Inheritance: java.lang.Object
public class TransformationMatrix
Represents 3x3 matrix | A B 0 | | C D 0 | | TX TY 1 |. Transforms coordinates in the following way: x1 = A*x + C*y + TX y1 = B*x + D*y + TY.
Constructor | Description |
TransformationMatrix() | Creates standard 1 to 1 matrix: [ A B C D TX TY ] = [ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0] |
TransformationMatrix(double[] matrixArray) | Accepts a transformation matrix with following array representation: [ A B C D TX TY ] |
Method | Description |
getA() | Gets A transformation matrix value. |
setA(double value) | Sets A transformation matrix value. |
getB() | Gets B transformation matrix value. |
setB(double value) | Sets B transformation matrix value. |
getC() | Gets C transformation matrix value. |
setC(double value) | Sets C transformation matrix value. |
getD() | Gets D transformation matrix value. |
setD(double value) | Sets D transformation matrix value. |
getTX() | Gets TX transformation matrix value. |
setTX(double value) | Sets TX transformation matrix value. |
getTY() | Gets TY transformation matrix value. |
setTY(double value) | Sets TY transformation matrix value. |
transform(double x, double y, double[] x1, double[] y1) | Transforms x and y with the transformation matrix: x1 = A*x + C*y + TX; y1 = B*x + D*y + TY. |
unTransform(double x1, double y1, double[] x, double[] y) | Transforms back x1 and y1 and returns x and y before the transformation matrix. |
unScale(double x1, double y1, double[] x, double[] y) | Scales back x1 and y1 and returns x and y before the transformation matrix. |
scale(double x, double y, double[] x1, double[] y1) | Scales x and y with the transformation matrix: x1 = A*x + C*y; y1 = B*x + D*y. |
multiply(TransformationMatrix matrix) | Multiplies with another transformation matrix. |
toArray() | Allocates new array, copies the transformation matrix and returns it. |
get(int index) | Provides access to underlying array. |
public TransformationMatrix()
Creates standard 1 to 1 matrix: [ A B C D TX TY ] = [ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
TransformationMatrix(double[] matrixArray)
public TransformationMatrix(double[] matrixArray)
Accepts a transformation matrix with following array representation: [ A B C D TX TY ]
Parameter | Type | Description |
matrixArray | double[] | Array with transformation matrix values, must have 6 elements. |
public double getA()
Gets A transformation matrix value.
Returns: double - A transformation matrix value.
setA(double value)
public void setA(double value)
Sets A transformation matrix value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double | A transformation matrix value. |
public double getB()
Gets B transformation matrix value.
Returns: double - B transformation matrix value.
setB(double value)
public void setB(double value)
Sets B transformation matrix value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double | B transformation matrix value. |
public double getC()
Gets C transformation matrix value.
Returns: double - C transformation matrix value.
setC(double value)
public void setC(double value)
Sets C transformation matrix value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double | C transformation matrix value. |
public double getD()
Gets D transformation matrix value.
Returns: double - D transformation matrix value.
setD(double value)
public void setD(double value)
Sets D transformation matrix value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double | D transformation matrix value. |
public double getTX()
Gets TX transformation matrix value.
Returns: double - TX transformation matrix value.
setTX(double value)
public void setTX(double value)
Sets TX transformation matrix value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double | TX transformation matrix value. |
public double getTY()
Gets TY transformation matrix value.
Returns: double - TY transformation matrix value.
setTY(double value)
public void setTY(double value)
Sets TY transformation matrix value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | double | TY transformation matrix value. |
transform(double x, double y, double[] x1, double[] y1)
public void transform(double x, double y, double[] x1, double[] y1)
Transforms x and y with the transformation matrix: x1 = A*x + C*y + TX; y1 = B*x + D*y + TY.
Parameter | Type | Description |
x | double | Original x coordinate. |
y | double | Original y coordinate. |
x1 | double[] | Transformed x coordinate. |
y1 | double[] | Transformed y coordinate. |
unTransform(double x1, double y1, double[] x, double[] y)
public void unTransform(double x1, double y1, double[] x, double[] y)
Transforms back x1 and y1 and returns x and y before the transformation matrix.
Parameter | Type | Description |
x1 | double | Coordinate x1. |
y1 | double | Coordinate y1. |
x | double[] | Coordinate x transformed back. |
y | double[] | Coordinate y transformed back. |
unScale(double x1, double y1, double[] x, double[] y)
public void unScale(double x1, double y1, double[] x, double[] y)
Scales back x1 and y1 and returns x and y before the transformation matrix.
Parameter | Type | Description |
x1 | double | Coordinate x1 |
y1 | double | Coordinate y1 |
x | double[] | Coordinate x scaled back. |
y | double[] | Coordinate y scaled back. |
scale(double x, double y, double[] x1, double[] y1)
public void scale(double x, double y, double[] x1, double[] y1)
Scales x and y with the transformation matrix: x1 = A*x + C*y; y1 = B*x + D*y.
Parameter | Type | Description |
x | double | Original x coordinate |
y | double | Original y coordinate. |
x1 | double[] | Coordinate x scaled. |
y1 | double[] | Coordinate y scaled. |
multiply(TransformationMatrix matrix)
public TransformationMatrix multiply(TransformationMatrix matrix)
Multiplies with another transformation matrix. Doesn’t change original transformation matrix, returns a new TransformationMatrix object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
matrix | TransformationMatrix | Transformation matrix to multiply with. |
Returns: TransformationMatrix - New TransformationMatrix object.
public double[] toArray()
Allocates new array, copies the transformation matrix and returns it.
Returns: double[] - TransformationMatrix in array form.
get(int index)
public double get(int index)
Provides access to underlying array.
Parameter | Type | Description |
index | int | Index in transformation matrix array. |
Returns: double - The element of underlying array by index.