System::Globalization::PersianCalendar Class Reference

Persian calendar. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument. More...

#include <persian_calendar.h>

Inherits System::Globalization::Calendar.

Public Member Functions

ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API CalendarAlgorithmType get_AlgorithmType () const override
 Gets algorithm type.
ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API DateTime get_MinSupportedDateTime () const override
 Minimal point in time that is supported by the calendar.
ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API DateTime get_MaxSupportedDateTime () const override
 Maximal point in time that is supported by the calendar.
ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API ArrayPtr< int > get_Eras () const override
 Gets list of eras existing in calendar.
ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int GetDaysInMonth (int year, int month, int era) const override
 Gets number of days in specific month.
ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int GetDaysInYear (int year, int era) const override
 Gets number of days in specific year.
ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int GetMonthsInYear (int year, int era) const override
 Gets number of months in the specified year.
ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API DayOfWeek GetDayOfWeek (DateTime time) const override
 Gets day of week for the specified time point.
ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int GetLeapMonth (int year, int era) const override
 Gets the leap month for the specified year.
ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool IsLeapYear (int year, int era) const override
 Checks if the year is leap.
ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool IsLeapDay (int year, int month, int day, int era) const override
 Checks if the day is leap.
ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool IsLeapMonth (int year, int month, int era) const override
 Checks if the month is leap.
ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API SharedPtr< ObjectClone () override
 Creates a copy of the current object and returns a shared pointer to it.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int GetDaysInMonth (int year, int month) const
 RTTI information.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int GetDaysInYear (int year) const
 Gets number of days in specific year.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int GetMonthsInYear (int year) const
 Gets number of months in the specified year.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int GetLeapMonth (int year) const
 Gets the leap month for the specified year.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool IsLeapDay (int year, int month, int day) const
 Checks if the day is leap.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool IsLeapMonth (int year, int month) const
 Checks if the month is leap.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool IsLeapYear (int year) const
 Checks if the year is leap.
- Public Member Functions inherited from System::Globalization::Calendar
 Calendar (const Calendar &)=delete
 RTTI information.
Calendaroperator= (const Calendar &)=delete
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API DateTime AddDays (DateTime time, int days) const
 Adds days to time point.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API DateTime AddHours (DateTime time, int hours) const
 Adds hours to time point.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API DateTime AddMilliseconds (DateTime time, double milliseconds) const
 Adds milliseconds to time point.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API DateTime AddMinutes (DateTime time, int minutes) const
 Adds minutes to time point.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API DateTime AddMonths (DateTime time, int months) const
 Adds months to time point.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API DateTime AddSeconds (DateTime time, int seconds) const
 Adds seconds to time point.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API DateTime AddWeeks (DateTime time, int weeks) const
 Adds weeks to time point.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API DateTime AddYears (DateTime time, int years) const
 Adds years to time point.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int GetDayOfMonth (DateTime time) const
 Gets day of month for the specified time point.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int GetDayOfYear (DateTime time) const
 Gets day of year for the specified time point.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int GetEra (DateTime time) const
 Gets era for the specified time point.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int GetHour (DateTime time) const
 Gets hours for the specified time point.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API double GetMilliseconds (DateTime time) const
 Gets milliseconds for the specified time point.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int GetMinute (DateTime time) const
