax1099R_V100 class

Tax1099R_V100 class

Tax 1099R V100 form class.

Inheritance: Tax1099R_V100AbstractTaxForm1099

The Tax1099R_V100 type exposes the following members:


Tax1099R_V100()Initializes a new instance of Tax1099R_V100 class.


server_idGets or sets the ID assigned by host server to the form.
tax_yearGets or sets the tax year of this form.
voidGets or sets whether the form is void.
correctedGets or sets whether this is a corrected form.
gross_distributionGets or sets the gross distribution.
taxable_amountGets or sets the taxable amount.
taxable_amount_not_determinedGets or sets the taxable amount not determined
total_distributionGets or sets the total distribution.
capital_gainGets or sets the capital gain.
federal_tax_withheldGets or sets the federal income tax withheld.
employee_contrib_insuranceGets or sets the employee/designated Roth contrib, insurance premiums.
net_unrealized_appreciation_employerGets or sets the net unrealized appreciation in employer’s securities.
distribution_codesGets or sets the distribution codes.
ira_sep_simpGets or sets the IRA/SEP/SIMPLE.
annual_contract_distributionGets or sets the annual contract distribution.
annual_contract_percentageGets or sets the annual contract percentage.
percentage_total_distributionGets or sets the your percentage of total distribution.
total_employee_contributionGets or sets the total employee contributions.
amount_allocable_irrGets or sets the amount allocable to IRR.
first_year_design_rothGets or sets the first year designated ROTH, in format “YYYY”.
state_tax_withheld_aggregatesGets or sets the collection of StateTaxWithheldAggregate.
local_tax_withheld_aggregatesGets or sets the collection of LocalTaxWithheldAggregate.
payer_addressGets or sets the Tax1099R_V100.payer_address.
payer_idGets or sets the payer’s federal identification number.
recipient_addressGets or sets the Tax1099R_V100.recipient_address.
recipient_idGets or sets the recipient’s identification number.
recipient_accountGets or sets the recipient’s account number.

See Also