TaxW2_V200 class

TaxW2_V200 class

Tax W2 v200 form class, for tax years >= 2001

Inheritance: TaxW2_V200AbstractTaxW2

The TaxW2_V200 type exposes the following members:


TaxW2_V200()Initializes a new instance of TaxW2_V200 class.


tax_yearGets or sets the tax year of this form, in format “YYYY”.
control_numberGets or sets the control number.
voidGets or sets whether this W2 is void and a new W2 will be provided.
employerGets or sets the TaxW2_V200.employer.
employeeGets or sets the TaxW2_V200.employee.
wagesGets or sets the wages, tips, other compensation.
federal_tax_withheldGets or sets the federal tax withheld.
social_security_wagesGets or sets the social security wages.
social_security_tax_withheldGets or sets the social security tax withheld.
medicare_wagesGets or sets the medicare wages and tips.
medicare_tax_withheldGets or sets the medicare tax withheld.
social_security_tipsGets or sets the social security tips.
allocated_tipsGets or sets the allocated tips.
advanced_eicGets or sets the advance EIC payment.
dependent_care_benefitGets or sets the dependent care benefits.
nonqualified_planGets or sets the non-qualified plan.
codesesGets or sets the collection of Codes.
othersGets or sets the collection of Other.
statutoryGets or sets the statutory employee.
retirement_planGets or sets the retirement plan.
third_party_sick_payGets or sets the third party sick pay.
state_infosGets or sets the collection of StateInfo.
local_infosGets or sets the collection of LocalInfo.
w2_verification_codeGets or sets the verification code.

See Also