
Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.font.TtfTableBase

public class TtfHeadTable extends TtfTableBase

Represents “head” table of the TTF Font file.


getTag()Gets table tag.
getVersion()Fixed version 0x00010000 if (version 1.0).
getFlags()Gets uint16 flags.
getFontRevision()Get fixed fontRevision set by font manufacturer.
getCheckSumAdjustment()Gets uint32 checkSumAdjustment.
getMagicNumber()Gets uint32 magicNumber set to 0x5F0F3CF5.
getUnitsPerEM()Gets uint16 unitsPerEM range from 64 to 16384.
getCreated()Gets longDateTime created international date.
getModified()Gets longDateTime modified international date.
getXMin()Gets FWord xMin for all glyph bounding boxes.
getYMin()Gets FWord yMin for all glyph bounding boxes.
getXMax()Gets FWord xMax for all glyph bounding boxes.
getYMax()Gets FWord yMax for all glyph bounding boxes.
getMacStyle()Gets uint16 macStyle.
getLowestRecPPEM()Gets uint16 lowestRecPPEM smallest readable size in pixels.
getFontDirectionHint()Gets int16 fontDirectionHint. 0 Mixed directional glyphs; 1 Only strongly left to right glyphs; 2 Like 1 but also contains neutrals; -1 Only strongly right to left glyphs; -2 Like -1 but also contains neutrals.
getIndexToLocFormat()Gets int16 indexToLocFormat 0 for short offsets, 1 for long.
getGlyphDataFormat()Gets int16 glyphDataFormat 0 for current format.


public static String getTag()

Gets table tag.

Returns: java.lang.String - Table tag.


public float getVersion()

Fixed version 0x00010000 if (version 1.0).

Returns: float - Fixed version 0x00010000 if (version 1.0).


public int getFlags()

Gets uint16 flags.

Returns: int - UInt16 flags.


public float getFontRevision()

Get fixed fontRevision set by font manufacturer.

Returns: float - Fixed fontRevision set by font manufacturer.


public long getCheckSumAdjustment()

Gets uint32 checkSumAdjustment. To compute: set it to 0, calculate the checksum for the ‘head’ table and put it in the table directory, sum the entire font as uint32, then store B1B0AFBA - sum. The checksum for the ‘head’ table will not be wrong. That is OK.

Returns: long - Uint32 checkSumAdjustment.


public long getMagicNumber()

Gets uint32 magicNumber set to 0x5F0F3CF5.

Returns: long - UInt32 magicNumber set to 0x5F0F3CF5.


public long getUnitsPerEM()

Gets uint16 unitsPerEM range from 64 to 16384.

Returns: long - UInt16 unitsPerEM range from 64 to 16384.


public Date getCreated()

Gets longDateTime created international date.

Returns: java.util.Date - LongDateTime created international date.


public Date getModified()

Gets longDateTime modified international date.

Returns: java.util.Date - LongDateTime modified international date.


public short getXMin()

Gets FWord xMin for all glyph bounding boxes.

Returns: short - FWord xMin for all glyph bounding boxes.


public short getYMin()

Gets FWord yMin for all glyph bounding boxes.

Returns: short - FWord yMin for all glyph bounding boxes.


public short getXMax()

Gets FWord xMax for all glyph bounding boxes.

Returns: short - FWord xMax for all glyph bounding boxes.


public short getYMax()

Gets FWord yMax for all glyph bounding boxes.

Returns: short - FWord yMax for all glyph bounding boxes.


public int getMacStyle()

Gets uint16 macStyle.

Returns: int - UInt16 macStyle.


public int getLowestRecPPEM()

Gets uint16 lowestRecPPEM smallest readable size in pixels.

Returns: int - UInt16 lowestRecPPEM smallest readable size in pixels.


public short getFontDirectionHint()

Gets int16 fontDirectionHint. 0 Mixed directional glyphs; 1 Only strongly left to right glyphs; 2 Like 1 but also contains neutrals; -1 Only strongly right to left glyphs; -2 Like -1 but also contains neutrals.

Returns: short - Int16 fontDirectionHint.


public short getIndexToLocFormat()

Gets int16 indexToLocFormat 0 for short offsets, 1 for long.

Returns: short - Int16 indexToLocFormat 0 for short offsets, 1 for long.


public short getGlyphDataFormat()

Gets int16 glyphDataFormat 0 for current format.

Returns: short - Int16 glyphDataFormat 0 for current format.