PendingTransaction class

PendingTransaction class

This class describes a single pending transaction. It identifies the type of the transaction and the date it was initiated. The class can also provide additional information to help the customer recognize the transaction: check number, payee name, and memo.

The PendingTransaction type exposes the following members:


PendingTransaction()Initializes a new instance of PendingTransaction class.


transaction_typeGets or sets the transaction type.
transaction_dateGets or sets the date transaction was initiated.
expire_dateGets or sets the date the hold on this transaction will expire. Only valid for TransactionType is HOLD.
transaction_amountGets or sets the amount of transaction.
reference_numberGets or sets the reference number, if any, for the transaction.
nameGets or sets the name of payee or description of transaction.
extended_nameGets or sets the extended name of payee or description of transaction.
memoGets or sets the extra information
image_datasGets or sets the collection of ImageData.
currencyGets or sets the PendingTransaction.currency.
origin_currencyGets or sets the Origin PendingTransaction.currency.

See Also