 Gets minutes for the specified time point.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int GetMonth (DateTime time) const
 Gets month for the specified time point.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int GetSecond (DateTime time) const
 Gets seconds for the specified time point.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int GetWeekOfYear (DateTime time, CalendarWeekRule rule, DayOfWeek first_day_of_week) const
 Gets week of the year for the specified time point.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int GetYear (DateTime time) const
 Gets year for the specified time point.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API DateTime ToDateTime (int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond) const
 Constructs DateTime object from components.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API DateTime ToDateTime (int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond, int era) const
 Constructs DateTime object from components.
ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool get_IsReadOnly () const
 Checks if the calendar is read only.
ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int get_CurrentEra () const
 Gets index of current era.
ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int get_CurrentEraValue () const
 Gets value of current era.
bool IsValidDay (int year, int month, int day, int era) const
 Checks year, month, day and era values.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int get_TwoDigitYearMax () const
 Gets the last year that can be represented by a 2-digit.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API void set_TwoDigitYearMax (int value)
 Sets the last year that can be represented by a 2-digit.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int ToFourDigitYear (int year) const
 Converts the year to 4-digit year using TwoDigitYearMax property.
- Public Member Functions inherited from System::ICloneable
- Public Member Functions inherited from System::Object
 Creates object. Initializes all internal data structures.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API ~Object ()
 Destroys object. Frees all internal data structures.
ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API Object (Object const &x)
 Copy constructor. Doesn't copy anything, really, just initializes new object and enables copy constructing subclasses.
Objectoperator= (Object const &x)
 Assignment operator. Doesn't copy anything, really, just initializes new object and enables copy constructing subclasses.
ObjectSharedRefAdded ()
 Increments shared reference count. Shouldn't be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector.
int SharedRefRemovedSafe ()
 Decrements and returns shared reference count. Shouldn't be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector.
int RemovedSharedRefs (int count)
 Decreases shared reference count by specified value.
Detail::SmartPtrCounter * WeakRefAdded ()
 Increments weak reference count. Shouldn't be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector.
void WeakRefRemoved ()
 Decrements weak reference count. Shouldn't be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector.
Detail::SmartPtrCounter * GetCounter ()
 Gets reference counter data structure associated with the object.
int SharedCount () const
 Gets current value of shared reference counter.
 Implements C# lock() statement locking. Call directly or use LockContext sentry object.
 Implements C# lock() statement unlocking. Call directly or use LockContext sentry object.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool Equals (ptr obj)
 Compares objects using C# Object.Equals semantics.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int32_t GetHashCode () const
 Analog of C# Object.GetHashCode() method. Enables hashing of custom objects.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API String ToString () const
 Analog of C# Object.ToString() method. Enables converting custom objects to string.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API ptr MemberwiseClone () const
 Analog of C# Object.MemberwiseClone() method. Enables cloning custom types.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API const TypeInfoGetType () const
 Gets actual type of object. Analog of C# System.Object.GetType() call.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool Is (const TypeInfo &targetType) const
 Check if object represents an instance of type described by targetType. Analog of C# 'is' operator.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API void SetTemplateWeakPtr (uint32_t argument)
 Set n'th template argument a weak pointer (rather than shared). Allows switching pointers in containers to weak mode.
virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool FastCast (const Details::FastRttiBase &helper, void **out_ptr) const
 For internal purposes only.
bool ReferenceEquals (String const &str, std::nullptr_t)
 Specialization of Object::ReferenceEquals for case of string and nullptr.
bool ReferenceEquals (String const &str1, String const &str2)
 Specialization of Object::ReferenceEquals for case of strings.

