
The com.aspose.font is a root package for all classes that deal with fonts.


AxisRecordRepresents Axis Record structure.
AxisValueRepresents AxisValue record.
AxisValueTableBaseBase class for Axis Value Table structure.
AxisValueTableFormat1Represents Axis value table format 1
AxisValueTableFormat2Represents Axis value table format 2
AxisValueTableFormat3Represents Axis value table format 3
AxisValueTableFormat4Represents Axis value table format 4
ByteContentStreamSourceRepresents a stream source based on content stream.
CffEncodingRepresents CFF font encoding.
CffFontRepresents Compact Font Format (CFF).
CffFontExceptionRepresents common processing related exception for fonts of CFF format.
CffFontMetricsCFF font metrics implementation
CffParsingExceptionRepresents parse exception for fonts of cff format.
ClosePathRepresents ClosePath operation.
CompositeGlyphRepresents a font composite glyph.
CompositeGlyphComponentRepresents composite glyph component (glyph with placement matrix).
CompositeGlyphComponentListRepresents composite glyph components list.
CurveToRepresents CurveTo operation.
EncodingExceptionRepresents encoding exception.
FileSystemStreamSourceRepresents a stream source based on file system.
FontRepresents base Font class.
FontAgrumentExceptionRepresents Font argument exception.
FontBBoxrepresents font bounding box.
FontConversionExceptionRepresents Font conversion exception.
FontCreationExceptionRepresents Font creation exception.
FontDefinitionRepresents Font file set definition.
FontEnvironmentProvides information about the current environment and platform.
FontExceptionRepresents common Font processing related exception.
FontFactoryContains functionality for opening fonts of different types and other methods for creating various objects.
FontFileDefinitionRepresents Font file definition.
FontMetricsRepresents font metrics.
FontNotSupportedOperationExceptionRepresents not supported operation exception.
FontSpecificEncodingsRepresents specific encodings for consumer-aware Fonts.
GaspRangeThe array of GaspRange records provides recommended behaviors for various ppem sizes
GlyphRepresents a Font glyph.
GlyphIdRepresents glyph ids, available in the Font.
GlyphIdListRepresents glyph id list.
GlyphOutlineRendererRepresents glyph outline renderer.
GlyphRendererBaseRepresents base class for glyph renderers.
GlyphStringIdRepresents string glyph id.
GlyphUInt32IdRepresents integer glyph id.
HelpersFactoryCreates objects related to TtfHelpers namespace
IncorrectFontDataExceptionRepresents exceptions for cases when some values of Font object are invalid.
LicenseProvides methods to license the component.
LicenseFlagsRepresents a helper wrapper for an embedding flags from ‘OS/2’ table (field fsType).
LicenseRestrictionExceptionRepresents exception which can be thrown on attempt to execute functionality which is restricted in evaluation mode.
LineToRepresents LineTo operation.
MSLanguageIdMicrosoft platform language id enumeration.
MacLanguageIdMacintosh platform language id enumeration.
MeteredProvides methods to set metered key.
MoveToRepresents MoveTo operation.
MultiLanguageStringRepresents multi language string.
NameIdRepresents NameId enumeration.
NameRecordRepresents NameRecord structure of the ’name’ table
NameToCodeMapRepresents name to code map.
PathSegmentCollectionRepresents a path segments collection.
RenderingUtilsProvides utility methods for rendering.
SegmentPathRepresents rendering path.
StreamSourceDefines a way to get a file stream when it is needed.
SvgConversionExceptionRepresents Font conversion exception for SVG format.
TransformationMatrixRepresents 3x3 matrix
TtcFontFileDefinitionRepresents file definition for TTC Font.
TtcFontSourceRepresents TTC Font source.
TtfCMapFormat0TableRepresents Format0 CMap subtable of the TTF Font file.
TtfCMapFormat10TableRepresents Format10 CMap subtable of the TTF Font file.
TtfCMapFormat12TableRepresents Format8 CMap subtable of the TTF Font file.
TtfCMapFormat2TableRepresents Format2 CMap subtable of the TTF Font file.
TtfCMapFormat4TableRepresents Format4 CMap subtable of the TTF Font file.
TtfCMapFormat6TableRepresents Format6 CMap subtable of the TTF Font file.
TtfCMapFormat8TableRepresents Format8 CMap subtable of the TTF Font file.
TtfCMapFormatBaseTableRepresents CMap sub table base class.
TtfCMapTableRepresents “cmap” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfCMapTable.TtfCMapSubtableDescriptionProvides brief information about CMap subtable.
TtfCffTableRepresents “cff” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfCvtTableRepresents Control Value Table (CVT) of the TTF Font file.
TtfEncodingRepresents TTF Font encoding.
TtfEncodingParametersRepresents TTF encoding parameters.
TtfFontRepresents TrueType Font (TTF).
TtfFontMetricsRepresents TTF Font metrics.
TtfFpgmTableRepresents “fpgm” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfGaspTableRepresents “gasp” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfGlyfTableRepresents “glyf” table of the TTF font file.
TtfHeadTableRepresents “head” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfHheaTableRepresents “hhea” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfHmtxTableRepresents “hmtx” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfHmtxTable.LongHorMetricRepresents metrics record.
TtfHmtxTable.MetricListRepresents list of metrics
TtfLocaTableRepresents “loca” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfLocaTable.OffsetsListRepresents glyph offsets list.
TtfLtshTableRepresents Linear Threshold table of the TTF Font file.
TtfMaxpTableRepresents “maxp” table of the TTF font file
TtfNameTableRepresents “name” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfOs2TableRepresents “OS/2” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfPostTableRepresents “post” table of the TTF font file
TtfPrepTableRepresents “prep” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfTableBaseRepresents TTF table definition.
TtfTableRepositoryrepository of TTF tables
TtfVheaTableRepresents “hhea” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfVmtxTableRepresents “vmtx” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfVmtxTable.LongVerMetricRepresents vertical metrics record.
Type1EncodingRepresents Type1 Font encoding.
Type1FontRepresents Type1 Font.
Type1FontMetricsRepresents Type1 Font metrics.
Type1MetricFontType1 metric font implementation.
Version16Dot16Represents Version16Dot16 datatype
WoffFormatExceptionRepresents WOFF font processing related exception.


IEncodingParametersCommon interface to support encoding parameters.
IFontDeclares common functionality for all font formats.
IFontCharactersMergerDeclares helpers functionality to merge TrueType fonts.
IFontEncodingDefines an interface for Font encoding.
IFontMetricsDefines an interface for Font metrics tools.
IFontSaverDefines an interface for Font save functionality.
IGlyphAccessorDefines functionality to retrieve specified glyph identifiers and glyphs.
IGlyphOutlinePainterDefines a outline way to draw glyphs.
IGlyphPainterDefines a way to draw glyphs.
IGlyphRendererInterface used to render glyphs.
IPathSegmentRepresents interface of any path segment.
ISupportsNameAddressingDefines members that are specific to encodings that support glyph name addressing


FontSavingFormatsSpecifies Font type.
FontStyleFont style enumeration
FontTypeSpecifies Font type.
GlyphIdTypeSpecifies types of glyph id.
GlyphStateSpecifies the glyph state.
MSPlatformSpecificIdRepresents Microsoft platform PlatformSpecificId enumeration.
MacPlatformSpecificIdRepresents Macintosh platform PlatformSpecificId enumeration.
PlatformIdRepresents PlatformId enumeration.
RangeGaspBehaviorFlagsFlags describing desired rasterizer behavior.
UnicodePlatformSpecificIdRepresents unicode platform-specific enumeration.