ValidationErrorCode enumeration

ValidationErrorCode enumeration

Validation error code enum.

The ValidationErrorCode type exposes the following members:


SCHEMA_REF_NO_TYPE_SIMPLESchemaRef type MUST occur and MUST have the fixed content “simple”.
SCHEMA_REF_NO_HREFSchemaRef MUST have an href attribute.
CONTEXT_NO_IDContext id MUST include the id attribute.
CONTEXT_NO_ENTITYThe entity element is required content of the context element.
CONTEXT_ENTITY_NO_IDENTIFIERThe entity element MUST contain an identifier element
CONTEXT_PERIOD_NO_START_TIMEContext peroid type is duration, but has no start date.
CONTEXT_PERIOD_NO_END_TIMEContext peroid type is duration, but has no end date.
CONTEXT_PERIOD_START_AFTER_ENDContext peroid type is duration, but end date is before start date.
CONTEXT_INSTANT_NO_TIMEContext peroid type is instant, but has no instant date.
CONTEXT_SCENARIO_XBRL_NAMESPACEContext scenario can’t have xbrl namespace node.
CONTEXT_SCENARIO_XBRL_SUBSTITUTION_GROUPContext scenario can’t have element in the substitution group for elements defined in the xbrl namespace.
CONTEXT_SCENARIO_EMPTYContext scenario can’t be empty"
CONTEXT_SEGMENT_XBRL_NAMESPACEContext segment can’t have xbrl namespace node.
CONTEXT_SEGMENT_XBRL_SUBSTITUTION_GROUPContext segment can’t have element in the substitution group for elements defined in the xbrl namespace.
CONTEXT_SEGMENT_EMPTYContext segment can’t be empty
ITEM_NO_CONTEXTItem must have a context.
ITEM_PEROID_TYPE_CONFLICT_WITH_CONTEXTItem has period type conflict with context.
ITEM_NUMERIC_NO_UNITItem is numeric and must have a unit.
MONETARY_ITEM_NO_SINGLE_UNIT_MEASUREItem is monetary type and must have a single unit measure.
MONETARY_ITEM_NO_ISO4217Item is monetary type and must have a Iso 4217 style unit measure.
SHARE_ITEM_NO_SINGLE_UNIT_MEASUREItem is share type and must have a single unit measure.
SHARE_ITEM_NO_SHARE_UNIT_MEASUREItem is share type and must have a xbrli:shares unit measure.
NILL_ITEM_WITH_PRECISION_OR_DECIMALSItem is nil and must not have either precision or decimals.
FRACTION_ITEM_WITH_PRECISION_OR_DECIMALSItem is fraction type and must not have either precision or decimals.
NUMERIC_ITEM_WITH_BOTH_PRECISION_AND_DECIMALSItem is numeric type and must not have both precision and decimals.
NUMERIC_ITEM_WITHOUT_PRECISION_OR_DECIMALSItem is numeric type and must have either precision or decimals.
NON_NUMERIC_ITEM_WITH_PRECISION_OR_DECIMALSItem is not numeric type and must not have either precision or decimals.
FOOTNOTE_ARC_FROM_NOT_FOUNDFootnote arc can’t find from Loc.
FOOTNOTE_ARC_TO_NOT_FOUNDFootnote arc can’t find to footnote.
DEFINITION_ARC_FROM_NOT_FOUNDDefinition arc can’t find from Loc.
DEFINITION_ARC_TO_NOT_FOUNDDefinition arc can’t find to Loc.
ESSENCE_ALIAS_DEFINITION_ARC_DIFFERENT_TYPEEssence-alias Definition arc has different types.
ESSENCE_ALIAS_DEFINITION_ARC_DIFFERENT_PERIOD_TYPEEssence-alias Definition arc has different periodTypes.
ESSENCE_ALIAS_DEFINITION_ARC_DIFFERENT_BALANCEEssence-alias Definition arc has different balances.
CALCULATION_ARC_FROM_NOT_FOUNDCalculation arc can’t find from Loc.
CALCULATION_ARC_TO_NOT_FOUNDCalculation arc can’t find to Loc.
CALCULATION_ARC_ZERO_WEIGHTCalculation arc has zero weight.
CALCULATION_ARC_SUMMATION_ITEM_NON_NUMERICSummation item calculation arc has non numeric concept.
CALCULATION_ARC_ILLEGAL_BALANCEC_WEIGHTSummation item calculation arc has non numeric concept.
LABEL_ARC_FROM_NOT_FOUNDLabel arc can’t find from Loc.
LABEL_ARC_TO_NOT_FOUNDLabel arc can’t find to Label.
PRESENTATION_ARC_FROM_NOT_FOUNDPresentation arc can’t find from Loc.
PRESENTATION_ARC_TO_NOT_FOUNDPresentation arc can’t find to Loc.
PRESENTATION_ARC_PREFERRED_LABEL_NOT_FOUNDPresentation arc can’t find preferredLabel.
REFERENCE_ARC_FROM_NOT_FOUNDReference arc can’t find from Loc.
REFERENCE_ARC_TO_NOT_FOUNDReference arc can’t find to Reference.
INLINE_FACT_MISS_CONTEXTInline Fact can’t find context.
INLINE_FACT_MISS_UNITInline Fact can’t find unit.
INLINE_DUPLICATED_IDInline Xbrl document has duplicated id.
INLINE_RELATIONSHIP_MISS_FROM_REFInline relationship can’t find from ref.
INLINE_RELATIONSHIP_MISS_TO_REFInline relationship can’t find to ref.
INLINE_RELATIONSHIP_ILLEGAL_FROM_REFInline relationship has illegal from ref.
INLINE_RELATIONSHIP_ILLEGAL_TO_REFInline relationship has illegal to ref.
INLINE_CONTINUATION_NOT_MATCHInline Continuation has illegal to match.
INLINE_FOOTNOTE_NOTLANGInline Footnote has no lang.
INLINE_FRACTION_ILLEGAL_CHILD_ELEMENTInline Fraction has illegal childelement.
INLINE_FRACTION_ILLEGAL_ATTRBUITESInline Fraction has illegal attrbuites.
INLINE_FRACTION_ILLEGAL_ANCESTORInline Fraction has illegal Ancestor.
INLINE_FRACTION_TERM_NEGATIVEInline Fraction has Term Negative.
INLINE_HEADER_ILLEGAL_ANCESTORInline Fraction has illegal tag.
INLINE_HEADER_DISPLAY_NONEInline header father div node has no style of “display:none”.
INLINE_HEADER_ILLEGAL_CHILD_ELEMENTInline header has more than one “hidden” element or more than one “resources” element.
INLINE_NON_FRACTION_ILLEGAL_ANCESTORInline nonFraction has illegal Ancestor.
INLINE_NON_FRACTION_ILLEGAL_CHILD_ELEMENTInline nonFraction has illegal Child Elemnt.
INLINE_NON_FRACTION_ILLEGAL_PROPERTIESInline nonFraction has illegal Properties.
INLINE_NON_FRACTION_TERM_NEGATIVEInline nonFraction has Term Negative.
INLINE_TUPLE_ILLEGAL_CHILD_ELEMENTInline tuple has illegal element.
INLINE_CONTINUATION_NO_IDThe ix:continuation element MUST have an id attribute..
INLINE_CONTINUATION_ILLEGAL_ANCESTORThe ix:continuation element MUST NOT be a descendant of an ix:hidden element.
INLINE_EXCLUDE_ILLEGAL_ANCESTORThe ix:exclude element MUST be a descendant of at least one ix:continuation, ix:footnote or ix:nonNumeric element.

See Also