System::Xml::XmlReader::ReadStartElement method

XmlReader::ReadStartElement() method

Checks that the current node is an element and advances the reader to the next node.

virtual void System::Xml::XmlReader::ReadStartElement()

See Also

XmlReader::ReadStartElement(String) method

Checks that the current content node is an element with the given XmlReader::get_Name value and advances the reader to the next node.

virtual void System::Xml::XmlReader::ReadStartElement(String name)
nameStringThe qualified name of the element.

See Also

XmlReader::ReadStartElement(String, String) method

Checks that the current content node is an element with the given XmlReader::get_LocalName and XmlReader::get_NamespaceURI values and advances the reader to the next node.

virtual void System::Xml::XmlReader::ReadStartElement(String localname, String ns)
localnameStringThe local name of the element.
nsStringThe namespace URI of the element.

See Also