
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class AxisRecord

Represents Axis Record structure. Spec: the axis record provides information about a single design axis.


AxisRecord(String tag, int axisNameId, int axisOrdering)Constructor


getTag()Returns a tag identifying the axis of design variation.
getAxisNameId()Returns axisNameID field.
getAxisOrdering()Returns axisOrdering field.

AxisRecord(String tag, int axisNameId, int axisOrdering)

public AxisRecord(String tag, int axisNameId, int axisOrdering)



tagjava.lang.StringTag, spec: A tag identifying the axis of design variation
axisNameIdintThe name ID for entries in the ’name’ table that provide a display string for this axis
axisOrderingintThe value that applications can use to determine primary sorting of face names, or for ordering of labels when composing family or face names.


public String getTag()

Returns a tag identifying the axis of design variation. Spec: Each axis record has a tag designating the axis. Tag values must follow the rules for axis tags described in the OpenType Design-Variation Axis Tag Registry.

Returns: java.lang.String - A tag identifying the axis of design variation.


public int getAxisNameId()

Returns axisNameID field. Spec: The axisNameID field provides a name ID that can be used to obtain strings from the ’name’ table that can be used to refer to the axis in application user interfaces.

Returns: int - The axisNameID field.


public int getAxisOrdering()

Returns axisOrdering field. Spec:A value that applications can use to determine primary sorting of face names, or for ordering of labels when composing family or face names.

Returns: int - The axisOrdering field.