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr int PersianEra = 1
 Current persian era.

Protected Member Functions

Details::CalendarId get_ID () const override
 Gets calendar identifier.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from System::Globalization::Calendar
 Default constructor.
 Calendar (std::unique_ptr< codeporting_icu::Calendar > &&calendar)
virtual bool IsGregorianBasedCalendar () const
 Checks if the calendar is Gregorian-based.
void VerifyTime (int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond) const
 Verify hour, minute, second and millisecond values.
void VerifyDateTimeRange (DateTime time) const
 Verify time value.
void VerifyWriteable () const
 Verify that calendar is not read-only.
void UseExtendedYearField ()
 Use the UCAL_EXTENDED_YEAR field instead of the UCAL_YEAR field. Must be set for the ChineseLunisolar-based calendars.
void SetYearOffset (int year_offset)
 Set year offset. result_year = icu_year + year_offset.
void SetDateAdjustment (int date_adjustment)
 Sets the number of days to add or subtract from the calendar.
int GetYearInternal (DateTime time) const
 Gets year (UCAL_YEAR) for the specified time point.
int GetDaysInMonthInternal (int year, int month, int era) const
 Gets days in month (UCAL_DAY_OF_MONTH) for the specified year, month and era.
DateTime ToDateTimeInternal (int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond, int era) const
 Constructs DateTime object from components.
void SetTwoDigitYearMaxInternal (int year)
 Sets the last year that can be represented by a 2-digit.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from System::Object
typedef SmartPtr< Objectptr
 Alias for smart pointer type.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from System::Globalization::Calendar
static ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API CalendarPtr ReadOnly (const CalendarPtr &calendar)
 Gets read only version of calendar.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from System::Object
static bool ReferenceEquals (ptr const &objA, ptr const &objB)
 Compares objects by reference.
template<typename T >
static std::enable_if<!IsSmartPtr< T >::value, bool >::type ReferenceEquals (T const &objA, T const &objB)
 Compares objects by reference.
template<typename T >
static std::enable_if<!IsSmartPtr< T >::value, bool >::type ReferenceEquals (T const &objA, std::nullptr_t)
 Reference-compares value type object with nullptr.
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
static std::enable_if< IsSmartPtr< T1 >::value &&IsSmartPtr< T2 >::value, bool >::type Equals (T1 const &objA, T2 const &objB)
 Compares reference type objects in C# style.
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
static std::enable_if<!IsSmartPtr< T1 >::value &&!IsSmartPtr< T2 >::value, bool >::type Equals (T1 const &objA, T2 const &objB)
 Compares value type objects in C# style.
static const TypeInfoType ()
 Implements C# typeof(System.Object) construct.
bool Equals (float const &objA, float const &objB)
 Emulates C#-style floating point comparison where two NaNs are considered equal even though according to IEC 60559:1989 NaN is not equal to any value, including NaN.
bool Equals (double const &objA, double const &objB)
 Emulates C#-style floating point comparison where two NaNs are considered equal even though according to IEC 60559:1989 NaN is not equal to any value, including NaN.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from System::Globalization::Calendar
static constexpr int CurrentEra = 0
 Current era value.

Detailed Description

Persian calendar. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PersianCalendar()

ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API System::Globalization::PersianCalendar::PersianCalendar ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ Clone()

ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API SharedPtr< Object > System::Globalization::PersianCalendar::Clone ( )

Creates a copy of the current object and returns a shared pointer to it.

Implements System::ICloneable.

◆ get_AlgorithmType()

ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API CalendarAlgorithmType System::Globalization::PersianCalendar::get_AlgorithmType ( ) const

Gets algorithm type.

Value indicating how the calendar is built.

Implements System::Globalization::Calendar.

◆ get_Eras()

ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API ArrayPtr< int > System::Globalization::PersianCalendar::get_Eras ( ) const

Gets list of eras existing in calendar.

Array of numbers defining eras numbers.

Implements System::Globalization::Calendar.

◆ get_ID()

Details::CalendarId System::Globalization::PersianCalendar::get_ID ( ) const

Gets calendar identifier.

Identifier as defined by calendar.

Reimplemented from System::Globalization::Calendar.

◆ get_MaxSupportedDateTime()

ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API DateTime System::Globalization::PersianCalendar::get_MaxSupportedDateTime ( ) const

Maximal point in time that is supported by the calendar.

Implements System::Globalization::Calendar.

◆ get_MinSupportedDateTime()

ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API DateTime System::Globalization::PersianCalendar::get_MinSupportedDateTime ( ) const

Minimal point in time that is supported by the calendar.

Implements System::Globalization::Calendar.

◆ GetDayOfWeek()

ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API DayOfWeek System::Globalization::PersianCalendar::GetDayOfWeek ( DateTime time) const

Gets day of week for the specified time point.

timeTime and date to extract data from.
Day of week in the time point passed.

