Class CffEncoding

CffEncoding class

Represents CFF Font encoding.

public class CffEncoding : IFontEncoding, ISupportsNameAddressing


DecodeToGid(uint)Gets Gid for charCode passed. This method designed for a CFF CIDFonts, where charCode must be a valid CID value. Glyph id is a unique number for a glyph, which is font type dependent. CFF Font glyph id can be instance of (GlyphStringId) class or (GlyphUInt32Id) class.
DecodeToGidParameterized(IEncodingParameters, uint)Parameterized decode method. Not supported for CFF Font type.
Encode(uint, uint)Encodes the glyph. Not supported for CFF Font types.
GetNameToCharCodeIndex()Returns name to character code encoding map. Note: character code is not a unicode. Character code is a char index in Font encoding “table”.
GetNameToGidIndex()Returns name to character code encoding map. Note: Character code is not a unicode. Character code is a char index in Font encoding “table”.
GetNameToSidIndex()Returns name to character code encoding map. Note: Character code is not a unicode. Character code is a char index in Font encoding “table”.
GetSidName(int)Gets name for the SID specified.
GidToUnicode(GlyphId)Decodes Gid to unicode. Glyph id is a unique number for a glyph, which is font type dependent. CFF Font glyph id can be instance of (GlyphStringId) class or (GlyphUInt32Id) class.
UnicodeToGid(uint)Decodes a unicode and returns glyph id. Glyph id is a unique number for a glyph, which is font type dependent. CFF Font glyph id can be instance of (GlyphStringId) class or (GlyphUInt32Id) class.

See Also