Aspose::Font::Glyphs::GlyphUInt32Id class

GlyphUInt32Id class

Represents integer glyph id.

class GlyphUInt32Id : public Aspose::Font::Glyphs::GlyphId


CompareTo(System::SharedPtr<GlyphId>) override
Equals(System::SharedPtr<System::Object>) overrideReturns true if Ids are equal.
static get_NotDefId()Gets not default value.
get_Value() constGets int value of the ID.
GetHashCode() const overrideGetHashCode implementation.
GlyphUInt32Id(uint32_t)Initializes new GlyphUInt32Id object.
set_Value(uint32_t)Sets int value of the ID.
ToGlyphUInt32Id() overrideCast GlyphId to GlyphUInt32Id.
ToString() const overrideGets or sets string representation of the integer value.

See Also