Reimplemented from System::Globalization::Calendar.

◆ GetDaysInMonth() [1/2]

virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int System::Globalization::Calendar::GetDaysInMonth ( int year,
int month ) const

RTTI information.

Reimplemented from System::Globalization::Calendar.

◆ GetDaysInMonth() [2/2]

ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int System::Globalization::PersianCalendar::GetDaysInMonth ( int year,
int month,
int era ) const

Gets number of days in specific month.

monthMonth to get number of days in.
Number of days in specified month of specified year of specified era.

Reimplemented from System::Globalization::Calendar.

◆ GetDaysInYear() [1/2]

virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int System::Globalization::Calendar::GetDaysInYear ( int year) const

Gets number of days in specific year.

yearYear to get number of days in.
Number of days in specified year.

Reimplemented from System::Globalization::Calendar.

◆ GetDaysInYear() [2/2]

ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int System::Globalization::PersianCalendar::GetDaysInYear ( int year,
int era ) const

Gets number of days in specific year.

yearYear to get number of days in.
Number of days in specified year of specified era.

Reimplemented from System::Globalization::Calendar.

◆ GetLeapMonth() [1/2]

virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int System::Globalization::Calendar::GetLeapMonth ( int year) const

Gets the leap month for the specified year.

yearYear to get leap month in.
Leap month of the speicified year or zero if the year has no leap month.

Reimplemented from System::Globalization::Calendar.

◆ GetLeapMonth() [2/2]

ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int System::Globalization::PersianCalendar::GetLeapMonth ( int year,
int era ) const

Gets the leap month for the specified year.

yearYear to get leap month in.
Leap month of the speicified year of the specified era or zero if the year has no leap month.

Implements System::Globalization::Calendar.

◆ GetMonthsInYear() [1/2]

virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int System::Globalization::Calendar::GetMonthsInYear ( int year) const

Gets number of months in the specified year.

yearYear to get number of months in.
Number of months in the specified year.

Reimplemented from System::Globalization::Calendar.

◆ GetMonthsInYear() [2/2]

ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API int System::Globalization::PersianCalendar::GetMonthsInYear ( int year,
int era ) const

Gets number of months in the specified year.

yearYear to get number of months in.
Number of months in the specified year of specified era.

Reimplemented from System::Globalization::Calendar.

◆ IsLeapDay() [1/2]

virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool System::Globalization::Calendar::IsLeapDay ( int year,
int month,
int day ) const

Checks if the day is leap.

True if specified date is leap, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from System::Globalization::Calendar.

◆ IsLeapDay() [2/2]

ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool System::Globalization::PersianCalendar::IsLeapDay ( int year,
int month,
int day,
int era ) const

Checks if the day is leap.

True if specified date is leap, false otherwise.

Implements System::Globalization::Calendar.

◆ IsLeapMonth() [1/2]

virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool System::Globalization::Calendar::IsLeapMonth ( int year,
int month ) const

Checks if the month is leap.

True if specified month is leap, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from System::Globalization::Calendar.

◆ IsLeapMonth() [2/2]

ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool System::Globalization::PersianCalendar::IsLeapMonth ( int year,
int month,
int era ) const

Checks if the month is leap.

True if specified month is leap, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from System::Globalization::Calendar.

◆ IsLeapYear() [1/2]

virtual ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool System::Globalization::Calendar::IsLeapYear ( int year) const

Checks if the year is leap.

True if specified year is leap, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from System::Globalization::Calendar.

◆ IsLeapYear() [2/2]

ASPOSECPP_SHARED_API bool System::Globalization::PersianCalendar::IsLeapYear ( int year,
int era ) const

Checks if the year is leap.

True if specified year is leap, false otherwise.

Implements System::Globalization::Calendar.

Member Data Documentation

◆ PersianEra

int System::Globalization::PersianCalendar::PersianEra = 1

Current persian era.